
Communication Plan


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Introduction to Communication Plan

Communication plan refers to an art and science for reaching to the target audience by using various marketing communication channels. These includes advertising, public relations, experiences, direct mail and many more. The communication plan includes who, what, when, why, how and by whom for effective marketing of the products or services. Various messages are used by the companies for increasing awareness about their product among the people. It works as a guide for the communication and sponsorship efforts until the project does not achieve its objectives.

For the proposed study, Two Towers Brewery is taken into consideration. The file includes importance of communication for solving strategic marketing problems and analytical frameworks for developing integrated marketing campaign. Along with this, the report consists of detailed understanding of target audience, their needs, elements of communication mix, aims and objective of communication for plan, future marketing activity, the best practices and ways of monitoring and measuring marketing activates.

1. Importance of marketing communication

As per the given case study, Two Towers Brewery can take various advantages by using integrated marketing communication. Different authors have different perception towards the importance of marketing communication which are as follows...

According to the Yeshin, 2012, “Marketing communication plays important and integral role in transferring the message regarding the product or brand to the large audience. It integrates all necessary components of marketing to the communication for attracting more people”. Along with this Shimp and Andrews, 2013, have stated that “Integrated marketing communication helps in building bran image among the customers at very low and effective cost. It also leads to create direct interaction with the consumers”.

On the other hand Thorson and Moore, 2013, have said that “Marketing communication results to successful promotion of the brands and also develops trust and loyalty among the people with respect to the brand and its company”. In favour of this, Two Towers Brewery can promote its different variety of beer such as Jewellery Porter, the chocolate porter, Chamberlain Pale Ale, etc among the new and existing audience. In addition, Percy, 2014, has asserted that “Customers are not going to purchase the product B if the benefits, features and characteristics of the product A is explained properly and effectively. The thing which plays important role is use of appropriate communication tools as per the requirement of the situation”. With reference to this, Tow Towers Brewery can use public relations, advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion and many more for informing its customers about the beers and their advantages and features.

Along with this Torppa and Smith, 2011, have concluded that “Traditional marketing tools make employees to think really hard for choosing appropriate tool for the promotion and advertisement of their products or services which is a time consuming process whereas marketing communication prevents the wastage of time and resources”. In context to it, Two Towers Brewery needs to use appropriate tool for the marketing of its different beers so that customers get influence and purchase them. This will also reduce the wastage of time, money and resources.

A detailed understanding of target audience, their needs and motivations

Two Towers Brewery has three types of target customers which are high income, medium and low income people. High income audience like to drink high and standard quality of beer for their parties, events, maintaining their living standard, different occasions and many more. Such kind of audience give emphasis to the various factors while purchasing beer such as taste, price, style of beer, Brewery that produced it, quantity available in bottler, match with activity or mood, sizing, etc. On the other hand, medium income people generally does not like to drink and if drink then only some occasions, office meetings, or events. They do not include beer or other alcoholic drinks into their life. In contrast to it, low income people likes to buy beer for their dealing with their problems or issues. They like to purchase low quality, price and size beer bottle. Generally the targeted audience of the Two Towers Brewery is economic and high standard people as they like to buy high quality and price bottles which results to incomes the company's sales and profitability.

The need behind intake of alcoholic drinks is due to curiosity, reaction of social environment, for relieving from stress, result of personality characteristics such as depression, withdrawn, hyperactivity, etc, easy access and expectation of a good experience. All these factors motivate customers to purchase and use beer. Two Tower Brewery provides tour to their factory for influencing people of all age to buy and taste their beer which results to increase their sales, number of consumers and popularity. Along with this, different trends are also influencing people to buy beer bottles such as use of beers in movies, by models, celebrities etc. Two Towers Brewery targets such audience and sale various variety of beer such as Hockley Gold, Complete Muppetry, Bhacker Ackhams and many more.

Integrated marketing communication

For attracting above discussed targeted audience, Two Towers Brewery uses integrated marketing communication plan. While developing integrated marketing communication plan, company needs to follow communication lifecycle properly which is as follows...

Unaware: At the first stage, target audience remain unaware about the new products, their services, benefits, features and characteristics.

Awareness: Two Towers Brewery needs to aware its customers about the variety of beers by using various techniques such as advertisement with the help of TV, radio, magazines, social media, etc.

Knowledge: With the help of various advertisements, targeted audience will try to get all the information about the beer so that they can evaluate its effectiveness.

Linking: At this stage, customers will link the product with their daily life and activities. This linking makes them realize whether they need beer or not and if they need then why.

Preference: In this, preferences are determined by the customers. Company needs to provide focused information with innovation and creativity so that people can add beer to their priorities.

Conviction: In this step, conviction is conducted by the people with respect to the product and its features. So Two Towers Brewery needs to provide relevant and effective information about the different types of beers so that consumers can take result in their favour (Habermas, 2015).

Purchase: At last, targeted audience will purchase the product as per the need. This will result to enhance the sales, number of diverse customers, market position, profitability and brand image of the company.

Along with the communication lifecycle, Two Towers Brewery needs to analyse the various elements of the DRIP which are as follows...

Differentiate: In this, company needs to explain how its brand of beer is different from the other products. For better communication, firm should provide all the features of the brand which makes it different from other beer products available in the market. Along with this, Two Towers Brewery can differentiate the product on the basis of cost by keeping its price low as compare to the other products.

Reinforce: In this, organisation needs to ensure and recheck its previous communication tools with the experiences. This will help the firm in finding loophole and strong points. These will lead to improve the communication strategies and tools for making better and effective impression over the customers of Birmingham and West Midlands.

Inform: After the proper analysis of above explained two elements, company needs to inform audience about its beer products with their different features. In this, firm needs to use appropriate marketing tools and strategies so that customers can be influenced by them.

Persuade: In this, Two Towers Brewery should encourage customers by innovative and creative messages, advertisements, campaigns, etc to purchase its beer. For achieving aims and objectives, company needs to build good and healthy relationships with its audience. This will make potential customers of the company to purchase its brand next time whenever they need it.

4C's Framework

For achieving the objectives, Two Tower Brewery needs to follow 4C's framework which is explained below...

Consumer: The prime focus of the company should be consumers so that they can create appropriate strategies. This will help in understanding expectations, demand, needs and desires of the people of Birmingham and West Midlands. For attracting the people of Birmingham, company produce a new and special Canolbeer. Birmingham is a city of students and due to this Two Tower Brewery targets them while producing any new beer. As per this, organisation needs to study the consumer behaviour so that they can effectively accomplish their objective of increasing awareness, sales and profitability.

Cost: Firm needs to decide appropriate price of its brands so that consumers of all age can buy them. For this, company needs to analyse the market and its competitor's strategies and as per that it should take action. As there, 170 new breweries have opened in the UK and for achieving the leading position, Two Towers Brewery should use competitive strategy while deciding price. This will help in enhancing the sales by attracting diverse customers.

Communication: For communicating people of Birmingham and West Midlands about the new beer products and their benefits, company should use segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies. Organisation needs to use various communication channels such as television, radio, websites, etc or brand ambassadors for influencing the customers. It is a crucial process so Two Towers should decide appropriate communication channel for attracting targeted audience.

Convenience: In this. Twp Tower Brewery needs to analyse the location for selling product such as pub, disc, etc, utilisation of deliver place, customer access to that place, transportation,ect so that more and more consumers can able to reach that place for fulfilling their needs.

Elements of Communication Mix

Two Towers Brewery needs to follow the five elements of communication mix which are as follows...

Advertising: It refers to the paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of new ideas for attracting people. By using this, company can transfer its message regarding beer to large and diverse consumers. Advertisement with the help of newspapers, magazines, online videos, images, social media, radio, television results to influence more people in effective manner. This will lead to provide detailed information about the product to the consumers.

Personal selling: Company can use this communication element by selling product personally to the targeted customers. This results to solve the doubts or queries of the people properly which leads to improve brand image and reputation.

Sales Promotion: It can be used by Two Towers Brewery for encouraging the sales of its product by targeting on desired consumers. It will result to attract the attention of people, offer strong purchase incentives, stimulates quick response and many more.

Public Relations: By forming strong public relations, company can increase its sales and attract customers to buy the product. With the help of this, Two Towers Brewery can develop a good and effective brand image with healthy relations.

Direct Marketing: In this, organisation can use mail, newsletters, telephone marketing for influencing people to purchase its brand. Newsletters are sent by the company for informing its existing customers about the new products or its achievements. With the help of this, Two Towers manage and maintain good and effective relations with its audience.

2. Analytical frameworks to develop integrated marketing campaigns

For applying analytical frameworks, Two Towers Brewery needs to analyse the following steps. It will help in developing effective integrated marketing campaign...

Context Analysis

Two Tower Berwery needs to understand its key market i.e. beer and than various communication divers so that it can influence the targeted customers. For this, company needs to consider customer, business, internal and external context. With the help of this, organisation can able to identify its present situation, consumer perception towards its products, marketing strategies of competitors and internal working environment. All these will help firm in achieving its objectives effectively. With the help of customer context, Two Towers Brewery can able to determine the expectation, needs, demands and perception of them and will try to fulfil them by implementing appropriate strategies. On the other hand, business context will help in analysing the objectives, progress, short term and long term goals and many other factors. In addition, internal context will result to provide all the information about the performance of the employees, working environment, productivity, profitability, etc and external context will provide information about the market trends, competitor's strategies, market position, brand image, etc. All these informations will help the organisation in selecting appropriate marketing strategies for communicating the message of products to the customers.

Marketing and Communication objectives

The main aim of Two Towers Brewery is to informing targeted audience of Birmingham and West Midlands about the different beer products with the help of effective marketing tool. This will lead to attract and influence diverse customers towards the product and it will increase sales and profitability of the company. The corporate and marketing objective of Two Tower Brewery are...

  • To develop awareness of the brand and broaden the appeal of the beers among the audience of Birmingham and West Midlands.
  • To increase the profile of brand's ability for manufacturing beer for business.
  • To enhance sales of brand's products to the brand's current database.

The SMART objectives of the firm are as follows...

  • To enhance market share by 7% by the end of 2017
  • To increase brand awareness by 15% in 2016
  • To increase sales by 5% by the end of 2016

Marketing communications Strategy

The strategy developed by the Two Towers Brewery needs to be customer oriented. It is prime responsibility of the company to fulfil the expectations and needs of its consumers. For this, firm needs to determine the needs and expectations of the people living at Birmingham and West Midlands. The strategy should include proper element of communication mix, analysis of DRIP model with relationship building. Proper relationship management will result to manage long term relations with all stakeholders and it will help in developing effective and good brand image among the audience. This will increase trust and loyalty of consumers over the brand and company. Along with this, with the help of appropriate positioning strategy, company will able to differentiate its brand from the other products for gaining competitive advantages and market share. It will lead to design and create a good image of the company with its beer products.

On the other hand, Two Towers Brewery can use push and pull strategy by including trade shows, pubs, clubs, getting retailers to stock brand, etc for facilitating proper distribution. By push, firm can take its product direct to the customers and with the help of pull strategy, it can motivate consumers to seek out its brand. All these strategies will help the company in communicating its message to the people properly. It will also result to develop an effective brand image which will improve its future activities and growth as well.

Coordinated Communication Mix

In this, Two Towers Brewery needs to present its message in innovative and creative form and style for conveyancing diversified customers. Organisation can either chose rational approach or emotional for attracting targeted audience of Birmingham and West Midlands. With the help of emotional approach, Two Towers can influence its customers by relating their feelings, dreams, needs or emotions with their advertisement. It can use fear, greed, guilt and love for making connection of the beer brands with the feelings of people. This will help the firm to achieve its above described objectives effectively. On the other hand, enterprise can use rational branding strategy by focusing on the advantages of brand and its uses. For this, company needs to use bolder and brighter colours as they are the most popular in this. Organisation will able to enhance its sales in nearby future with the help of this approach.

Resources and Scheduling

In this, Two Towers need to analyse the utilisation of resources for implementing the integrated marketing communication plan. In this, company needs to decide human resources i.e. available staff members are appropriate for accomplishing the goals and future growth. Along with this, it has to check financial resources also for making sure that enterprise is able to implement the decided plan or not. In addition, firm should also create appropriate budget for the overall process in the available financial resources. After deciding and allocating all the resources, organisation should schedule each and every process properly as per the objectives and availability of time. Each and every goal needs to schedule as per their priority. In addition, firm should manage proper documents of all the processes so that it can use them in the future. It needs to keep all the information such as type of process, problem occur during implementation, solution used, budget, type of strategies, etc.

Implementation, Evaluation and Control

Two Towers Brewery needs to implementing the process as per the allocation of resources and scheduling of all the processes for achieving the objectives. It needs to implement in the same manner as it has decided for getting the expected results. After this, organisation should monitor the process properly for understanding the effectiveness and working. It helps in identifying the impact of campaign on the targeted audience and their perception. Proper evaluation also helps in determining the mistakes and loopholes in the plan so that firm can improve them next time. Along with this, issues and problems are also controlled by the company for betterment of the plan so that objectives will be achieved properly.

While monitoring the implemented process, the problem related to the advertisement occurred as the message used by the company for attracting audience towards the brands was not relevant to its features and benefits. This was causing problem because inappropriate message was creating wrong image of the firm and its product (Lesh, Deutsch and Weber, 2016). Along with this, it was not capable enough to grab the attention of targeted customers.

For resolving this issue, marketing team of the Two Towers Brewery is suggested to recreate appropriate message by focusing on all the features, benefits and uses of the product. The message is now changed and implemented properly. The message is connecting with the feelings and emotions of the people and due to this, it is grabbing their attention . This will also help in getting future success and objectives as the tag line of the beer products is now linking it with the diverse consumers. The improved brand image and increased loyalty will make people to purchase the product even at premium prices.


From the above, it is concluded that integrated communication marketing plays essential role in conveying message regarding the product to the customers. Along with it, proper formation of plan results to achieve the objectives effectively and in decided time period. Two Towers Brewery can increase its sales, awareness among the targeted customers, brand image and market position by using proper marketing and communication strategies. At the time of monitoring and control, company faces the issue of inappropriate message but this is also solved by it effectively. New developed message grabs the attention of diverse customers and make them to purchase the product.


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