
Personal and Professional Development

University: University of Sunderland

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 7 / Words 1768
  • Paper Type: Essay
  • Course Code: UGB 260
  • Downloads: 1870
Question :

This assessment will cover the following questions:

  • Investigate the work-based skill, competencies and values and the impact that they have on behaviours.
  • Analyse the concept of self-reflection and examine personal and professional behaviour and effectiveness.
  • Identify the key personal quality that emerges from the various workshop exercises and module experiences
Answer :
Organization Selected : N/A


Personal and professional development can be defined as the process through which an individual and organization engaged in learning procedure so that they can meet out challenges and desire goals. Report will lay emphasis on me as an intern participating in career and employment workshop. The main purpose of workshop is to enhance decision making skills of emerging aspirants. During workshop, I have identified my key strength which was my communication skills. Report will define and describe my quality. Evaluation of quality will also be done in assignment. It also explains about how this quality will assist me in future.


Definition and Description of My Quality

I participated in career and employment workshop in order to explore more career opportunities and also to enhance my decision making skills. During the workshop, I realised communication is my key strength. Workshop assisted me in gaining practical skills, so that I can select suitable employment (Ragan, 2018). Definition of Communication: It basically means sharing of information from one person to group of other person. It includes listening, communicating new ideas, feelings, speaking, understanding and empathising.During workshop, I realised that me as an intern have good non-verbal interaction power and emotional control. Communication theory: Communication accommodation theory perfectly describes my quality as I realised that I have the ability to adjust my interaction style according to others (Bennett-Levy, 2019). This has assisted me in gaining lots of experience from workshop. Also constructivism theory can also explain my quality.

Evaluation of Quality

Constructivism means that individual has power to make scientific messages into simpler one. As I am more cognitively complex, I can be a very successful communicator. I have the ability to create customized and sophisticated messages that pursue multiple communication goals. This theory explains that how attitude form and change through a logical thought process. I analysed that communication is my key strength, I have the skill to modify my way of interaction according to suitability of other person. So this can also help in my career, I will be able to create better bond with my colleagues. This quality displayed when I was working in a team and making other members understand about their roles and responsibilities.

Attributes, Behavioural Preferences and Values Underpin This Strength?

As communication is my key strength, I discovered that other than that, this strength also has several attributes (Trorey and Cullingford, 2017). Like for example, during employment workshop when I was interacting with my supervisor, I made use of complete sentences. Information passed by me contains all details about my interests, so that it become easy for them to evaluate career options available for me. The messages which I was delivering to my mentor was also clear, it precisely describes about gaols and objectives that I wanted to achieve.

Behavioural preferences in communication has assisted me in facilitating better team work (Jaeger, 2018). I was able to create interpersonal strategies and also showed appreciation on ideas deliver by others, which helped me in making better relation with my mentor and peers presented in workshop. While interacting, I also made sure that someone's value and beliefs did not get hurt because of me, by this way I was able to positively engaged with my team.

Difficulty and Challenges in Workshop Exercises.

During workshop exercises, I faced lots of challenges like for example there was lack of trust during the activities performed by teams. Team members were not being acquainted personally and professionally, there was lack of understanding. So, this created conflict and tension while achieving team goals. Also they were not engaged in sharing information which reduce efficiency and productivity of team. Tuckman theory of team development can be used to make teams more efficient.

  • Forming: In this step, leader must make clear roles and responsibilities of each member while forming team. During the employment workshop, team members needs to be engaged in knowing each other, as there exists lack of trust in team. (Tod, Hutter and Eubank, 2017).
  • Storming; The team starts to address the task suggesting ideas. In this step team must be managed effectively so that activities in workshop can be completed effectively. They must be engaged in working towards achieving common goals and objectives.
  • Norming: Harmonious working practices must be implemented at this stage in order to enhance productivity (Tuckman theory of team development, 2017). All rules and regulations must be implemented so that team members follow it and trust develop between them (Dias and Cadime, 2016).
  • Performing: At this stage team needs to be made aware about their rights and responsibilities so that their efficiency increases. They must be working towards shared vision.
  • Adjourning: Implementation of plan must be revised, to know if they have any gaps during this process.

Contradiction Evidence

As communication is my key strength, but I also noticed that during the time of representing my team in workshop activities, I felt really nervous and I was speaking less than others (Ciucci and et.al., 2018). Also I was hesitating in sharing my view points. This can be because of I was not clear on my facts or was anxious to speak in public. I also realised that sometimes, my mentor was unable to understand what I was trying to say.

Benefits of Communication in Future

This skill will assist me in enhancing abilities of my team as honest and effective communication builds strong team. It will improve my job performance and productivity. Also by this skill, I will be able to make better relationship with my colleagues. Communication will also help me in improving my engagement towards work, it will make me more productive and efficient. Effective communication will also help me in achieving my short term as well as long term goals and objectives. It will support me in promoting team building. It will also help me in exchanging relevant information, evaluating and analysing it. Effective communication skills are really essential for my future growth. It will help me in developing healthy bond with my peer.

Conclusion and Summary of Work

From the employment and career development workshop I have analysed that communication is my key skill. During workshop activities I also evaluated that my team lacks trust and members are not engaged in doing collaborative working. So in order to overcome this problem I have made use effective communication which has assisted me in making better bond with my team members. I also interacted with my peers through mail and drafts. I have made use of clear and complete sentences which has assisted my mentor in analysing my interests.


I was engaged in working with my career development mentor and through it I have gained various experiences. I developed the ability to work in changing environment and also I have developed one value added element which is critical thinking. During the time when I was engaged in performing workshop activities, I experienced mixed feelings, I was really nervous while working in team and speaking in public. This employment workshop has assisted me in developing my decision making, team working, analytical skills. I was also able to bring out more creative and innovative ideas in order to achieve team goals and objectives. During workshop, I realised that communication is my key strength. I have the ability to express my ideas with clear and concise statements. Also, I realised that I have good written communication skills.

I was good at using tenses. I analysed that this workshop has assisted me in analysing various career opportunities. Now, I have wider choice and options related to my career. During employment workshop activities, I noticed that my team members do not trust each other which has reduced productivity of team. Also I realised that they were not acquainted personally and professionally with each other because of which there was lack of coordination in team. I also felt that team members did not share more information with each other because of which work got delayed.


I was significantly engaged in achieving my goals and objectives while actively participating in career development workshop activities. Like for example during internship programme organized by my supervisor, I was able to develop and work on leadership skills. Training was given to us in order to enhance our leadership skills. During this program I was able to develop certain attributes like empathy, honesty, time and self-management. Learning group activities was also being conducted in workshop. By this, I was able to learn from experiences of group. I was able to communicate with group members through emails and messages. This has assisted me in having knowledge about various topics like Now I know about how can I be confident during interview process. I also worked with career development mentor who has assisted me in career development and professional aspirations. Like for example I shared my experiences with my mentor, I let them know about my interest of working in other country. My mentor suggested me ways and style to adjust in different work culture. Mentor also advised me to engage in doing activities like role playing which would help me in future. I was really confident while communicating with my career development mentor.


From the above study, it has been summarized that career development activity workshop has assisted me in identifying my strength. I realized communication is the supreme quality which I possess. From workshop activities, I was able to build my leadership skills, decision making, time and self-management skills. Team working in workshop was not as effective as there was lack of trust among team members. I realized that team members also do not share adequate information with each other which has reduced productivity of team. I analyzed my weakness while working with team. To get more details about online assignment help ask our experts.

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