
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3200
  • Paper Type: Assignment
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Question :

Some of the main questions which are needed to be answered are like:

  • What are the comprehension0 in which the awareness with the current thinking can be specified?
  • Evaluate all the methods through which analysation, collection and presenting of business is managed?
  • What are the ways in which research proposals and objectives are being drawn with the career interest?
Answer :

Research Project

TOPIC: Managing cultural diversity in the workplace.


In this study it has shown importance of developing aims and objectives on which basis, researcher develop project and perform further steps. It has also covered all steps of research methodologies like the type of research, philosophies, approaches, data collection and data analysis tool for making the project more efficient. It has also shown that different people have different views and most commonly known that the company is promoting and managing workplace diversity because by doing this it gets competitive advantages and also decrease labour turnover.

Research project

Research Methodology

Research methodology is an important part of the whole research as it is an effective process that is being used by researcher to analyse, select and identify informations about the specific topic of the study. It covers several elements like research types, philosophies, approaches, designs, data collection and analysis which all allows scholar as well as reader to evaluate the study's reliability and validity. The importance and the main purpose of research methodology is to solve planning as well as operational problems and making the decision-making process efficient. All elements of research onion and methodology are described as below:

Research types:

For understanding research type, there is a requirement to understand the meaning of research. Research is a systematic investigation of a problem which is being conducted by researcher with the main aim of generating new knowledge as well as validating existing knowledge (Lewis, 2015). There are mainly two types of research which shows the form of collection of data like numerical and non-numerical. Qualitative research deals with phenomena that are difficult to quantify mathematically. This type of data collected in meaning, understanding form. Whereas, quantitative is being completed by using some scientific methods. It is also a systematic investigation of a problem through mathematical and statistical techniques.

For this study, researcher has selected qualitative type because the main aim of researcher is to increase knowledge and gather in depth understanding of human behaviour.

Research philosophy:

It is a feeling about technique in which data bout a phenomenon should be collected, analysed and used. There are 2 main approaches which is known as positivism and interpretivism. Positivism believes that only factual knowledge gain via observations and the role of scholar is also limited in this approach. It is appropriate for quantitative research type. On the other hand, interpretivism is all related to small sample which gives a depth understanding. It is appropriate for qualitative research type. Researcher who select interpretivism, they believe that access to reality is can only be through social construction like languages and shared meaning. For this study, scholar has selected interpretivism philosophy.

Research approach:

Inductive and deductive are 2 research approach according to which they generate and use data, As per the inductive approach, researcher use data collection in order to explore a phenomenon by creating a new conceptual theory. It does not involve formulation of hypothesis. On the other hand, deductive approach is all about a hypothesis of data by existing and testing theory. For making this research successful, researcher has selected inductive research approach (Tjora, 2018).

Data collection:

Data collection is an important part as without collecting informations from the relevant source, scholar cannot complete its research. Primary and secondary are 2 types that has several sources. With primary sources, researcher collect new data and make its research reliable. On the other hand, with the help of secondary sources like books and journals, internet, researcher collects second hand data that are published already and has also used before (Fallon, 2016). For making the research effective, primary data collection will be used. Researcher will also collect some data from secondary data collection.


Sampling means a group of people which are being selected by researcher to get reliable data. Probabilistic and non probabilistic are 2 types of sampling. In the probabilistic type, all selected members are given equal chance of being selected. It is also called random sampling. Simple random is the best way of probabilistic which is being selected by researcher for this study (Chiodini, 2019). In non-probabilistic and non-random type of sampling, in which odds of any member is being selected for a sample. They are not given chances equally of being selected. For this study, researcher select 20 employees of Waitrose as a sample.

Data analysis:

After collecting data from different sources, it is important to make them reliable and modify them accordingly. There are 2 methods by which researcher can analyse data such as qualitative and quantitative. In the quantitative type, statistical tools like SPSS is being selected for analysing numerical data. For analysing qualitative data, thematic analysis tool is being selected. For this study also, researcher has made an effective use of qualitative data (Houghton and et.al., 2015).

Research limitations:

At the time of conducting research, scholar has to face several problems which may be internal and external. Some internal factors that creates problems are: lack of human resources, financial resources, limitation of time to submit report etc. Some other problems which occur includes: Climate changes, regulations changes etc. The main limitation for this study was skilled technical staff.

Ethical issues:

For making qualitative research and improving image of researcher, he needs to follow all codes of ethics of research. Some ethics which need to be considered are: to keep personal and professional data safe, to do not bound anyone to participate in research and questionnaire (Roberts, 2015). Being honest and loyal towards the company and people is the main code of ethic.

Findings and Analysis:


1. Do you agree that management of workplace diversity can give competitive advantages to your company?

  • Strongly agree
  • Disagree

2. Do your company treat different backgrounds and cultures of employees in the same manner?

  • Yes
  • No

3. Which management style Waitrose follow for managing workplace diversity?

  • Autocratic
  • Democratic

4. What benefits does workplace diversity pose to organization?

  • Innovation in working environment
  • Increased productivity

5. What benefits does workplace diversity pose to employees of Waitrose?

  • Improved relationship
  • Learning opportunities

6. What limitations does workplace diversity pose to Waitrose?

  • Increased conflicts
  • Labour turnover
  • Adaption of employees

7. Which recruitment method is being followed by your company?

  • Internal recruitment
  • External recruitment

8. The best strategy which your company use to overcome barriers of management diversity at workplace?

  • Rewards to employees
  • Training to employees

9. What would you recommend and piece of advice for promoting diversity and solving all barriers related to this?



1. Competitive advantages by management of workplace diversity


Strongly agree






From the above data, it can be interpreted and said that, majority of employees or 15 employees of Waitrose strongly agree that by managing diversity at workplace, it can take competitive advantages. By employing diverse workforce, it can get different skills of employees which produce qualitative work. On the other hand, 5 employees said that they do not believe and agree on this question. They said that there are other factors which helps the company in taking competitive advantages like technology, quality of products, pricing etc.


2. Equally treatment of different backgrounds and cultures of employees








It is interpreted from the above data about the treatment to employees that, 13 employees of Waitrose said that there company treat all employees in the same manner. They also said that it does not discriminate them on the basis of age, gender and abilities which increases their morale. Whereas, the least number of employees or 7 employees said that they felt that employer of their company discriminate them. They said that due to experience and abilities, existing and local employees are given special treatment.


3. Management style for managing workplace diversity








From the above data and the question asked from 20 employees of Waitrose it is stated that, 12 employees said that in almost situations their company follow autocratic management style. They also said that they do not give opportunities to employees in their decision-making process which decreases their self-esteem. On the other hand, 8 employees said that Waitrose follows autocratic management style in which all employees are given opportunities to take active participation in decision-making process. It is beneficial for employees as it motivates them and increase their skills.

4. Benefits of workplace diversity for organization?


Innovative working environment


Improvement in productivity



From the above, it can be said that, 11 employees of wait rose said and believe that an effective management of workplace diversity and equality make working environment of the company more innovative which is beneficial for the company. It allows employees to work efficiently in an effective and fresh environment. On the other hand, 9 employees said that by employing diverse workforce and managing diversity, company take advantage of improved productivity which directly lead increment in sales and revenues as well.


5. Benefits of workplace diversity for employees.


Improved relationship


Learning opportunities




Same question and benefits of management of diversity in the context of employees asked. 13 and majority of employees of Waitrose said that it gives them opportunities to learn something new. When they work with diverse workforce and employees then they share their skills, knowledge and experience which teach them something new. Whereas, 7 employees said that it improves their relationship. When they work in a team for common goal then they interact with each other which improves their relations.

6. Limitations of workplace diversity for Waitrose.


Increased conflicts


Labour turnover


Adaption of employees




It is asked from 20 employees of Waitrose that their company face which type of problems and limitation at the time of promoting workplace diversity. Out of 20 employees, 8 employees said that it increases conflicts among employees. Due to generation gap, employees views does not match which becomes the reason of conflicts. On the other hand, 5 employees said that it increased the number of staff turnover due to languages issues, communication and misunderstanding. 7 employees also interpreted that some employees do not adapt this change initially and this is the main problem which company face.


7. Recruitment method by your company








Recruitment and selection methods also plays an important role in management of diversity and equality at workplace. Out of 20 employees, 7 employees said that Waitrose majorly focuses on internal recruitment process which motivates them towards accomplishing company's goals. On the other hand, majority of employees and 13 employees said that their company focuses on external recruitment and allow outsiders which demotivate existing employees. It is the main weakness of the company which sometimes become the reason of labour turnover and dissatisfaction.


8. Strategy by your company to overcome barriers of management diversity


Rewards to employees


Training to employees




On the question of strategy for solving the problems related to workplace diversity like languages issues, adaption of employees, 6 employees out of 20 said that their company give them rewards as per the needs of employees. BY providing rewards, employer of their company motivates to help the company in achieving their goals. On the other hand, 14 employees said that manager of Waitrose focuses and invest in training and development programs. With the help of training they increase employees skills and give them basic knowledge about different cultures and languages.


Recommend and piece of advice for promoting diversity



In the open-ended question, employees and sample were given equal chance to speak up on the topic of workplace diversity. Different employees gave different suggestions. Some of them said that company should focus on team working and also celebrate different cultures festivals by which they get to know the importance and believes of different cultures. Most of the employees do not have proper knowledge about the importance and concept of workplace diversity. They also do not accept them so, by giving project in a team they can increase their knowledge and relations as well. Creating diversity friendly policies, company can bind all employees to follow them and understand the importance and benefits of management of workplace diversity.


From the above study it has been summarized that management of workplace diversity and equality played an important role as it gives several advantages to the company. It has also shown some problems that occur while employing diverse workforce and promoting diversity like languages issues, conflicts etc. Further, this report discussed increasing importance of research methodology and data collection as it helped scholar in making its project successful. Sample and data analysis also helped researcher in getting reliable data relevant to the selected topic and helped the company in accomplishing their aims and objectives.

Read Further: Importance of Report in Research Project


As per the basis of above questions and study it can be recommended to the company that it should focus on its employees rather than tasks. It is analysed that Waitrose follows autocratic management style which decreases morale of employees. So, for motivating and increasing their morale, it needs to apply democratic or given equal chance in decision-making process. It can also be suggested to the company that it needs to focus on internal recruitment and given opportunities of promotion and other to its existing employees. For managing equality at workplace in an efficient manner, it should allocate tasks in a team and group. By allocating team and group tasks, all employees will interact with each other and work for accomplishing a common goal. It will increase their relationship, understanding and decrease conflicts.


From the above study, I learned a systematic way of conducting research which can give qualitative research project. BY following steps of conducting research project, an individual can make its project successful as each step plays an important role. I learned that each topic has 2 sides like positive and negative. For solving negative factors and problems related to workplace diversity and of any topic it has some solutions and strategies. Having passions in any type of situation makes a researcher more able to overcome all problems. Further, I also learned the importance of data collection and analysis of all factors which need to be considered at the time of selecting all elements of research methodologies.

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