
How To Create an Effective Advertising Campaign Plan

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Organization Selected : Amoy food limited


Advertising media refers to several media channels by which an organization perform advertising activity in an efficient manner Dekoulou & Trivellas, (2017). This study is based on Amoy Food Limited which is a manufacturer of cooking sauces and condiments in Hong Kong. Frozen food and instant food for heating are also offered worldwide. This study is going to show some elements involved and followed in an advertising campaign such as the main aim and mission of the brand, aim of campaigning, message to customers, target market to which the company wants to attract, budgeting, timelines and all features of its new product. It will also show the importance of following all elements and steps in a sequenced manner as it helps an organization complete tasks promptly and with quality.

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PART 1 Advertising Campaign Brief

A) Brand's Mission And Vision

Mission-  to bring enjoyment to its global customers by producing reliable and delicious food products.

Vision -  to offer qualitative products and make consumers feel happy.

B) Market Background And Current Situation

Distribution over 40 countries including the US, UK and other countries.
Amoy Food Limited specialises and is known for the manufacturing of sauces and frozen foods. This company produced new products in the year 2001 to provide varieties to its customers and satisfy them. It now offers steamed dim sums, water dumplings, soy, and oysters as well as convenience sauces. It was acquired by the CITIC group of China.

C) Products And Service Positioning

The company provide a variety of sauces and other food items to people. It has positioned products in such a way that people can buy through stores. Also, the benefit of Amoy sauce is it is available in different flavours. Besides that, by opening a pop store and doing promotions with 7- 11 it will be able to increase brand awareness. This will be established temporarily to attract customers.  

D) Competitors Overview

There are several numbers of competitors of Amoy Food which offers a variety of qualitative food worldwide. Mullins Foods, B&G Foods, and Tyson Foods are the main competitors.

The facts

MFp revenue generated is $500 million and is giving tough competition to Amoy. However, B&G's revenue is twice that of Amoy and GSf is leading the food industry in the Asian market.

E) Campaign Objective

The problem-  As the company provide sauce and food products through stores so there is a decline in their sales. They are not able to attract more customers and generate revenue. Also, there is not such a great awareness among them regarding the variety and flavour of the sauce and other food items available.

Our goal- Amoy Food wants to promote by opening a temporary pop store. It will help in generating awareness and attracting customers. Besides that, the company want to explore the taste and need of people. Hence, they will be able to identify the types of products available.

Key insight - the objective is to provide an opportunity for people to taste a variety of retained food and flavour of the sauce. They will get to know about Amoy products. However, it will be easy for people to identify company products and buy them easily. Moreover, brand awareness will be generated through it. In this way, promotion can be done.

Main message

The best food items around you can taste.

F) Target Market

The target market will be all customers of age and gender. These people will be able to taste a variety of sauces and other food items. Besides that, those people who are fond of eating fast food can also taste it. However, by opening pop stores brand awareness will be increased. Amoy can do promotion as well by offering products with a 7- 11 concept.

G) Key Learning From Previous Campaigns Or Competitors

In the previous campaign, people were not attracted towards new products. They did not like the taste of the sauce. So, new products will not be included in the campaign.

However, people were not attracted as the store location was not identified easily. Apart from that, free products by provided by the company to customers. So, it did not go well.

B&G delivered high-quality services and solved customer issues quickly. They were offering goods at low cost. Also, pop stores were opened in high streets, malls, etc.

H) Timeline

First Week







Display banner

10 am - 2 pm


11 am to 12 pm


3 pm - 5 pm


Social media

8 am to 10 am


12 pm to 8 pm


9 pm to 10 pm


YouTube (short video clips )


11 am to 12 pm


8 pm to 10 pm


10 pm to 12 am


Second Week







Display banner  

10 am - 2 pm


11 am to 12 pm


3 pm - 5 pm


Social media

8 am to 10 am


12 pm to 8 pm


9 pm to 10 pm


YouTube (short video clips )


11 am to 12 pm


8 pm to 10 pm


10 pm to 12 am


Third Week







Display banner  

10 am - 2 pm


11 am to 12 pm


3 pm - 5 pm


Social media

8 am to 10 am


12 pm to 8 pm


9 pm to 10 pm


YouTube (short video clips )


11 am to 12 pm


8 pm to 10 pm


10 pm to 12 am

I) Deliverables

They will be as follows:-

7- 11 promotion

Buy 2 at $10.

Free samples

Display banners of various sizes

250 * 250 meter square

500 * 250 leaderboard

120 * 210 display banner

J) Measurement Criteria

The campaign outcomes will be measured with certain criteria such as:-

Number of people who purchased products- those people who purchased products.

Enquiry about products- the people who enquired about sauce or took pamphlets.

Number of visitors- Those who visited the store in one day.

Important Elements Of Accomplishing Campaign Goals

Advertising campaign is an important and somehow critical task as it consists of several steps which need to be followed in a sequence. Some important elements which are important in making a campaign of product promotion successful. Identifying target market, product benefits, objectives of the campaign, developing a message, knowing the actual position in the market and intensity of competition in the market. All these elements play an important role. It can be said that the main function which can help the company in completing most of the steps is analysing internal and external environmental factors Lagazio & Querci, (2018).

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PART 2 Creative and Media Plan

For promoting a new product, it is important to create a media plan after creating an effective advertising plan. A media plan consists of several elements and steps on which, the success of content marketing depends. A marketing media plan can be defined as a tool by which a company needs to select channels for content distribution as well as developing frequency. A media plan is the implementation of a media strategy Katz, (2016). The main aim of Amoy Food Limited is to analyse the performance of its new product and content across several media.

A) Proposition Statement

Theme - Buy any 2 @ $10       

B) Objectives to actionable deliverables

Specific - to open 10 pop stores in high street, malls and other places

Measurable - to generate 10% brand awareness among people.

Achievable - to increase sales by up to 8%.  

Realistic- to increase brand awareness in the local market.

Time-bound - it will require 2 months to achieve these objectives

C) Target audience

The target audience is determined based on their needs and wants. Her target audience is

Demographics: customers of all ages and genders.  

Geographic: the pop stores will be opened within the 50 KM range of Hong Kong city.

Attitudes and motivation: the people who frequently use a variety of sauces and retail food items want to taste new flavours as well. Thus, their attitude changes when a new flavour is launched. So, the pop store will be useful in generating brand awareness among people and encouraging them to buy new products.

Media habits: people who visit high streets and malls for shopping. Also, in large stores and markets, they are not able to find different food items. Due to this, their habits change and also they are not aware of the food items available.

Culture: the cultural background of people is they live a healthy and wealthy lifestyle. Mix tradition is followed in the country that is Han Cantonese ethnic culture of Southeast China. Also, western culture prevails within the nation. People speak the Cantonese language.

Consumer insights: in recent times, people's needs and tastes have changed. They want new tastes and a variety of goods. However, all items are not available in the same store. Alongside, people are not aware of the type of food items available.  

D) Crafting an effective message

An effective and unique message is crafted to generate awareness among people regarding food items. So, by opening pop stores it will be easy to provide food items in high streets, malls, etc. where local shops are not available. Furthermore, products are available at high prices in retail outlets. Thus, promoting 7- 11 will attract people to buy items at a low cost.

 The message is :

“Get products at a low price”

This means providing food items at low prices to people.

 â€œMake people aware”

Here, the aim is to generate awareness among people regarding sauce and other food items.

E) Creating a call to action

A call to action is a statement which is being developed and designed to get an immediate response from customers and all those people who read and hear it. It is called an important element of marketing strategy to get the target market to respond through action to know the effectiveness of products and media planning. Campaign monitoring will be the best for creating a call to action. There are several steps by which Amoy Food Limited can create an effective call to action plan such as:

Resources - the campaign will require many types of resources like HR, finance, software and computer systems, etc.

Human resource - for this 5-10 employees will be required that possess technical and communication skills. Also, for hiring them 1 week will be required.

Finance- funds will be needed for the campaign. In this total fund of $8250 is required. The access to funds will be from the profits of the company.

Material resources - there are some other resources required as well. For making video camera, computer, etc. are required.

Using a strong command verb: Having a string command and a clear message via using fewer characters and letters is the main factor that needs to be followed in creating a call to action. The main aim of this step is to let target people know what the company wants them to do. There are several more steps by which it can be followed such as opening pop stores in markets where there is a large number of footfalls. It will be easy to make people aware of the product. They can buy it at a low price. Along with it, using 7- 11 promotions is a method to offer products at low cost.

Using an effective word to provoke emotions: There is a requirement for Amoy food company to make itself able to get a strong response from the target market as a result of their enthusiasm. If the CTA of an organization is enthusiasm then people will be enthusiastic as well. For this, the company can use the 7- 11 promotion concept.

Giving reasons to target market to give action: In this step, the company needs to provide a reason to customers and bind them to buy products as by purchasing products they can taste good, save money etc. It can help the company in a unique selling point Creating a Call to Action,  (2014).

Taking advantage of FOMO: Fear of missing out is one of the important and effective steps of creating a CTA. It is a way of attracting people as people think that they might lose an opportunity which will not come around again and by thinking this they buy products. For this, Amoy can attract it via Buy any 2 @$10.

Knowing the best tool: For creating an effective or killer call to action, it is important to give all information to the customer and keep no secrets. To provide information and get immediate responses, the company needs to select the best platform and device from which it can get and give responses to customers. For example: a pop-store brochure can be provided containing info on all Amoy products.

F) Budget allocation







License fees


Setting up pop store


Store design


Salary of workers  








G) Media mix

Here, both online and offline media will be used.

Youtube- this media is highly used by the people of Hong Kong. So, through this media videos of pop stores can be displayed. It will help in attracting people to the nearest store opened in their region.

Display banner- it is offline media that will be used. In that image can be used to advertise pop stores at high streets or malls. So, people can easily recognise it.  

Social media platforms- there will be various social media platforms used such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. as online media. Here, pop-store advertisements will be done. Also, the theme of Buy ay 2@ $10 will be promoted.            

Format - pop stores will be established in the campaign to generate awareness andpromotionstion.

Tactics - here, tactics used will be to buy any 2 items at low cost.

Tools - for this pop stores will be used as tools to spread the campaign message.

H) Timeline

First Week







Display banner  

10 am - 2 pm


11 am to 12 pm


3 pm - 5 pm


 Social media

8 am to 10 am


12 pm to 8 pm


9 pm to 10 pm


YouTube (short video clips )


11 am to 12 pm


8 pm to 10 pm


10 pm to 12 am


I) KPI's

Number of people who purchased products- those people who purchased products.

Enquiry about products- the people who enquired about sauce or took pamphlets.

Number of visitors- Those who visited the store in one day.

Sales recorded-  number of sales recorded from opening till the closing of the store.


From the above study, it has been summarized that advertising media or making effective use of different and effective media channels plays an important role in promoting new products of an organization. This study has shown some importance of an advertising campaign plan which consists of several steps like brand's mission, market background, positioning of the company and its new products and messages of advertising to attract a wider range of customers. Further, it has shown a media marketing plan which also consists of several steps which required to be followed in a sequence. Some important steps shown in the media marketing plan include the target market, media message, budget allocation to each step, and knowing consumers' insights by which it can retain and make them believe that the new product of the company has several unique features. Lastly, it has shown some ways of knowing and measuring the effectiveness of media and advertising plans as to whether they helped in accomplishing goals or not.

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