
Developing Teams and Individuals Within Organization

University: UK college of business and computing

  • Unit No: 35
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 20 / Words 5119
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: A/508/0594
  • Downloads: 1911
Organization Selected : Tesco


In the business world, the collective and individualistic abilities of employees determine the success of an organization. Most of the organizations focus on improving the capabilities of their staff through targeted training and mentoring. Developing manpower means improvising their business knowledge and working potential (Baiden and Price, 2011). basic criteria for team development is to ensure that employees understand their job and specified roles. The present assignment is based on Tesco, which is a renowned British Multinational company and marketer of groceries and general commodities. It is headquartered in England. This report acknowledges the behavior, knowledge, and working skills needed by HR professionals, along with a precise development plan regarding the roles of HR officers. Apart from this, differences between individual and organizational learning will be discussed. Lastly, how HPW influences employee engagement and its impacts on performance, working, and communication within an organization are mentioned.


P1. Analyzing the Knowledge, Behavior, and Professional Skills of an HR Professional

To increase the effectiveness within any organization, the major aspects are knowledge, working skills, and behavior of the employees. Determining these will help in improving productivity in the workplace. To carry out the operations and tasks in an effective way, the human resource professionals of Tesco are required to do distinct functions. This will help the organization achieve its targets along with increased market growth. Various skills, behaviors, and knowledge required by the HR professional are outlined below:

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  • Negotiation: The negotiating power of an HR manager must be up to the mark. He must be able to bring everyone close. The HR team of Tesco should be able to reconcile the differences among the working staff. This will help in providing a friendly environment within the company (Bolden, 2016).
  • Multitasking: HR professionals must be able to handle several issues together or within a short time. This multitasking factor will help Tesco resolve the problems at a faster rate. This will result in a healthy working environment.
  • Teamwork: Teamwork helps in completing the tasks within time and in a better way. The administrator of Tesco requires teamwork skills as it will ensure a positive impact on the organization.
  • Analysis: Better analysis skills can help the organization to solve the problems that are facing in business operations.
  • Critically evaluate: It helps the organization to evaluate the performance of workers so that it can know the strengths and weaknesses of employees.


  • Personnel and Human Resources: Managers of Tesco must have procedural knowledge regarding the recruitment, selection, and training of employees. Apart from the principles of negotiation, benefits and compensations must be acknowledged (Blandford, 2012).
  • Law and Government: Knowledge regarding laws, legal codes, government regulations, and political processes is very important for the HR professional at Tesco. It will help Tesco hold a strong position globally.
  • Media and communication: The human resources officer of Tesco should know about media. It will help in increasing the online reputation of the brand. HR will be able to provide information to more customers about their products.
  • Education and qualification: The person should have done a management of business administration course in the specialization of human resources.


  • Transparency and trustworthiness: Managers are the leaders who guide the staff regarding their specified tasks. The HR Manager of Tesco must be fair, professional, and transparent while making decisions. Employees must trust their heads for effective work.
  • Versatile and adaptable: Adaptability determines a person's behavior in changing environments. A human resources professional must be flexible and versatile enough to deal with variants. This will help Tesco in competing against challenging situations.
  • Solution-oriented: A successful HR officer has a positive attitude while resolving issues. They seek a solution that will satisfy everyone concerned with that particular problem. This behavior of the Tesco manager will create harmony among the working staff.

P2. Analysis of Personal Skills Audit and Professional Development Plans for Jane Cambridge and Creation of Professional Development Plan

A personal skills audit is essentially a process for measuring and recording the skills of an individual. It helps to identify the skills and knowledge that an organization requires, as well as the skills and knowledge that the organization currently has (Cerovsek, 2011). This audit is also done to determine training needs so the employee can improve their skills and knowledge (Conboy et. al., 2011). Some skills are required by Tesco for the job profile, which includes:

  1. Promoting equality and diversity in the culture of organizations.
  2. Making policies for the betterment of the employees.
  3. Advising on remuneration issues and employee career enhancement.
  4. Encouraging disciplinary actions.
  5. Study training needs of employees.
  6. Consultancy on employment law to managers at the time of recruitment.
  7. Developing job descriptions, conducting interviews, and selecting candidates.

As James Cambridge has gone through an evaluation sheet in which he has rated himself according to which the development plan would be made, the skills which he has achieved are,

Sr. No.

Skills and competencies



Advising on HR issues

Adequate but needs training.


Writing reports



Information technology skills

Partial achievement requires training


Problem-solving skills




Adequately achieved


Disciplinary knowledge



Negotiating staff salary

Partial achievement


Assisting line managers



Analysis skill

Partial achieved


Team working

Partial achieved


As per this table, some of the requirements of job profiles have been achieved and the rest, not achieved, need training and development programs.

The program of professional development, which is specifically designed for Jane Cambridge, will enhance his skills and knowledge and determine his weak points.

Development objectives include developing new skills and knowledge; this can be done in the case of Jane Cambridge by providing her seminars and lectures.

  • Advising on HR issues can be developed by giving practical examples of it and providing case studies to read. This can increase the knowledge of employees, which will help the organization get the job profile done. The timeline for acquiring this should be 1 month.
  • Information technology skills will be developed by providing proper knowledge of IT, the way the staff handbooks are prepared, and giving the knowledge to run HR-related software. The organizational working culture will help in achieving this skill. The timeline for this learning objective can not be greater than 1 month.
  • Negotiating staff salary skills can be acquired while giving her live examples and making her sit in the interview to listen to how other HR does the work (Goodwin et. al., 2014). This skill can be achieved in 15 days and for judging this, top management can be used.
  • Developing and implementing policies can be acquired by making the employee sit in the conference and evaluating how the policies are drawn and implemented. For this, the timeline must be around 1 month. To evaluate this skill, the help of upper management would be taken.

By implementing the skill audit process, Jane Cambridge can adequately increase her skills in HR and can help the organization achieve its pre-set goals. This process would help in selecting the employees as per requirement. By implementing this process, organizations can ensure skill development and other HR-related work is successful (Huczynski, Buchanan, and Huczynski, 2013). A skill audit plan has rules, regulations, policies, and training and development practices, and organizations can instruct their employees to work based on this. It helps to develop various effective skills in the employees.

Appendix A: Template of CPD development action plan



In what area do I need to improve my performance?

How does this link to other objectives?

How do I need to learn to achieve this?

What will I do to achieve this?

What are the likely resources and support that I will need?

How will I evaluate a successful outcome?

What are my deadlines for meeting this target?



I need training and disciplinary knowledge.

Training and disciplinary knowledge can help me to improve my performance and productivity in the company.

I need to learn about the organization's culture and its policies.

Through commitment to the work.

I need team leader support so that I can do work more effectively.

I can evaluate successful outcomes when I achieve my goals and targets and perform my duties efficiently.

I need approx. 6-8 months to meet the target which I have set.

Appendix B: Template of CPD personal development record

Details of CPD activity



Dev. Plan ref.

Key learning points

Key benefits/value-added

Future comments:

Was the plan successful? How can I improve it in the future?

Training and development program, problem-solving session.

I need approx. 6 months

It is effective because it helps me to improve my knowledge and skills, helps me in overall development, and makes me more resilient.

Individual skill and development plan, which is organized by the management.

I learned about organizational learning and individual learning, which helped me to improve my skills.

It develops confidence, motivates me, and helps to enhance my ability.

Yes, the plan was successful, and in the future, improvements can be made to the effective training and learning process so that new employees can enhance their skills.


P3: Difference Between Organizational and Individual Learning, Training, and Development.


It is the process of improving skills, Knowledge, behavior, and values. It is an important factor for an individual and an organization to achieve more growth and knowledge for the successful completion of the organization. Organizational

  • Learning refers to the process of gaining knowledge in an organization about its culture, Environment, goals, and processes. In this, Individuals interact with other employees and learning takes place between them. Hence, learning is a direct outcome of interaction. Tesco is following such a type of learning to achieve their organizational objectives in a specified time, and it will also provide opportunities to employees to gain new knowledge. The employees of Tesco are now identifying their mistakes as well as solving them by themselves.

  • Individual learning refers to the learning of an individual in an organization, whether consciously or unconsciously. It is the ability to gain knowledge through experience or interaction with other employees and the culture. It involves how an employee learns and how it is beneficial for the company. In the case of Tesco, Managers are identifying the strengths and weaknesses of their employees and providing the necessary skills required for their self-development. The trait model can be used for learning so that efficiency can be improved and skills of workers can be developed and it helps in maximum mization of productivity.

Difference Between Organizational and Individual Learning

Organizational Learning

Individual Learning

This learning involves the development of an organization by implementing policies by managers to provide the required skills and methods in the company.

It involves individuals' knowledge and skills required in the company. It is a continuous process concerning time (Mesoudi and Thornton, 2016).

It changes the behavior of people, which develops a positive attitude (Duffield and Whitty, 2015).

It builds confidence in individuals so they feel motivated and perform well.


Training and Development

It is an essential function of management to improve and develop skills and behavior among employees of an organization. Training helps in the development of knowledge, skills, and attitudes for doing the job more conveniently and effectively. The management of Tesco is providing technical training and engaging courses to the employees to ensure that the employees stay updated with technological and other advancements (McCormack, Manleyand, Titchen, 2013). It will help the employees in increasing productivity and performance both in terms of individuals and organization. Such training and courses provided by management will drive more growth and opportunities for employees.

Basis of Comparison




It is an educational process that involves the overall growth of individuals to overcome future problems.

In this, individuals develop and improve their skills and knowledge with the work requirements.


It focuses on gaining knowledge and developing an understanding of upcoming problems.

It develops skills and knowledge for the present job.

Number of persons

Mostly, it involves one person having good skills and understanding to handle various tasks.

It involves a group or large number of persons so that they can increase their performance at work.


It is a short-term process with a fixed duration.

It is a long-term process which takes through the life of a person.


It helps to maximize the performance of employees.

It ensures the overall growth of employees.

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4. Analyze the Need for Continuous Learning and Professional Development to Maintain Sustainable Business Performance

On a professional level, constant learning includes the continuous enhancements of skills and working patterns through increasing knowledge. Employees must respond to the changing atmosphere and new developments in a competent way. It involves the actions that lead to achieving the required targeted growth. This will help the management and employees to augment their achievements and abilities. At the team level, constant learning is depicted by a team changing itself in response to varying situations. Learning new strategies and tactics can help a firm compete with its rivals in a better way (Mahajan, 2011). Professional development is necessary for the survival of a company due to altering economic capabilities. Development in the professionalism of employees positively influences Tesco's reputation at the market level. At an individual level, learning is about upgrading our working skills. In the case of Tesco's advancement, proper learning about new developments is needed for the achievement of goals and targets. Some of the points related to the constant learning environment are undertaken below:

  • For managing difficult situations and efficiently resolving them, constant learning is vital. In the context of Tesco, critical thinking must be given consideration. It will help in improving the connection between staff members and managers. Improved relations result in a positive work atmosphere. Continuous learning and professional development can help the employees to groom their skills and maximize their knowledge. It improves the efficiency of staff, and they can be aware of the use of new technology. It helps in the overall growth and development of the workers. It develops the analytical skills in the employees, and organizations can be able to evaluate the performance of their workers.
  • Both learning and advancement to pursue tasks lead to individual growth along with the organization's benefit. In this aspect, Tesco focuses on holding their working staff through considerable means. Effective training is provided to the employees so that they can learn new approaches from time to time.

Some of the points to enhance sustainable business performance are outlined as follows:

  • Partnership and collaboration: Managing the whole business effectively at a small scale is possible. However, when it comes to large organizations, it is not effective. Tesco can collaborate with other institutions, especially in those areas where they lack experience. This will help them in expanding their business in new sectors (Mittal and Dhar, 2015).
  • Customer retention: For sustainable growth within an organization, it is essential to hold the old consumers along with attracting the new ones. Tesco can reduce customer defection rates, which will result in the generation of high margin profits.
  • Repeatable sales: Launching new products and brands is not sufficient. To maintain a scalable business, repeatable sales are required. customer wishes to use those products that are reliable. Employees of Tesco must focus on providing the required products to the right people at the right place.


P5 Contribution of Hpw to Employee Engagement and Competitive Advantage in Specific Organizational Situations

High-performance work systems are designed to improve the effectiveness and productivity of employees. In addition, this system can reduce costs for the organization and helps in creating value for employees. It is an organization where the employees have greater involvement and responsibilities. HPW is all about what jobs a company needs to do, designing the jobs, and identifying the employees needed for the job. As in the case of Tesco, it has taken care of its employees and has implemented HPW in the organization to enhance employee productivity and organizational performance. The elements of HPW include organizational structure, task design, performance, organizational goals, people, etc. The elements of high-performance work systems link the firm's job infrastructure to equip workers with the proper ability to do their jobs and provide them with the means to do their work. Elements for this include a training program to enhance employee's skills, abilities, and knowledge. Tesco provides its employees with regular training and knowledge, which helps it in making its service available to its customers in a great way. Compensation and promotion opportunities motivate skilled employees to engage in the overall outcome of the firm fulfilling their needs. The outcome of HPW comes out to be positive most of the time where it can have a significant impact on the financial performance of the organization, can create a positive culture change within it, creates a higher degree of job satisfaction among employees, and increases the production capacity and quality performance. It also comes with the outcome where employees are challenged to explore new ideas. A high-performance work system has to be based on the bang-up strategy that sets out the intention and plans through which HPW can be created in the organization. The strategy has to be aligned with the organization's goals. Some conditions will contribute to a high-performance work system, which are knowledge sharing, job satisfaction, employee reward and compensation tied to company performance, etc. If these conditions are engaged in any organization, then it will create HPW among employees. If these elements are applied in the case of Tesco, then it will create job satisfaction among employees, which in turn will increase the performance of the organization. Ongoing training programs in the case of Tesco will result in better skills and abilities for employees. If Tesco applied the program, which includes job security as a part of HPW, then the performance of employees would be more committed to the organization's success.

For example, If all employees are performing as per the set standards of the organization, it leads to higher productivity. The efficiency of workers will also improve, and it is possible through high-performance work.

HPW helps in performing very well and has a competitive advantage against other organizations. It provides a successful situation in the organization as both employees and employers benefit (Succar, Sher, and Williams, 2013).

P6:Different Approaches to Performance Management and How They Support High-Performance Culture and Commitment.

Performance management is the process by which managers identify and measure the performance of employees in the organization. It is the continuous process of setting new objectives, evaluating progress, and providing feedback to guarantee that the workforce is meeting their objectives and goals (Tynjälä, 2013). This is also helpful in the execution of activities in a proper and detailed manner to increase the knowledge of each employee in the company. Fundamentally, performance management involves several elements, such as the promotion of the workforce, generating trust toward each other, and effective communication mediums between staff members. An organization needs to plan its activities systematically and easily to perform the task to get maximum output. Companies are using various approaches for evaluating performance and productivity. These approaches have a positive effect on the motivation of employees and they perform better. As the employees know their organizational objectives and goals, they can work further on themselves to achieve them. Five major approaches among these are described below:

The comparative approach: as per this approach, an organization compares two or several persons to measure their performance and talent and then ranks them according to their performance. By this, an organization can aid them in their given task and goals in a fixed period. By this approach, Tesco can identify their star players and assign the work based on their expertise, which leads to an increase in productivity of the company in the desired time.

Attribute approach: In this, the workforce is evaluated based on some factors like problem-solving skills, team and work cooperation, judgment, and innovations. Companies can also use a graphic rating scale to rank employees. With the help of this approach, Tesco is easily measuring the potential as well as the performance of their employees.

Behavioral approach: It is the oldest technique for measuring performance. In this approach, companies are using the BARS technique or BOS technique. The Behavioral Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) ranks the workforce based on vertical anchors, where the company measures employees on a scale of 5 to 10. Mostly, this technique is used by top-level managers to measure the characteristics and traits of employees. Tesco is using this technique to measure the characteristics and performance of the workforce in identifying the issues faced by employees to provide the right solutions. It will help in achieving the targeted goals.

Result approach: In this, the rating of employees is based on their performance. This approach is very effective in motivating the workforce to increase productivity. Tesco measures the performance of its employees based on this approach. Tesco sets two categories, i.e., a balanced scorecard and productivity measurement, for the evaluation of the total performance of workers.

Quality approach: This approach focuses on increasing job satisfaction among employees by minimizing conflicts and by providing services to meet their needs and demands at work. Management tracks regular feedback of the workforce from managers and their colleagues. Tesco is trying to keep the corporate standards and motivation of employees to achieve the desired goals. Motivated employees tend to work efficiently, which increases productivity (Wickramasinghe and Widyaratne, 2012). Tesco is providing discounts, holidays, and incentives to their star players, and hence employees are taking an interest in their work for these extra rewards and avoiding conflicts through mutual understanding.

So these different approaches help the organization because the performance of employees can be enhanced and they can do work more effectively and efficiently. It helps the company to achieve its goals.

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As mentioned above in this report, it has been concluded that for success and growth, it is necessary to develop both teams and individuals within organizations. It is the major duty of a human resources manager to interpret the needs and demands of employees. There are various approaches to inspire employees to achieve their both long- and short-term goals with maximum effort. Motivated employees tend to work harder than demotivated ones and bring more growth and productivity to the organization as well as to themselves. Managers should take employees seriously and must have an understanding of their needs and desires in the organization.

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