
Measure the success of an enterprise


  • Unit No: 4
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 29 / Words 7369
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: K/601/0941
  • Downloads: 3614
Organization Selected : Easy Jet


Customer satisfaction is one of crucial element to measure the success of an enterprise. Thus, degree of satisfaction of product and services can be measured with help of repetitive customers. Customer satisfaction can be referred as term which works as to full fill the expectation of customers by use of product and services of an entity (Tomczak, Reinecke and Kuss, 2018). The present report is based on services of Easy jet as it is British low cost airline which operate in both domestic and international level. These airlines provide quality services at lower cost. It is one of the best airline in the UK. This firm provide Customers are crucial element with the help of them success to an enterprise can be determined. With the help of cutting cost, the firm can able to gather the attraction of customers. In this way, customers are very important in firm to meet the growth and profitability of an enterprise. Satisfied services will be helpful to meeting the competition in industry.


1.1 Formulation and recording of possible research outline specification with aims and objectives etc.

The present report is based on business activities of Easy Jet. The customer services plays effective role to bring out the desired success to an enterprise. In addition to this, satisfaction to customer is need to be maintained to sustain growth of an entity. Thus, there are some satisfaction drivers in airline industry as are quality, safety, in-flight services and behaviour of staff towards customers. This all factors depends on the perceived value by the customer (Kieckhäfer, Wachter and Spengler, 2017). In this, it can be said that satisfaction of customer and loyalty of them can bring competitive advantage to an industry. In this way, being leading service provider they need to put major focus over the factors which will be helpful to enhancing the satisfaction level to customer. In this term, it can be said that customer are key element to determine the success to an enterprise.

Customer perception and services quality is need to be known in terms to bring competitive advantage to the firm. With help of analysing the reason about the dissatisfaction among customers which determine the effective measures to control those areas which lacking customer services. The main aim is to bring improvement in the satisfaction of customers will be helpful to bring growth and development in entity. This kind of services will bring qualified services and this also helpful to maintain customer momentum. With help of taking feedback from customers (Camilleri, 2018). With help of knowing perception of customers will be helpful in order to bring improvement in the performances. In order to maintain customer retention the airline industry need to provide quality service to their customers. In addition to this, it can be said that customer are key person in order to bring development in working of an enterprise. Thus, it can be said that maintain the satisfaction level of customer has wide scope to determining success to an enterprise. In this, key objective and motive of business activities


To Identify the factor which influence the satisfaction of customers. A study on Easy Jet.


  • To determine the concept of Customer satisfaction.
  • To analyse the product and services quality of Easy Jet.
  • To evaluate the factors which will be helpful to influence the satisfaction level of customers.
  • To provide recommendations as how satisfaction of customers can be enhanced at Easy Jet.

1.2 Description on the factors which contributes research project selection.

The main reason behind conducting this research project is to Identify the factor which influence the satisfaction of customers of Easy Jet. The lack of quality services impacting the overall growth of an enterprise. In this, quality and prices of the products are major consideration which is impacting the growth of an enterprise. This research topic has provided the strength about maintaining the desired growth to enterprise. The function The main behind conducting the research project in this is to achievement of the objectives. With the help of managing the whole work to an enterprise can able to deal with productivity and profitability (Itani, Agnihotri and Dingus, 2017). Customers demand and current trends is need to be known so that long term sustainability growth of an enterprise. This kind of enterprise can bring competitive advantage. In addition to this, it can be said that regular feedback from conducting survey of customers there can be continue improvement in customer experience to the firm.

1.3 Define undertaking of critical review of key references.

Concept of Customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction can be defined as a term which is applied when the needs and wants of customer are fulfilled. Usually, an individual satisfaction level is measurable in terms of quality and quantity of products and services provided by the organisations. In the modern scenario the satisfaction of customers plays essential role in order to determining the success. With help of bring improvement in customized products and services the entity can able to cope with rivalries in market. As per the view of Pink, (2016) it can be said that Airline services is one of the sensitive firm because its success is overall dependent on satisfaction of customers. In addition to this, Davies, Coleman and Livingstone, (2015) states that customer retention and customer relationship management brings desired success to an enterprise.

According to the view of Groshen and et.al., (2017) states that in industry one of the dynamic phase is relates to satisfaction of customer, with help of changing in product and services to an enterprise the desired success to an enterprise can be achieved.

In contrary to Robinson and et.al., (2015) states that satisfaction level of customer can be identified with help of quality and product utilized in market. In this term, it can be said that Easy Jet need to put their major focus over their services to manage the satisfaction level of customers. According to the view of Matt, Hess and Benlian, (2015) it can be said that online booking facilities provides one of greater satisfaction in order to provide profitability and productivity to an enterprise. It depends on the attitude and behaviour of the customer. How well your company is able to satisfy the requirements of the customer, how satisfying are the products and services provided by your company and how you meet the expectations of the customer is considered customer satisfaction. Measurement is an important step as only this is going to help us in knowing who are our successful customers and who are the unhappy customers.

  • Measuring customer satisfaction gives a crux of the customer feedback level and response. It can be measured by conducting surveys, rating on ordinal scale, type form, conducting website user surveys, net promoter score, collecting reviews from social media sites etc.
  • Customer satisfaction involves quality product, quality in services, price of the product and service, place or location where the service is provided, convenience and transportation facility and providing after sale service.

Analysing the product and services quality of Easy Jet.

Easy jet is low-cost British Airline company. It is a UK based company, established in 1995.It is among the most successful company among the many airline companies. And the reason for the success of the company is its regular improvement in quality of products and services. According to Gregory, Ngo and Karavdic, (2017) States that airline industry is one of sensitive airline industry which success is depends on the satisfaction of customers. Thus, it can be said that it is customer oriented process. If this firm works as to manage the satisfaction of customers then they are able to survive in this competitive industry. As per the view of Hämmerle and et.al., (2015) states that bring improvement in the working of airline will be helpful for maintaining long term survival and growth to an enterprise. Profit can be increased by maximising the sale by lowering the price, which would attract more customers, high reputation and receiving quick feedbacks.

The low budget services provided by Easy jet at the price lower than the competitive prices, puts them at a higher position. Some attracting features are booking from internet, assisted services during travel, ticket travels etc.

They provide fare price tickets to customers who want to travel as an individual or family trips or a business trip. They try to keep the fare prices low as possible and allow you to choose extra as per your requirements. The prices are low as they do not involve any agents. When booking a ticket, the price you see is what you will have to pay without any charges. Easy jet flies to all main destination airports in Europe which make them attractive airlines. As per the view of David, David and David, (2017) betterment in the quality of product and services will be helpful in order to bring desires success to an enterprise. The effective and efficient services will being key development so that satisfaction of customer can be enhanced. According to the view of Ball, Ladel and Siller, (2018) it can be said that continue improvement in terms to achieving the on time performance will ensure the majority of customer arrive on time. This organisation need to take various effective measure which will be helpful to drive continual performance improvement. Since the fare charges are low we don't allow refund at the time of cancellation but if there is any change in the schedule we may amend the schedule of your booking by charging some fees. According to the view of Ross and Lozano-Rojas, (2017) states that They also provided services like online booking, car rental service, travel insurance so that customers feel secured, hotel and flat facilities in case of any cancellation or delays in flight.

An all time quality check on products and services is kept to meet the requirements of the customers.

1.5 Appropriate plan and procedures to have agreed research specification.

With help of framing of effective framework the growth of an enterprise can be enhanced. There are many activities in which particular timeline to task can be provided. It is inclusive with the set of activities and with help of which good research program can be conducted (Kang and Kim, 2017). Thus, there are number of strategies and choice of action with the help of which demand of customer can be analysed. Thus, there is action plan for the agreed research specification and it has been defined in following manner as are-


1st Week

2nd Week

3rd Week



5th Week



7th Week



9th Week

10th Week


Research topic











Literature Review











Research methodology











Effective Proposal











Draw question of research











Carry out Research activities











Data Analysis and its graphic











Conclusion and recommendation











Final Report

Editing and Completion












2.1 Description on matching of resource efficiently to the research questions and hypothesis.

In the present report, there is need to identify the factor which can influence the satisfaction level of the customers. The one of the major motive is to determine the uses of quality and product and services to an enterprise. In this, some technique is need to be used in order to leading of the entire research. In order to conduct the present research there will be use of the both qualitative and quantitative information. Thus, it can be said that there will be use of appropriate tools and techniques to collect the systematic information.

In this term, it can be said that primary and secondary sources will be evaluated in order to find out the effective survey analysis (Kieckhäfer, Wachter and Spengler, 2017). Thus, it is also needed to be determine that the data which has been used into this research need to be reliable and relevant. The proper outcomes can be received with the help of systematic information. In addition to this, valid and reliable data is need to be protected so that any information collecting under this can be protected. The effective survey analysis will be helpful in terms to evaluating the activities of research in systematically manner.

2.2 Undertaking of the proposed research investigation as per its agreed satisfaction.

Researcher need to have the use of various tools and techniques so that things can be done in appropriate and effective mode. Thus, depth research is need to be constructed. With the help of this various process like data analysis, research design, research strategy, research approach will be helpful in terms to gather the depth information. There are some methodologies which has to be discussed in below context as are-

Research philosophy- In this, there is belief with help of which researcher can examine the facts regarding the project. It can be done with the help of process of evaluation as primary and secondary. With the use of proper use of research data the final result of the things can be declared. There are various kind of appropriate source which enables to determine the use of source which will assist as to have depth information. There are two types of research as are pragmatism, positivism, realism and interpretivism. In order to carry out the present research or to determine the impact of customer satisfaction there will be use of commination of strategies as are positivism and interpretivism. Furthermore, it can be said that with the help of it factual information with the use of observation can be determined effectively (Kang and Kim, 2017). In this way, it can be said that philosophies are helpful in term to put depth consideration in terms to concentrating over the facts. In addition to this, it can be said that the main aim of the researcher is to collecting and interpreting the whole information effectively. With the use of this kind of strategy the researcher can interpreting the main elements of the study.

Research approach- In this, it can be said that this is helpful to encompass plan and procedure in order to carrying out the present study. Under this, there are two approaches as are Inductive and deductive approach. In this term, deductive approach can be termed out as carry the approach as move from general to specific (Pink, 2016). It can be known as top down approach. Thus, inductive approach can be termed out as carrying out the whole things as from specific observation to broad generalisation. In order to determining the impact of customer satisfaction in terms to services of Easy Jet there will be use of inductive approach. With the help of this generalised conclusion can be determined.

Research design- It is one of the effective research study and this effective strategy is need to be adopted by the researcher. With help of it there can be logical and coherent integration of differed components of study. In addition to this, research design can be of many types as are namely, exploratory, descriptive, explanatory etc. To carry out the present research there will be use of descriptive analysis. This research design is helpful in order to evaluating the various characteristics of the phenomenon with help of which depth information can be gathered. In the descriptive research, the information can be determined with the use of case study, observation and survey. With the help of adopting the suitable methods' implication of product and quality services of Easy jet can be determined effectively. With help of this kind of research strategy, there could have the use of survey with help of which particular aim of the study can be determined (Tomczak, Reinecke and Kuss, 2018). On the basis of this, research could able to find out the depth and particular information.

Data collection- In this information can be collected with using of appropriate methods so that particular aim of the study can be collected. Under this, there are two method with help of information can be collected as are primary and secondary. In order to carry out the information of present research study there will be use of both primary and secondary research data. With the help of it primary research the first hand information can be collected (Itani, Agnihotri and Dingus, 2017).

Sampling- There are two method of sampling as probabilistic and non- probabilistic. In order to carry out present there is need to have the use of probabilistic sampling method. The customer will be taken as respondents.

Data analysis- This term will be inclusive of coding, cleaning and transformation of the data so that effective conclusion can be drawn. Thus, there are two kinds of techniques for data analysis as are qualitative and quantitative. In this, qualitative technique works as to have interpretation about the situation so that better interpretation can be achieved (Ball, Ladel and Siller, 2018). In this term, quantitative data analysis will be inclusive of tools and techniques. In this way, it can be said that data analysis can be done with the help of using of thematic technique. Furthermore, choose technique will be helpful in order examining and recording of the data.

Ethical issue- In these term, one of the essential ethical consideration at the time of carrying out the study is to take prior permission from participants. Under this, non compliance to any can create the ethical issues. In this, researcher should keep proper storage of data.

2.3 Recording and collating the required data with the use of frequency table.

Theme 1: Most of the respondent use services of Easy Jet one in year.

How often do you use services of Easy Jet.



Once in year



Twice in year



Every month










Theme 2: Most of the respondents said quality is one of essential component of Easy Jet.


Is quality services is one of essential element of Easy Jet.









May be







Theme 3: Quality services influenced customers to prefer the services of Easy jet.

What factor influenced customers to prefer the services of Easy jet over any other airline service providers.



Low price



promotional activities



Quality service



Availability of seats







Theme 4: Yes, staff behaviour of East jet is effective.

Do you think staff behavior of Easy jet is effective.









May be









Theme 5: Most of the respondent are satisfied with the boarding and luggage related rules and legislation.

  1. Are you satisfy with boarding and luggage related rules and legislation of Easy Jet.









May be







Theme 6: Most of the respondents said that services provided by Easy Jet are value for money.

Do you think services provided by Easy Jet are value for money.









May be







Theme 7: Easy Jet should bring improvement in safety and security areas.

In which area, Easy Jet should bring improvement.



Safety and security



Quality of service



Price factor



Any other issue







Theme 8: Yes, Most of the respondents are satisfied with the quality of meal and prices of Easy Jet.

Have you satisfied with quality of meal and prices of Easy Jet.









May be







3.1 Using of appropriate research evaluation techniques and its types as formative and summative.

The present report is based on the satisfaction of customer as per the Easy Jet airlines. In order to carry out this, the researcher need to analyses the data effectively. With the help of collection of data the effective research can be determined (Kang and Kim, 2017). Under this, the one of the effective method is to have proper conclusion can be drawn. With the help of this cause effect relationship can be determined.

In this way, there are two kinds of technique as are summative and formative. In addition to this Formative technique will be adopted as to define the impact of aims and objectives of the project. Under this, summative method will be adopted to collect the specific information effectively.

3.2 Interpretation and analysis of the data to have agreed research specification.

Theme 1: Most of the respondent use services of Easy Jet.


Interpretation & Analysis- Based on the above chart it can be concluded that many respondents said that they are using services of Easy Jet once in year. In order to bring improvement in the ratio of users they need to provide effective services to customers. In addition to this, there are total number of 20 respondents, out of which 7 said that they are using services one in year, 6 said that they are suing it twice in year, 4 are using it every month and 3 have never used the services of Easy Jet. With the help of this it can be identified that customer are having average views about it.

Theme 2: Most of the respondents said quality is one of essential component of Easy Jet.



Interpretation & Analysis- According to the above chart it has been clear that Quality is one of the essential toll in terms to satisfying the customer. This is one of effective tool which is helpful in order to gather the attraction of others. The present report has covered the total of 20 respondents, out of which 14 said yes, 4 said no and 2 are not sure of it. In this term, it can be said that quality is one of the essential parameter which attract the customer to purchase their services. Furthermore, with help of having feedback of customer the services of an enterprise can be improvised. The firm should not compromise with quality by cutting the cost of the products.

Theme 3: Low prices of ticket are influencing the customers to prefer the services of Easy jet.


Interpretation & analysis- Based on the above pie chart it has been cleared that the one of most influencing term about having services of Easy jet is that it is cost effective. The low prices of easy jet will be beneficial to have long-term profitability and productivity to the enterprise. In this, there are total number of 20 respondents, out of which 8 said that low price's policy is the factor which are attracting the customer to utilise their services, 3 said that promotion activities of Easy jet are attracting the customer to have their services, 6 said that quality services will be attracting the customer to have efficient services and 3 respondents said that due to availability of seat customer prefers Easy jet airline. Thus, it can be said that low prices is one of the influencing factor which are attracting the maximum number of respondents.

Theme 4: Yes, staff behaviour of East jet is effective.

Interpretation & Analysis- Based on the above chart it can be concluded that staff behaviour play essential role in terms to maintaining the retention percentage of customer. In this, there are total number of 20 respondents, out of which 16 said that it is effective, as staff uses to provide services in genuine and respective manner and 3 said no to it and 1 is not sure about the services. With the help of above interpretation it has been cleared that customer are satisfied with the behaviour of staff. In this way, it can be said that effective services are need to be provide by the customer so that they can get attracts towards the services of an enterprise.

Theme 5: Most of the respondent are satisfied with boarding and luggage related rules and legislation


Interpretation & Analysis- Based on the above statistical data it can be cleared that airline should have effective rules and regulation about the boarding and luggage related rules and legislation. This will be helpful in order to set the effective environment. Thus, it can be said that there are total number of 20 respondents, out of which it can be said that 17 are sure about the boarding and luggage related rules and legislation, 2 are not satisfied with it and 1 is not sure about it. Thus, effective framing of laws and legislation will be beneficial as per the customer perspective.

Theme 6: Most of the respondents said that services provided by Easy Jet are value for money.

Interpretation & analysis- Based on the above chart it can be concluded that valuable services by the firm will be helpful to gather the attraction of customers. In this, it can be said that there are total number of 20 respondents, out of which 15 said yes that firm is providing effective services to it customers, 3 said no and 2 are not sure of it. In addition to this, it can be said that Easy Jet should believes that services provided by the firm need to effective and it is valuable that lower price and quality services are one of the essential components in order to render the best services to customers. In addition to this, it can be said that there are various number of competitors who are charging more as compared to British airways.

Theme 7: Easy Jet should bring improvement in safety and security areas.

Interpretation & Analysis- Based on the above chart it can be cleared that Easy jet should bring improvement in terms to safety and security areas of airlines. In this, traveller need to have facility in which they can able to feel safe and secure. Thus, there are total number of 20 respondents. Under this, it can be analysed that 7 said safety and security is one of the essential components to maintain brand image of the enterprise, 5 said that quality service are one of effective option, 5 said that prices are need to be economical so that customer can able to afford it and 3 are having any other issues. In addition to this, it can be said that safety and convenience facility will be helpful in terms to managing the satisfaction of customers.

Theme 8: Yes, Most of the respondents are satisfied with the quality of meals and it prices of Easy Jet.

Interpretation & analysis- From the above pie chart it has been cleared that quality of meal which uses to serve in the travelling purpose also play crucial role in terms to determining the success to an enterprise. Under this, there are total number of 20 respondents. As per this, 17 said yes, 2 said no, and 1 is not sure about it. The quality of meals is need to be improvised so that customer can get attracted towards the working of the firm. In addition to this, it can be said that quality is one of effective concept and it is need to be maintained in order to have enhancement in brand image of the enterprise.

3.3 Description on making recommendations and justification of the areas in Easy Jet.

Conclusion- Based on the above report it can be concluded that airline industry should provide effective services to customer's. The present report has covered the business activities of Easy Jet. It provides low cost airline service by having reduction in quality. In addition to this, data is need to be collected so that effective information about the firm is need to be gathered.

Recommendation- In this, It can be recommended that Easy Jet should focus on quality so that customer can able to get satisfy services. Thus, it can be said that enterprise should promote its brand with help of online platforms. This will be helpful in order to have increment in sales. In addition to this, the firm do not make compromise with quality by cutting the cost of products and services. Furthermore, the prime responsibility of firm should relates to satisfaction of customers. Get our dissertation help in UK!

Justification of areas of further consideration- The present report is based on identifying the factor which influences the satisfaction of customers relates to Easy Jet. The focus is need to be given towards having increment to promote brand loyalty among customers. In next time I will conduct the depth research on technological advancement relation to airline services.

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