
The Impact of Information Technology on Supply Chain Management


  • Unit No:
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 56 / Words 13877
  • Paper Type: Dissertation
  • Course Code: IMA7006
  • Downloads: 2026
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Demonstrate and elaborate a masterly grasp of the topic area researched.
  • Generate skills in analysis, evaluation, critical reflection, synthesis, and conceptualisation
  • Critically analyse the outcome of the research against the objectives and aims.
Answer :

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background to Research Topic

Supply chain management refers to the management of the flow of data, finances,, and goods about a service or product, from procuring raw materials to the delivery of commodities at the final place or destination (Dutta et al., 2020). Generally, the supply chain is always linked with logistics however it is just an element of the supply chain. In today's digital world, supply chain management is related to including handling of materials along with the software of all parties included in the procedure of creating products & services, fulfilling orders,, and tracking information- such as wholesalers, retailers, transportation & logistics providers,, and suppliers. Supply chain activities include product life cycle management, procurement, supply chain planning, order management,, and logistics. In supply chain management, companies easily extend the operations around global trade such as multinational production procedures and management of global suppliers. It is quite necessary to understand the concept of logistics as it executes the efficiency and control of supply chain procedures which assist in moving forward with the storage of goods and services (Tönnissen and Teuteberg, 2020). Finding the right component for the consumption of a product and supplying it to the people with the motive of meeting the delivery needs. It plays quite an an important role in satisfying the requests of the customers. The current time is seeing great development in advanced technologies.

Many strategies are formed so that supply chain management can be improved. With the assistance of technology, proper infrastructure is included and many organisational policies are also implemented so that diverse culture can be created globally. As per the logistics, the processing and collecting of data with the help of sustainable increase in the accuracy and speed of identification. It also gives companies great competitive advantage through effective supply chain management. Therefore, this study will record detailed information about the role of advanced technologies in the supply chain management of companies (Li and et al., 2020). This report will include how technologies have taken place in enhancing the performance of the whole organisation by making operations and functions easier and convenient. This will also highlight the positive relation between supply chain management and Information Technology. Thus, this covers the detailed knowledge about the factors which hold great significance in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain management.

It has been observed that at the time of global pandemic 56% of the UK retailer has experienced little disruption in their flow of goods, data and resources as they are using advanced technology in their business operations. It has seen that with the adoption of high technology in managing the supply chain of the company the cost of operation has reduce by 35% percent, service rate decreases by 29 % and the production time of the organisation minimised by 27%. It is also identified that the top technology which is used by many organisations in their business are data analysis technology, IoT and cloud computing. the percentage of data analysis technology is 41 percent, IoT is 39 and cloud computing measured 39 percent.

1.2 Significance of The Research

The current study holds great importance as it covers the detailed information about how advanced technologies have taken place in the supply chain management. In today's competitive worlds, companies are adopting advanced technology so that they can gain more success and provide great services to its customers (Jimenez-Jimenez, Martínez-Costa and Rodriguez, 2018). By the help of advanced technologies in the supply chain management, companies are able to transfer all the important documents to the right place. Companies can send all the significant invoices through electronic mode between the customer and supplier. This assists company to reduce its transaction cost and work in a paperless manner (Basheer and et. al., 2019). Through this study, researcher focuses over showcasing the importance of supply chain management and the role of advanced technologies in improving supply chain management process.

1.3 Research Gap

The identified research gap of the existing study is that earlier conducted investigations do not include information about the advanced information technologies used within supply chain management. So, the current research will cover collecting data about the advanced technologies along with numerical insights and facts. The main motive behind conducting the existing investigation is to have in-depth understanding about the process of supply chain management. In the current business world, companies are focusing towards adopting several advanced technologies so that their operations can be completed in a convenient manner. This report also focuses over involving several factors that identify the types of information technologies considered specifically in the areas of logistics and supply chain management (Ardito and et. al., 2018). It also involves the objectives of standardising the infrastructure of Information Technology into the system components of supply chain management. This also includes the in-depth data about the impact of information technology over supply chain management. With the help of current investigation, researcher will also focus over meeting two significant objectives which are: personal and professional objectives. In respect of personal perspective, researcher will get an opportunity to see things with broader perspective and become more keen to learn about new concepts (Rejeb, Keogh and Treiblmaier, 2019). By this study also, investigator will have great information about several research methods used in the investigations for collecting, evaluating and analysing data. On the other hand, this research will also be helpful for investigator in terms of professional perspective. Researcher will learn about the several strategies through which they can improve supply chain management of their own company. Through this research, investigator will learn about insights through which they learn about advanced technologies that improve the process of supply chain management in the organisation.

1.4 Research Aim and Objectives

Research Aim:

The aim of the current study aims at “To understand the competitive pressure that is building up due to the latest technologies being used in supply chain management and how they are segregated.”

Research Objectives:

  • To evaluate the factors that determine the various information technologies used by logistics and supply chain management
  • To examine the goals of standardizing the IT infrastructure into the system components of supply chain management
  • To discern the impact of information technology act upon supply chain management and how can one analyse its identification into the modern enhancement of the society
  • To recommend the ways through which supply chain management can be improved through adoption of advanced information technologies

1.5 Research Questions

The research questions of the current study are as follows:

  • What are the various factors that determine the various kinds of information technologies used by logistics and supply chain management?
  • What are the goals of standardising the IT infrastructure into the system components of supply chain management?
  • What can be the impact of information technology act upon supply chain management and how can one analyse its identification into the modern enhancement of the society?
  • What are the ways through which supply chain management can be improved through adoption of advanced information technologies?

1.6 Conclusion

From the above chapter It is being concluded that in introduction chapter various aspects of the investigation is being covered. In this section research gap of the study is being identified which helps the investigator to execute their investigation is that direction through which gap can be narrow done. Significance of the study is also discussed so that readers can know about the importance of the selected topic and why researcher has conducting investigation in the particular topic.


Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction of Literature Review

A literature review is defined as overview of the previous research that is help in collecting the information for the present research. Literature review is the survey of sources which help to provide many scholarly sources such as books and journals, articles, online survey and other sources etc. The current research report is based on the topic of supply chain management and its impact within the organisation in terms of information technology. There are different factors which are added within the information technology such as telecommunications, software, hardware and many others. These are the aspects which are added by the organisation in their supply chain management so that easy functional execution can be made. The report also includes the role of supply chain management and information technology within managing business functions within an organisation. Supply chain management includes different dimensions and roles in managing business functions and in this manner with the help of efficient supply chain management it would be easier for the organisation that to deal with available resources in such manner that the same can be used to its fullest.

2.2 Main Body With Heading and Sub-Headings

What are the various factors that determine the various kinds of information technologies used by logistics and supply chain management?

According to the view of Tiwari, Wee, and Daryanto (2018), information technology is the term which is defined as the forms of technology which is help to create, exchange, utilize and store the overall information with the used of technologies. It is deals with many different techniques including telecommunications, software, hardware etc. there are various kinds of technologies such as analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing infrastructure, data management, automation and many more. There are some technologies of IT which is used by the supply chain management and logistics which is helps to improve the entire chain management which includes barcoding, (EDI) electronic markup interchange, extensible markup language, data management etc. information technologies help to provide the basis information which is help the supply chain manager to make strategic decisions. For better understanding there are some information technologies which is used by supply chain management that are given below-

  • Barcoding: it is represented as the most common tool which is used in automation of identification technology. Barcoding is defined as the scanning function which is help in facilitate logistics information exchange and collection. It is necessary to having the technologies in supply chain management because it is help to move the products with effectiveness and efficiency through the supply chain.
  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): it is refers to the transferring the business document by computer to computer transfer. It is help in interchange the data between organization to organization. In relation to supply chain management, it is help to reduced the cost of placement of order and improved the information speed. It is also help to reduced the inventory cost by improving the accuracy and reducing the cycle time Guha, and Kumar (2018).
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML): it is defined as the method which is the packing information of the internet movement. It is the effective way which is easily readable by any person. XML is the substitute with the use of electronic data interchange.
  • Data Management: data management system is refers to the application programs which is help to store the data in computer system. In relation to supply chain management, this tool used by the chain mangers for the improving the entire chain.

In the opinion to Queiroz, Telles, and Bonilla (2019), information technology is playing a vital role in the supply chain management which is help in improve the entire chain easily. Information technologies help to provide many various kinds of factors which is help to increase the productivity and help to make the supply chain management more effective. The role of information technologies within the supply chain management help to increase the performance with the help of techniques and software. The supply chain includes all logistics of selling and producing commercial goods. The two important models of supply chain management are: the efficient model and the agile model. The efficient chain model is one of the models which is best for business which has competitive environment and believe in high efficiency of delivering logistics. The other significant supply chain model is the agile model because it includes four significant components. The four elements are: process alignment, a network base, virtual integration and market sensitivity. This is the model which is great for businesses that have high degree of demand.

In relation to supply chain management, there are some various factors which is used by supply chain management to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire chain which includes imagination, artificial intelligence system, radio frequency technology which is help to supply chain managers to make the chain stronger and effective. For better understanding, the various factor is given below-

  • Imaging: it is the image process technology that is used by supply chain management to significantly impact logistics. It helps to allow the organization to scan or take pictures of the business documents for better communication. It also help in storing the documents on phones. This technology helps to provide proof of the delivery which is helpful for the customers.
  • Artificial Intelligence Systems: it is refers to the concepts and methods of computer and representation of the knowledge which is help to make inferences. It is the term of intelligence which is help to cover the many skills which are cognitive such as ability to provide solution of problems, understand language, learn the languages etc. in relation to supply chain management, it is help in customer delivery within the time, it is help in transportation cost which is help to save the cost for the supply chain management. It is also help to determine the inputs which is analysis for getting information about the structure Wamba, Queiroz, and Trinchera (2020).
  • Radio Frequency or RF Technology: it is used for the warehouse or distribution centers. About supply chain management, it is used by the supply chain managers to relay information by electromagnetic energy waves. It helps to combined the bar code inventory system by identifying the item of inventory. It helps in records the overall inventory in real time.

As per the point of view of Kazemi, Modak, and Govindan (2019), information technology refers to the digital techniques which are help to change the overall system with the help of technologies. Information Technology helps to provide many computer-based techniques which help to store, utilize, collecting the overall information. Information technology helps the supply chain management to manage and control the entire chain which helps to improve the supply chain more effectively and efficient. There are various kinds of functions of information technology which is used by supply chain managers to improve the entire chain which includes satellite tracking, internet, and e-commerce, the function used by supply chain management is help to improve the performance of the whole chain. For a better understating the functions are given below-

  • Computer on Board and Satellite Tracking: Radio frequency technology translate the on-board computer capabilities and communication. It is the term of communication which are facilitated by the two satellites which is help the supply chain management to serve the communication between dispatcher and driver. It is the technology which is help to track the current location and direction of the truck.
  • Internet or Extranet: it is the function of technology which is protected by the server. It is the platform which provides many effective platforms such as web-based workflow. About supply chain management, they used this function to manage the overall information by the private networks. On the other hand, extranets provide a secured connection between corporation's internet and the internet. It helps to provide a suitable and flexible platform for the supply chain management Gligor, and et.al (2019).
  • E-commerce: it is the term which is used because of the internet facilities. In relation to supply chain management, they used e-commerce technology to provide their supply chain on the world wide web which is the common tool for the customers because they are basically used the world wide web for their general information. It is help to make the supply chain management stronger and more effective.

Supply Chain Management Theories

Supply chain management is referring to the system of resources and information which includes such as distributors, producers, middlemen, manufacturers,, and customers which helps to collaborate to converting raw materials into work in progress and finishing goods (Wang, and Hu, 2020). There are some theories that are involved in supply chain management which are as follows-

  • Resource-Based View (RBV)-It refers to the managerial framework that is used to determine the strategic resources that help to attain to achieve many competitive advantages. It is the theory that is based on the resources that are available to the industry.
  • Knowledge-Based View (KBV)- It is referring to the theory that is formulated by the information knowledge that is available to the company. It is the theory that defines the knowledge with the highest strategic value (Tönnissen, and Teuteberg, 2020). These values can be acquired, generated, and applied within the firms.
  • Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA)- It is the theory that is based on the transaction costs that are incurred. It is referring to the economic theory that helps to provide an analytics framework which attempts to investigate the governance structure of pledged bond within the supply chain.
  • Strategic Choice Theory (SCT)-It is defined as the theory that is based and dependent on the strategies and various decisions that are selected by the management to make the right decisions for the supply chain management.
  • Agency Theory (AT)- it is the theory that allows to explanation the bond between agents and principles (Burin, Perez-Arostegui, and Llorens-Montes, 2020). It helps to attain the relevant policies that are adopted to minimize the cost by increasing the revenue cost.
  • Institutional Theory (INT)- this theory is also based on the principles and policies that are under the governed institute. It helps to offer important insights to adopt the practice and tools within supply chain management.
  • System Theory (ST)- it is defined as the theory that is based on the system that handles the institute's supplies. It is one of the most dominant theories within supply chain management because it is the study to simplifying the organisational structure and identify its stakeholders.
  • Network Perspective (NP)- refers to the concept of critical theory that provides explanations and relationships with all networks that are facilities the connection and bond between the supply chain management and its all levels (Tan, Gligor, and Ngah, 2022).
  • Materials Logistics Management Theory (MLM)- refers to the theory that designs the inventory to ensure the mechanisms which are controlled for all the levels of inventory. It helps to connect the customer experience and raw materials. It helps to integrate all the critical materials related to subfunctions.

What are the goals of standardizing the IT infrastructure into the system components of supply chain management?

According to the point of view of Kot, Goldbach, and Ślusarczyk (2018), there are many goals of standardizing the IT infrastructure in the components of supply chain management which helps to improve the performance and process at the higher level. Standardizing is the term of IT infrastructure which provides the techniques to make the supply chain easier and effective. It helps to increase the high productivity and performance which is a benefit for the supply chain management. There are some benefits of standardizing goals which is helping the supply chain management with effectiveness. The benefits are given below-

  • Faster Turnaround of Goods: it is one of the most important goals of standardization of the IT infrastructure which helps to make the high performance of supply chain management. It is also helps the supply chain management to increase productivity. It helps the supply chain management in turnover which is the faster turnaround of goods which is an advantage for the supply chain managers.
  • Higher Revenue Generation: It help to make the generation of revenue higher for supply chain management. Higher revenue generation of supply chain management helps to increase the performance and productivity of the entire chain and it also helps to improve the performance of the employee. Information technology provides many benefits for supply chain management which is the biggest advantage for the entire chain.
  • Reduced Resource Waste: the goal of standardizing to reduce the waste resources from the supply chain management which is help in profitability and credibility. IT infrastructure helps to determine the overall resources and also finds out the waste resources which helps in save more cost and money. Supply chain management is effective and efficient with the help of IT infrastructure which provides many techniques and services to reduce waste resources.

As per the view of Yadav, and et.al (2020), the main goals of Standardizing the IT infrastructure in the supply chain management help to reduce the waste resources, lower expenses, improves the supply chain's productivity, increases the great and high return on investment and many more which is help to increase the performance of the supply chain management. Supply chain management is effective with the help of information technologies. Information technology is playing a vital term in supply chain management which help to change overall process of the chain management. The term of technologies helps to communicates with people and also make strong relation with customers which is good thing for the supply chain management because it is help to increase the productivity of the chain as well as profitability. IT infrastructure of standardizing is help to analysis the issues and problems within the supply chain management and provides many solutions to defending with problems. There are many benefits of standardizing the IT infrastructure where some are given below for the supply chain management-

  • Lower Expenses: the goal of standardizing in supply chain management is to provide various terms which is help in low expenses. It is help to reduce the waste resources within the supply chain management which is help in lower expenses. It is helps in save the cost and money of the entire supply chain which is the advantage for the chain. It is help to provide many technical terms which is help to collect the information without going anywhere which saves the time and cost of the chain management.
  • Greater Return on Investment: it is help in good and greater return on investments which is help the supply chain management to increase the productivity and profitability of the entire chain. Greater return on investment is the big advantage for the supply chain management because it is help to improve the supply chain system with the help of technologies. Standardizing help to provide many IT infrastructure technologies which is help to improve the supply chain management with great return on investment Ramirez-Peña, and et.al (2020).
  • Improves Productivity of The Entire Chain: Standardizing the IT infrastructure helps to improve the performance and productivity of entire supply chain management which is provide some technical terms to chain to improving their productivity and performance of the entire chain. Standardizing the IT infrastructure help to provide the best technologies which is help to increase the profitability and productivity of the chain management.

According to the view of Lewin, and et.al (2018), The goal of standardizing the IT infrastructure is to make the supply chain management more efficient and effective which is help in increasing the productivity and performance of the supply chain. It is help to increase the buying power of customers and also increasing the productivity of the entire chain, it is also help in centralized communication which is the advantage for the supply chain management. Supply chain management is the term which makes strong and effective with the help of technologies. Information technologies help to provide many functions which is help to make the supply chain easy and effective. There are some benefits of information technologies on the supply chain management which is help in increasing the productivity of the entire chain which are given below-

  • Fewer Drops in Errors, Losses, and Delays: it is helps to provide many strategic solutions which is helps in delays, errors and losses which is help the supply chain to analysis the risk and issues within the entire chain and use the standardizing IT infrastructure by dropping the technologies in the errors, losses and delays. It is help to complete the overall supply chain management without any losses, errors and delays which is the advantage for the entire chain.
  • Increase in Procurement and Buying Power: it is help to increase the buying power of customers and also increase the procurement in customers which is help to increase the productivity of the supply chain management. Standardizing IT infrastructure providing the techniques which is help to increase the customer purchasing behaviour which is also increase the profit of the supply chain management. It is help to manage the overall chain and its function which is help to attract the customers and change their buying behaviour towards the supply chain Al-Aomar, and Hussain (2018).
  • Centralized Communication: it is helps to maintain the communication between organization and suppliers within the supply chain management. Centralized communication is refers to the communication which is between two organization or people. Standardizing is help to maintain the communication level centralized where it is help to interact with suppliers and maintain the relation with them. Information technologies providing many types which is also helps to improve the communication which is help in interaction between the suppliers and buyers. This is also the advantage for the supply chain management.

What can be the impact of information technology act upon supply chain management and how can one analyse its identification into the modern enhancement of the society?

In the opinion to Dallasega, Rauch, and Linder (2018), the impact of information technology on the supply chain management help to increase the productivity and also helps to change the society as the modern enhancement. The impact of information technology helps to increasing the performance of the entire supply chain which is help in improving the profitability. There are many ways of technologies which is providing the best and new technologies for the better improvement on the supply chain management. There are some impacts of the information technologies which are given below-

  • Greater Efficiency and Transparency: the impact of information technology on supply chain management help to increase the efficiency and transparency which is help in analysing the identification of the society and also help to make it modern enhancement of the society. Information technology help to provide many techniques and software which help to improve the efficiency of the supply chain management where the society identify as the modern enhancement. Technologies help to change the overall system and change the society norms which is help to increase and improve the productivity and performance with effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Focus on Individual Employees: information technologies help to focus on the individual employees and increase their performance for the growth of the supply chain management. It is also help to change the productivity of employees with the help of technologies which is the good thing of an supply chain management. A good supply chain management can be analysis by the employees so, the technologies help to change the overall system of the organization and also increase the performance of the employees by focusing on them which is help to increase the productivity of the companies supply chain management Schmidt, and Wagner (2019).
  • Tighter Communication and Community: the impact of information technology help to provide the strong and tighter community and communication which is help to make the supply chain management strong and effective. Information technology help to provide many tools which is help in communication such as social media, email, website etc. these tools help to communicate with people and society which is makes the relation with people. It is help to analysis the communication of people and interact with them for changing their behaviour towards the brand and services which help to make the supply chain management stronger and tighter with the help of communication and community.

As per the view of Meherishi, Narayana, and Ranjani (2019), the impact of information technology help to change the overall system by providing the many techniques and software to make the supply chain more effective and efficient which is help the company to increase their performance and profit. The impact of the information technology help in drastic change of the society where every person is used the information technology for the smart working which is also makes the peoples smart. It is help to get knowledge about the society and makes it modern which is good for the system of supply chain management. There are some impacts of technologies which are as follow-

  • Making Way For Small But Nimble Carriers: it is help to make the way small with effectiveness which is help in supply chain management. Information technology help to make the way small and effective which is help the suppliers to supply the things within the time. Information technology is the fast-growing techniques which is help to make the things easier and find the small way to complete the overall process within the time. In relation to supply chain management, it is help to make the supply chain direction easy and effective which is help the managers and suppliers to supply the product to consumer in less time which is also help to increase the customers experience which is help in growth for the any company's supply chain management.
  • Government Requirements Tackled With New Technology: the government also required and tackled with the new technologies which is help in their supply chain management. They can easily transfer the announcement with the quick response with the help of technology. supply chain management can be improved by the information technology that's why government also required tackled the new technologies. With the new technologies it is help to increase the productivity of the supply chain management with more effectiveness and efficiency which is the advantage for the whole supply chain. Government tackled with new technologies because the impact of information technologies helps to make the modern enhancement of the society which is the advantage for the society Shen, Choi, and Minner (2019).
  • Driver Shortage Drives New Technology: it is providing many technologies such as GPS, maps, direction which is help the driver to reaching to the customers in short time where they can easily supply the product and services more and more customers. There are some technologies which is used by the drivers for shortage the time and can finish the per day task in lesser time. Technologies is the term which is provide many computer-based techniques such as it is provides networks which help in collect the information from the internet, it is help to communicate with people and many more. For drivers it is help to provide many GPS system which is help to reaching the products of the customers on the time.

According to the point of view of Manavalan, and Jayakrishna (2019), information technology is the important term which is used by everyone in today culture for the smart working and effective working because technologies are providing more techniques which helps in complete the overall process with the effectiveness and lesser time. In relation to supply chain management, information technology makes the entire supply chain management stronger and efficient which is also help to transform the society in modern enhancement. There are some impacts of information technologies on the supply chain management which are given below-

  • The Effects of Internet Shopping's on Last Mile Delivery: information technology helps to impact on the internet shopping which is increasing the productivity of the supply chain management and also makes the society more modern enhancement with the use of technology. In today's culture everyone has to shopping with online services which is help to save their time and also save the cost of travelling. Information technology help to increase the high productivity of the internet shopping and increases the demand of online shopping which is help in profitability of the entire chain. The effect of internet shopping help to provide home delivery which is the good thing for the customers and that's why they want to purchase anything from the online shopping.
  • Internet-of-Things and Vehicle-to-Everything Changes: the impact of information technology help to change the overall system and process of the supply chain management because it is provided internet where people can do many things on the internet. It is also providing the e-services which is help in save the cost and time. Information technology help in drastic change by providing many services and techniques to the society where society is transformed in the modern enhancement which is the advantage for the company's supply chain management to influence the customers easily Shibin, and et.al (2020).

2.3 Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework of the competitive pressure min

(Source: Self-made)

 Figure 1: Conceptual framework of the competitive pressure that is building up due to the latest technologies being used in supply chain management and how they are segregated

From the above diagram this can be said that supply chain management is associated with three major dimensions such as business processes, management processes and supply chain structure. These three components are needed to be managed within the business so that aspects of supply chain can be managed. It has been analysis that there are many impacts of information technology on the supply chain management which is help in the identification on the modern enhancement to the society. The impacts of information technology on the supply chain management includes the various term which includes it is help to make the efficiency and transparency of supply chain greater, it is help to focus on the employees, it is help to make the communication and community more strong and tighter, it is help to make the way small, government tackled the new technology, driver also drives new technology, it is also help to increase the internet shopping on the last mile delivery (Knowles and et. al., 2015). These all impact of information technology helps to analysis the modern enhancement of the society and improve the supply chain management. The impact of information technology on the supply chain management helps to increase the productivity and performance and also helps to make it stronger and effective which is help to analysis the modern enhancement within the society (Blanchard, 2021). The overall study has been analysis that for the supply chain management or logistics, information technology (IT) is one of the most important functions which is helps to improve the entire supply chain. Information technology is the term which is provides many techniques and software for the supply chain management to making it more effective and efficient for the growth of the supply chain management.

Six Sigma Theory of Supply Chain Management

Six sigma is considered as one of the prominent approach to supply chain management as this will enable the organisation to find out different causes of defects and mitigating the same within stipulated time (Stadtler, 2018). This is the approach which is used in order to improve quality of the business offerings and minimising variability within the offerings as well. In the context of IT infrastructure this is analysed that there are significant reasons that the organisation should adopt six sigma in their business so that they can acquire success at marketplace. There are 5 major frameworks which are added within six sigma and these are explained as under:

1. Define stage: Under define stage work is defined by the team so that project aim can be pre-defined and at the same time efforts can be made by the team in order to meet those objectives.

2. Measure Stage: Six sigma is fact based analytical approach in which underline cause is being seen into the process on which improvements are needed. This stage helps in establishing base line capacity so that factual understanding related with the problem can be made.

3. Analyse Stage: In the measure phase baseline performance in the process is identified and under analyse stage root causes are identified so that on such basis solutions can be given. On this basis alternative solutions can be given to the problem.

4. Improve Stage: The major purpose of this stage is to provide solution to the issue so that tools and strategies can be implemented in order to meet desired solutions. Under this stage an appropriate solution is rendered to the problem so that solution matric can be provided.

5. Control Stage: During control stage final solution is given so that to fix the problem. Under this stage tools and strategies are implemented so that new processes can be provided to the business functions.


Resource Based View

As per this theory supply chain management is designed in such a manner that all the available resources can be used to its optimal manner. This theory would be helpful in attaining the entire business objectives within available resources (Agrawal and Narain, 2018). In the context of IT industry this can be said that the industry is dependent over their people and resources so that with the help of utilising all such aspects in fuller manner the organisation may earn higher amount of success.


2.4 Conclusion of Literature Review

From the above literature review, it has been concluded that information technology is playing an important term in supply chain management which is help to improve the chain more effective and stronger. Information technology is the system of techniques which is help to store the data, retrieving and sending the information. Information technology is also defined as the term which is use of storage, computer, networks and software to collect the information and store the data for the future records. It has been analysis that there are some various factors of information technology which is used by supply chain management for improving the chain which includes barcoding, extensible markup language, data management, electronic data interchange, imaging, artificial intelligence system, radio frequency, satellite tracking, internet, and e-commerce etc. these factors have been determine as the various kinds of information technology that is used by logistics and supply chain management. It has been analysis that there are many goals of standardizing the infrastructure of IT in the supply chain management components which is helps in faster the turnaround of goods, reduced the waste resources, higher generation revenue, low expenses, improve the productivity of supply chain, great return on investment, fewer drops in the losses, errors and delays, increased the buying power and procurement, and centralized communication. These goals of standardizing the IT infrastructure help to increase the productivity and performance of the supply chain management. It is also help to improve the function of the supply chain management. Standardizing aims to improve the supply chain management and help to manage and control the overall and entire chain with the help of tec

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