
How to Analyze Cardiac System Questions Effectively

University: Weston college

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 6 / Words 1436
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/507/0681
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Questions For The Cardiac System Assignment


a. The human heart is the organ which has the pumping of blood throughout the body from the heart in order to supply oxygen as well as nutrients to tissues by removing waste and carbon dioxide. The heart provides life to the body.

1. Right atrium.

2. Right ventricle.

3. Left atrium.

4. Left ventricle.

5. Pulmonary arteries.

6. Aorta

7. Superior vena cava.

8. Pulmonary veins.

9. Inferior vena cava.

b. The right ventricle has the receiving of deoxygenated blood from the right atrium along with pumping it to the pulmonary artery. On the other hand, the left venting of oxygen oxygen-rich blood from the left atrium along with pumped into the aorta.

c. Blood enters the entering into the heart through two large veins that are inferior and superior vena cava by emptying the demon blood from the body of the right atrium. As the contravention of the ventricle occurs. The blood starts to leave the heart through the pulmonaria valve into the pulmonary artery and towards the lungs where it is considered to be oxygenated. The tricuspid and mitral valves lie between the atria and ventricles making the level of protection of hearts enter to wrong way.


The cardiac cycle refers to the performance of a human heart which has the completion of sequences in terms of events of hearts which begins from one beat to the following of another beat. It has the consisting of two periods the former one the period in which the heart muscles have relaxation and refilling of blood referred to as diastole. On the other hand the following period of contraction a robust level and pumping of blood is systole.

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Heartbeat is controlled by the two different branches of the autonomic nervous system. The nervous heartbeat such as The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The former one has releasing of hormones which have the proper containing of catecholamines - epinephrine and norepinephrine which accelerates the heart rate. On the other hand high temperature, humidity, strong levels of emotions, obesity and medication can also have effects.


Capillaries are the smallest and numerous level of blood vessels which are connected between the vessels to have the proper carrying of blood from arteries to vessels along with returning blood to veins. This has a function between blood and tissue cells to have an exchange of materials.

Arteries and veins are blood vessels which are responsible for carrying blood from the heart to the body and vice versa. The former is responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to the body. On the other hand, the latter is responsible for carrying low-oxygen blood from the body back towards the heart to have re-oxygenation.


Blood bilaterally begins to identify as the connective tissues which include the inclusion of components that are red blood cells (Erythrocytes), white blood (Leukocytes) platelets  (Thrombocytes) and plasma. Erythrocytes have a function of carrying the protein containing hemoglobin which makes transportation of oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Leukocytes have having primary responsibility to protect of body from infection. On the other hand, Thrombocytes help in the clotting of blood along with coagulation which is by gathering sites for injury. The last plasma is liquid components which transport blood cells along with nutrients, waste products, antibodies, clotting proteins, and chemical messengers which help maintain fluid balance.


The circulatory system has the consisting of three independent systems which used to work together that is the heart (cardiovascular), lungs (pulmonary), and arteries, veins, and coronary and portal vessels (systemic). The system is considered to be responsible for the flow of blood along with nutrients, oxygen and gases from cells. The exchanges of the oxygen and carbon dioxide are the ages which are being transported between external and internal respiratory systems in which carbon dioxide is considered rare more level of stable to be mores better lungs along with tissues. The endocrine hormones are secreted in blood by carrying blood & fluids to cells, on the other hand, exocrine hormones are secretion into a duct and forwarded to blood cells.


Blood clotting is considered to be health and life-saving as it helps in stopping bleeding. The body used to have the brake done of clot after the wound is healed. The blood clot can be stationary which causes the stoppage of flowing of blood. Blood clotting is the involvement of protein along platelets which come together and form fibrin clot which acts like a mesh to have stoppage of bleeding.


The existence of cardiovascular diseases is the inclusion of coronary artery diseases which are such as the agenda and myocardial infractions which are considered as a result of artery diseases along with stroke. The consists of diseases which have to contain high fat, salt, and sugar along with cholesterol which has a major construction in the development of diseases High blood plan has resulted in the main way of hardening arteries along with narrowing blood vessels, and high cholesterol levels in the human body.


Heart diseases have the building up of plaque which is thickening and stiffening the artery wall which can have the inhabitation of blood flow through arteries into organisms along with effect on tissues. Heart disease affects the circulatory systems which have inclusion of artery diseases which can have a major level of effects on the legs that is peripheral vascular diseases along with the major level of effects in the blood flow of the brain which is causing the level of brain strokes. There are major levels of long-term effects that can have the development of swelling, and dizziness which can affect the affecting of daily ability to have performance of tasks.


Stroke is considered to sudden level of interruption in the supply of blood in the brain along with effects of other caused blockage in arteries or bleeding of brain tissues. The risk factors of stroke include high levels of blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, high-fat diet and lack of exercise. Stoke normally has an effect on one side of the brain as the left brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa.  The time when messages can have the proper level of travelling from the brain to the remainder body mussels, there is cause of paralysis and the weakness of muscles. 

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