
Case Study Of AUBMC


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Present report is based on the case study of AUBMC. It is a non for profit teaching hospital and medical centre, working in the volatile environment. Currently organization is facing many internal and external challenges. Mohamed Sayegh joined the medical centre and worked for the betterment of the cited academic institution. Current assignment will discuss the main challenges faced by the AUBMC (Perla, Bradbury and GuntherMurphy, 2013). Culture of AUBMC and its role in the provision of healthcare services will be illustrated in this study. At last it will provide recommendations for a strategic plan so that Mr. Sayegh can deal with complexity of the situation at AUBMC.

Question 1

There are different set of issues that are faced internally and externally. Due to these factors the firm is facing serious issues. In this context, below given are the SWOT analysis which will enable to provide proper information about the areas in which improvement is required or the issues that are faced in the organization (Kern, Edwards and Kaushal, 2014). In addition to this, it SWOT analysis will also help in determining the strength and opportunities that are faced by cited firm. In this context, below given is the SWOT analysis which will help to identify the internal and external factors of the firm:


  • Technology: AUBMC make sure that they update or make use of new technology so that they will be able to provide their customers with high quality services. There are different set of disease that has to be diagnosed and for almost all type of issues that are faced by people are helpful to make sure that are able to provide patients with high quality services (Lorenzi and Riley, 2013).
  • Highly skilful: There are many professionals who work for different parts of the body. They are very helpful in order to diagnose diverse set of issues that are faced by people. When proper skills, these employees are able to make sure that people the desired treatment and overcome the issue. In this context, it can be stated that both technology and professional are able to make sure that patient get all type of services with high quality (McCormack, Manley and Titchen, 2013). More specifically, there are high number of physicians.  
  • Services: In Lebanon itself, there are 167 hospitals which consists of 11533 beds. Among all these more than 90% of these hospitals fall under private sector. There are mostly all type of facilities or services that are provided.



The relationship between employee and employer is it proper. There is not proper interaction among each other. Due to this issue, patient have given complaints against the services that are provided by the firm. Due to conflict, there not proper interaction among nurse and doctors. Due to this reason, patient fail to get proper treatment for the issues for which they have been admitted.


Most of the staffs are demotivated and this is creating issue for the performance. Further, demotivation is also raising issues of raising employees turnover. This is inversely affecting patients as they have wait much more longer in order to come their turn for check up. In other words, it has raised the waiting tile for each patients. Further, there is lot of miscommunication that has raised and this is because of the ineffective communication among patients and professionals. In order to understand the problem of patient it is important for the professionals to understand the patient and develop trust and confidence (Ostroff and Schulte,  2014). In this case, professional are not able to do so. In this context, the issues is not identified properly and proper treatment is given to patients.

Brand issues:

The brand image of the organization is lost due to these reasons. Further, this has also caused management to think over rebranding the firm so that people get to know about the services that are provided by the organization.

Political situation of Middle East and North Africa:

Before the Civil war Lebanon and the Middle Eastern countries along with North Africa had great political stability and the country was developing at good pace. But civil war made the government dysfunctional and the health care situation became worse. AUBMC had to look after all the health care facilities of the country which was not possible.


AUBMC explored the opportunities after assessing its weaknesses during and post the war. The organisation worked for extending its arms for more needy people by two ways that is increasing employment and facilities. Staffing increased its competencies while providing facilities helped the war struck people. The complete structure of the organisation can be updated  with more recruitments and it can also develop, enhance and improve the medical facilities provided to the patients (Paine and et. al., 2011). Technologically advanced equipments and their use can be imbibed. The hospital can achieve global brand reputation by expanding its medical centres and giving high end health care and attention to the patients.

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For extending facilities and recruiting staff be it doctors, nurses, house keepers or anyone in the organisation needs funding. The proposed plan for making AUBMC an international brand will require resources and ample amount of time to bring together the total strategy of expansion. Financial insufficiency is the biggest threat for AUBMC which has been working in a downtrodden and financially less capable country. The increasing levels of indebtedness are also major threat for the institution.

Sayegh's decision was astonishing as well encouraging. After the civil war it was very difficult for the people of Lebanon to even imagine a developing nation. AUBMC dean Sayeigh bought a light hope for the citizens. With technological development and good health care facilities although AUBMC would gain all the limelight but there was more deeper thinking involved. The main focus was on utilising the human resources of the country which were available in plenty and just have to be managed and guided well (Park and Shaw, 2013). Hence, the government concentrated on developing its education standards. As Sayeigh made sure that he had complete authority in government issues, no activity was disrupted and his vision of international identity for the organisation could be achieved. Investment in growth is never a failure. Although the conditions and market environment at that time were too harsh for an investment but his decision was appropriate and justified after analysing all the situations.

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The corporate culture of AUBMC

AUBMC is the leading institution and having good reputation in the market. Corporate Culture includes values, belief, attitude of organization (IE, 2010). To make it ethical and healthy it is very important to create optimistic culture in the workplace. Culture of particular firm can be identified by analysing the interaction between employees and satisfaction level of customers.  As per the case study it is found that corporate culture of AUBMC is not effective. As relationship between care workers is very poor. Due to operational inefficiency its working performance has been get down to 10-15%. There is unjustified overtime in some department that is why people are satisfy with the culture.  AUBMC do not follow the legislation properly. As according to the law it is very necessary to give timely training to staff members but corporation do not focus on its employees. Apart from this still it is using the older information system which increases the risk of data leakage (Swayne, Duncan and Ginter,  2012). It is essential to maintain confidentiality in the workplace. But to ignorance of data protection act it is facing the issue. It makes its culture very poor and unethical. Toxic working environment is the major reason of ineffective corporate culture. Employees do not get timely promotions and it hires people at lower salary packages. It is completely harassment. In addition to this, organization do not give them additional mandatory benefits such as accommodation facilities etc. In AUBMC promotions are based on favouritism which is totally illegal and unethical. As the government legislation of equality act it is necessary  to maintain equality in the workplace. There should not be any discrimination in the organization (Thakur, Hsu and Fontenot,  2012). But AUBMC totally ignores this thing and promote employees on the bases on favouritism rather than their performance (Perla, Bradbury and GuntherMurphy, 2013). It shows that its culture is very unauthentic and totally bad. When it comes to customers, then patients are highly dissatisfied with the culture because it is needed in the health and social care organization to pay attention on patients. But here, service users have to wait lot for getting treatment. They do not get timely treatment and quality care from the care workers. Its care users always complain about the inadequate signage and poor attention etc. Though AUBMC deliver the best medical care but they do not translate into best patients care. It shows that its corporate cultures is very ineffective and poor (Yoder-Wise,  2014).

Question 2

Role of organizational culture in healthcare services

Role of corporate culture is very important as it decides the future success of the workplace. Belief, values, attitude of workers and employer is affected by the organizational culture. Healthy culture encourage workers to put their best efforts for the growth of the enterprise (IE, 2010). As AUBMC needs to make its working environment more ethical and should maintain equality in the workplace. By this way they will be motivated and will serve better to patients. By giving them equal promotion opportunities, employer of AUBMC will be able to increase satisfaction level of them and by this way reputation of the company will get enhance. Corporate culture plays a role of builder of relationship (Rosin, 2016). Fair and ethical environment creates a healthy working surrounding in which service users and givers both feel satisfy and be loyal towards the brand. By making it more ethical and by following legislation such as equality act, data protection act etc. AUBMC will be able to build confidence and relationship of workers.

Culture or corporation plays a role of motivator ion the workplace. As if AUBMC create a healthy values and belief in the medial centre then it will be able to motivate its staff members. By this way job turnover will be reduced to great extent. It will enhance the corporate image of the cited institution (Perla, Bradbury and GuntherMurphy, 2013). Top authorities need to involve them in decision making process so that they get to know about the recent changes and can provide effective care services to patients. This involvement culture can improve working efficiency of the care workers and they will feel satisfied and confident in the workplace.

 Corporate culture plays a role of problem solver, as by maintaining the ethical working environment, firm will be able to analyse the root cause of the problems. It will help to modify the working process in such manner which can help to overcome from its challenges to great extent. By taking time to time feedback, AUBMC will be able to make its patients satisfy and will be able to identify their needs. It will help the organization to implements such changes which can improve the performance and efficiency of the medical centre (Paine and et. al, 2011). Corporate culture plays a role of supporter which supports in enhancing the quality of work. As by following the ethical working culture AUBMC will be able to improve its operations to great extent. By this way organization will be able to grow well. By this way people will be able to share their feelings with their managers, it will assist in getting innovative ideas by implementing in the workplace AUBMC will be able to create a brand name and will gain loyalty and trust of employees and care users (Ostroff and Schulte,  2014).

Question 3

Sayegh's strategic plan in order to deal with the complexity of the situation at AUBMC

Within the competing environment of healthcare there are different complexity of the situation that are focused within the AUBMC it mainly include internal problems related with leadership, management as well as finances (Ball, Weaver and Kiel,2013). On the other hand, Sayegh also returned to Beirut as it was considered as the huge challenge for the medical centre to lead them properly as internal politics as well as external politics of the country mainly impact the activities of the medical centre. Sayegh arrived in Beirut in September 2009. An immediate assessment of the situation at hand was essential before the strategic planning process started. Evaluative research was done in three main areas:  

  • operational efficiency
  • staff satisfaction
  • patient perceptions and satisfaction

In order to deal with the foremost complexity of the situation that is improper leadership within the medical care centre Sayegh suggests an effective strategic plan that support in dealing with the complexity of situation (Best and et. al., 2012). The strategic planning of the medical centre mainly focuses on the different steps such as-

  • Mission and objectives: The foremost step in the strategic plan include framing mission and objectives for the AUBMC so that they can easily deal with the complexity of the situation related with improper leadership style in the medical care.
  • Scanning of the environment: Another step in the process include scanning the environment that is internal and external environment of the healthcare (Borkowski, 2015). With the help of accessing the external environment they can easily attain the leadership styles that are followed in the other healthcare organization within the industry.  
  • Formulation of strategy: After scanning the environment Sayegh formulate the strategy within the medical care so that they can easily change the leadership styles that are executing in the health care. Sayegh formulates the strategy through measuring the behaviour and attitude of staff within the medical centre (Borkowski, 2015).  
  • Implementation of the strategy: After formulating the strategy it focuses on implementing the leadership strategy so that they can easily execute the strategy within the organization so that employees or staff within the organization can easily acquire the flexible or comfortable environment that successfully results in rendering proper care and services to patients of the medical care (Chassin, 2013).  
  • Evaluation and control: The last step after implementation of strategy is proper evaluation and control of the implemented strategy so that it might not affect the activities and medical services of staff that they renders to their different disease patients.

On the other hand, another complexity of situation at the AUBMC was to lead the medical institution as there were different internal factor and external politics factor of the company. With the changing environment there are different factors that negatively and positively impact the activities of the medical care. Therefore, there was complexity of taking decisions to move forward in the market (Harker, 2012). For attaining this objective Sayegh focuses on suggesting the strategic plan that support in dealing with the complexity of the situation. With the decisions of moving forward medical centre also focuses on the six elements  Expanding and updating the medical complex to add 200 more beds to its current 420-bed capacity.

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Recruitment of top-calibre, highly specialised faculty members from the United States and Europe. third envisioned growth is provision of high-quality patient-centered care. Another vision is the establishment of centres of excellence in research and clinical care. Another vision of the medical centre is forming strategic local, regional and international partnerships to facilitate access to more patients, training opportunities and collaboration. The last goal is to ensure maintaining excellence in education and training and achieving excellence in academic research. The strategic planning for directing or moving further in the market focuses on different steps that are as follows:

  • Setting objectives: The key step in the planning process include setting objectives by Sayegh so that they can overcome the complexity of the situation that is to direct and lead the medical centre in the international market so that it may easily meet the requirement of different patients and it results in satisfying them to the most (Harris, Patel and Bowen, 2011).  
  • Determining what should be done to accomplish the goals: Another step after setting up or formulating the business objectives is focusing on determining the ways or actions that support the medical centre in moving further in the market and to attain the leading position within the healthcare industry (IE, 2010). With the help of determining the ways it may also support in attaining the goals in proper and effective manner.  
  • Implementation of the plan: After determining the way for accomplishing the complex goal of the medical centre, Sayegh focuses on implementing the way through which they can easily attain the objectives that are related to taking effective decisions so that it might take effective decisions for AUBMC. Along with this, through proper implementation of the plan, they can attain the leading position in the market, as well as support the centre to easily cope with the internal political factors as well as external politics of the country (Jacobs et. al., 2013). Therefore, through successfully implementing the plan, it assists the organisation in attaining the leading position within the marketplace. 
  • Monitoring and evaluating the results: The last step in the strategic planning process is monitoring and evaluation of the results that, through implementing the plan, have been evaluated in terms of leading and directing the company. The evaluation of results can be measured through assessing the reduction of waste in the medical centre. Another evaluation of results may be through considering the satisfaction level of patients and service users from the activities and medical services that are rendered by the staff and care practitioners within the medical centre (Kern, Edwards and Kaushal, 2014). On the other hand, monitoring of the plan is also included through taking proper feedback and responses from the service users so that they can easily overcome the complexity through properly leading the organisation in the industry.

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From the aforementioned report, it is concluded that there are various key internal and external challenging factors that are faced by AUBMC. With the help of carrying out SWOT analysis, all the internal and external factors are addressed properly. Furthermore, it has also measured the effectiveness of decisions made by Sayegh's for investing in the growth under the exceedingly adverse political and economic conditions. Along with this, the report also describes the corporate culture of the AUBMC and the role that organisational culture plays in the provision of the health-related services. Lastly, the report has also suggested strategic plan in order to deal with the complexity of the situation within the AUBMC.


  • Ball, M., Weaver, C., and Kiel, J., 2013. Healthcare information management systems: cases, strategies, and solutions. Springer Science & Business Media.
  • Best, A. and et. al., 2012. Large-system transformation in health care: a realist review. Milbank Quarterly. 90(3). pp. 421-456.
  • Borkowski, N., 2015. Organisational behaviour in health care. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Borkowski, N., 2015. Organisational behaviour, theory, and design in healthcare. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
  • Chassin, M. R., 2013. Improving the quality of health care: what's taking so long?. Health Affairs. 32(10). pp. 1761-1765.
  • Harker, R., 2012. NHS funding and expenditure. Standard Note: SN/SG/724.
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