
Issue Faced By Entity In Context Of Gender Discrimination


  • Unit No: 11
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 23 / Words 5691
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: R / 508 / 0522
  • Downloads: 1498
Question :

Topic- Research Project

Structure of the report

  1. Research title
  2. Content page
  3. Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research proposal

    (I) Research project description

  (ii) Research aim and objectives

(iii) Reasons for choosing this research project

(iv) Activities and timescales

  1. Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Literature review

  1. Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research approach

3.2 Methodologies

 (I) Sampling - (description of how data would be collected)

        (ii) Data analysis (description of how data would be analysed and presented)

        (iii) Cost, access and ethical considerations

  1. Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis

  4.1 Data collection – (how data was actually collected)

  4.2 Data analysis, presentation and discussion

  1. Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations

    5.1 Conclusions

5.2 Recommendations

  1. Chapter 6: Personal Reflective Statement

6.1 Reflect on the research methods used in your project.

6.2 Consider research methods that could have been used.

6.3 Areas for further research (or consideration)

  1. Appendices

Research Proposal Form

Research Ethics Approval Form


Learning Outcomes

LO1 Conduct a research methodology, which integrates knowledge into the research process.

LO2 Conduct and evaluate research relevant to a chosen business research project.

LO3 Generate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.

LO4 Provide Reflection on the application of research methodologies and concepts.


You have recently appointed as the business researcher in the Morrisons company. And you are need to fulfil the following activities which also comprises personal reflection statement. This project undertakes research on Equality and diversity at the workplace. you will be required to identify a specific research topic. Some examples of possible research topics are:

  1. Behaviours that support equality and diversity in the workplace
  2. Managing cultural diversity in the workplace
  3. Gender equality in leadership and management
  4. Workplace discrimination
  5. The work-life balance and enrichment experiences

The topic enables you to identify the research aims and objectives and necessary addressing the research topic.

Activity 1- LO1

Conduct research methodology which integrates knowledge into the research process.


Based upon a topic for equality and diversity in the work place in your organisation, produce a research proposal outlining the specific aim and objectives that needs to be addressed.

Activity 2 -LO2

Conduct a research relevant to a Morrisons research project.

 Based on the methodology you described in your research proposal (Activity 1), conduct secondary and primary research using methods for your business research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.  Apply appropriate analytical tools to data and research findings.

Activity 3- LO3

Communicate the results of a research project to stakeholders.

 Based on the research proposal (Activity 1) and the research and analysis conducted (Activity 2); communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner.

Activity 4 – LO4

Reflect on implementation of research methodologies and concepts.

Based on your research proposal (Activity 1) and your analysis (Activity 2) and your research conclusions and recommendations (Activity 3) reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting the objectives of your business research project.




LO1 (Activity 1)         

Conduct appropriate research methodology which integrates knowledge into the research process.

 D1 Justify the design of the methods and techniques of data analysis.

 P1 you will produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis, supported by a literature review.

    M1 you will be required to use the research onion in the evaluation of different approaches to research and to justify your choice of research methods.

 P2 you will examine appropriate research methods and conduct primary and secondary research.

LO2 (Activity 2)           

Conduct and analyse research relevant to a chosen business research project.

 P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using methods for a business research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.

 M2 Justify the design of the methods and techniques of data collection.

 P4 Apply analytical tools to analyse research findings and data.

LO3 (Activity 3)       

Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.

 D2 you need to demonstrate critical analysis of research outcomes to make valid and justified recommendations.

P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the intended audience.

M3 Demonstrate how your research outcomes have met your research objectives in answering your research question.

LO4 (Activity 4)   

Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts.

D3 Personal reflective statement should demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource process leading to recommended actions for future improvement.

P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the research project.

M4 Personal critical reflective statement should provide recommended actions for improvements in research considerations.

P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.

Answer :
Organization Selected : Morrison


Title- To assess issues that is being faced by companies in respect of gender inequality with reference to discrimination at the workplace for maintaining equality and diversity.A study on the retail sector”


Equality and diversity is very necessary to be maintained for the success of the company because of the workplace will not provide good and equal opportunities for the employees then they will not like this. Thus, they will not feel comfortable while working in such a discriminating environment hence, this will decrease the working efficiency of employees. Equality is defined as the providing of equal opportunities for growth and development to all employees. Diversity is defined as the employees coming from different cultural backgrounds and working under same company. The gender discrimination is being defined as treating employees differently on basis of their gender that is giving more preference to males rather than females. Thus, the current research will focus on the gender discrimination taking place at Morrison which is a large chain of supermarket.

Aims and objectives


“To identify an issue faced by entity in context of gender discrimination referring to workplace discrimination while maintaining equality and diversity. A study on Morrison's.”


  • To articulate the concept of gender inequality.
  • To determine the factors that results to gender discrimination and are seen as causes of gender inequality at workplace.
  • To analyse the issue faced at time of promoting gender equality for reducing workplace discrimination with regard to Morrison's.
  • To recommend corrective measure to Morrison's for reducing gender inequality & increasing productivity of employees.


The major reason for the selection of the topic of gender inequality is that this is currently very prevailing within the companies. It is very necessary for the company to work over reducing the gender inequality at workplace. Thus, this research will help the company in identifying the ways of reducing gender inequality and discrimination and promoting the equality and diversity. Another major reason for the selection of this topic is the personal interest of the researcher. This is majorly because of the reason that they also want to know and enhance their knowledge relating to ways of reducing gender inequality and discrimination.


This research over the topic of assessing ways of reducing gender discrimination at workplace for fostering equality and diversity is that this will enhance the knowledge of company for which the research is being carried on. That is this will provide knowledge to the company which they can use of reducing the gender discrimination. Also, this will assist the competitors in gaining knowledge that what ways they can adopt to reduce the gender discrimination. Another significance of the research is for other researcher who are researching on the same topic as they can use the result of this research as basis of their study.


Theme 1: Understanding Concept of the Gender Equality

Arora and Malam, (2018), stated that gender inequality means an unequal treatment or the preferences of an individuals on the basis of the gender. It arises from the differences in respect of the socially constructed roles of gender along with biologically through the chromosomes, hormonal difference and brain structure. Systems of gender are seen as hierarchical and dichotomous. Gender related binary systems might reflect an inequalities that indicates numerous dimensions of the daily life. This problem stems from the distinctions empirically grounded or been constructed socially. It acknowledges that the men and the women are not counted as equal and that the gender affects an individual's living experience. Such differences arises from the cultural norms, biology and the psychology. Some of the distinctions are grounded empirically, however, the other appears as socially constructed. Different lived experience has been seen of the genders based on education, personality, life expectancy, interests, careers and the political affiliations. Moreover gender inequality is been experienced in a different way across the different cultures. Gender inequality could be defined as allowing the people with different opportunities because of the perceived differences solely on the basis of the gender. Discrimination at the workplace in respect of gender is counted as the prejudicial treatment of group or an individual because of gender. Particularly, gender inequality is seen pertaining to women but anybody could experience the gender basis inequality or the discrimination.

Triana and et.al., (2019), presented that gender inequality within the work environment is considered as the complex phenomenon which could be seen in an organisational structures, practices and the processes. For the women, gender discrimination is been enacted within the practices of human resources. This means that due to the HR practices that includes decision making, enactment and the policies directly impacts training, hiring, promotion and the pay of the women in n organisation. Therefore, common inequalities at workplace is present relating to gender based imbalances of an individual in terms of their command and the power within the management. Women are not been able in moving up into the positions that contains higher pay.

Theme 2: Factors that Leads to Gender Inequality at the Workplace

In view of Sipe and et.al., (2016), it has been represented that the first and the foremost contextual factor in which gender inequality could be institutionalized is the leadership. Leaders plays an important role in setting culture, strategy, policy and the practices. Gender discrimination in this exist when the women are being under-represented in comparison with the men, specifically at times when women are been well represented at the lower level in an enterprise. An under-representation of the women in workplace could be perpetuated with ease because gender of an organisational leaders impacts degree towards which there exist a gender discrimination, supportive policies and gender diversity climate within the company. Specifically presence of the women in the key positions act as the vivid symbol reflecting that an entity supports the gender diversity. Further, unequal pay is the major factor that causes gender inequality within the work premises as men are paid more because it is believed that they has the capability in working more harder and extra as compared to women. Sexual harassment is found as the cause of gender discrimination where an obstacle occurs that many of the women faces at the workplace. It exists in some or the other form in the lifetime of women involving physical and the verbal assault. Moreover, racism is the another factor that causes for inequality plays a crucial role in a way the women are been treated and is compensated in a workplace. Pay that the women receives might vary depending on her ethnicity and the race.

Verniers and Vala, (2018), analysed that in the firm women are not or less promoted in comparison to the men. Despite of being as more and more educated than the men and is constituting nearly majority of women workforce promoting at the work less often than the men. Thus, these are the main measures that leads to workplace discrimination in terms of gender. This directly affects the smooth functioning of the operations and results to lower level of the productivity which in turn leads to lower sales and less profitability.

Theme 3: Challenges Faced in Promoting Gender Equality

In accordance to Bader and et.al., (2018), advances in the policy and the laws by way of large number of the critical challenges perpetuates a gap in execution, accountability, upscaling and in preventing an effective and efficient responses of the programme. Impunity is one of the main challenge that is been faced by the firm at the time of promoting the gender equality. Lack of the state accountability in the comprehensively addressing a violence against the girls and the women is essential obstacle for ending a problem. In adequate allocation of the resource, poor execution of the national commitments directly contributes to the pervasive impunity. Ending an impunity needs an adequate prosecution & the punishment of the perpetrators, equal justice and protection for the women under law and an elimination of the attitude which fosters, tolerates and justifies against a women. Due to insufficient technical, human and the financial investment, promoting gender equality becomes as the challenge or problem for an entity. While increasing number of the countries has adopted the policies and the laws that are been rarely accompanied by an adequate level of the budget allocations nor requisite an institutional, infrastructural and the staffing improvements that might required at national and the sub-national levels for implementing it. Weak coordination and reviewing mechanisms at national level also counted as the main challenge which is been faced by the company in promoting for the equality between men and the women. In sufficient research and the data creates a problem for an organisation while promoting for equality in gender at the work premises. Thus, theses are the main challenges or the problems that the company faced at the time of promoting for the gender equality in a work environment. In order to overcome such challenges, an organisation must have to follow a series of process and analysis so that equality practices can be efficiently and effectively promoted by the firm and this in turn would help the company in building its reputation in overall market.


It is referred as the particular procedures or the tools that are been used for identifying, analysing and processing an information regarding a specific research problem. This section of the report involves method, approaches, philosophy, analysing and gathering data in consideration with all the ethical and reliable aspects.


It means selection of the best method for making or conducting the study where it is classified into two parts that is qualitative and quantitative study (Wiek and Lang, 2016). Qualitative method emphasizes on gathering data through an open ended and the conversational communication. However, quantitative data refers to an objective measurement and mathematical or the numerical assessment of the data by way using questionnaire, polls, survey and by manipulating the pre-existing statistical data by making use of the computational techniques.

While preparing for this study, researcher has make use of the qualitative method that enables in understanding subjective elements in relation to the issues that the company faces with respect to gender discrimination at the premises.


It is depicted as the procedure and the plan that comprises of steps of the broad assumptions to the detailed method of obtaining the data, interpretation and the analysis. Therefore, it is mainly based on research problem that is being addressed with an approach of the reasoning and an analysis. There are two main approaches that can be opted by an investigator in formulating the research report includes inductive & deductive approach (Fletcher, 2017). Inductive approach means an approach that starts with theories and an observation proposed towards an end of research process as an observation of the result. On the other hand, deductive approach concerns with developing the hypotheses on the basis of an existing theory and thereafter designing research strategy for testing a hypothesis.

Referring to this research report, scholar has used inductive approach that is the most suitable method or an approach in making a qualitative analysis and helps in developing adequate results on the basis of appropriate theory.

Research Philosophy-

This is defined as the different beliefs and philosophies which are used at time of collection of data and the analysis and interpretation of it. It is very important for the researcher to understand the beliefs which is behind all the steps in research. These are of two different type that is interpretivism and positivism. For the working of current study, the researcher has used the interpretivism theory because of the fact that this is more suitable for the qualitative research.

Data Collection-

Data Collection is for research the most important thing is the data which is being collected and analysed. This is majorly because of the fact that if the data will not be there than the research will not be conducted and this will not bring clear research outcomes. Thus, for this the researcher has used both the data sources that is primary and secondary. The combination is being used because of the fact that both the sources are good and will provide all the valid and authentic data. The primary source will provide for first hand data and the secondary source will authenticate the data.


Sampling is the study of whole population is not possible thus, for this researcher takes some sample and the experiments and test are made on it. Thus, for the current study the researcher has used the random sampling and selected 20 employees of Morrison and has asked them questions for conducting the research on gender discrimination within the workplace. The random sampling is being used by the researcher because under this method every participant has equal chance of getting selected as a sample.

Data Analysis-

Data analysis is just a collecting the data is not enough rather proper analysis and evaluation of the data collected. This is majorly because of the fact that if the data will not be analysed properly then the result will not be appropriate. Thus, for this the researcher has used the thematic analysis and under this the researcher made the use of charts and graphs for the interpretation of the collected data.

Ethical Consideration-

This is also necessary has if the research is not conducted in ethical manner then the research outcome will not be good. Hence, for this researcher has to sign the ethical approval form and the consent form from the participants before asking them the questions. Also, it is necessary that the researcher use all the valid and authentic sources for the whole research to be conducted in good and effective manner.


Theme 1: Yes, We are Aware of the Concept of Gender Discrimination Within the Workplace.



% of Respondent










Interpretation: with the analysis of the above data it is clear that maximum of the participatn that is 75 % agrees to the fact that they are aware of the concept of gender ineuality. This is majorly because of the fact that within the company there is gender discrimnatin. However rest of the participants does not agree to this fact at all.

Theme 2: Strongly Agree that Company uses Practices that Increase the Gender Discrimination.



% of Respondent

Strongly agree












Strongly disagree






Interpretation: form the evaluation of the above data it is inferred that the company is using practices which results in gender discrimination at workplace. This is agreed by almost 50% of the particiapnts and rest of the respondent either agree or disagree or are neutral over this fact that company is using practices which result in gender discrimination.

Theme 3: All of the Above are the factors that Lead to Gender Discrimination.



% of Respondent

Mentality of people



Cultural differences



Acceptance level that women can work



All of the above






Interpretation: with the help of the evalaution of the data it is clear that 60 % of the participants states that the major facotr which leads ot gender discrimnaiton is all of the above which includes cultural differnce, mentality of people and acceptance level of perosn. But in contrast ot this rest of the participatns agrees to the options on individual basis.

Theme 4: Low Growth Opportunities for Women is the Most Common type of Gender Discrimination.



% of Respondent

Giving less salary to women



Low growth opportunities for women



Not including women in management committee



All of the above






Interpretation: on the analysis and evaluation of the above data it is clear that majority of particiapnts that is 70 % suggest that low growth opportunites is the most common tpye of gender dicrimination previling at the workplace. Under this the women are given less opportunites as compared to males witihn the company. However remainign respondent agrees to the fact with differnet options.

Theme 5: Negative Impact is there Which have of Gender Inequality Over the Productivity and Performance of the Company.



% of Respondent










Interpretation: from the analysis of the data collected for above question it is clear that the impact of gender discrimination is negative over company and its performance. This is majorly because of the fact that this demotivates the other employees and this decreases the working effeiccny of other employees.

Theme 6: Decrease in Productivity of the Employee is the Impact of Gender Discrimination on the Performance of Employees.



% of Respondent

Increases productivity



Decreases productivity



No impact






Interpretation:with the analysis of the data and facts it is evaluated that the impact of high gender discrimination over the productivity of company is decrease in productivity. This is majorly because of the fact that when there is discrimination at workplace then this demotivates all the employees and this eventually result in decrease in productivity of employees and overll working of company.

Theme 7: All of the above is the Major Issue being Faced by the company at the time of Promoting Equality and Reducing Gender Inequality.



% of Respondent

Thinking that women are less competent



Mentality that women have less knowledge



Low pay to women



All of the above






Interpretation: with the analysis of the above data it is clear that there are many differnet issues which are being faced by company at time of reducing the gender inequality and improving the performance of company. The major issue is all of the above which includes low pay to women, women are less competent then men and they have less market knwoeldge. However, rest of the participatns agree to this fact at individual level.

Theme 8: The Major Recommendation for Reducing the Gender Inequality and Increase in Productivity.

Interpretation: with the analysis of the data it is interpreted that it is very necessary for the company to have equality among all the employees on basis of gender. As agreed by majorty of employees it is necessary because if there will be no equality then employee will not be satisfied. Hence it is recommended by majority of participant that they must provide training and development to their employees so that they do not discriminate on basis of gender.



In the end it is summarised that for accompany to be successful the most important thing is to maintain equality and diversity within the company. This is major because of the reason that if the company will not provide equal opportunities then the employees will not be satisfied and this will decrease the goodwill of company. Hence for this it is essential for company to maintain equality on basis of gender. With this research it was concluded that formulating the aim and objective is the most important step in research. This is majorly because of the reason that if the aims and objective are not there then the researcher will not get the direction in which they have to work. Further it was seen that collection of data is the second most important step to complete the research. This is majorly because of the reason that if the data will not be of good quality then the result will also be of not good quality. Also, it is necessary that the data must be collected from authentic and reliable sources. In the end it was outlined that the thematic data analysis was more useful and gave good result. This is majorly because of the reason that this include the use of charts graphs and tables which make the result look attractive.


With the help of the above discussion, it is clear that the company need to work on the management of equality and diversity within the company. Thus, for this some of the recommendations are as follows-

The first and foremost thing for Morrison is to train and educate the employees of the company to treat all the employees whether be it male or female equally and not differentiate among them in any manner all the employees whether be it male or female must be provided with equal opportunities for growth and development.

Another major recommendation for the company is to recruit employees from diverse cultures because this will include people coming from the different cultural backgrounds and this will foster the different thinking and good mentality within the company.

One more recommendation for Morrison is that they must communicate all the policies and procedures with all the employees so that every employees knows what is going within the company.

One more important recommendation for the company is to appoint some person who will ensure that whether the company is using policies for fostering the equality within the company. This person will make sure that the company is working in the direction of growth and development.


With the help of the research on topic of gender discrimination within the workplace, I learned many different things relating to managing equality and diversity in the workplace. With the help of the research I learned that qualitative research is better than other research as this is most appropriate research and the outcome of the research is better. Also, I learned that the inductive approach was used as an approach for the continuation of the research in successful manner. Even with the help of the research I gained knowledge of many different types of skills and attributes which will even help me in future. I learned the most important skill of communication which is very necessary at time of researching. This is majorly because of the reason that without communication no work can be done and no data can be collected. This will help me in my future communication will help me to a great extent. Also, I learnt that time management is very important skill in the research. This is basically because of the reason that all the research need to be completed on time because all the research activities are interconnected. All these skills will help me in near future when I will conduct some other research or will carry on with some other work in the professional world.

Alternate Research Methods

But in place of qualitative research the researcher can also use quantitative research as this is more practical in approach and the result of this is much good. Also, other than this the researcher instead of using inductive approach could have used the deductive approach as this involves setting up of the hypothesis and then testing it. But the researcher could have placed more emphasis over the secondary source of data as this is much good and reliable source of data. In the end the researcher could have used quantitative analysis like SPSS or some statistical and mathematical tools for the analysis and evaluation of the data.

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