Introduction to Information Technology
Information technology (IT) can be simply defined as the program that is used in conserving, manipulating, and applying queries, as well as transmitting data regarding solving the work issues of any enterprise or business(Tallon and Pinsonneault, 2011).
It is the subset of Information and communication technology i.e. ICT. The word load in any small or big enterprise is used to diminish with the help of current technology that is internet based like networking and cloud computing. several database activities like maintaining log files, making data marts, etc. are also done with the help of networks nowadays. The present report is based on the challenges as well as benefits of the internet-based applications that enterprises face.
Comprehensive Analysis of Enterprise Applications
The information system has interchanged the whole business process through the introduction of new techniques that are based on the Internet. The management of information now become the most important task for all organizations whether it is on a small or large scale. The systems that are used to do the task in isolation now have the help of the internet and can be integrated across the corporation to their aims and objectives.
Football 123 is based in London and started in 2010. This is founded by the Ben Chesser in Barcelona before launching it in London. This company made the marketing platform allowing several other companies to establish, route, and react to digital as well as offline activities in a very short period (Prajogo and Olhager, 2012). It provides the businesses tools to launch the different with the help of campaigns of market such as electronic mail, social media, various mobile apps, SMS, etc. The different applications of the information technology regarding the Football 123 are the following.
Storing The Relevant Data
The employees deal with a large quantity of files and maintaining and storing these all data for a long time is very ria a gid task. It allows to storage of all the relevant information or data for a long period on the cloud(Sakas and, 2014). The enterprise uses this application to conserve its valuable data effectively.
Various marketing tools are given by the new technology to make possible the online deliveries of the products like quick response codes. It looks like a barcode but is a square. Customers can register by selecting the items located on the cart. This makes it possible the work from home for the worker of the organisation. They can easily do their tasks from anywhere. The customers can select as many commodities they want as they can rescind live by the same day with the aid of a home detailing the delivery plans of the organization. This saves precious time for both the customers as well as the workers.
WFrom Home
The workers and co complete their tasks from home also with the help of a distributed system. It is a system that allows to share the common tasks among different people of the organisation located at different places by providing them a virtual environment where it makes them feel same as they are working isolated. But the fact is that the whole task is distributed among the different sections of the ventures. Employees can use this application with the help of the internet. The users of Football 123 take this benefit and improve their living as well as their working style.
In Business, the task is based on the communication process as the different clients are not located at tin same place. The consumers too are present at different places. Hence the company uses the various methods to communicate that are provided by the ICT such as video conferencing, emails, chats, SMS, etc.
The Drivers of Enterprise Systems From a Business Perspective
Every enterprise consists of drivers that are responsible for the development or upliftment of the organization by doing the work to extend the growth of the enterprise. The Football 123 consists of a set of drivers in this regard that are listed below
The employees are the most important drivers of the organization. They are treated as pillars of the venture as the overall work of the corporation is being done by the worker itself(Chemla, 2012).
The company's business is dependent on the consumer also because they earn their livelihood with the help of customers. Hence they are termed as the soul of the organisation. Without them, the co, the company does not exit asexisexisty and do business for them only(Buntin and, 2011).
Business Partners
A single man is not able to run his business over diverse areas of the world so to expand the market the company has to make parterspartnersvide the work loworkloading their professions or skills.
Government Bodies
The company is also affected positively as well as negatively by the government's legislation or rules related to the market. The increased taxes like income tax, several taxes on the products are applied and,e sometimes the company companies do not earn as much income to pay the taxes(Chang and, 201). The changes in the currency of different work locatiolocationso a major issue causing the company in loss.
The venture can earn benefits by using the latest technology. It makes the work very easy for the employees by providing automatic tools like spreadspreadsheets, MS Excel, power-pPowerPointrd, etc. It helps the users a lot in making caution, reports, various diagrams, charts, slides, and many more tasks very quickly (Venkatesh and, 2012).
Internet Based Technologies
The are many internet-based techniques like mailing, doing online work, managing databases online, conserving files on the cloud, providing security to valuable information, online communications tools, etc. are the beneficial applications provided by the new technologies that contribute to the welfare of the organization (Lu and Ramamurthy, 2011). Different operating systems are also available which improve the work of the company like ubuntu, like Ubuntu, and different versions of windowsWindowsdifferent hardware plays the same role by supporting the above-written software. The company uses these applications to enhance their productivity.
The working operations of Football 123 have alshaveeen been affected by environmental conditions. As the workers have suitable working conditions to perform their tasks properly. If it is hot in the city and the employees suffer from the extreme summer then they are not able to do the tasks accurately. Hence the company has to provide proper a healthy environment to their workers(Jan and Contreras, 2011).
These all are the internal and external factors that drive the corporation management.
The Challenges That Enterprise Applications Pose For End-Users
The enterprises use different latest technologies to improve their business turn at the same time, the end users face many challenges regarding this. Some of the challenges or issues are discussed below
Expensive Products
As the company is designing its pitpersiststh the new or latest technologies they also increase the pricing of the products like gadgets, different hardware, etc. This causes a serious problem to the civilians. Because some parts of the population are not enough economically strong that they could afford such products. And as As they are not able to enjoy the new applications of the latest technologies. The consumers are thus not buying such expensive products. This causes a loss for the entrepreneur.
Bad Quality Products
The software developers are not so concerned about the quality of products because after being launched in the market the customers look not to be satisfied as several issues are being raised about the operational quality like hanging off the offers, bat battery backups super, thermal software troubles, etc. Even the gadgets are being blasted due to some technical errors. This phenomenon has been troubling society very much(Roztocki and Weistroffer, 2011).
Lack of Awareness
Whether the technology has been developed so many people are not aware of such applications. They do not know how to use such commodities. Therefore they are facing difficulties for the same.
On contrary the several other organizations are taking advantage of this internet-based technology like Tesco. Tesco being the global grocery and general retailer of merchandise is using the latest techniques provided by the information and technology to improve their businesses. They are creating virtual stores with the help of QR ( Quick responsResponse(Gallagher and, 2014). In this process, the vi,rtual market is being generated and the commodities are being sold by the tech satech-savvylers. They give advertisement of their products in public places like wall stops, mstostopstions, and public wwashroomashroomsasper sports spreadformatonn oaboutitems.
The employees can scan the QR codes of the specific commodity on their smart while traveling or on trains and placing their orders very easily. The customer can select items from the scanned one and may place an order for the products as per their wish. They can receive their products one day after taking payments as Tesco has provided the facility of home delivery. Therefore by proving itself reliable, it creates a unique image in the eyes of customers. As a fruitful result Tesecured a successful business in the region of south KSouth The sales of the organization have decreased by 130 % as 900 registration have been done on the Home app(Borghoff and, 2013).
The Benefits To a Modern Business Such as ERP To Achieve Operational Excellence
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software is a type of strategic strategy created in order for the business in many contexts: financial, market-based, trade, in manufacturing as well as production sector. This planning proved to be very beneficial regarding the achievement of operational excellence. Some of the benefits are listed bellow
bellowing of Informations To Proper Decision-making
The ERP software provides appropriate data which is quite beneficial for making accurate decisions. The time is conserved instead of wasting it on searching different websites to get the input.
Enhancement in the Profit
As there are accurate information regarding the file is available, this lowers the errors that are made by the employees. Hence the labor cost decreases as less number of workers are needed. This makes the work ultimately profitable(Waser, R., 2012).
Best Operational Quality
The task of research is being done properly. Apart from, this, the work is discussed among different sector sectors people including the CEO, and HR. man and ager, team heads, and other co-workers. This improves the quality of the operations as the different views of the intellectual are present. This results in making the best business plan(Waser, R., 2012).
Processing Time Decreases
As ERP software provides quality information or the real one without wasting time seeking information. This also diminishes the labor and consecutively the time of operation processing decreases automatically.
Transparency in the Work
The working of all the groups is transparent to each other. This improves the quality of work as every individual takes their work. workgroup can also suggest feedback related to the work of another one. This results in the resolution of all the errors before launching the products causing in creativity of the best production as per the consumer's need.
From the above above-mentioned it has been concluded that the infection technology has contributed effectively to the business processes by transforming the working directions. The whole business is now dependent on the latest technology as it diminished the work workflow, allowing automatic formations of diagrams, and calculations with the help of new software like MS Excel Excel sheet, ubuntu, etc. Due to the improvement in technology, end users face challenges like they can't afford the expensive products, the lack of awareness, the unsupportive nature of the gadgets due to technical errors, etc.
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