
How to Use Social Media for Effective Communication

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 11 / Words 2779
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 113


Social media is a computer-based service developed to facilitate the sharing of information, ideas and thoughts with information through the building of virtual networks. It offers variety a of tech tech-enabledies to network people globally through electronic media in a virtual world. This report explains the various positive and negative aspects of social media on the internet and how it has affected the use of the internet globally. It also evaluates the challenges in security and privacy while using social media platforms and the various measures an individual can take to keep the security and privacy standards in check.  This report also explains how Facebook and YouTube media platforms contrast with each other in their features and the various applications to users. It also explains the differentiation in features between them for their stability for business to users. This report also explains how social media is an effective communication tool in today's volatile business environment and changing scenarios.

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Positive And Negative Aspects Of Social Media On Internet

As per the views of Alshehri and Lally, (2019), there are various positive aspects of social media on the Internet which can be understood as social media has encouraged the use of the Internet in all age groups of people with large effective communication facilities it offers. Social media has given internet the a wide range of acceptable ility by providing wide arenas to youngsters and elders for fostering their passion. With the use of social media through the internet the the ease of communication has enhanced the experience of people globally working in diverse fields. Social media has impacted the use of Internet companies to promote products and services to local audiences instantly. Social media has positively influenced the use of internthe et with the numerous benefits it offers to users which are it has enabled people from different cultures to come together on one platform. InternThe through several social media platforms has made the world the global village and enhanced the experience of people who look for influential content and platforms to globalize quickly. Social media use has brought the world clothe the user with millions of people daily being active on social media, it has established strong networking channels between them. For this, it is internet responsible which has made it possible for users. Social media has an extensive positive impact on the benefits of internet users which explains how it has facilitated the sharing of ideas and virtual content in communities to build strong networks. Social media usage with the extensive use of the et has brought ideal-mindede work together to build business ideas and converse effectively on global platforms. Social media has also impacted on internet as people believe it has enhanced the mode of communication as people can communicate via videos, graphics and audio.

As noted by views of the Bhati, and Bansal, (2019)there are various negative aspects of social media on the internet as well. Which canThisnderstood as the extensive use of social media has made people too depressed. People think the internet is responsible for it and has decreased its value of it as social media is largely responsible for it. Extensive social media usage has made people blame to internet which has brought people to live in the virtual world. The virtual world has encouraged large sa pread of unreal content in public due to which there is increased uncertainty among people. Extensive social media platforms have negatively impacted the Internet as it has created an inferior city complex for people who can't afford the Internet, there is an extensive e gap created between the lifestyles of people through the Internet There is a large spa read in discomfort among users who believe the use of internet effective eve platform to share their content. There is large lea a vel of privacy theft and data stealing on social media platforms due to which people are blaming the use of the internet. Social media through the internet has increased vulnerable attacks including harassment incidents and the large spread of false reality in people. People believe the et is responsible for the attacks on social media and has created an extensive barrier to comfort for people. The extensive usage has made people addicted to them due to which internet use is blamed by the d it has made large level deplevelscy by people on the visual content shared on social media is not always acceptable and reliable, which affects the belief standards of users and creates a negative impact on the internet. the the 

Challenges And Measures Of Security And Privacy

As per the views of Chae, McHaney, and Sheu,(2020) the challenges of security while using social media can be understood as there is an increasing challenge of data theft and individual identity. This implies with the increased usage of social media platforms there are extensive increased cases of data theft and leakage of secured information. It has given rise to cases of brand impersonation which allows convincing individuals the misleading information about companies who present their business ideas for promotion in public. There are several cases of social profile hacking which is an important challenge of security for people using social media in their daily lives. Social profiles of users on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and are increasingly facing challenges of hacking and fake identities which is an increasing security challenge.

As opined by di Razvan Zaharia, (2019) the challenges of privacy while using social media are increased cases of stalking within the peal information, cyberbullying and harassment. People who are active on social media on a regular r basis face risks in their privacy arena where the content and images people post are under continuous danger of stalking. The facilitation of locatilocation-basedces by technological advancement in smartphones has also increased the inhibitions in privy. Various social media applications automatically share the locations where people go, which is hindering the privacy of people. It has caused many people dirt and an arising misuse of information. Many people on social media platforms publicize their content openly to all, and they face an increased hindrance in maintaining their privacy.

As illustrated by Garg and Pahuja,(2020)the measures of security while using social media are people should avoid using their social profiles on public devices. This is an effective measure to maintain the security standards check, as it will stop data theft cases through public devices and keep the security of social profiles. Advanced computer technology should be used by companies and individuals to keep the keeprity of content shared on social profiles checked. As there are many companies which use social media as platforms to promote their business, using competitive advanced technological services will keep their confidential data safe. People using social profiles should use strong passwords, to maintain the security of accounts and their personae.

As elucidated by  Hoffmann and Heft,(2020)the measures of privacy while using social media are people should avoid sharing too much personal information on their profiles. The Internet allows people globally to socialize under one platform which enables large numbers of people to see your content openly. Privacy of people can be taken care of by keeping their profiles private and limited to people whom they want the content to be seen. Users should keep the location location off on their social profiles when not needed as it helps to keep their privacy safe. Keeping the location off will enable the users to keep their private information safe and it is an important measure which will help users to keep their privacy in check.

Facebook and YouTube

Basis of comparison




  • Royalty free music
  • Legacy contact
  • Group messages
  • Live streaming to multiple pages (Gesenhues,2018)
  • Organize your list
  • Scrap-booking
  • Live updates along with stories
  • Direct messages
  • Improved comments
  • Subscriber notifications
  • Easier access to the subs feed
  • 360-degree videos (Perez,2016)
  • Better live streams
  • Faster, more useful content
  • New creator communities
  • Updated creator academy


  • The applicability of Facebook can be understood as it is the most used social medium by people worldwide (Juha, 2019). It is different from other social networking sites as it offers various attractive options for people to interact with each other such as photos, videos, group chats, marketplace promotions, notes and gifts.
  • The event application on Facebook allows people to invite other members to real-life gatherings, go live with various updates and enable location tagging while posting any information. It facilitates users to follow their desirable desired Facebook which allows people to connect on a large platform.
  • The applicability of Facebook can be understood because it has created a marketplace for emerging entrepreneurs in a globalized world scenario. Facebook page lets members who want to buy or sell their products. There is an established safety standard for transactions to take place. Facebook is constantly working to develop innovations in its applications for better service to users worldwide.





  • The applicability of YouTube can be understood as it offers YouTube Music which is the official music streaming channel for individuals who look for great music content, watch music videos and include both in playlists and save for further period to watch.
  • You TubeYouTube'stion offers YouTube Studio which gives platforms to influential creators to publicize interesting content on a global platform. It offers young creators the facility to upload videos, filter the e comments and access the analytics ease with to monetize the settings.    
  • YouTube TV offers exclusive original content and features most of the popular channels, local news and sports in the preferapreferredge by users. The quality of visual content with strong influential information by creators enables it to attract large viewers globally.

Suitability for business

  • Facebook is a suitable platform for business as it provides a large number of audiences under one roof to collaborate extensively for productive business targets. It is an easy quick platform to interact with customer customers networking is fast, and the periods with which people share content are usually very frequent to attract customers.
  • Facebook offers large options to entrepreneurs who start their online business through the internet, by uploading the product and service details on the Facebook page. Customers can view the wide range of categories the company offers to the public, users can give their feedback on their Facebook page as well.
  • Facebook is extremely suitable for business opportunities as there are various options to gain global traffic constantly,  get research results about the data and also an inexpensive tool of advertising (Natsir M,2019).







  • YouTube is a suitable platform for business as it provides a large audience under one roof to share business details with targeted customers. It helps the users get direct information regarding product details, and feedback from previous customers through videos (Krämer,  and Schäwel, 2019).
  • YouTube allows people who work to develop their passion into new business platforms. Users can follow their desirable YouTube creators to learn advanced skills and new technological learning skills by enhancing their knowledge through YouTube.
  • YouTube is suitable for establishing strong business as channels are reviewed and the feedback recognition allows creators to upgrade the quality of their content. The analytics allow users to get to know about the demographics of viewers and how they can enhance their watching experience.

As noted by Wilson and Hingnikar, (2019)social media is an effective communication tool in today's world scenario which has raised the spread of influential content to a million viewers on a global platform. Social media such as Facebook, and YouTube have enabled people to create their business models with the help of the internet. Marketing through social media sites helps to validate the brand image and communicate to customers the business goals along with the vision the company serves. Social media possesses the power to increase consumer loyalty for companies, to a large extent as customers see previous feedback for a satisfactory purchase. Social media has emerged as an effective tool of communication in a dynamic culture where people wish to get instant information regarding various channels of networking.


Social media has created various positive as well as negative aspects of internet usage among people. People have largely accepted social media because of the wide communication ease it has offered to the public and it has made the world a global platform that looks for interesting content on the internet. However extensive usage of social media has negatively impacted the internet because it is responsible for spreading unreliable content globally. Social media has made people largely addicted to them which has increased vulnerable attacks such as harassment and inclusion in their privacy due to which the internet is blamed. As social media is a global platform open to everyone, there are various emerging challenges to the security of social profiles. The privacy of users also gets attacked due to location-based services on various social media, where personal data can be misused easily (Qasem, 2019). There are challenges of data theft and privacy stealing in social media which has increased the discomfort in people who look for keeping their information confidential. Measures of keeping the security of social profiles can be understood as using advanced technology in computers to keep the security standards in check. People should avoid using their social profiles on public devices, which will keep security and privacy standards in check. Location-based services should be kept off in smartphones when not required to avoid personal data theft and people should consider not sharing all private details on social media platforms. Social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube have effectively emerged as strong communication tools for people as they are of immense importance in today's volatile business environment (Touhidul and Sorooshian,2019). Companies use social media platforms to construct the structure of business models for promotion as they reach a wide range of audiences globally. Virtual content on social media plays an integral role of importance to promote business goals and it has given platforms to people who want to pursue their passion for business. Through social media, people can target potential customers by studying the analytics and graphics of viewers on various platforms.

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This report can conclude that there are various positive and negative impacts of social media on the internet. There is global acceptability of social media due to the effective quick ease of communication it offers to people. Social media has brought the world closer due to large communities with various cultures collaborating, this has positively impacted the use of the internet. It concludes that the extensive use of social media has brought various challenges to the security and privacy of users which are data theft, and mislead of personal information. It evaluates the measures for maintaining the security and privacy standards while using social profiles which are people should use advanced technology. People should avoid sharing much personal information on their profiles and keep the location services off when not required. This report concludes that Facebook and YouTube are strong communication tools with various features and applications for the suitability of business.

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