
Importance & Role of Strategic Human Resource Management


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Introduction to Human Resources

Strategic human resources is an integral part of every organization. It involves the management of human relations in a company. It is important in an organization for the execution of operations effectively. Strategic human resources management is important for decisions, processes, and choices that affect the performance of an organization. The main aim of SHRM is to provide efficient workforces to companies that give better work to businesses (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). It provides guidelines to managers of the company on how to effectively use human capital in the decision-making process. From fresh hiring to a selection of top executives in the firm is part of strategic human resources management. Business environment is always dynamic To gain competitive advantages, effective HR management is necessary for a small business as well. Kind Consumer is a rapidly growing organization that focuses on developing novel inhalation technologies to reduce tobacco harm.

The present report focuses on strategic human resource management and explains its importance in the chosen organization (Snow and Snell, 2011). It also explains the strategic framework of HR management their roles in it and their implications as well. It also addresses the main problems for applying HR strategies infirm. This report also explains the best HR strategies for Kind Consumer and their implications for the organization.

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Activity 1

Strategic Human Resources Management

Strategic human resources management is a method or approach used by organizations for managing their human resources (CHUANG and Liao, 2010). It includes human resources elements such as hiring, payroll, and managing companies; other activities such as quality improvement, work experience, and maintaining long-term relations between institutions and their employees.

The main aim of strategic human resources management is to provide an efficient workforce to a company that can increase the performance of the organization. They know how to make use of human capital in the company effectively and manage their functions (Guest, 2011). The role of strategic human resources management is to leverage the capabilities of the people and ensure that employees of the company are not treated only as resources of the company but as an asset for the organization. From hiring to selection of leaders, the process is done by strategic human resources management. It also ensures that businesses allow their employees in the decision-making process.

Importance of Human Resources Management.

Human resource management plays an important role in every organization. HR management's main purpose is to help business firms accomplish their objectives (Brewster, Mayrhofer, and Morley, 2016). An organization cannot reach its goal without good human resources. The key areas of human resources management are hiring people, training and development, and motivating employees. HR management practices are also provided in small businesses as well. The importance of human resources management is as follows:

Recruiting: It is a major responsibility of human resources management. HR managers design plans and strategies for hiring the right person for the right job. They design criteria for selection of employees (Buller and McEvoy, 2012). The recruiting process includes formulating obligations for employees and preparing employee contracts with the company. By developing HR practices in business, Kind consumers can hire better employees for their growing businesses.

Training and development: It includes providing training to new hiring employees in the organization. This is an important step to developing the fore-development of employer-employee relations in a company (Jackson et. al., 2011). Training is provided to employees according to the requirements of the organization. Employees get opportunities to enhance their skills and give better work to the company. By providing training to their employees, Kind Consumer can also increase its productivity.

Strategy: HR strategy includes the utilization of human resources in an effective manner. Leaders with professional employees in organizations participate in corporate decision-making that includes current staffing assessments and fulfills future demand for the workforce (Snell and Bohlander, 2010). With the help of HR management, the health company can also improve its bottom line by putting effective utilization of their employees.

Maintaining workplace ethics: By maintaining workplace ethics and a friendly environment, organizations can give more job satisfaction to their employees. A good organizational culture provides better working conditions to employees because the performance of individuals is highly affected by the company's atmosphere (Mondy and Martocchio, 2016). By providing good working conditions to employees, organizations can benefit employees as well as business firms.

Developing public relations: To develop good public relations lies with HRM. They assist the company's management to conduct meetings, seminars, and other gatherings for building their relationships with other business firms (Dickman, 2010). HR departments play a crucial role in business in preparing plans. It also aids the company in developing their marketing strategy.

Performance appraisals: HRM encourages people to improve their work performance in the company and develop their potential, as well as suggests further improvements. HR communicates with staff and gives necessary information to employees from time to time. By these methods, the company's employees become aware of their performance and can provide much better services to the organization (Guchait and Cho, 2010). Kind consumers can also use it and encourage their employees to do better work.

Provide compensation: HR is responsible for managing employees' wages and salary structure. HR must pay a reasonable amount to their employees and maintain the financial status of the company in line (Werner and DeSimone, 2011). They also conduct wages and salary surveys in similar industries and analyze other companies' wage structures as well as their employees' skills.

Managing disputes: In an organization, several types of conflicts take place. In that case, HR acts as a mediator and tries to sort out those problems and provide suitable solutions to the company. They hear employees' problems and virtually consult with them. In kind, consumers can also allow such HR practices for more effective business management and also help to maintain good employer-employee relationships in the company.

Job and workplace design: The HR department of the company is responsible for the design of jobs for their employees. Designing jobs includes the specification of contents, methods, and relationships of jobs that are related to the company (Jackson, Schuler, and Jiang, 2014). It also includes satisfying the requirements of the company as well as job satisfaction among employees. In Kind Consumer Company HR the company improves job satisfaction and reduces employees' problems.

(c) Analysis of the Framework of Strategic Human

The framework of strategic human resources management identifies those factors that affect the business of an organization (Strategic Human Resource Management, 2016.). The framework of strategic human management analyzes the internal and external factors that have impacts on company performance and develops strategies to overcome those deficiencies.

Mission: The mission of the company is to define its business criteria and its objectives. The framework of strategic human resources management defines how the company deals with its business environment in an effective manner (Ng, Schweitzer, and Lyons, 2010). The company's mission statements help to identify those factors that affect its business operations. By identifying its mission statement, the company can overcome deficiencies that can affect its mission statement.

Internal factors: Internal factors of the company include employees, staff members, suppliers, and the work culture of the company. The workers and their experience and skills can have a great impact on the performance of businesses. Managing employees in an organization and using their skills to create job satisfaction among them is a big challenge for the company. Kind consumers need to focus on the internal factors of the company so the performance of the firm is not affected by internal factors. Company cultures also promote innovation in their environment.

External factors: These include political, economic, social, and technological factors that any business faces externally. The company needs to assess these factors carefully. The political factors include tax policy as imposed by the government on businesses; a high tax policy imposed by the government can affect the revenue of an organization (Kusluvan et al., 2010). The company also needs to assess the economic conditions of the country in which its operations are operating. Kind consumers working as small businesses can still be affected by the external environment, so HR needs to adopt strategies as per the external environment and allow enough flexibility in their strategies. The impact of external factors affects the entire industry, but HR needs to make a strategy to overcome those impacts.

Strategies: Strategies of the company need to be adopted according to the business environment of the organization. The Strategies of human resources should indicate those business factors. The strategies of human resources for hiring and selecting employees focus best on finding the correct persons for the job (Boxall and Purcell, 2011). After hiring, the company provides training to their employees to enhance their skills and the development of their knowledge. The strategies also indicate providing tasks to their employees and maintaining team effectiveness among them.

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Monitoring: The healthcare company, after making strategic decisions, needs monitoring of its strategies in the company. HR of the company ensures that monitoring is done by any leaders or experts of the company so targets can be achieved in an effective manner (Guest, 2011). This process ensures that all strategies made by organizations should be attempted effectively so the performance of the company is not affected by them.

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(d) Human Resources Management Process

Human resource processes include HR planning, employee remuneration, performance management, and employee relations (Kraaijenbrink, Spender, and Groen, 2010). The effective design of these processes depends on their effective implications. The following are processes of human resource management.

Human resources planning: Human resources planning involves several stages. Planning includes not only hiring people in organizations; it also includes evaluation, promotion, and layoffs. The following steps are considered under the planning stages.

Recruitment: It focuses on finding the right person for the right job. It aims to attract more talented people in organizations that can meet the requirements of a job (Guchait and Cho 2010). HR of the company recruits employees for different levels in the company based on their skills and experience.

Selection: In this stage, the company shortlists candidates based on qualifications, expertise, and potential for the job. HR of the company makes selections of employees who have soft skills and interpersonal skills along with their knowledge. This skill helps a candidate help the company maintain long-term relations with their employees.

Hiring means selecting the final candidate for the job according to the company's vacancy and requirements (Kehoe and Wright, 2013). Hiring ensures the correct persons for the job who meet the criteria of the job and can perform the activities of the organization.

Training and development: This process institutions work on to develop employees' skills and abilities. By providing correct training to employees, they increase their efficiency. It also assists organizations in developing their performance and business activity in a better way. It also allows employees to perform tasks and meet company objectives.

Employee remuneration: Financial incentives are the best motivator for every employee. This process includes deciding on worker salary, incentives, and perquisites (Baumgartner and Ebner, 2010). By providing good salaries and wages to employees, they can retain their workers for the long term in the organization. For every employer to get good pay is a prime motive, so by paying a good amount to their employees, they motivate them for better work.

Performance management: In this stage, companies train and motivate their employees so they can meet organizational goals effectively. This process is not only for the workers but can also be for the whole department or product (Tang and Tang, 2012). Kind consumers can also use automated performance management systems that assist the company in adding all information that evaluates the performance of employees and also provides them with training according to their needs.

Employee relations: To maintain employee relations is an important factor for every company. Employee relations include labor relations, the working environment, and employee health and safety. All these are critical factors for the retention of employees in the organization. It is also very important for establishments to maintain good relations with their employees, especially in highly competitive industries.

(e) Role of Strategic Human Resources Management

Maintaining employee-employer relations is part of strategic human resources management. The strategic role of HR in a company is to provide manpower that can perform organizational activities and increase the productivity of the company. The following are the roles of strategic human resources management.

Hiring and selection: It is the main goal of HR management to hire the right person in the organization for different levels. This includes making decisions for sections and deciding their pay and perks. The role of strategic HR management is to design selection criteria for a particular job and find the right person for the job (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). By hiring and selecting the right person for the company, they can increase the performance of the company. It also includes providing required training for fresh employees to enhance their skills in a better way. The health care company can make strategies for hiring people by taking advice from their HR professional.

Leadership development: By introducing leadership programs in companies, HR develops leadership qualities in their workers (Snow and Snell, 2011). HR identified potential workers in their company and analyzed their skills and capabilities. In leadership development, HR is integrated with performance management systems, which help the company develop business strategy and leadership objectives. The HR also divides their workforce between potential workers and average workers. They give higher roles and responsibilities to potential workers who are marked for fast-track career progression based on performance management systems.

Team effectiveness: HRM divides workforces into teams and motivates their employees to perform their tasks in teams. HR sets challenging tasks for their employees and motivates them to find innovative ways to achieve their targets (CHUANG and Liao, 2010). HR ensures that a team has the right mix of skilled people so they can effectively perform the task. These skills involve technical, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. For consumers to manage effective teamwork, HR can plan different activities that increase mutual respect and trust between employees.

Workplace safety: Creating a healthy work environment is a strategic role of HRM. Strategy for workplace safety includes risk management and analysis of potential losses that may occur in the workplace. It also includes planning strategic compensations such as insurance coverage for their employees (Guest, 2011). In the health care company, HRM also ensures reducing accidents through training employees and providing clear guidelines to their workers on how to use machinery and equipment. It is the primary task associated with the organization to create a safe work environment.

(f) Development and Implementation of Human Resources Strategies

Development of HR strategies is needed when the number of clients has increased. HR strategies depend on organization size and structures and the cost of the resources that are essential for delivering an effective HR strategy. The following process includes the development of a human resources strategy.

Create a vision: HR needs to develop a vision for the company. With a vision, a company can decide how to achieve their goals. Sharing those visions with the company's HR helps to find correct methods that can assist in HR strategy (Brewster, Mayrhofer, and Morley, 2016). By dividing company goals into long-term and short-term HRM, it helps the organization achieve its goals.

Understand current situations and identify deficiencies. For an effective implementation of HR strategy, workforces are important elements for organizations. The company needs to understand its current situation and also identify deficiencies that are decreasing the efficiency of institution employees (Buller and McEvoy, 2012). By identifying those deficiencies, the healthcare company provides a framework and timeline to their employees. The development of HR strategy also includes assessing new technologies and virtual workspaces for improving productivity.

Model of dynamics in nature: Business is always dynamic. The external environment of a company always affects its strategies. Before developing any strategy, organizations need to consider future elements and their risk factors. It helps a business firm maintain enough flexibility in its strategies.

Bridge into action: To develop an effective HR strategy, a company needs to consider guiding principles and agree on board themes into action (Jackson et. al., 2011). It also includes involving line managers and asking for suggestions to develop a strategy. Shared visions with the company's employees and made them aware of goals. Create cross-functional teams in the organization to identify goals and find performance indicators.

Implementation of Strategic Human Resources Management

The development of strategy is not sufficient; proper execution is also very important. Strategy, which provides desired results for the company. The key elements for implementing strategic human resource management are as follows:

Communication: It means to make aware to everyone in the organization of their strategy. With the help of effective communication, employees of an organization can engage with the company's motive and align properly with strategy. This also helps the company to solve conflicts that may occur during executive strategies.

Determine goals: while implementing company goals, it is very important to determine the company's goals. These goals help HR implement their goals. Strategy is planned according to the company's goals (Snell and Bohlander, 2010). Kind Consumer has goals to develop novel inhalation technologies to reduce the harm of tobacco then their strategy focuses on people who want alternative solutions to tobacco.

Decide means of achieving goals: The best strategy execution is only possible if it fits with the external and internal environment. Implementing any strategy in business firms needs to focus on the external environment as well. There is flexibility and consistency in implementing business strategy. HR goals should be relevant to the external environment by considering the degree of flexibility.

Activity 2

Identification of HR Strategy:

HR strategies are set according to organizational goals. HR policies and practices are integrated with business goals. The purpose of HR strategies is to develop the organization. They provide a means of communication which has concerned intentions about management of human resources (Mondy and Martocchio, 2016). A good HR strategy helps the company satisfy all areas of management in the company. This strategy is suitable for the company because it makes people value. It helps the organization to make their people aware. It shows employees of the organization how to fit and adopt a strategy and their implementations in an effective manner A specific HR strategy is followed by Kind Consumer. The specific HR strategy is focused on different aspects of management and related to their strategy. It matches with overall areas of functions in business. Implications of HR Strategy In the Company.

Talent strategy: Human capital is a very important factor for every organization. The HR department of the company is responsible for hiring employees and forecasting employee's needs in the company. By applying this strategy, the healthcare institution finds knowledge, skills, and abilities in human capital that can create more value in their services (Dickman, 2010). The HR strategy is focused on creating and maintaining job descriptions for their employees.

Continuous improvement: It includes the development of skills and abilities of workers. It focuses on providing training and development programs for company workers. The healthcare company, with the help of HR, can create high-performance work cultures to motivate their employees (Human Resources Advice, 2016). Leaders of the company support HR strategy to create a high-performance environment in the organization (Guchait and Cho, 2010). This strategy also supports providing training to employees so they can increase their skills.

Knowledge management: It involves creating and enhancing employees' knowledge about their work experiences. The knowledge of employees can be increased by sharing information with their leaders or their managers. This approach includes on-the-job discussions, professional training,g, and mentoring programs. To increase the knowledge of their employees, organizations can conduct seminars and provide mentors for their workers to increase their knowledge about the industry (Werner and DeSimone, 2011). It also includes making employees aware of the company's norms and structures and their cultures.

Leadership strategy: Top executives in a company play an important role and can affect company performance (KindConsumer, 2017). HR plays an important role in the selection of executives in the company. The quality of decision-making can affect company performance. SoHR needs to make the correct selection of executives in the company. HR is an important part of an organization; their ideas and selection of employees can improve the bottom line.

Employees' relations: To maintain employees within the company HR plays media in the business firm. They develop equal opportunities for their employees and provide training to their employees (Jackson, Schule, r and Jiang, 2014). Employee relations can be improved by providing a good and healthy environment for employees. For consumers to develop good employee relations, they give freedom to their employees to develop their creativity in the organization. HR makes sure to pay equally to their employees and maintain healthy competition between the employees.


Employees are important assets in every organization and managing their efficiency and performance is the responsibility of HR management. The SHRM is responsible for planning and executing policies and their implementations. For growing businesses, it is important to manage their human resources so they can retain their employees for the long term. Kind Consumerbusinessess is growing rapidly so the company needs to manage its human resources effectively. For successful impel mention of strategic human management, it is important to understand
Visions of company. By managing strategic resources management in the company, they can use and manage their employees' efficiency in a better way.

From the above report, it can be concluded that by applying strategic human resources management in healthcare companies, they can enhance the efficiency of the organization. It also concludes deficiencies faced by SHRM and their implications for the company. Furthermore, this report also concludes imthe plications of specific HR strategies in different management areas of the company. At last, as growing small businesses, organizations need to focus on maintaining their business relations with employees for the long-term growth of the firm.

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