
Dental Nurse Courses in Accreditation

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Reflective learning is defined as the education process in which learners reflect upon their experiences for learning. This task will discuss the role of reflective practices and how they can contribute to enhancing the quality of services.


3.1 Purpose of Reflective Practice in Dental Nursing

Reflection plays a very important role in dental nursing as it encourages continuous development and professional improvement. This process involves constant analysis, constructive criticisms, and evaluation of our own performance so that our limitations and expertise can be identified. The health care services are of complex nature and involve great diversity. Thus for enhancing the professional expertise and understanding of the work continuous development is necessary (Fried and, 2017). The reflective practices help dental nurses to identify their limitations and professional errors. The analysis of their own decisions and process assist them in critically evaluating the improvement area so that their future actions and decisions can be improved. It is also beneficial for the patients as they receive quality care from dental nurses and professionals. Reflective practices can also demonstrate the way in which feedback and complaints of patients are acted upon so that continuous learning and development can be fostered (Glick and Greenberg, 2017).

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3.2 Reflective Practices

Reflective practices are considered to be the best means to progress learning and professional excellence. For this purpose, dental professionals can incorporate several practices. The first practice that can be used by professionals is self-reflective. Dental professionals must evaluate and analyse their own actions and decisions taken by them in the past or previous incidences. It will help them to gain better knowledge of improvement areas. Another reflective practice that can be used by dental professionals is through feedback. The key principle of providing dental services is to promote healthy and quality living among communities. Thus dental nurses must receive feedback from their patients, carers, supervisors, and colleagues  (Shaefer and, 2016). The feedback from these associates will assist dental professionals in recognising the needs of the patients and improving areas so that necessary actions can be taken in that direction.

3.3 Professional Development

I have been good at decision making but on many occasions, I find it difficult to communicate with the patients. During dental procedures many times I have to instruct patients regarding pre and post-therapy actions. In such situations, I try to effectively communicate with them. However, when I have to deal with individuals from diverse cultures I find it challenging to consider the cross-cultural factors. Similarly, when I work in teams and with other professionals I find difficulty in maintaining cooperation. For professional development, I will try to encourage myself to improve communication and for working in cross-cultural teams. I will also discuss the issue with my seniors so that they will be able to provide proper guidance to me. To address the communication issue I will make efforts to interact with patients and to take their feedback. Their valuable feedback will be helpful for me to improve my interaction and decision making skills. I can also attend training programs that boost my professional knowledge and which can help me to apply my knowledge and expertise in the complicated environments of dental service-providing organizations.

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3.4 Outcomes of Professional Development

The professional development will deliver significant results in terms of patient health, safety, satisfaction, and professional competencies. The outcomes of training programs and feedback approach will result in improved decision making  (Rattan, Wakley, and Chambers, 2017). It will also make me aware of the necessary professional standards and quality principles which I must comply with from a legislative perspective as well as from a professional perspective. Professional development is also helpful for the precise clinical outcomes and for the safety of patients.

3.5 Role of Occupational Currency

Occupational currency is a vital and integral part of dental services. It is mandatory to improve my skills that I must understand and grow in the direction of occupational demands. For instance, with advancements in treatment methodologies and equipment, I must be able to understand these improvements. The failure to understand occupational currency will make my practices less efficient. For sustaining the quality of my services and to better understand the requirements of my patients occupational currency must be included in the practice. It can be incorporated by various means such as training and induction programs, mentoring, performance reviews, and feedback. The lack of occupational currency can also make practices inaccurate and less efficient. It can also make procedures lacking legal and organisational compliance.

3.6 Self-Reflective

Being a dental professional it is my responsibility that I must provide quality and safe dental care services to my patients. I always try to achieve continuous professional development by attending seminars and training programs. My mentors and supervisors provide me with regular feedback through which I can enhance my professional expertise. However, sometimes I am not able to follow their suggestions but I used to consider their opinion as my future goals. I have good relations with my team members thus I do not find any issues while working in teams however sometimes it becomes hard for me to make decisions due to lack of coordination among team members. Reflective learning assists me in continuously developing and improving my skills and professional capabilities (Jones and, 2017).

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It can be concluded that reflection-based learning plays a significant role in improving efficiency and continuous professional development. Thus it must be incorporated by dental nurses in the course of their development.

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