
How to Manage Chronic Ulcers in Elderly Patients

University: Flinders university

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2728
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: Nurs 3005
  • Downloads: 124


A clinical case lists the clinical criteria in which a person's illness is included as a case in an outbreak investigation. The present report has emphasized the case study of Mr Smith who is a 72-year-old male patient. The service user has retired from The service and is a chain smoker. He is also engaged in consuming alcohol. It has also been analyzed in the case study that the service user lives with his wife alone in their house. They also have two children who visit them occasionally, The Patient has been diagnosed with a problem with T2DM hypocotyl has been analyzed and the patient is been suffering from a chronic ulcer for the past two months.  The present report will emphasize present medical contempt relevant to anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology. It will also include nursing management using a based approach and system approach. Ankle Brachial Index will also be shown in the report.


Understanding Of the Patient's Medical Condition Including Relevant Anatomy And Physiology And Depth Pathophysiology

From the case study, it has been analysed that MR. Smith h, as been diagnosed with various problems he has been facing the problem problems for the past two months. The patient is being admitted to the primary patient care unit because of the car. Because of this disease, he is also facing severe pain in his leg., It has also been analysed in the case study that for the past two months Mr. Smith has also not been aware of the pain in his leg because of the sensation. He has a history of T2DM, Hypertension and hypocholesterolemia. It has also been interpreted in the case study that Mr. Smith is also suffering from diapers. He has no control over his diabetes (Guest and, (2018).

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Anatomy and Physiology: Anatomy can be defined as the study in which the human form is being analysed and observed. It is the examination of living beings. It has been analysed that MR. Sbeingsis facing the problem of ulcers. This disease is partially formed by gastric acid. Patients going through this disease can also face the problem of bleeding. Every understanding of functional anatomy however is based on the meticulous and often painstaking basic morphological work of others. Anatomy in diabetic service users is that the blood sugar level of an individual increases. Mr Smith might face a situation where the supply of oxygen in his body is not sufficient. He can also face situations of hypoxia.

The physiology can be described for service users facing ulcers in the leg as where the user's veins are being narrowed down. In this situation, the service user is not able to feel the sensation that is arising in the leg. They can feel intense amounts of pain and also it can hamper the health condition of the service user. It also reduces the patient's quality of life. In venous ulcers wounds on the leg are created. The major reason for ocg of ulcers in the leg can be because of hypertension. It has been analyzed that MR. Smith has a history of suffering from hypertension.

Pathophysiology: From the case study it has been revealed that Mr. Smith is suffering from a problem officer. He has been facing this problem for the past two breaths. This can be because f the reason that arterial blood flow can be reduced in the human body. The disease can occur to those the services The disease is diabetes (Raffetto and, (2016). Diabetic patients are at more risk of facing the problem of ulcers. Also from the case study it has been interpreted that Mr Smith has also a history of facing hypertension which is the main reason for developing of ulcer in his leg. Common signs and symptoms that can be seen by the service user that is Mr. Smith is that he can have open sores in his leg. The patient can also have pain in affePatientse. They can also feel the feeling of sensation in their leg which can reduce the service user's ability to move. Heaviness in the leg can also occur.

Mr. Smith cathe n also noticed the leg in which the ulcer had occurred was darkened. The reason for the occurrence of leg ulcers can also be the occurrence. Thisulcersase can reduce the quality of life of Mr. Smith. Because of this, he is also prone to all other diseases,s. It has also been analyzed that because of ulcers in the leg service users also have chronic wounds that are 6*4 cm and 0.4 cm deep. The wound is deep and also it is very easy for it to become infected. This can be because of dirt and germs. Peripheral neuropathy can be the reason for the occurrence of ulcers in the leg (right and the occurrence018) The neuropathy service user can feel numbness in their feet and hands. It can be diagnosed when the patient is undergoing a blood test, nerve e biopsy and a skin biopsy. The main cause of peripheral neuropathy is Maine 2 diabetes. Injuries and the explosion of germs and bacteria can also cause problems of peripheral neuropathy in Mr Smith. Treatment can include physical and surgical therapy. It can increase nerve pressure that can cause chronic pain in the fee which hand.

The ankle Brachial index of Mr. Smith was slightly imbalanced. It was analyzed from the case study that ABI in the right leg was 1.0 and in the left leg is 1.40 (Leung and, (2017). It can be considered slightly normal but Mr Smith must slightly This can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The patient becomes more prone to heart atPatientsdbecomeheart disease.

     The case study has also revealed that Mr Smith was non-compliant with diabetes. It means that the service user has been diagnosed with diabetes but has never been given proper advice on what diet they need to follow. Also, it means that medical advice is not being followed by Mr. Smith. Non-compliant diabetes only occurs to those patients whose Hb1AC of more than 7%. The patient is suffering from type two diabetes and chronic ulcer because of which he also had a wound in his leg. It has been analyzed that because of diabetes there might be chances that the wound might not be healed. Slow healing of cuts and wounds can be the first sign and symptom which can be noticed by Mr Smith that he is suffering from diabetes. To overcome this disease patient must be involved in taking a proper diet and must engage in exercising regularly. Type 2 Diabetes can also be faced by patients because of old age. Elderly individuals are more at risk of suffering from the problem of type 2 diabetes. Patients who are suffering from type 2 diabetes also can have issues in foot. This can reduce the quality of service users. It can hamper the r their health condition. Type 2 diabetes can also occur in Mr. Smith because of the continuous consumption of alcohol and smoking of cigars. Service users can also face the problem of blurred vision because of type 2 diabetes. This can deteriorate the outcome of health. It can reduce their quality of life. Diabetes can also be the reason for peripheral neuropathy occurring in Mr. Smith (Green and, 2018.

The case study has also analyzed that Mr Smith also has a history of hypertension. The main reason for the occurrence of this disease can be when the patient's diet is not normal. Family history of high blood pressure A family so is the reason for the occurrence of this disease. Diabetes is also one of the main reasons for the occurrence of hypertension. In this service user that is MR. Smith can face the problems of chronic headaches, and fatigue apron. Thereheadachesccur chances that the patient is going through a problem vision after this. So Mr Smith needs to make sure that they have a proper diet and also they intake less salt in their diet. This practice when followed by them can enhance their health outcome. It can also improve the quality of life of Mr. Smith. He can also face the problem of fatigue by this. Also, a case study has revealed that Mr Smit is 175 cm in height and weighs 105 kg. It means the service usthe er is overweighed which is one of the reasons that he is going through the problem of hypertension. Also, service users are more at risk of heart attack and other severe diseases. Body mass index of Mr Smith is 34 The body is the obese main reason for Mr Smith being obese is physical activity. Also, he is consuming alcohol and smoking c, cigars. Other psychological problems like being depressed can also be reasons for being obese.

The case study also revealed that Mr SmitThe case also suffered from the problem of hypocholesterolemia. The small bumps that can be seen in patients can be because of the health disease like hypocholesterolemia. It can put patients at risk of heart attack and also they can face problems like peripheral artery disease. The service user can also face problems including person left side of problems Mr Smith can also face problems related to dizziness and slurred speech. Also, they can face pain in their lower feet, This disease can decrease the quality of life of patients. It can harm their health as pets.

Nursing management: BAR based approach can be used by health care professionals and nurses when Mr. Smith is being admitted to the primary health care unit. In this nurses must be involved in efficient communication so that they can effectively analyse all problems that are being faced by patients. It can be described as an evidence-based communication practice which can be used so that service user's satisfaction can be increased with the care provided to them. This approach can be used to reduce barriers that can be faced by healthcare professionals while providing care to service users.

Systems approach- Nurses can also be involved in making use of systems approach. In this health care professionals will be involved in providing holistic care to be involved. In this nurses will be involved in letting the patients know about the early signs and symptoms so that patients can detect problems even before they grow (De Franchise, (2015). This can support the service users in enhancing their quality of life. In this nurses can foster their relationships with service users so that relationships and well-being of service users. Also, nurses can engage in providing Mr Smith with emotional support as he is living alone with his wife and his children visit him occasionally. This will help healthcare professionals in making health conditions professionals make the r.

Role of the inter-disciplinary team: The primary health care unit to provide acute care to Mr Smith going through the problem of an ulcer for the past two months can involve the multi-disciplinary team. In this, there are several people like nurses. Physicians, neurologists, dieticians, health care professionals, and psychiatrists are engaged in improving the health outcomes of service users. They will make use of evidence-based practice so that patient evidence-based be improved. In this, the team can make use of person-centred practice. In this approach, the healthcare professional will involve patients in all aspects of care that is being provided to them. Also, nurses will be engaged in providing comprehensive person-centred care. Nurses can also be involved in giving them holistic and involved care. Also, multi-disciplinary team will be engaged,e in letting the patient know about the signs and symptom can give rise to a particular disease. The team also need to make use of evidence-based practice so that they can be involved in enhancing the health outcomes of patients who have been suffering from chronic diseases like ulcers in their legs.

Pharmacological treatment: When being admitted to the primary health care unit nurses can provide them with drugs like Trental that can be effective in solving the problem of the wound which is not healing in Mr Smith. To heal the wound healthcare professionals can also put a zinc paste bandage that contains calamine, and coal tar so that the wound can be closed. It can be because the blood vessels are also stretching in old males. Beta-blockers can also be given to hypertension. This medicine can help service user in keeping control over their symptoms. It comes with arteries that improve the flow of blood. It can open up the veins of MR. Smith can assist in the continuous flow of blood. Nurses must make sure that the Beta-Blocker is being taken by Mr. Smith after he has taken food. Propranolol can also be given by healthcare professionals at night. Nurses must make professionals this medicine can cause sleeping problems. It must be taken at night after having a meal. This must be communicated by a healthcare professional to their patient. This pharmaceutical medicine will help them improve the outcome of the health of individuals. These medicines can increase the amount of dizziness.

Non-pharmacological treatment: Non-pharmacological treatment can support Mr Smith in reducing the effect of anti-hypertensive medication. In this multi-disciplinary team a dietician, physician, and nurses can motivate Mr Smith to engage in exercising and taking a proper diet (Basavanagowdappa and, (2016). This will support the patient in having control over the patients with non-compliant diabetes. Also, healthcare professionals must be involved in making professionals involved and must not take more stress, so that their health outcomes can be improved. Healthcare professionals also must engage in motivating patients and letting them know about the benefits of exercising and involving in activities like aerobics, yoga and others.

Education needs of the patient- Nurses must be engaged in educating Mr Smith about healthy eating habits. They must make sure that service user has proper knowledge of the strategies related to weight loss. They must have skills so that their diabetes can be self-managed. This will help them in monitoring blood glucose levels. Also, nurses must make sure thatlevelsent develop skills to manage diabetes by themselves. Also, Mr. Smith must know that smoking cigars and consuming alcohol can increase the problem of ulcers. So Mr. Smith must be motivated to reduce the consumption of alcohol. It can help him in enhancing the outcome of his health. It will also improve the quality of life of service users. Also, healthcare professionals must make sure that the family member of the service user is also educated on the disease which is being faced by the patient. It will help them in improving the health care condition of patients.

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From the above study, it has been summarised that Mr Smith has been diagnosed with various diseases. This has hampered the health condition of patients has also been analysed that patient users are suffering from various health diseases like hypertension, and cholesterol. Also, he has been facing a chronic disease which is an ulcer in his leg. This patient has been diagnosed with a deep wound. It has also been analysed that Beta blocker is being given by health care professional to Mr. Smith. This pharmaceutical drug has helped them in enhancing their health outcome.

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