
Managing Team and Individual Performance


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Leadership is a function that helps an individual to lead group of people and direct them to achieve organizational goals. However, it is essential for leaders to encourage people and assists them to enhance business as well as individual performance. Also, all the team members are required to contribute towards achieving business objectives. Therefore, managers are required to develop proper planning in order to monitor individual performance that helps in understanding their responsibilities (Tannenbaum and Cerasoli, 2013).

Further, receiving regular feedback on their performance helps managers to enhance their capabilities and skills so that conflict and poor performance can be overcome. In the present report, Bournemouth City College (BCC) has been undertaken which is a private limited company of Bournemouth, South West of England. Its main responsibility is to provide accommodation to international and local customers. However, company employs skilled manpower in order to provide best accommodation services to their clients and also achieve smooth running of business.

Task 1

1.1 Links Between Individual, Team and Organizational Objectives

Organizational objectives involves goals, purpose and mission which are created by business and communicated to their team members so that they can interact with each other and carry out goals. Main objective of Bournemouth City College is to provide the best accommodation service to their customers and tenants so that they can enhance their career or study while living in the city. For instance, BCC employs varied skilled employees such as social workers, interpreters, secretaries, maintenance and cleaners etc, so that business can run its operations smoothly (Goetsch and Davis, 2014).

However, there are differences in the working of every individual therefore; it is essential for manager to direct their efforts towards team working by defining the individual objectives in order to attain desired organizational goals. Furthermore, in order to attain organizational objectives, BCC helps in providing excellent environment that encourages their clients to achieve rapid advance in their career. For example, accommodation manager of BCC is responsible for providing accommodation facilities effectively and ensuring that all the customers are satisfied and are given proper care regarding solving their queries.

Golden thread is the best method through which it links the business vision, mission, values and strategy in regard to attain overall organizational goals. It can be assessed for golden thread to work effectively, business is required to develop two way communication which involved feedback so that desired objectives can be attained. While, it results in the members of the firm working at cross purposes. For instance, if senior management at BCC introduces new quarterly reporting system in regard to monitor individual performance without informing the area manager. However, it results into confused and disengaged employees.

1.2 Selection of Individual and Team Objectives for Agreement

It is essential for BCC to effectively work with the senior management team in different regions so that both individual and organizational goals can be attained. However, main vision of company is to provide excellent environment that encourages customers to make a rapid advance in their career and achieve heights in academics so that desired goals can be attained. Thus, such aims and objectives of firm have been published on company's website so that it can be easily viewed by all the stakeholders in order to carry out investment within firm (Shields and et. al., 2015). On the other hand, responsibility of accommodation manager within BCC is effective as they are required to maintain proper and efficient running of accommodation facilities, residents and tenants.

Also, it is crucial for individual to develop and maintain proper cleaning services and supervising the cleaning staff so that it ensures health and safety for the accommodation provided to tenants. However, it is assessed that objectives set for all the employees should be SMART so that it ensures performance to be accurately monitored and reviewed. For instance, BCC employs skilled professional employees as it is essential for firm to maintain proper security and safety of their customers and tenants in order to accomplish the set objectives (Zhang, Waldman and Wang, 2012). BCC is required to develop proper performance appraisal system so that they can monthly or annually review the performance of their employees in order to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Business also requires to set the defined objectives as per the performance appraisal technique so that best practice can be carried out in order to attain targets. However, through providing proper performance appraisal it helps individuals to encourage them and thus make sure that their performance can be enhanced effectively and efficiently.

1.3 Identify Areas of Individual and Team Responsibility in Achieving Objectives

Main role of manager is to identify, assess, monitor and review the strengths and weaknesses of individual as well as team. Thus, it is essential for individual to develop team responsibility so that they can attain set objectives. Management of BCC is required to provide effective training and development to individuals so that their skills and capabilities can be enhanced in order to encourage them and achieve overall team dynamic (Pieterse, Van Knippenberg and Van Dierendonck, 2013). However, in order to attain optimal individual and team performance, business employs skilled workers and assigns them specific roles and responsibilities to accomplish tasks.

Further, business undertakes Belbin's Team Roles Theory in order to identify people's behavioral strengths and weaknesses within the workplace and gives a common language to show clusters of behavior that are needed. However, this model is suitable at the time when business organizes responsibilities with team members and managers so that desired organizational goals can be attained. Also, employee engagement is crucial as it helps BCC to support the outcomes and satisfy tenants. Business also involves staff engagement in decision making so that communication channels can be developed between management and staff in order to attain overall organizational goals (Austin, 2013).

Task 2

2.1 Need To Create an Environment of Trust and Support With Others

It is essential for organization to create a culture of trust and support in order to overcome conflicts. For instance, environment of trust helps individual to generate new ideas, problem solving, developing self awareness and empathy. Here, the managers and leaders are responsible for creating a culture of trust and support within firm so that overall goals can be attained. Also, it is assessed that effective leaders are required to switch over different leadership styles in order to create effectual culture that develops outstanding performance (Gong and et. al., 2013). For instance, if a leader adopts visionary style that helps him/her to move people towards planned objectives while, if leader undertakes democratic leadership style, then they involve each and every employee in decision making and get commitment to attain desired goals.

However, it is essential for manager of BCC to develop effective communication which helps in minimizing conflict. Thus, in order to attain this, business is required to employ a wide range of inter-personal skills and facilitate effective communication. Within BCC, it is essential to carry out main objective i.e. providing effective accommodation to tenants and customers and ensure that they are satisfied with the services provided. However, accommodation manager is required to develop effectual skills such as communication, questioning, need assessment etc, so that they can determine the needs of consumers. Thus, it leads to improve performance by individuals and develop a culture of regular improvement. Also, it is essential for managers to minimize conflicts by providing the best accommodation to individuals and thus attain overall consumer satisfaction (Crawford and Lepine, 2013).

2.2 Examining Methods of Feedback To Individuals and Teams in Relation To Their Performance Against Agreed Objectives

Following are the different methods that helps in providing feedback to individuals as well as team in order to measure their performance against agreed objectives. These are as follows

Individual E-mail

It is an effective method to gain individual feedback and thus helps in directing and remaining confidential. However, communication done through e-mails within BCC can be recorded in order to use it later (Mone and London, 2014). Main disadvantage of individual e-mail is that it is very time consuming method and also involves huge cost in order to provide feedback to individuals and teams.

Review of Performance

It is a formal system that helps in reviewing the performance of individual and thus enable them to monitor the performance and develop follow-up-actions so that best results can be attained. Limitation is that BCC management is unable to effectively review the performance of individuals because its required effective technology and methods to monitor individual's performance and attain targets.

Team Meeting

Here, it helps in providing feedback to team and manage the performance of team by carrying out team meeting and enhance productivity. Through organizing team meeting it helps individual members to draw upon knowledge, skills and capabilities that helps them to overcome the issues (Trevor, Reilly and Gerhart, 2012). Disadvantage is that at the time of team meeting BCC faces issues in providing feedback and manages the performance of team to improve the productivity. It also affects the individuals skills and knowledge to carry out the desired targets.


It is organized in order to provide feedback to a team of BCC. It helps in focusing upon a particular theme or issue so that team members can focus upon it in order to develop two way communication and support collaborative solution to avoid issues (Mazmanian, Orlikowski and Yates, 2013). Its limitation is that BCC faces problem in organizing workshop as it requires to focus upon individual to develop two way communication and bring outcomes.

It can be reflected that through carrying out effective methods of reviewing performance of individual and team it is essential for me to attain best results. Also, I found that my team work is high and thus it results into efficiency and growth to achieve best results.

2.3 Explaining Recording Systems For Performance Assessment For Individuals or Teams

Following are the different sources of recorded information that helps managers to measure the performance assessment of individuals and teams

Integrated System

It is an effectual information technology system that develops a database which is used by BCC in order to maintain records of stakeholders and the services delivered by firm. Also, it is effectively used in order to monitor and review the performance of individual as well as teams. Information contained within the database helps in complying with the legal laws such as Data Protection so that records of tenants could not be leaked to other individuals (Lorinkova, Pearsall and Sims, 2013).

Here, it helps in monitoring and reviewing the performance of individuals and teams so that effective information contained within the system in order to compliance with the service level agreements and statutory requirements so that they can comply with data protection legislation.

Schedule 6 & 7 Reporting

It is essential for BCC enterprise to fill relevant schedules that is required to record and report specified matters and events. However, it is also useful in order to monitor and review possible events that helps in maintaining performance management system and examine the quality of accommodation services provided by BCC accommodation manager to enhance the service delivery (Evans and Lindsay, 2012). It is used to review the performance so that business can examine the quality of employees service delivery process and thus it helps in attaining desired results.

Training and Development

BCC is required to develop effective training and development programs for its team members so that they can attain set objectives. Also, it is essential for accommodation manager to supervise the annual meetings in order to reflect continuous improvement within firm and attain customer satisfaction (Parmenter, 2015). BCC helps in maintaining performance review so that they can monthly supervision and carry out meetings so that individual can review the regular improvement and support team to attain objectives.

Task 3

3.1 Organization's Disciplinary and Grievances Procedures

It is essential for BCC to manage effective disciplinary and grievance procedures so that difficulties can be managed effectively. Main purpose of business to ensure consistency, fairness and transparency so that desired organizational goals can be attained. Also, business is required to develop good leadership, effective culture and communication so that tenants can be satisfied. However, BCC has its own policies and procedures in order to overcome duplication. Business is required to undertake effective disciplinary policies and takes into account different offenses so that employees can help in overcoming them as per the stated rules. While, grievances are the set of complaints provided by employees regarding the action which their employer has taken in relation to them (Crawford and Lepine, 2013).

Therefore, it is essential for business to employ effective leaders as they are aware regarding the employment of appropriate policies and procedures in order to attain satisfaction. BCC possess separate policies and procedures in regard of disciplinary procedures so that it helps and encourages sanctions within workplace. In addition to this, they also comply with the different statutory minimum requirements so that dismissal and disciplinary policies takes into account and the recommendations provided by ACAS. Business also involves proper performance management and capability policies so that poor job performance and incapability need to be treated as disciplinary offenses.

3.2 Role of Manager in Implementing Both a Disciplinary and a Grievances Procedure

Here, within BCC manager are responsible for applying organizational procedures. However, it is the responsibility of the manager that they are required to implement effective disciplinary and grievances procedures so that positive actions can be undertaken. Also, it is the duty of managers to maintain proper records and arrange meetings in order to train the employees so that best services can be provided to tenants. Moreover, the role of manager also depends upon the circumstances of discipline and grievances so that fair, reasonable and consistent efforts can be carried out (Austin, 2013). However, it is essential for managers to carry out effective skills such as effective communication and clear processes in order to attain desired goals. It also provides opportunity for the issue to be resolved by individuals and practice the procedures fairly, reasonably and consistently.

3.3 Summarizing Key Aspects of Legislation To an Organization's Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

Employment Act 2008 and Employment Tribunals Regulations 2008 is the legislation relating to disciplinary and grievances in the workplace. BCC is required to comply with such legislation in order to follow proper policies and procedures and train employees at the time of induction program. ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) is an UK based firm that provide free and impartial advice to employers and workers regarding the workplace relations and employment law (Oakland, 2014). Further, it is essential for BCC to follow proper policies and procedures in relation to fairness and transparency so that best practice can be carried out within enterprise.

ACAS is a UK based business that provides free and impartial advice to employers and workers upon workplace relations and employment law. However, they have a code of practice that helps in supporting effective relationship among employers and employees so that best targets can be attained. Also, business is required to follow proper Employment Act 2008 so that individuals can be given proper opportunity to carry out the desired tasks and attain results.


From the above study it can be concluded that leaders are required to enhance the skills and capabilities of individual as well as team in order to attain organizational objectives. Also, it is essential for BCC to provide effective accommodation to tenants and consumers as per the requirements in regard to achieve satisfaction. Further, training and development is provided to employees so that their performance can be improved within workplace. However, there are different methods which have been implemented in order to achieve set objectives of both team and individual level. Workshop is one of the crucial tool that help in assessing feedback from teams in relation to their performance against agreed objectives.


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