Human resource management is considered an important role in business success because it helps to develop systematic plans and activities that carry out different activities in the enterprise. In this regard, health and social care businesses are able to deliver their systematic work performance that assists in carrying out recruitment, selection, orientation, training, etc. (Fernando Chang-Muy and Congress, 2015). In this context, the present study is based on the NHS, which is one of the largest businesses in terms of providing health and social care activities. In addition to this, they take proper care of their patient to increase their effectiveness. For gaining insight information, the report covers factors that are required operationally and strategically to plan the recruitment of individuals in health and social care. Furthermore, it considers key legislation that is required for selecting the right individual. In addition to this, theories determine leadership that is applied in health and social care.
TASK 1: CASE Study
1. Factors Need To Be Considered Operationally And Strategically In Order To Plan The Recruitment Of An Individual For The Post in Health And Social Care (1.1)
To the owner Date: 20th May 2018 Subject: Factors in planning the recruitment of individuals in health and social care With respect to creating a plan for recruiting and selecting candidates in health and social care, there are several factors needed. In this way, proper planning is considered with respect to the analysis of the position and fulfilling specifications by the individual characteristics. It considers qualifications, personality, and attributes as well. As a result, it will help to recruit the right people for the NHS. Thanks and regard HR |
To the owner Date: 20th May 2018 Subject: Factor in planning individual for residential care With respect to creating a plan, there are certain elements to consider in the recruitment of staff members at residential care. In this regard, personal care services are offered to children who are unable to live independently. With respect to the experience of the job, applicants play an important role. NHS needs to investigate the experience of people who are applying for a job Thanks and regard HR |
To the owner Date: 20th May 2018 Subject: Factors in order to plan to recruit individuals in domiciliary care With respect to making care for domiciliary, there are several factors, including which is essential to take into account. Domiciliary care is offered to the people who live in the home and need essential and additional support. They are able to take proper care of the ability of the applicant in order to make delivery of personal care needs that are investigated. Their experience and personal characteristics are also considered in selecting suitable candidates Thanks and regard HR manager |
2. Different Approaches Used To Ensure The Selection Of The Best Individual In Health And Social Care Sector (1.3)
In respect to work in NHS, there are several methods implemented to ensure the selection of the best individual. They are as follows:
Team leader in local authority in the health and social service department
With respect to working with different methods, it can be seen that in the NHS, the selection of candidates will be done as a team leader position. In this regard, they need to choose the best person in terms of the local authority in the health and social service department. Techniques must be taken for conducting interviews and presenting effective results. In this regard, an interview helps to consider the confidence level of the applicant and the job and also handles situations determined in a systematic manner. It is the most important perspective in respect to the selection of candidates (Fernando Chang-Muy and Congress, 2015). As a result, with respect to making a selection, the best leader is needed in a local authority for the social service department. It is very important to make a proper selection process. The communication skills of applicants also judge to fulfill NHS requirements in systematic manner.
Care workers for their shift jobs in residential homes for elderly people who suffer from dementia
With respect to considering the selection of care workers, there are methods such as psychometric testing and personality profiling. In this way, psychometric testing considers the ability of personnel in the shift, which is known as the effective manner. Their mental stability is also provided to users. Techniques of personality profiling effectively respect knowing the behaviors and interest level of applicants regarding the job vacant (Schoorman, Mayer, and Davis, 2016).
Foster carers who are employed in the local council
In respect to making a selection for the foster carers, there are online screening, short-listing, etc. Used with ability and aptitude test conduct. In this aspect, applicants consider investigation, which is important for the job position. It assists in focusing on the aptitude test with general intelligence, mechanical ability, clerical ability, etc. elements that will be judged. This is because these are important elements that are needed in the workplace.
3. Various Key Legislations And Policies For Selection Of Right Individual (1.2)
In order to consider different legislations, the following elements are included:
First stage of recruitment: In this regard, the Law of Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity consider that creates an impact on activities of HR manager. In this regulation, employees need to consider an equal opportunity which could be applied for the job. Furthermore, executives within the NHS need to determine recruiting without any discrimination on the basis of age, gender, religion, race, etc.
Selection: In this way, the selection of candidates included who applied for the particular job. In this regard, laws are related to the influence of the actions of HR managers. NHS needs to concentrate on considering proper information for a private person who develops their capabilities to make innovative results in the environment. The Electronic Communication Privacy Act helps to consider telephonic conversation for employees as per their manager-carrying outcomes. Such, it is complied with in respect to maintain smooth results (Ginter, 2018).
First three months of employment: In this step, Minimum Standards of Terms and Conditions are considered in Employment, which affect the working of human resource management in NHS, In this aspect of legislation, the UK government determines the proper implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Care Act. It will help to protect the needs of employees on their medical necessity of family members (Schoorman, Mayer, and Davis, 2016).
4. Theories Of How Individuals Interact In Group To Focus On Teams To Work In Health And Social Care And Approaches Used In Effective Team Working In Health And Social Care (2.1, 2.2)
With respect to work in the NHS, there are different theories implemented that assist in considering individuals working in the sector in a systematic manner:
- Newly formed multidisciplinary child protection with the team: In this consideration, the Tuckman model can be implemented that assists in considering individual implementation in the enterprise. In this regard, there are four elements included, such as forming, storming, morning, and performing. In the first stage of the development program, development considers forming a team. As per their interest and specifications, roles could be determined in a successful manner. In the storming, people consider their part in the team (Chelladurai and Kerwin, 2017). In this regard, activities considered implementing visitors and policies to work together and began rules and regulations to clarify their roles as well. At the last stage, performing considers increasing focus on the tasks, which assists in maintaining relationships.
- Local community group to raise short-term funding: In this aspect, McLelland's theory is implemented, in which individual-specific needs are considered. There are three factors that assist in developing short-term funding such as achievement, affiliation, and power. This theory helps to consider the thematic appreciation test, which assists in measuring each person's needs. Needs are also raised funds to survive long-run results (Bowling, 2014).
- Team of social workers that consider after having together worked successful: In this aspect, Belbin theory is implemented in the NHS. With respect to implementing this theory, there are different roles considered in a whole team in which action-oriented roles develop in a systematic manner. It assists in determining different roles and vacancies for social workers so that enterprises are hired accordingly. It assists in focusing on team performance to manage significant work in the environment (Fernando Chang-Muy and Congress, 2015).
Furthermore, there are different kinds of approaches explained to increase effective teamwork. They are as follows:
Interdisciplinary approach: In this aspect, services are delivered that consider interaction among the disciplines. It is difficult to manage proper communication, so it is important to determine responsibility for the particular goals and objectives. It is the main duty of team members to put in their efforts. This approach helps the NHS to take proper work.
Transdisciplinary approach: In this approach, one person carries a professional role through professional activities. It assists in providing services to the service users under the supervision of a person who belongs to another discipline (Greene, 2017).
Coaching approach: In this approach, the team offered the required training to work in a systematic manner. In this regard, the skills of the personnel assist in upgrading their tasks in the team.
Clarifying common goals: With respect to ascertained common goals and purposes, it can be stated that the team is able to work in systematic manner. In this regard, effectiveness also increases among a group of members to ascertain desired results in the group and focus on the relevant results (Reid, 2017). Hence, NHS needs to make direct efforts with employees in similar situations.
5. Theories Of Leadership Which Applied In Health And Social Care (4.1)
There are different kinds of theories implemented for leadership that help to consider NHS in systematic manner. There are the following leadership theories to consider in the workplace:
- Transactional leadership: In this kind of leadership, there are different concerns that have been considered to maintain operations systematically. In this regard, leaders ascertain their disciplinary power with incentives to motivate people with respect to work in systematic concern (Reich, Harris, and Evans, 2016). They are effectively motivated through exchange rewards and performances. In NHS, leadership style is used for special units to render proper care of patients.
- Transformational leadership: In this aspect, leadership style goes beyond the management of day-to-day operations. It helps to develop strategies that carry out operations in systematic manner. Specialized units consider departments and work teams to gain successful results (Bloom, Chatterji, and Smith, 2015). In this way, team building, motivation, association, etc. elements are considered to provide proper services to increase workers' performances.
- Emotional intelligence: It considers the ability of an individual to monitor the emotions of different people. It assists in discriminating in emotions and label in systematic manner. Information is also used as guidance, which helps to direct thinking in creative consideration. It can be used to reduce the stress of workers when they are working in the enterprise (Hunter, 2016).
6. How Healthcare Working Team Will Be Managed (4.2)
There are different ways to exist in NHS working relationships in a team that will be managed successfully. They are as follows:
- Contingency theory: In this consideration, businesses will manage their operations and functions to make proper decisions in systematic manner. In this regard, reflection of the optimal course of action depends on the internal and external situation. NHS also involves the participation of different people that are working in a firm to make effective decisions. As result, it will help to maintain working relationships among the staff of health care (Michalos, 2017).
- Constructive feedback: With respect to working in a systematic manner, feedback plays a very important role in managing the relationship in NHS. In this regard, workers gain insight into the needs of suppliers and service users by taking appropriate measurements. Therefore, it will assist in bring improvement in the overall enterprise. It is the best aspect to make decisions to develop positive relationships among healthcare staff members (Epstein and Buhovac, 2014).
- Effective communication: This technique consider communication in effective way with working relationships. Therefore, interacting within the different departments assists in integrating common goals in systematic manner. It helps to facilitate business through building working relationships among the workers.
7. Own Development Which Is Influenced By Management Approaches Enforced In Own Experience (4.3)
With respect to considering work as human resources, it is important for NHS to consider properly obtaining information through knowledge that assists in developing a career in great aspect. With this regard, approaches have been developed that help to increase performance and career as well (Valentine, Nembhard, and Edmondson, 2015). It assists in developing more systematic results in the following considerations:
- Problem-solving attitude: With respect to dealing with different issues, it can be stated that NHS develops the ability to solve different issues and problems in a significant manner. In this regard, problems could be solved by working in the organisation. There are different skills and competencies included in working in a team (Blais, Hayes, and Erb, 2015).
- Teamwork: In NHS, a cooperative working approach helps to develop the ability to manage work. In this regard, it is essential to manage work among the team. It assists in facilitating and developing relationships among the members, which helps to attain organizational goals (Bratton and Gold, 2017).
- Personal attribute: With respect to work in NHS, it is greatly influenced by personal attributes. It assists in maintaining effective relationships with the development of skills as well. It assists in increasing overall growth in the enterprise. With changing demand situations, it assists in dealing with different situations with proper confidence. As a result, systematic results will be maintained in the workplace (Nelson and Staggers, 2016).
8. Monitoring Strategies Adopted For Assessment Of Employees Working And Different Techniques To Promote Development Continuity In Health And Social Care (3.1, 3.3)
Covered in PowerPoint
9. Methods Used to Identify Individual Training And Development In Health And Social Care (3.2)
Covered in PowerPoint
Few More Samples
- Personal & Professional Development Plan in Health and Social Care
- Assess the Individual In a Health & Social Care Setting
From the carry of the above report, it can be articulated that in health and social care, human resources need to be managed properly. This is because, in this aspect, different activities and tasks have been carried out to undertake aims and objectives in a systematic manner. The report summarised the factors that create an impact on health and social care in order to plan the recruitment at the workplace. Furthermore, it considers focusing on the legislation and policy that need to develop more significant advantages in the NHS in a systematic manner and attain proper functioning as well. It will help to develop more creative results in the workplace. In addition to this, it considers conclusions on theories of leadership that help to attain desired results with respect to work in the health and social care enterprise. It assists in attaining systematic work performance in the business environment. At last, relationships among different members have been explained to assist in ascertaining more significant results at the workplace.
- Blais, K., Hayes, J.S., and Erb, G.L., 2015. Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (p. 530). NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Bloom, D.E., Chatterji, S., and Smith, J.P., 2015. Macroeconomic implications of population aging and selected policy responses. The Lancet, 385(9968), pp. 649-657.
- Bowling, A., 2014. Research methods in health: investigating health and health services. McGraw-Hill Education (UK).
- Bratton, J., and Gold, J., 2017. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
- Chelladurai, P., and Kerwin, S., 2017. Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics.
- Epstein, M.J., and Buhovac, A.R., 2014. Making sustainability work: Best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental, and economic impacts. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
- Fernando Chang-Muy, J.D., and Congress, E.P. eds., 2015. Social work with immigrants and refugees: legal issues, clinical skills, and advocacy. Springer Publishing Company.
- Ginter, P.M., 2018. The strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley & Sons.
- Greene, R.R., 2017. Social work with the elderly and their families. Routledge.
- Hunter, D.J., 2016. Desperately seeking solutions: rationing healthcare. Routledge.
- Michalos, A.C., 2017. Social indicators research and health-related quality of life research. In Connecting the Quality of Life Theory to Health, Well-being, and Education (pp. 25-58). Springer, Cham.
- Nelson, R., and Staggers, N., 2016. Health Informatics-E-Book: An Interprofessional Approach. Elsevier Health Sciences.
- Reich, M.R., Harris, J. and Evans, T.G., 2016. Moving towards universal health coverage: lessons from 11 country studies. The Lancet, 387(10020), pp. 811-816.
- Reid, C., 2017. The wounds of exclusion: Poverty, women's health, and social justice. Routledge.
- Schoorman, F.D., Mayer, R.C. and Davis, J.H., 2016. Perspective: Empowerment in veterinary clinics: the role of trust in delegation. Journal of Trust Research, 6(1), pp. 91-95.
- Valentine, M.A., Nembhard, I.M. and Edmondson, A.C., 2015. Measuring teamwork in health care settings: a review of survey instruments. Medical care, 53(4), pp. e16-e30.