To take the SAT exam, a student should determine first that the university or any other institution to which he is planning to apply requires the SAT essay or not. If they don't, you may still want to consider completing the SAT essay as it will portray your analytical and writing skills.
The key purpose of writing an SAT essay is to assess the ability of the student if he can evaluate the author's argument. To write an effective SAT essay, a student should need to focus on the theoretical aspect of the essay to make the professors convinced from the point that he has mentioned. It also includes various evidence and theories related to the selected topic for the SAT essay. According to experts, this essay should be written by following a proper format as the student only get 50 minutes to write.
Now let's see how to get done with SAT essay in just 50 minutes
1. Germinate the Initial Idea (5 Minute)
While writing the SAT essay, students get 50 minutes to read the given passage and write on it accordingly. It is just they have to be prepared well and adapt to the situations. The first step in writing an SAT essay is to think of an idea concerning the given topic. This stage is usually termed as germination of the initial idea. In this students develop their ideas and thoughts in such a way that they can deliver the true meaning of their writing. They have to be prompt in developing the initial idea because they will be getting just a minute or two for this particular section.
2. Do Give a Read to the Passage (10 Minutes)
This is the second stage of writing the SAT essay in which students should jot down every important point that they have developed during the stage of germination of the initial idea. By writing important points, students will get the proper sequence of things which they have to include which can strengthen their overall essay content. This will also help them in demonstrating the understanding behind the main idea. Students should keep in mind that to read the whole given passage, they can not afford more than 15 minutes, as they have to complete their essay in just 50 minutes.
3. Make an Appropriate Outline (5 Minutes)
Right after reading the whole passage, the very next step involves making an appropriate outline for the SAT essay. An outline is a sequence of activities that has to be followed accordingly.
An outline of the SAT essay includes:
Introduction to the essay
Body paragraph 1
Body paragraph 2
Body paragraph 3
This is simply a framework that presents the main and supporting thoughts for any given topic in the SAT essay. It will also be helpful in getting logical meaning out of the SAT essay. When students follow this set outline, it becomes easier to present a clear picture to the readers. To make an outline, you get only 5 minutes. So, it is always advisable to know what you have to include.
4. Begin With Your Writing (25 Minutes)
Once the reading and outlining part are done, it is the time to start writing. According to the experts, if the students have planned their work effectively, then they will never have to go back and forth too much between the text and their essay. In this section, students have to write an introduction which must not be lengthy and covering the brief introduction to the topic. After this, they have to write at least 3 paragraphs which are considered as the body part of the SAT essay. For this particular section, students get only 25 minutes, so they must not waste a bit of their time and write as effectively as they can.
5. Evaluate the Whole Essay (5 Minutes)
Right after students complete their writing section, they must evaluate their whole essay to get the desired grades in it. Usually, students forget to revise or evaluate their written text, and this is the key reason they get bad grades. According to the top advisers of the essay writing service, a proper evaluation of the SAT essay would help students in getting their desired grades. As evaluation helps in fixing all the mistakes which indeed make the content error-free.
Now we can predict that you understood all the important points that are mentioned above. Our main objective was to show the students how they can be very specific about the content and time as well. To put this information to better use, they need to keep practising to get enrolled in the desired university.
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