
Risk, Consequences, and Family Strategy

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PTSD disorder is primarily Post-traumatic stress disorder which is a condition of the mind that mainly develops when a person has encountered some traumatic events like child abuse, sexual assault, or other threats within their life. The main aim of this report is to study the consequences of the risk factors which are associated with PTSD in a family of Ahmad and thus provide effective support for recovery to him and his family members.

This report gives a brief about risks and consequences, a plan for working with the family, and the role of a family support worker in the recovery process.


Risks and Consequences of Risks


PTSD syndrome is basically Post-traumatic stress disorder and is a condition of mental health that is mainly triggered and facilitated by a series of terrifying events and thus develops in a large number of people. This disorder mainly develops in people who have encountered or experienced shocking or dangerous events. In the case of this scenario, Ahmed is facing the symptoms of PTSD syndrome and his condition is worsening day by day. The major symptoms of this disorder include nightmares, flashbacks, severe anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts about events. These symptoms are developing in Ahmed with time and thus are becoming severe. The highly increased risk that this family is facing is a physical attack. PTSD disorder is generally characterized by physical and mental attacks due to which PTSD disorder is considered as one of the major serious disorders. Due to the symptoms of this disorder, Ahmed has started to become verbally as well as physically abusive towards his children and Nabila and this physical attack is one of the increased risks that family members are facing (Pugach, Campbell, and Wisco, 2019). Due to this, his children have indulged in self-harming harming which has impacted his mental as well as physical health. Besides this, another important risk that the family is facing due to the worsening of PTSD disorder in Ahmed is aggressiveness. Apart from becoming verbally abusive, family members are also facing economic risk. The aggressive nature of Ahmed has reflected upon his job. Due to this aggressive nature, Ahmed has been fired from his job and this has impacted his personal as well as professional life. The risk of a job has been one of the most important risks that family members face and thus this has also given rise to another risk which is child abuse.

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The consequences of this disorder will not only affect Ahmed but also the family members to a great extent. The primary risk that family members are facing as a result of PTSD disorder is physical attack and abuse by Ahmed. The major possible consequences of this risk will be major on the children of Ahmed. As a result of abuse, his eldest children have been involved in self-harming and this will have a great impact on the mental health of children. Most importantly due to this, the learning capacity of children will decrease. This will bring a great change in the behavior of children and will lead to increased aggression towards people. Besides this, this will not only lead to behavioral change but children will tend to have feelings of low esteem and depression and there are high chances that he or she might become the prey of alcohol or drugs. Along with this, physical abuse will also pose challenges for Nabila and thus will impact her in a great way. This will affect her mental health which will lead to changes in her behaviour. Due to the high level of depression, she will refrain from the community as well as she might become aggressive toward her children. This will affect her physical health. Physical abuse will cause a large number of health problems in her like Migraine, heart problems, stress, sexual problems, etc (Berle et al.,2018).

Another risk that his family members are facing is an economic risk as due to aggressiveness of Ahmed, he has been expelled from his job. The primary consequence of this risk will be that the family members will face extreme financial problems. The bad behavior of Ahmed in his previous job will pose difficulty for him to find another job. There will be limited money with the family to access various resources and most importantly this will impact the education of children (Lewis and,2018).

Plan For Working With Family

Priority one

Initially for improving the condition of Ahmed, the priority will be given to children. The main rationale behind giving first priority to children is that due to the abusive behavior of Ahmad, his children have indulged in self-harming and this might take the form of suicide. Thus, the first priority will be given to his children and this will be high.

Priority two

The second highest priority will be given to the patient which is Ahmad (Hyland and,2017). Due to the worsening of the situation, it becomes highly essential to properly treat Ahmad and provide him with the proper medications as well as a cure. 

Priority three

The third priority will be given to his wife Nabila. The main reason behind giving third priority to her is that she is continuously becoming the prey of physical abuse as well as assault thus placing her after children that in comparison to kid adults can tolerate a little bit. Besides this, another reason for placing her in the third position is that she can handle the situation calmly for a short period of time and thus placing children and patients in the first and second positions is highly essential.

Support recovery

As Ahmad is the second priority thus the most basic support recovery will be given to Ahmad. The highly effective support recovery that should be given to Ahmad is the proper medication and treatment. One of the most effective treatments in PTSD which will be given to the patient is cognitive processing therapy. This therapy is basically a 12-week treatment wherein the patient undergoes a series of sub-therapies for improving their mental as well as physical health. Besides this, There are a range of medications that will be given to Ahmad and the most effective one in this are the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The most common inhibitors which are being used for treating PTSD are Sertraline, Paroxetine, Fluoxetine, etc (Harned and,2018).

Besides this, as the third priority is to protect her wife from physical abuse as well as prevent Ahmad from stopping the physical abuse thus the most effective strategy that will be implemented for the wife is to make her more aware of the consequences of physical and mental abuse. As per the report of WHO, it has been reported that the most effective treatment for any patient starts from their home. Thus, in order to treat Ahmad as well as prevent his harmful activities, the most supportive recovery that will be given to Nabila is providing her proper environment where she will be safe and thus taking her to the care home until and unless the condition of Ahmad is not recovered (McMillan, Asmundson and Sareen, 2017).

The most support recovery in this scenario is needed by the children of Ahmad which is first priority. The disorder of Ahmad has affected his children to a great extent. As per the report of the National Health Center, the brains of children and more sensitive than adults and thus are more emotional in children between the age group of 5 to 15. Thus, this disorder has affected his children and has mainly impacted his mental condition. In order to help children come out of this situation, the highly efficient support that can be provided is to provide him the psychologist's support and make him or her undergo the sessions. Children will be encouraged to talk more and more about their parents and bring out all the frustration or aggression that has accumulated in their minds. Besides this, children will indulge in more fun activities and play to keep their minds away from family problems (Polimanti and,2019).

Contingency plans

Apart from all these strategies as well as treatments, various other strategies and practices that will help to avoid this condition and disorder in the future are undergoing the session with a patient. Contingency plans mainly stress what if, which means what if a certain situation occurs in the future then what step can be taken to overcome it in advance. In the case of Ahmad, what if the condition worsens in the future or emerges again in the future? Providing social support is one of the most effective strategies that will help to overcome PTSD in Ahmad again in the future. Although education provides well-thought-out help to patients talking with them about how they are feeling, what they hate the most etc poses a great impact on patients. Thus, another practice that can be adopted is talking with Ahmad on various aspects, and identifying the cues that are affecting his health as well as mental condition will be highly helpful. Talking will eventually help him to relieve stress and will lower aggression (Schweizer and,2017).

Apart from this, for his wife besides making her understand about PTSD is to talk to her husband calmly. In the case of her wife, contingency is what if physical abuse or assault with her takes place in the future or if what similar situation occurs at the workplace.  The highly efficient support recovery that can be given to her wife is educating her on various aspects related to physical abuse and providing her with relevant steps that she can take in the future if a similar situation occurs. Besides this, another support strategy that can be given to the wife is teaching her stress management skills. Encouraging her to practice various stress management techniques will ultimately help her to keep away the negative vibes and will also help her from going into depression and behavioral change (Suomi and,2019).

Along with this, to protect children from taking dangerous steps in the future like drug addiction, suicide, etc, another step that can be taken is providing effective therapy. Along with talking with children to share their feelings and anxiety, another efficient strategy that can be adopted to protect them is providing them with traumatic sessions. In this session, a series of problems as well as traumas can be provided to children where he or she will be asked to properly analyze it and hence find a solution to the problem by themselves. This will be the most highly effective therapy which will prove to be successful even for the future of children as this will help him or her to find the solution to the problem by himself without taking anybody's help.  This will also increase children's self-esteem and confidence and will provide provide strength to fight any problems bravely.

Role of Family Support Worker in the Recovery Process

My role as the family support worker in the case of Ahmad was highly imperative and this helped to understand the various facets of PTSD syndrome. My main role as a support worker was to thoroughly analyze the needs of the entire family to provide them support and address the issue. In assessing their needs, I conducted a range of meetings with all family members of Ahmad including Ahmad as well to understand their situation what they are going through and what is their health status as a result of the PTSD disorder of Ahmad. Along with assessing the conditions and situations of family members, my other most important role was to ensure professional practices as well as standards while providing medications and therapy to the family along with the patient (Rodriguez-Paras and Sasangohar, 2017). This role calls for adhering to medical standards while performing my work like confidentiality of patients, equality policies, etc. My third most important role as the family support worker was to motivate as well as guide the family members towards the right path for struggling through this situation and provide them with the proper therapy to reduce the impact of PTSD on them. Besides this, guiding Ahmad and talking with him to understand his situation was another major role in order to make him perceive as a normal individual.


The major limitation of the family support worker is that while counseling the patients and family members is that sometimes the beliefs and values of the patient as well as families are somewhat hindered. This forms the most important limitation of family support workers. Sometimes during counseling, the beliefs and values are not given much importance for treating the patient due to which the condition of the patient becomes worse. Another limitation is that sometimes the family support worker does not have enough knowledge of different medications as well as treatments (Pugach, Campbell, and Wisco, 2019). Along with this, the major limitation that family support worker faces is that while counseling sometimes it becomes highly difficult to extract the answers from patients and family members and due to this, the session extends for a long period of time.

Professional services

The most important professional services that need to be engaged are providing proper care and treatment to the patient and providing world-class services to the patient and family. Along with this, the multi-disorder team can be provided to the patient for providing professional help and to provide better treatment. Besides this, continuously monitoring the condition of patients through the use of advanced technology should be provided to patients for effective treatment.

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It has been summarized that PTSD disorder has surrounded a large number of people and thus has affected their lives to a great extent. The main symptoms of this disorder are nightmares, day flashbacks, etc. Along with this, the high risks which are associated with this disorder are physical attack, sexual abuse, etc. The results of this disorder not only affects patients but also their families to a great extent thus the most effective recovery strategy is to indulge family members and patients in counseling. Besides this, as a family support worker, it is highly crucial to provide professional services to patients and famil

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