
THL124 Human Resource Management


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Human resource management consider with different activities such as compensation, performance management, organisation developments, safety, etc. All these activities consider by HRM so that it plays vital role to manage people and attain more profits as well. In this context, workplace and cultural activities develop to attain more creativity in the business environment (Boon, Den Hartog and Pijnenburg, 2014). Present study is based on Hilton Hotel Stratford which is a 4 star hotel of UK. They provide different kinds of products and services such as accommodation, food, etc. These activities help to attain the desired results to make innovative functions in business. In order to gain insight information of the present report, it covers roles and purpose of human resource management in the chosen business. Furthermore, it stated about current state of employment relations in the hotel industry. Moreover, it analyses job description and person specification in the selected industry. At last, it discusses about training and development in which activities consider to make effective operations in selected service industry.

Task 1

1.1 Role and purpose of human resource management in Hilton Hotel Stratford

To promote the activities of human resource management, there are several roles and purposes explained to attain desired results. In this consideration, HRM implemented with hire, train and develop staff with important discipline. Furthermore, team of HRM suggests that they need to focus on managing people and resources as well. Therefore, effectiveness will be gain at workplace. It includes different strategies to isolated business functions (Clark, Van Noordwijk and McNie, 2016). Effective training and development program assists to accomplish the promotion at workplace to reach towards full potential. In Hilton Hotel, following roles are determined to make successful results:

  • Working together: In the different levels of business, human resource management consider role to work together to increase their skills and capabilities. In this consideration, in Hilton Hotel HR professional advise managers and supervisor to assign different roles to employees. It will help to adapt successfully outcomes in the business environment (Aaltio, Maria Salminen and Koponen, 2014). Working together helps to share ideas and views so that effectiveness will be considered to develop the target market. In this regard, efficiencies of each person will be develop so that they can take part in business goals and objectives.
  • Commitment Building: Furthermore, another role which determines by HR professional is that increasing employee commitment in the business. It begins with the recruitment process and match right position as per their qualifications. In the Hilton Hotel, once people hired, they are committed to the job and develop effective skills as well. Once they selected, it is important to identify their skills and capacity to deal with the performance and outcomes (Zehir, Gurol and Kole, 2016).
  • Building capacity: Human resource management need to create strategic planning that helps to address the changing needs of manager constantly and attain competitive job market. Furthermore, employees have benefit to identify cost to the employer. Package also provide opportunity that increases employee retention in Hilton hotel with providing them certain benefits (Bianca, 2018). In the selected business, this element helps to hiring talented people and keeping grow continuously for long term objectives. Therefore, targets and goals will be attained in desired manner in the business environment.
  • Addressing issues: Human resource management needs to create strategic planning that helps to address changing needs of manager constantly. In this way, they can shift towards the competitive job market. Employees have benefits to continuously assess the cost. It provides opportunities to enhance the retention of employees with providing them additional vacations, flexible working arrangement and retirement plan enhancement. In the recent era, many human professional overseas to consider health components in Hilton Hotel. Traditional plan considers effective recruitment and retention efforts in the business environment (Homberg and Vogel, 2016).

In addition to this, there are certain purposes followed by the chosen enterprise that assists to attain more systematic work performance at workplace. They are as follows:

  • Main purpose of HRM is to hire, train and develop staff members' performance to make effective results at workplace.
  • With the help of effective training, enterprise is able to accomplish promotion to reach towards full potential activities.
  • It helps to reduce external recruitment that maximises the use of existing talent. It is a cost effective way to manage the people.
  • Implement new technology in Hilton hotel so that new skills among employees has been developed successfully.

1.2 Human resource plan based on analysis of supply and demand for selected business

Hospitality industry is developing day by day so that it is important to develop systematic results in it with implement human resource plan. This is because, as per the demand management need to supply their consideration. It will help to focus on the innovative functions and operations which attain to make creativity at workplace. Hilton Hotel well known about the current market and demand. Therefore, they can implement successful results through consider different activities in it. Furthermore, HR of the chosen business responsible to forecast and identify demand of the business (Cao and Hamori, 2016). Hence, they increase their supply when demand increasing. Due to increasing demand, growth of the enterprise also develop successfully to operate desired results in the business. It will help to take human resource plan with hire new employees at workplace.

In addition to this, hiring new employees consider one of the best strategy that helps to meet with the demand and supply. When in the company demand increasing, they need to more supply. For instance, Hilton hotel can enter in different nations when they want to considered new operations in the business. In addition to this, they require new team of staff and employees with proper skills and knowledge in the industry. Planning of recruitment program consider to hire new employees as per job description and profile as well (Boon, Den Hartog and Pijnenburg, 2014). It assists to the Hilton hotel to grow their business without any issue and problem. Supply of the human resource assists to meet with desire results and outcomes at workplace that assists to accomplish goals and objectives. It is the best way to attain organisational goals.

Task 2

2.1 Current state of employment relations in a hotel industry

Employment relations refers to the understanding among the employees and various levels of management within an organisation or company. In order to govern the environment of workplace and develop a health as well as effective communication between top and lower levels of management Unionisation process plays an important role. Unionisation is a process that assist to organise employees within a hotel along with this it acts as an intermediary between the company's management and its employees. There are various laws developed and implemented for the well-being of employees in a hotel or any other organisation(Brewster and, 2016). The main agenda of developing employment laws is to ensure employees benefits and rights are being considered at their workplace. In an unionisation, leader of the union is selected through voting and is been given various kinds of roles or responsibilities. Effective employment laws are certain guidelines that describes different activities in a hotel, the laws also determine how the human resources policies will be developed in the hotel industry. Employees union helps and support in collective bargaining for the workers working within a hotel and it also focuses on negotiating for a better working environment in order to protect rights of their employees. The employees laws within UK ensure that the laws are protecting rights of the employees working in an organisation. The human resource management also plays a vital role in designing various policies and benefits for employees working in an organisation or company. Good employee relation in a hotel helps in offering effective services to the customers as the employees work with dedication and loyalty. It is very important for each and every organisation to develop a strong relationship and trust between lower and top level management. Employees are the main element in a business or organisation within any industry. The hotel industry depends upon hospitality, how the staff treats its customers. Without an effective and dedicated staff or employees it is not possible to deliver good and satisfying services to the customer. Therefore, employee relation helps in creating a working environment which is effective, productive and profitable for hotel organisations. Furthermore, hotel companies should make sure that their employee retention level is good, experienced staff can deliver more efficient services as compared to freshers. And in order to develop a good rate of employee retention it is very essential for the organisations to build a strong and good employee relation with among the employee or various levels of management. Employees union assist in corporate negotiation for the individuals employed inside a hotel and it also focusing on negotiating for a amended working environment in order to protect rights of their employees.

2.2 Various laws affecting the management human resources in Hilton Hotel.

The employees in an association such as hotel industry would get equivalent rights as indicated by the representative enactment of the nation. The representative ought to be given the composed contract to catch up the rights as indicated by the enactment so the worker would feel safe solace to work in the association. Hilton hotel follow up every one of the representatives' enactment and influence a specific contract for not conflicting with the enactment as far as segregation because of position, to shading, culture and the inabilities of the employees(Chelladurai and, 2017).

  • The Employment rights act 1996: This demonstration essentially covers the fundamental rights which are offered to the representatives to work in an association. The representatives working at Hilton Hotel are qualified for conceal every one of the laws and rights. For instance in the organisation if a worker is requested to chip away at Sundays at that point can issue them the earlier notice for the administration. It has effect on HRM to help in the workforce at work environment.
  • Equality act 2010 : A new Equality Act came into force on 1 October 2010. The Equality Act brings together over 116 separate pieces of legislation into one single Act. The Act simplifies, strengthens and harmonises the current legislation to provide Britain with a new discrimination law which protects individuals from unfair treatment and promotes a fair and more equal society. The Equality Act is a bill in the United States House of Representatives and the Senate that if passed would improve the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to consider protections that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender recognition, and sex in the domain of occupation, housing, public accommodations
  • The Disability Discrimination Act 1995: The concerned demonstration is for impaired individual to work in an association, Hilton Hotel permits more than fifteen representatives with handicaps to work in the organization. They will judge the representatives on premise of the capacity to work and abilities of the individual not based on Disabilities. On the off chance that a crippled individual have a capacity to work yet can not be chosen any organization because of incapacity then it would make an ominous impact on the outlook of an individual. Hilton Hotel initiates the sort of individual who have capacities however not chose because of physical disabilities.

The Employee legislation demonstration effect HRM:

  1. The segregation demonstration helps HRM in determination of the faculty as per the capacity to work either male or female.
  2. The business right would help HRM within Hilton hotel in beating the additional workload at the working environment(Cascio and, 2018).
  3. The inabilities of the individual does not influence the HRM but rather it incorporates the abilities of the representative who will enhance the execution of the organization.
  4. This will encourage the HRM to develop new thoughts and plan for the advancement of an association.
  5. It will likewise develop the organization execution and development.

From the enactment refinement, the connection between the representative and HRM will be ad libbed.

Task 3

3.1 Job description and person specification of hr manager

Job description include job title, job location, job summary, reporting to, working conditions, job duties, machines to be used and hazards. Example of job title such as :

  • service manager name
  • talent managerial
  • HR generalist
  • HR advisor
  • HR manager

Job summary :

  • first summary should be provide an overview of the company.
  • Detail about those unique points which makes the company different from others
  • include an exact job location

Person specification includes qualification, experience, training, skills, responsibilities, emotional characteristics and sensory demands such as :

Responsibilities of HR manager :

  • to manage source and hiring
  • keep job description
  • to develop training programmes
  • review of performance management
  • create strategies related to compensation
  • handle investigation
  • ensure about all practices

  Qualifications and skills of HR manager:

  • Bachelor' Degree in Human Resources or related business field
  • 3+ years' experience in a human resources supervisory position
  • Demonstrated ability to improve employee morale
  • Comprehensive understanding of local, state and federal employment laws
  • Exceptional interpersonal communication and relationship-building skills
  • Strong understanding of HR Smart software preferred

Job duties includes typically three factors such as verb, object and purpose.

  • Verb as : collects, conducts, complies, cleans, drives, overhauls and repairs.
  • Object includes : financial data, analytical studies, enrolment data, computer equipment and other equipments
  • purpose as : to evaluate the requests of budget, to support the financial planning, for distribution, to job sites, need and in confirmation of schedules.

Job description's content such as :

  • mental functions
  • relations with others
  • physical demands of strength
  • physical demands of movements
  • of tastes
  • of vision
  • of auditory
  • environmental conditions

3.2 different methods of selection techniques

Selection techniques of human resources are vary depends on the company's staff and resources. There are different methods of selection process such as :

  • preliminary screening
  • phone interviews
  • face to face meetings

telephone interviews : it is the technique of selecting human resource. This technique saves the money and this is cost effective techniques for small size business. In this method, the recruiter select those candidates whose skills and abilities can met to the requirements of an organisation.

Face to face interviews : it takes time in selecting the human resources for a particular job. It has done in many rounds. In this type of method, recruier select the candidates who are appropriate for a job. Recruiters helps to the HR manager. Some times HR manager plays a role of recruiter. He himself select and recruit the candidates according to their skills and abilities. This is a best technique to recruit the candidates because there are no chances of selecting wrong person for a right job. It is effective to identify the best communication skills of a person. Face to face interview is a long process but it is good technique for small size industries.

Preliminary screening : There are mostly five steps in preliminary screening. Assessment of application and CV than Lining candidates in order and choosing suitable applier are the basic nature of preliminary screening. It also Saves time and money in future application process as well as there are a huge Chance to select qualified applicants.


From the above report it can be concluded that human resource management is very important in every organisation. Job description and person specification is the most important part for HRM process. There are different methods of selection process in an organisation. There are various laws which affect the structure of human resource management.


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  • Cao, J. and Hamori, M., 2016. The impact of management development practices on organizational commitment. Human Resource Management, 55(3), pp.499-517.
  • Homberg, F. and Vogel, R., 2016. Human resource management (HRM) and public service motivation (PSM) Where are we, and where do we go from here?. International Journal of Manpower, 37(5), pp.746-763.
  • Zehir, C., Gurol, Y. and Kole, M., 2016. Strategic human resource management and firm performance: the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 235, pp.372-381.
  • Aaltio, I., Maria Salminen, H. and Koponen, S., 2014. Ageing employees and human resource management-evidence of gender-sensitivity?. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 33(2), pp.160-176.
  • Clark, W.C., Van Noordwijk, M. and McNie, E., 2016. Boundary work for sustainable development: Natural resource management at the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(17), pp.4615-4622.
  • Cascio, W., 2018. Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Chelladurai, P. and Kerwin, S., 2017. Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics.
  • Brewster, C., Chung, C. and Sparrow, P., 2016. Globalizing human resource management. Routledge.

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