
Individual Assess In a Health & Social Care Setting


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  • Level: Diploma
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3215
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In health and social care sector, individual needs to be managed for adequate delivery of services. The research has been stating different types of assessments and how active participation supports assessment processes. Furthermore, the study has also stated impacts of assessment on individual and patient's family members. Lastly, outcomes of assessment based on feedback have been mentioned.

Understand Assessment Processes

Compare Different Forms of Assessment

In the present case, the care home is provided with different types of assessment processes, whereby the efficacy of health care services can be defined. An individual can undertake self evaluation or self appraisal method whereby efficacy can be identified along with weaknesses. Acquiring training from different types of training organization can also assist an individual to upgrade knowledge level and it also develops efficacy at workplace. Acquiring feedbacks and reviews from experts as well as from patients is the best way of assessment. Continuous monitoring of own performance can also assist individual to examine his performance level (Watson, 2007). Assessment is the technique through which an individual can identify current skills and abilities along with the areas where improvements and modifications are required. The above mentioned assessment techniques are essential for health and social practitioners as through that better service provision can be developed.

Assessment can be categorized on the basis of different purposes and in the present case, health and social care entity has been using assessment forms for the purpose of evaluating the efficacy of health care service providers (Nolan, 2006). At the same time, the health care entity takes advice and opinion from the colleagues and other supervisors regarding the heath care service aspects. Similarly, the health care entity also emphasizes on client assessment aspect where in feedback and opinion from the client needs to be considered regarding the health care services. Such assessment form are filled by the clients in which they have to mention their feedback regarding the service delivery process. Other assessment is done by the manager where they look after the efficacy of services and along with that they also consider feedback of the client (Watson, 2007). This aids the health care entity to make modification in the service delivery process; hence as a result, the overall quality of health care services can be encouraged. Assessment needs to be used so that client can find out the effectiveness of services delivered and this is also useful for the management. As a result, the quality of services can be encouraged and existing customer base of the health care entity can be boosted.

How Partnership can Support in the Assessment Process

Working in partnership reduces the possibilities of errors and it also assists in completing the study in effective manner. An individual can derive support from partners regarding identification of those areas where improvements and development is requisite. Individual can acquire feedback from the partners which can be used for better performance. It actually provides overview regarding the efficacy of individual. As per assessment processes, partners can mutually perform well which can result in prominent delivery of health care services. Active support from partners can be positively utilized in case when individual desires to compare his performance with others. With the help of partnership, prominent results can be evaluated about performance of health care practitioners. Partnership is crucial in service delivery as that aids in acquiring proper feedback from the respective clients.

Working in partnership helps in managing assessment process in proper manner and this also aids in deriving client feedback regarding service delivery process. Partners can collect advice from different clients through different methods and this can develop appropriate relationship among varied entities (Burau and Blank, 2006). At the same time, assessment process is also vital for the clients as they get the opportunity to specify the areas where they need changes and modifications. As a health care entity, client satisfaction is the chief facet which needs to be accomplished and for that different changes are required to be implemented. Hence, working together helps in assessment process since that assists to retain the interest of all the stakeholders.

Be Able to Lead and Contribute to Assessments

Initiate Early Assessment of Individual

Evaluation of performance as well as ability of individual can be identified in the early stage that is during interview processes and induction sessions. In the present case, care home has been conducting early stage assessment, so as to identify roles and responsibilities of each and every individual (Petch, 2012). Care home has maintained early assessment plan where in job roles are different for all individuals and the entire process is managed through interview session. This assessment process at medical care home helps individual to get selection for specified job roles. Selected candidates are then allotted with different cases and there also manager assesses performance for satisfactory results. However, apart from this, early assessment is also required so that knowledge and abilities of an individual can be identified and according to that, job roles can be delegated. This is the suitable method through which skilled talents can be selected.

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Support Active Participation of Individual in Shaping Assessment Process

It is essential for the care providers to involve all the staff members in assessment process ,so that they can also present appropriate advices regarding performance of individuals. Hence, in order to develop assessment policy, care home provides authority to every employee to present their views and opinions regarding the policy and as per the suitability, service providers make favorable changes in the assessment process (Key Features of the Affordable Care Act, 2010). This active support from all the participants assists care home to develop a proper assessment process. However, management makes several changes as per the requisites. Afterwards such evaluation, care center formulates appropriate policy. Involvement of active partners in assessment processes aids in adding several new elements that are vital for identification of performance. This also aids in maintaining transparency in evaluation processes. The care home has been evaluating performance of practitioners through such process.

In order to involve all the partners actively in the service and health care process, the entity has to specify the process of equality and diversity so that every concerned person's interest can be maintained and protected. All the assessment process needs to be managed inadequate way and for that equal participation from everyone is required. In case of client involvement, health care entity has to ensure that their suggestions are valued and are considered in service delivery process (Moss, 2012). This will aid in retaining their interest and alongside it can also assist in promoting the services to other customer base. Proper meetings and seminars should be conducted so that all the people can get informed about each and every aspect of the care entity. The level of each and everyone's interaction should be equal so that changes can be made accordingly (Burau and Blank, 2006).

Make Recommendations to Support Referral Process

In the present case, the care home has been using a standard assessment process and that is helping the center to deliver better services to patients. However, despite that, several improvements are required to be made on referral process so that all sort of medical and technical assistance can be derived from higher prospects. Hence, it can be suggested to care center to undertake medical assistance from professional bodies, so that best care for dementia can be delivered. The referral process is the concept where in the care home undertake assistance from different other sources for prominent service delivery. At the same time, under the referral process, the care home must ensure that government authority is considered.

Referral process needs to be managed in such a way so that it can generate more opportunities of promoting the services on higher extent. In health care entity, referral process should be considered so that better services can be delivered to the clients at the time when the entity do not have requisite resources for the same. In the present case, health care entity has been using client referral process where in they ask for assistance from other service providers and as a result, this underpins health care services due to effective collaboration. Hence, in that terms efficacy of care services can be encouraged. In the present case, care center has been adopting referral process in case if they are unable to deal with present tools, equipment and services (Burau and Blank, 2006). Client referral process are also managed at the care entity where it make sure that clients are specifying the name of references from where they get the reference for same services.

Be able to Manage Outcomes of Assessments

Develop a Care Plan in Collaboration with Individual

Being a medical care center, it is crucial to prepare care or support plan for dementia patients, since it can also assist in rendering best services. Since in the present case, patient is suffering from dementia; therefore care concerns should be allotted with roles and responsibilities. Firstly, it is essential for the management to pre plan and schedule all the activities which individuals will be performing for dementia services. Process for referring others should be identified here, so that care center can make arrangement of different services. Individuals who have any idea about care and treatment for dementia should be involved here for ensuring appropriate care. It is an apparent fact that care providers must engage care users actively in service delivery under the right to be informed. Formally, right kind of collaboration can assist the social care practitioners to deliver adequate services to dementia patients.

Implement Intervention that Contributes to Positive Outcome

An individual can positively contribute in appropriate results when the entire staff members will assist him. This can also assist him to undertake accurate tools and equipments which are essential for cure and treatment of dementia (Health and social care working in partnership, 2007). The personnel members should work like team members, whereby they need to share common goals and objectives in terms of positive treatment to patients of dementia. Here , individual can also communicate with experts and referred people so as to undertake proper decisions for best services. There are varied sorts of intervention that could be used in service delivery such as physical intervention, self help and psychological intervention where in the individual is required to get recovered through assisting himself and through therapies. Patients suffering from dementia needs to be actively participated in service delivery process so that their recovery opportunities can be enhanced. Counseling sessions are the best type of intervention that can be facilitated in the present case so that patients suffering from dementia can feel encouraged. Physical intervention includes all those exercises and activities that dementia patients needs to be provided. Several sorts of exercises and physical activities will not assist in fitness aspect but also it will improve the mental and physical health status. Psychological intervention can also be facilitated for such patients where motivational sessions can be conducted for them so that they can improve their mental state.

Be Able to Promote Other's Understanding of the Role of Assessment

Develop Other's Understanding in Functions of Assessment

Assessment process usually emphasizes on analyzing the efficacy of individual as how much he is capable in managing organization's functions. It can also assist in comparing efficacy of individual with that to other one in the firm (The quality standards for health and social care, 2006). In the present case, medical care centre analyzes functions of assessment process so as to state competency of services. Assessment process also works in ascertaining the best process which can be delivered to patients as per the disease. It has been observed that other members at care center also consider critical of assessment process and they conduct it usually for diagnosing feasibility of treatment. While developing assessment process process, it is imperative for the social care practitioners to involve opinions of experts so that valuable and requisite things can be added upon. There should be major focus on quality aspects for prominent service delivery.

Assessment is important for the health care entity as well as for the clients since that aids the care practitioners to identify the areas of improvement and transitions. Health care entities can determine all those areas where they can make frequent changes for overall satisfaction of clients and along with the same, they can also ascertain the areas where new techniques needs to be used (Moss, 2012). Similarly, client can also give their advice and feedback regarding the care services. This is also vital in terms of promoting the health care services to other customer segments. Along with this, through proper assessment of each and every aspect, the health care entity can show its effectiveness among the clients.

Develop Positive and Negative Impacts of Assessment on Family and Individual

Pros of Assessment

  • The process of assessment usually possesses negative and positive impacts; however most of the medical care centers have been using it since long period.
  • Under positive impacts, it can be said that assessment process assists in analyzing the areas where capability of individual can be found out (Nolan, 2006).
  • This in turn also motivates family members; however assessment process also exhibits negative impacts which can demoralize interest of family members.
  • Family members need to be aware about the type of services their people are getting because through that they can get actual idea about the efficacy of services.
  • Assessment can also help them to identify the state of recovery and through this, mental well being of patients can be improved.

Cons of Assessment

  • Individual when receives negative response from management losses morale which in turn affects his way of working and ultimately it reduces productivity aspect.
  • The impacts are varied as per optimistic and pessimistic aspects as when care practitioners receives positive appreciation from the management, they work in productive manner; however the case of negative aspects affects the work life balance of practitioners.
  • Assessment is somewhere negative as well because it leads the health care entities to make numerous changes in the service delivery process.
  • This can also direct the health care service providers to use technological aspects for varied purposes.

Develop Contribution to Assessment Process

Assessment process usually needs to be conducted under the presence of personnel members, so that the accurate rating and correct decision can be made. The process should be justified so as to promote fair decisions. While evaluating efficiency of individual, it is crucial to maintain transparency and all actions should be clearly defined. The concealed facts should be known to everyone, since it can promote individual's capability. Nonetheless, all personnel members must conduct the process as per the specific directions (Moss, 2012). It avoids the use of comparison and furthermore it also assists in avoiding the use of different tools. Conducting the process in adequate and fair manner assists the management to acquire faith from the practitioners and as a result, they contribute in appropriate service delivery. Results of assessment process should be taken positively so that improvement can be facilitated.

Review and Evaluate the Effectiveness of Assessment

Review the Assessment Process Based on Feedback from Individual

The current assessment process of medical care concern is fair and justified and it is also useful in finding out the areas where improvement and modification is requisite. Similarly social care practitioners are also able to manage the areas of deficiency. It has been seen that care center allows all the employees to present feedbacks and opinions in context to assessment process; on the other side, management also responds positively towards employee feedbacks for improving work processes.

Several sorts of feedback related to client's opinion has been acquired by the health care entity and this has helped in facilitating wide range of changes in the service delivery process. Most of the time, positive feedback have acquired; however a few times clients have given feedback regarding the areas of changes required (Marriner and Raile, 2005). On the basis of client's feedback, health care entities have to make transformations in the care plan. Furthermore, it has been observed that the management is considering feedback of clients (patients) as well because they are the sole users of health care services. This also develops positively among the clients and they feel valued.

Evaluate the Outcomes of Assessment Based on Feedback

In terms of outcomes, management has been receiving positive suggestions from the employees. The care center has yet changed many processes for the sole motive of enhancing services for dementia. This has positively resulted in huge customer satisfaction and similarly patients are also promoting medical services (Marriner and Raile, 2005). On the other side, the management has also identified some areas of improvements such as in referral process and in supportive plans. A few clients have demanded for changes in the current service provision and the management has made all those changes accordingly. Thus, in terms of outcomes, client base is enhanced.

Develop an Action Plan to Address Findings

There is a need to facilitate changes in the current process so that all sorts of problems and constraints can be reduced. Here, the care center needs to change the monitoring process via feedback and advice from service users. Care providers can measure the efficacy of services and thus it helps in finding out positive outcomes. Findings need to be addressed in a proper manner so that respective changes can highlight the areas which should be modified. In both cases, positive and negative results, there should be proper communication among the team of practitioners. The monitoring process should be conducted on the basis of determining standards and parameters.


  • Marriner, T.A., and Raile, A.M., 2005. Nursing theorists and their work. 5th ed. St Louis: Mosby.
  • Moss, B., 2012. Communication Skills in Health and Social Care. SAGE.
  • Nolan, Y., 2006. Health and Social Care: S/NVQ Level 2. Heinemann.
  • Burau, V. and Blank, R., 2006. Setting health priorities across nations: More convergence than divergence. Journal of Public Health.
  • Watson, M., 2007. Knowledge Management and Staff Expertise in Health and Social Care. Journal of Integrated Care.

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