
People Resourcing


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In the last few decades, there have been various significant changes that have taken place in human resources due to globalization, information technology, the shift from manufacturing to the service industry, and other demographic changes. It can decrease standard employment and employee-employer relationships, which can lead to an increase in precarious work (Hurrell, Scholarios, 2014). The present report is based on vulnerable employment and precarious work, which can increase risks like poverty and injustice as well as adversely impact the employment relationship. The objective of this report is to show how HR and people can help such kinds of workers to maintain employment relationships.

Literature Review

Introduction: The literature review provides an entire overview of the topic as earlier discussed. There are so many sources of information for gathering relevant data. The available research also took various modes of information for developing a sense of insight in authors and certain government authorities and enabling them to create information to give productive outcomes for the specific topic (Pilbeam and Corbridge, 2010). After all, researchers can get productive information on behalf of the gathered data. It creates the most efficient tool for the researchers to gather productive information. Apart from this, a literature review is completed by way of a structured research aim and objective, which helps to build relevant themes and correspondingly accomplish the whole lesson of the literature review.

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The commission report says that in the 19th century, employment practices were exploited, and it is still ongoing. It is to say that vulnerable tasks will never be inevitable. Approximately two million people are decoyed in regular rounds of less paid and insecure tasks where unfair treatment is the norm (Gold et. al., 2013). People provide services, which is inevitable in our society, and give them fair wages for their work. So that their living standard can be improved.

Due to their less education, their contribution to making decisions is extremely low. Enhancement in precarious work has led to enhanced awareness of and debate by which more precarious workers can be protected. With the help of HRM participation in the service industry, the improvement of vulnerable workers can be improved, as can active participation in the company's decision-making. Using 2010 European working condition research of approximately 30000 employees, is mainly concerned with employees' involvement and participation, focusing on the circumstances of vulnerable employees, women, and half-educated people (Hurrell & Scholarios, 2014). By adopting an individualized approach, the research focused on direct communication and work-based involvement.

Active participation of team members: by active involvement of team members, employees feel indispensable in the organization. One must be assigned their responsibilities so that they can be aware of their duties. On the other hand, their targets must be quantitative and achievable; they must be as per the individual ability of the employee so that they can easily achieve those targets and they can feel less stress in working in the working environment of the cited entity.

Avoidance of exploitation: Some of the organizations that are effective in the United Kingdom are exploiting their labor force by paying them the salary that their hard work deserves. There are certain legislations that help those employees for the betterment of their lifestyles. The cited entity needs to maintain its policies as per legislation so that any misconduct may defame its organizational reputation.

Globally, various conventions address vulnerable workers and precarious employment. These types of conventions represent global standards for the recovery of workers, and they have been specified to be key techniques in explaining domestic law. International law is mainly effective in the latest jurisprudence (Rayner and Lewis, 2011).
For an organization to perform great, employees must give their utmost contribution to the organization. People in the company feel energetic and motivated to do better work and feel their work instead of taking it as a burden. Management must urge a good atmosphere to create a fair employee relationship. Competition is a vital and important part of any organization until it creates an adverse situation or enmity among the employees (Sarker and Afroze, 2014).

Some actions can be taken to maintain healthy employee relationships in the organization. Some of them are as follows:

Active participation of team members: by active involvement of team members, employees feel indispensable in the organization (Parry and Tyson, 2011).

Concept of Vulnerable Workers

There are various factors, such as increased contract workers, decline of manufacturing sectors, information revolution, and demand for higher education levels, that can lead to increased precariousness of work. The nature of precarious work includes job insecurity, lower wage rates, lack of employment benefits, and degree of control over the process and system. It can increase the chances of accidents and injuries, which is not beneficial for both the organization and the employee (Rahman, Islam, 2010).

Due to various other disadvantages, which can be related to gender, religion, caste, immigration, and other characteristics, they can exploit them. Due to the increase in international business activities around the world, it can lead to the movement of guest workers. There are various people, such as women, racialized people, freshmen, immigrants, migrant workers, and disabled people, likely to perform such kind of work (Rayner and Lewis, 2011).

Precarious work has a huge impact on the lives of vulnerable workers rather than employment. It can increase the accident rate due to a lack of proper training, stress, and health issues. It can also affect the personal life of an individual, like family relationships and social and community engagement. Apart from that, it is difficult to adopt training and education due to lack of time. Older people who have taken this kind of work do not get pensions and other employment benefits. It can lead to increased poverty and dissatisfaction among employees (Sarker and Afroze, 2014). It can also create problems for the government, especially in economic crises, and increase the unemployment rate, which is not good for the economy.

Scenario of Vulnerable Employment in the UK

There are various types of business organizations where HR has had unethical practices from the 19th century until now. It reveals that vulnerable work is not inevitable, and men, women, and ethnic minority groups suffer its implications. According to the TUC commission of the United Kingdom, there are around more than two million workers who are trapped in this kind of work. According to their report, they saw that home workers are being paid less than 1 pound of clothing, and they do not get paid holiday and sickness leave. In other industries, situations are worse, especially in the construction industry (Waring, 2013). In this industry, the injury rate has increased due to a lack of proper training and equipment. Office workers like cleaners told them they did not have the choice to stop their work even if they were sick. There are large numbers of workers in cities, towns, and villages who spend approx. 70 hours a week at 2 pounds an hour.

It is not only because that there are loopholes in the laws and legislation but also in the social and government policies (Parry and Tyson, 2011). The lack of legal and financial protection is like treating employees unfairly and unethically, which is acceptable in the country. But improving the laws and policies is only one part of the solution. It needs to be more aware in the society and community. It is the government's responsibility to provide job opportunities, coordinate efforts with various industries such as construction, hospitality, manufacturing, etc., and provide training and development programs to their employees.

According to government authorities, there are the following types of vulnerable workers who are working as given below:

Women and Single Parents: According to the government authorities, women are more likely to be working in precarious work than men. For example, women are more interested in part-time and temporary work at a lower income than their male counterparts.

Racialized People: Various people are racialized and suffer a lot as compared to other persons in the country. They experience a high rate of unemployment, which can lead to increased vulnerability in this kind of work. In general, racialized people get a lower wage rate than non-racialized people.

Newcomers: Newcomers in the UK are also contributing to the precarious employment. The country is an education hub, which can attract a large number of students. Therefore, to manage their expenses, they have to work in various areas to earn money, which can be exploited by various small and large organizations (Raidén and Sempik, 2013).

Temporary Migrant Workers: Workers can legally enter the United Kingdom for lower and semi-skilled jobs. As the country is part of the European Union, other country workers can easily enter and work over here. It can also increase the rate of precarious work in the economy.

Disabled Persons: Persons who are physically disabled have been disadvantaged in the industry. When a person with disabilities is employed in part-time jobs with characteristics of precarity. These jobs pay lower than a normal worker in the labor market.

The Economic Backdrop:

European countries transitioned away from dependence on the manufacturing and agricultural sectors to dependence on service and education-based sectors in the late 1980s. Trends began across the manufacturing and labor-based sectors in those countries, including the United Kingdom, which can increase temporary work in the economy (Christopher, Ogunyomi, and Badejo, 2012). Further, global economic crises also lead to an increase in the number of precarious types of jobs.

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Impact of Vulnerable Worker on Employee-Employer Relationship

It is the responsibility of the human resources department to maintain a sound relationship with vulnerable workers to maintain profitability and efficiency. There are various challenges among precarious employees to maintain their productivity and performance with consistency in an organization. Because their performance and productivity can be affected by various factors such as fear of job insecurity, insecure working conditions, and personal and family pressure. Therefore, it is a challenge in front of HR; they have to use various tools and techniques that can create a sound relationship with them (Tansley, Kirk, Williams, and Barton, 2014).

Decrease in the output: It is important for an organization that they have to make effective programs that can satisfy their contractual workers. If the relationship is not sound between employer and employees, it can decrease the output of the company, which can reduce their revenue and profits.

Increase in Conflicts: There are various labor unions and other groups that can provide a contractual workforce to the business unit, especially in the manufacturing and construction industry. Companies can hire these workers for a shorter period or specific projects (Raidén and Sempik, 2013). In this situation, the HR department played a prominent role in maintaining relationships with them. If these relationships are not sound or there is a large communication gap, it can lead to increased conflicts in the company, which can adversely impact organizational performance.

Impact on Productivity and Performance: Strong employment relations create a sound atmosphere at the workplace. It can increase the motivation level of contractual workers and also increase employee morale. On the other hand, if such a relationship is not sound, it can reduce worker motivation, which can lead to an impact on their performance and productivity.

Customer Dissatisfaction: General precarious workers are working in the construction and manufacturing industries. If the relationship between trade unions and organizations is not good, it can affect the quality of work and product performance, which can lead to increased dissatisfaction levels among their customers (Christopher, Ogunyomi, and Badejo, 2012).

Impact on Firm's Image: Today, the image and brand value play a significant role in the success of every business unit. If relationships between precarious employees and management are not up to par, it can increase the conflict and be exposed to the public, which hurts the business.

Strategies to Promote Better Relationships

Various HR tools and techniques can overcome conflicts among contacting workers and create a good relationship with them. It is the responsibility of the HR department to carefully analyze the behavior and try to understand their personal and professional problems (Kudonoo, Schroeder, and Boysen-Rotelli, 2012). It can help make a general idea and use their strategies accordingly. These tools are given below:

Effective Communication: This is one of the important parts of improving the relationship between employee and employer. Various initiatives can be taken by the HR department to manage such relationships effectively. If HR managers can inform workers about their restructuring program, they can be able to manage job insecurity. HR departments are required to have realistic and honest communication with their precarious workers during the restructuring process. It can lead to increased loyalty and improve their relationship.

Provide Social Support: This is another technique that can be used by the HR department to provide social support to their vulnerable workers to maintain good relationships (Tiemo and Arubayi, 2012).
The government also played an important role in this relationship to provide legal and policy support. There are the following initiatives that can be taken by the government:

Provide Government Support: Various policies are required to change to protect precarious work in the country. For this, they can make different rules and regulations that can provide legal rights that no one can exploit. They can also make various programs that can support precarious workers. They can provide financial assistance during an unemployment situation. So that they can not suffer financially and overcome poverty in the economy (Gill and Meyer, 2011).

Provide Training and Development: This is one of the tools that can provide motivational support to precarious workers. The HR department can provide the required training season to them so that they can improve their skills and capabilities, which is essential in employment. Apart from that, the government also conducts skill training and development programs, which can help to overcome their errors and make them personally and professionally employable in the labor market. There is always a demand for skilled workers in every sector. It can help to overcome the poverty line in the economy and improve their living standards.


The above-concluded report has detailed research on entrepreneurship in the UK and how it is influencing the economy. Entrepreneurs need to have some experience in their fields to make better decisions in different sectors like finance, management, marketing, etc. Characteristics and competencies increase the efficiencies of the entrepreneur. Discipline, confidence, and self-motivation help them to make better work-related decisions. Most entrepreneurs start with small business enterprises, which helps them to implement their business ideas in actuality. Random changes in small businesses can help them to increase productivity according to the demands of stakeholders. Small business enterprises are essential for economic development as well as to reduce their errors.

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  • Pilbeam, S. and Corbridge, M., 2010. People resourcing and talent planning: HRM in practice. Prentice Hall.
  • Gold, J., and et. al., 2013. Human resource development: Theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Watson, T.J., 2010. Critical social science, pragmatism and the realities of HRM. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(6), pp. 915-931.
  • Hurn, B.J., 2012. Management of change in a multinational company. Industrial and commercial training. 44(1). pp. 41-46.
  • Chand, M., 2010. The impact of HRM practices on service quality, customer satisfaction, and performance in the Indian hotel industry. The International Journal of Human Resource Management. 21(4). pp. 551-566.
  • Katou, A.A. and Budhwar, P.S., 2010. The causal relationship between HRM policies and organizational performance: Evidence from the Greek manufacturing sector. European Management Journal. 28(1). pp. 25-39.
  • Hurrell, S.A., and Scholarios, D., 2014. “The People Make the Brand,” Reducing Social Skills Gaps Through Person-Brand Fit and Human Resource Management Practices. Journal of Service Research. 17(1). pp. 54-67.

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