In the present scenario of new worldwide and diverse workplace, the excellent communication skills are the key to success. Communication plays an important role in health and social care among healthcare management (East end, 2012). There should be an effective communication between the patient and the healthcare service provider in order to establish and maintain a positive understanding with the patient, the whole time of encountering of services. Interpersonal communication in health care takes place between service providers and their clients or members of the team and are essential in maximizing the quality care. It is the process of educating, motivating and counseling from start to end by providing good client service. The reports show the importance of communication in health and social care industry through the help of some critical cases by the experts of best assignment writing service in UK.
1.1 Apply relevant theories of communication to health and social care contexts
Communication is a transactional process, in a health and social care context it considered as an instrumental and purposeful process. There are different theories that can be applied to health and Social care these are denoted as: Humanistic, Behaviourist, Cognitive and the Psychoanalytic. The theory is designed as to support the human dignity and self- awareness. This is based on the Maslow's theory of human need s and the Carl Rogers theory of person -centred approach (Corcoran, 2007). Behaviourist theory refers to behaviour of service provider while passing the message, environment plays a critical role in this approach. The cognitive theory explains about intellectual of an individual and focuses on the active mental process development. The last one that helps the health care industry players to communicate with the patients is Psychoanalytic which explains, how individual connect and communicate according to their level of awareness. The theories applied in the health and social care contexts to pass the message to the patients with conscious, preconscious and unconscious mind (Prezi, 2013).
In the case of Anna, when she took away to the doctor in the serious case she was not examined in the proper way .The doctor retorted to his husband Paul, by saying that she was a drunker and the hospital's valuable time will waste to examine her. There was not any kind of medical history taken and medicine was prescribed. The result of that was couple had to go general practitioner, who sent them directly to the other hospital and there she was diagnosed with a stroke. In the case the doctor could apply one of the theories of communication because an effective communication is important to provide a quality care.
1.2 Use communication skills in a health and social care context
Effective communication is central to every single one effort in the health and social care sectors. Service providers inside the sectors require good communication and interpersonal skills to perform their roles. In order to work effectively, communally with colleagues and build supportive relationships with the patients and other clients single professional should have inherent communication skills. In the health and social care context the providers meets the patient from different culture so is the possible that, people from different cultural groups interpret, Doctors behaviour in different ways (Schiavo, 2011). This can lead to ‘messages' being misunderstood by the person on the receiving end. The use of communications in the health issues the workers can make the best of the care environment by making sure they can be seen clearly , at the same time making sure that they can be understand the problems facial expressions, voice , eyes movement , gesture and posture of patient. In addition to that the patient can be well communicate through posters, charts, pamphlets, video, films, radio, taped messages ,so these can be used to reinforce IPC with the patient. In the case of Anna the doctor was supposed to be aware with the services needed by the patient and the best way to provide it. The objective of dialogue between the patient and doctors was to manage of diseases, conditions and treatment, when they come to health care institutions with their problem while effectively communicating with them(Wanzer, Butterfield, and Gruber,2004).
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1.3 Review methods of dealing with inappropriate interpersonal communication
In the case of health and social care, there are many barriers to communicate with the patients. These can be inappropriate language, incongruent message, misinterpretation, the breach of confidentiality or trust and use of power while treating to a patient. The unavailability of knowledge about the particular language could become a barrier in explaining the health issues to the service provider. As the particular signs of patients could have different meaning in order to cope up with all situations the works in healthcare industry should become able to understand the voice and body language of each patient. There should be a proper care in writing prescription to a patient as the patient can become confused a prescription with a large dose of medicine (Sullivan, 2000). The person should be aware about the points which he/ she has to take care of otherwise it will lead to misinterpretation. The professional supposed to hold all the secrets information of a patient, unless consent of disclosure is not given by him. Breaking trust can caused, communication failure and it can be lead to create bad relations. The professional should not misuse the power and must respect and support the individuals and the other co-workers, in this way they can deal with inappropriate interpersonal communication.
1.4 Analyse the use of strategies to support users of health and social care services
To run functions effectively in health and social care system the huge information required in order to state the beneficial strategies. Poor communication between healthcare staff and people lead to fail in understand the accurate diagnosis and their effective treatment. The professionals need to understand the stages of the counseling process. In the context of health and social care services by using the proper strategies and adopting the effective interpersonal communication skills will help in treating clients with respect, asking clear questions, and serving them feel more comfortable talking about their problems, so there problems can be solved out. The service provider needs to have technical knowledge about their area of proficiency. The strategy also supports users in motivating community to utilize the preventive and curative health services offered by the organization. Simple changes strategies adopted in the physical environment may improve communication between patients with and the doctors. Health care professionals could also use the strategy of assessment of need by which they can overcome the barrier communication. By assessing a service users' need works will be able to provide satisfactory services to the patients (Hall, 2004).
2.1 Explain how the communication process is influenced by values & cultural factors
Cultural diversity in health and social care is defined as difference in languages, foods, dress, values, norms motivational factors, cultural beliefs and cultural influences on disease and health behaviours. In the health and social care society the role of communication is important as people communicate for different reasons such as to seek cares from service users and it helps to express their feelings, emotions. In order to provide effective and optimal health care services in this multicultural environment requires that the service professional should aware with the different cultural and their values, beliefs, traditions, experiences, customs, rituals, and language. The culture attitudes affect the communication process between the patient and the service provider. If a doctor is not treating well to a patients in front of second patient, the second persons will behave and communicate in the way in which he/she interpret message. The professional's doctors cannot assume that whole patients will be satisfied in a single way (Kreuter and McClure, 2004). Some patients need extra attention in the counseling process on the other hand the some patients behaves correctly by communicating without words. In order to provide the effective services a worker in a healthcare industry has to understand the ways people think about health and illness, behavior of individual from different culture and their habits that influence health and how the culture interacts with the environment. They should also know in what manner their actions are going to be perceived in a culture ( Seligman,2004).
2.2 Explain how legislation, charters and codes of practice impact on the communication process
The relationship between the service user and health and social care staff is basically based upon trust. As per the legal aspects it becomes mandatory, the Service provider must have understood that the private information about the patients will not be used or disclosed without their consent. Patient have a legal right to confidentiality and the staff of a healthcare organization have a duty of confidence. Service user has a right to have special care if it is needed. The staffs assure that the right to privacy of susceptible people - specifically adults with incapacity and children - is respected and the duty of confidentiality has to be fulfilled. Professionals have also responsibility to keep records that are essential to make clear to service users about the service provided(McCormick, 2012.). In the health and social care context Code of Practice is designed is to support staff in making good decisions about the protection, use and disclosure of service user information. It also provides the practical guidance to assist decision-making while having the confidential information about the service user. The industry has revised the codes of practice at a particular time with respect to different cases. The legal regulations say, the service user must be kept informed about uses and disclosures of their information and they should inform with the situation in which they can give consent to the use of their information (Brewster, 2005).
2.3 Analyse the effectiveness of organisational systems and policies
In order to communicate with the service user in health and social care industry the medical service providers have to maintain an effective organizational system. The organizational members have to demonstrate a duty of care towards both the staff and the service users/patients (Glanz, Rimer and Viswanath, 2008.). The organizations can value its system through improving patient experience, and by keeping the infection and mortality rates at lower. The staff should provide safer patient care trainings so that they can well communicate with the service users. If there is a strong link between workforce stress and poor trust performance then the organization has to take the positives steps (Marram and Servellen, 2009). The industry should emphasise human dignity and worth and has to enhance patient's well-being & ensure their protection or better treatment, they can also promote their rights and counteract discrimination. Industry can well communicate through challenge in working environment while improving agency policies, procedures and service provision. The proper management of resources will be helpful to the company to provide the safe atmosphere of working to the employees and the organisation in health and social care management has to be lawful in order to maintain effectiveness of organisational systems. By giving the staff information about relevant legislation and ensuring them about their health and safety (Kosny,2006).
2.4 Suggest ways of improving the communication process
Every organization in a health care system must adopt a proper communication process to a wide range of service users. In order to improve an effectiveness of communication the organization has to understand industry commitment in order to that it should examined its commitment, capacity and efforts to meet the communication needs on the daily basis in which the different elements are included such as mission, goals, policies and strategies, leadership and motivation styles as well as the workforce cultural values(Pritchard and Ryan,). Business should collect all the relevant information to e demographics and communication needs for potential clients ( Wallace,2009). By ensuring with the structure and capability and the training of its workforce meets the organization can employ and train a workforce by which the effective relationships with the services user can be maintained, while improving the communication process. The service professional in health care should help its workforce by engaging individuals from beginning to end in interpersonal communication that successfully elicits health needs, beliefs and expectations; builds trust; and conveys information that is explicable and helps to empower them. A respectful environment can be created that will helpful to service providers to understand the social culture of different patients (Tamparo and Lindh, 2007).Communication assignment help by the experts of Assignment Desk can help you in achieving dream grades.
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3.1Access and use standard ICT software packages to support work
As the world is growing quickly it becomes essential for the health and social care industry to take a responsibility to keep up with new innovations. Information and communication (ICT) technologies are used in the health and social care aims to upgrade the technology in the practices by which the service user can be satisfied at the greater level. The communications skills are changed as the organization of healthcare have adopted the ICT software. The Patients are proving the services from doctors supporting Health Line. Medical staff has the various opportunities to learn the practical skill through online. Now the spellings on perception have change in the E-mails, verbal skills have less emphasis. The body language study of patient is not required because the doctors are using more e-mail and video conferencing to provide the services(Thompson, 2003). The services are changed into everyday tasks and devices which are internet based. The information collected through patients is recorders in spreadsheets which reduced the unnecessary burden form the works to maintain the registers. Use of online software has reduced the time to train the employees of healthcare industries. The costs occurred such as cost of travel cost of time in the process of providing services has been reduced (Clarke, Sachs and Sumner, 2000).
3.2 Analyse the benefits of using ICT in health and social care for users of services
An information and communication technology has an impact on health and social care in many aspects. ICT software in medicine and medical care possibly bring benefits to medical professional and practitioners as well as patients.The aim of using ICT in health and social care is to provide the services at any time and at any place to the needs service user. The e-heath plays an important role to understand the benefit of ICT. It provides the services especially in the situations where physician may not be available. The raising costs are the main problems in health services in both developing and developed countries. The e-health helps the organization to reduce the cost of healthcare by decentralizing the care which enables, offers the medical services at a lower cost and the quality care is also being provides by such organization(Brewster, 2005). Now a day's many of diseases are solving by home monitoring and tele care where the patient data is extracting over the phones and sent to the medical centre to evaluate by the physician. The different types of diseases which are solving through the e-health are illness, cardiac failure, hypertension, diabetes, COPD. The result of these practices shows that most of hospitalizations cases are reduced. e-health is considered as better at the time of lack of availability of medical staff. ICT has also proved as the source to educate both the patient and the medical staff as there are many sites are available where the individual found the different diseases, symptoms and the respective medicine. There are number of medical virtual universities are established where the service providers are being trained through the traditional learning as well as the learning (Jones and Groom, 2011).
3.3Analyse how legal considerations in the use of ICT impact on health and social care
ICT applications has an contribution to health and social care and also contribute to the service user's overall care experience, and directly or indirectly support care professionals at the point of care planning and delivery of services .The confidentiality of information and consent of service user is the foundation of trust between the service provider and the user. There should be a proper understanding of ethical and legal accountability of confidentiality and consent regarding the personal data is important to maintain the legal relationship between the parties of healthcare industry. Although the use of ICT has impacted allot to the healthcare industry but beside that there are some issues are with the legal part of used medical practices. The companies have to train its medical workers while providing them the legal knowledge of the ICT impact on health and social care. The medical staff having the knowledge to apply the computer based training in the work field without harming the interest of various people involve in the communication process will give the better results to the healthcare industry .ICT training has become a core component of all formal training programmes in both student and in-service staff. The legal aspects of health and care emphases that the medical service providers should provide intelligent support for drug and dosage selection to its users. In the lack of it the patients can complain for the irresponsible behaviour of staff and organization (Kosny, 2006).
The communication plays an important role in health and social care context. The report shows the different relatives theories of communication with context to health and social care. It also explains the inappropriate interpersonal communication in which the barriers to communication with the patients are explained. It is identified that there are many factors influencing the communication process within the health and social care industry such as values and culture of different service users, legislation, charters and codes of practice and organisational systems and policies. The report successfully reaches its aim by providing the social and legal impact of information and communication technology (ICT) in health and social care.
- Brewster, D.S., 2005. Communication: An HSC Option Topic. Warringal Publications.
- Clarke, L., Sachs, B. and Sumner, S., 2000. Health and Social Care for Advanced. Nelson Thornes.
- Glanz,K., ; Rimer,B.K. and Viswanath,K.,2008. Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
- Hall, P.and all,2004. Communication skills, cultural challenges and individual support: challenges of international medical graduates in a Canadian healthcare environment.MedicalTeacher.
- Jones, S. and Groom, F.M., 2011.Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare. CRC Press
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