
Unit 3 Visitor Attraction Management


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This assessment is based on visitor attraction management. In this report is to be focus on  development understanding of visitors attraction, visitor types and impact on tourist motivation. This report is based on TUI group. The company basically located in United Kingdom and provide different kind of services in tour and travelling sector. Further, it covered potential issue is to be involved in development of visitor attractions (Krueger,  2015). In addition, understanding factors that influence the procedure of improvement in visitor attraction direction as well as perceptive the petition of method of governing body as well as their influence respect sustainability.

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1.1 Visitor attraction in relation to particular type of attraction

Visitor attraction is to be considered as natural location or characteristics, objective and man made construction that is to be spacial attraction for tourist. In the different destination particular attraction is help to perform the role of motivation and help to increase the level of customer in market place. On the other hand, focus on art gallery, historical places, local and national worldwide attraction is motivated for improve the level of tourist in nation. There are some changes in tour and travelling sector (Timothy, 2014). To be complete focus on major incentive in respect of trips for holidaymaker and are the centre of the commodity for tourism. In the absence of tourism, there would be no necessity for other services of touristy. There are some important factors is to be improve visitor attraction are as follows :-

  • Attribute with natural environment :- In this context, human made buildings, structure, as well as site that are to be designed etc. All such factor is help to improve the market conditions and alteration market attraction of customer. In addition, based on nature, size as well as, natural or based on events is focus on how to developed such kind of historical places in nation.

With the help of government department or central government is help for such kind of activity and improve the conditions of tour and travelling sector. The public ownership incudes local authority as well as state authority and improve customer will be managed as per the need for future improvement (Carlisle, 2016). There are to be private cube associate and public ownership is help to manage work or improve customer level.

1.2 Importance of different visitor attraction

There are some attraction in visitor to improve the condition of tour and travelling sector. Some factor is to be improve the in level of customer are as follows :-

  • Revitalizing the area :- In the context, government is change the graphical location and expand the area into new way. It is most important part for visitor attraction. In the development of tour and travelling sector is based on changing condition or improvement in old area (Granville, 2016). To be focus on attract the new business to a destination and overall destination is change as per the need of local people.
  • Enchantment of local attribute :- There are some local attributes is an obstetrical term, which has been replaced in new way. With the help of research work to be find the same improvement in overall application in visitor attraction point.

There are some purpose of attraction is net income, conversation and preventions. In addition, to manage the work or improve customer is help top increase the number of customer in market place. 

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2.1 Need and motivation of different visitors types

There are some need and motivation is most important factor to improve the conditions of market. One the other hand, promotional activity is to be use and addition the market conditions. Before that market segmentation is to be used in area. These strategies are useful for future improvement in overall market structure. In this context, tourist that are to be motivated by the opportunities to view that varies attraction in United Kingdom (Todd, 2017). This is get motivated to attract the number of client to learn new things about historical places. This is focus on some places is attracted more and improve customer level in market place.

In this way, different attraction level is people need to travel new places in new city. This is give some positive impact on tour and travelling sector. To be visit on the based on demographic, graphic and physiography way. The main motivation is to be based on positive result is to be provide in country (Hartmann, 2014).  Further, travel and tourism motive embrace through push and pull plan of attack so that there are several factors includes which make high impact on the visitors. It volition helpful to pull them for attractive decisions to visit the place. On the other side, number of customer attraction will be based on reduce the level of any risk and impact on local community. Some factor is to be provide the education and training to customer. There are some natural environment and culture factors is motivated to customer. In the  same way, traffic issue is also motivated to each and every client in market place. The motivation is help to improve any further changes in nation and historical placed.

2.2 Impact of tourism on visitor attraction

There are some impact on tourism on visitor attraction. In the same way, positive and negative both impact will be created in visitor attraction. To be focal point on some visitor impact are carrying capacity, traffic etc. Visitors attractive force have some affirmative and negative impact done operations of tourism commercial enterprise. Tourism concern can be acquire done attract visitors positively. In this context of use, impact can be describes according to antithetic designate of UK.

Positive impact

  • Economic effect :- There are some economic effect is local area or country in tourism sector. There are some problems on infrastructure facility is to be provided in overall development of visitor attraction. Commercial enterprise is creating jobs, which are with the assistance of direct occupation within the touristy industry and in mediate mode in sectors like retail and installation(Healy, 2016). This is the major impact of tour and travelling sector or it may be positive impact on visitor attraction.
  • Social effect :- To be improve the level of infrastructure as well as the new entities. Tourist will be focus on festivals, handicraft and traditional customs. All such kind of factor is to be included in social effects. It is more beneficial for local community or improve market structure rate.
  • Environmental factor :- In environmental factor to be promote the wildlife as well as natural resource like rain forests etc. This is assistance to amend customer visitor attraction will be increase in market (Huang, 2016). To be use more and more promotion strategies is to be used in market. On the other hand, marketing activity is assistance for such kind of activeness.

Negative factor :

  • Economic factor :- In economic factor, negative impact are tourist are mostly in seasons and payment is very poor. The money provided by touristy is not beneficial for local community. Designate that depending on commercial enterprise are negatively compact by effect like terrorism, natural disasters as well as economical psychological state.
  • Social effect :- In social effect behaviour of visitor will be give the negative impact on quality of life regarding of host country. This is give the negative impact on social factor of tour and travelling sector.

2.3 Different theory of tourist motivation on management

In visitor attraction motivation is talk about the people have certain needs in tour and travelling sector. The necessarily cause the grouping to act upon them and this in curved shape leads to satisfaction of those needs. The process might alteration with needs that become superior and this consequence in intensification of certain action or effect in moving on to adjacent set actions (Stoitsis, 2012). In motivation a reward is located betwixt the activeness and contentment. In the motivation is to be focus on placed between motivation and satisfaction the need of customer. The motivation of consumer behaviour is based on three most essential part is need, behaviour and satisfaction. In addition, need is to be fulfil each and every customer, it helps to change in behaviour of customer and satisfy customer in market. In the same way, motivation is use some theory are as follows :-

Maslow need hierarchy theory :- In this theory is to be focus on satisfy the need of customer in market place. This theory is to be put in tourism destination and satisfy the base need of person. It is to be say that, satisfy need and physiological need is top in the rank of Maslow need hierarchy theory. Nevertheless, there are respective drawbacks of the explanation and the most essential is the fact that the inevitably might not travel the hierarchic bid that Maslow has mentioned. The order is to be fix for many long period and set as per the need of customer is to be fulfil and manage work (Swarbrooke,  2012). This is set order as per the need is to be fulfil for customer in market place. In additions, every person has different type of needs have been satisfied. The satisfied need will be pressure after the physiological need is to be fulfil. This theory is to be applied in the case of traveller destination for further development in future time period.  

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3.1 Processes and potential issues involved in the development of visitor attractions

In visitor attraction process and potential issue is to be inculcated many motivational theory is help for future development. Some motivational people is focus on visitor attraction and select one attraction over the other (Szakolczai, 2013). In visitor attraction are really hygiene component lack of which d-motivates, but their presence does not actuate the visitor in work place. There are some factor, which is improved all the condition must be change and manage work or improve customer level. There are some important factors are as follows :-

  • Professional management skills :- In this context, One essential factor that determines the success of the visitor force and aids in the improvement of a visitor attraction is declared administration skills. Some skills are used by leader to manage work or improve level of customer in market place (Uden, 2012). There are overall development in made by future performance in work place.
  • Availability of resources ;- In availability of resources is most important factor for the development of visitor attraction and main aim is attraction that are located in remote location. To be ensure the availability of resource is managed or not. This is help to manage work or improve productivity and market of tourism sector.
  • Appropriate hours of opening :- In appropriate hours of opening is remained open for public consideration is to be consider in work place (Uden, 2012). The hours will be changes as per need of customer or seasons wise.  In the summer holidays to attract tourist in summer holidays.
  • Health and safety :- In tourism attraction is based on health and safety issue. It is one of the basic need of customer as per the maslow need hierarchy theory. Thee are some improvement in made and indefinite quantity general forthcoming transformation in securities industry share. It is to be considered the sensational factor of tourist destination.

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4.1 Visitor management strategies

In this context, visitor management strategies is based on how many customers will be manage such kind of activity in securities industry place. Some steps are used in overall development and market share will be change in tourism destination.

  • In first step scheming strategies for devising a tourist finish bewitching to the visitor, it is of import to know the visitor. The chart of a visitor reference different types of diagnostic that are relevant to a peculiar visitor (Krueger, 2015). This chart of a visitant includes data about demographics, psycho-graphics and activity of disbursement that is regular to a exceptional visitor or a group of visitant.
  • In the second stage, customer is to be choose the right destination, at the tight time and manage work or improve sale or level of customer will be increase in market place.
  • In three stage, to taking a trip and content and the imagination associated with a holidaymaker finish, the neutral of the tourism destination can be incorporate to form clustering and increase the fight of the address as likableness to another terminus.
  • In fourth stage, This is last stage to some reviewing the trip or manage work. The visitor is share photos and video in website or social networking site (Timothy, 2014). This is to be improve the customer and manage work or promotion is to be done by visitor and manage work. It makes it possible to particular location is to be visits in global place and better access the information must be made.

4.2 Administration method in relation to property

In tour and traveling sector impact on destination and local community will be affected. To be understand the supply and market demand of tourist and important to understand the perspiration of tourism or improve the overall factor will be improve in work place. The demand of tourist is give direct impact on profit and sales rate (Carlisle, 2016). If the tourism done in correct way, it will take time or some concentration on particular topic and improve the overall business development partner will be manage work. The survey communication can also be utilized to educate the gathering respect the risks and benefits connected with tourism and besides make them take pride in their practice.

The level of communication will be change or improve to handle each and every customer in market place. The whole time period some risk is to be taken and monitoring or management of information relater to tour and traveling sector (Granville, 2016). Some time stakeholder view point is also helped to improve such kind of transformation activity will be managed. There are some social, environmental and economical issue is most important to improve market condition. To solve all such kind of issue related to all factor, improve the level of client. With the help of research work find out some new techniques and improve market share. In this way, health and safety issue. It is one of the basic need of customer as per the maslow need hierarchy theory.


Form the above report is focus on potential issue is to be involved in development of visitor attractions. In addition, understanding factors that influence the procedure of improvement in visitor attraction direction as well as perceptive the petition of method of governing body as well as their influence respect sustainability. In this report is based on  motivation is the fewest essential factor to improve the conditions of market. One the other hand, promotional activity is to be use and addition the market conditions. As per the above report, some visitor impact are carrying capacity, traffic etc. Visitors attractive force have some affirmative and negative impinging done operations of tourism commercial enterprise. In this report is based on health and safety issue. 



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  • Timothy, D.J 2014. Tourism and trails: Cultural, ecological and management issues (Vol. 64). Channel View Publications.
  • Carlisle, S 2016. Strategic foresight for (coastal) urban tourism market complexity: The case of Bournemouth. Tourism Management, 54, pp.81-95.
  • Granville, F 2016. Destinations, disasters and public relations: Stakeholder engagement in multi-phase disaster management. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 28, pp.73-79.
  • Todd, L 2017. Understanding primary stakeholders' multiple roles in hallmark event tourism management. Tourism Management, 59, pp.494-509.
  • Hartmann, R., 2014. Dark tourism, thanatourism, and dissonance in heritage tourism management: new directions in contemporary tourism research. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 9(2), pp.166-182.
  • Healy, N 2016. Low versus high intensity approaches to interpretive tourism planning: The case of the Cliffs of Moher, Ireland. Tourism Management, 52, pp.574-583.
  • Huang, S.S 2016. Current state of tourism research in China. Tourism Management Perspectives, 20, pp.10-18.
  • Stoitsis, G 2012. Data set requirements for multilingual learning analytics. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning. 4(1-2). pp.47-66.
  • Swarbrooke, J 2012. Development and management of visitor attractions. Routledge.
  • Szakolczai, A., 2013. Max Weber and Michel Foucault: parallel life-works. Routledge.
  • Uden, M., 2012. Times Past in Korea: An Illustrated Collection of Encounters, Customs and Daily Life Recorded by Foreign Visitors. Routledge.
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