Argumentative Essays Explained! Topics, How to Write & More!
Essay writing is the best tool that students have to showcase their understanding of a topic while presenting their analytical abilities in front of their faculties. There are so many types of essays that students have to finish while pursuing any course. Some are subjective and require in-depth research and a proper grasp of the concepts. Some need expressive writing and a perspective, and then there is argumentative essay writing that is a combination of both of these.
So what exactly is an argumentative essay? How to write it properly? What are the things that you should pay attention to while finishing a persuasive paper? Well, all these questions will be answered by the end of this blog. So make sure you read it till the end. You will also find a step-by-step guide to coming up with the perfect essay, so stick around for it.
Argumentative Essay Writing: An Overview by Experts
Argumentative, or sometimes referred to as persuasive, essays are one of the most popular types of essays that every student has to write at least once in their academic life. It is a type of writing that pushes you to come up with an opinion on a topic and requires you to justify your stand on the topic. Sometimes the problem conveys the topic and your position, and other times you are free to choose what you stand for.
Writing one such essay requires exceptional writing skills as you are coming up with a piece of content that not only expresses your agreement or disagreement with something but also pursues the reader to agree with you. There are so many things that you have to take care of while writing one such paper. Needless to say, the grades that this essay holds are really important for the students as they reflect directly on the scorecard. Students often find it difficult to finish on their own as they have no clue how to approach the task. For them, an essay is nothing less than a lengthy and boring task that is waiting to give them a headache.
Most students make the mistake of taking up the task in one go, which turns it from difficult to impossible for them. Creating an outline for an argumentative essay topic is the step that they skip and end up losing all interest in the writing. Essays are not a one-time thing as they require concentration, long sittings, and brainstorming sessions. The very first thing you should pay attention to is creating a solid and clear outline for the essay. There is nothing more helpful for a student than knowing what to write next. An ideal outline for an argumentative essay is as follows:
1. Introduction
It is a short description that leads your reader into understanding the document’s objective and gives a peek into what they should expect from your writing.
2. Thesis Statement
It is a part of your introductory paragraph, which helps you clarify your stance on the topic and what you will pursue with your audience.
3. Body Paragraphs
This is your playground to write, convey, convince, and leave an impact. Ideally, every type of essay has three body paragraphs. However, it is no limitation. The way these paragraphs work depends on the amount of evidence you have to present.
4. Conclusion
Once you have proved your points and put forward your perspective, this is the section where you wrap things up. It is a summary with a call to action to leave an everlasting impact on your readers.
Following this outline of argumentative essay can help you a lot as you will have a lot of things figured out even before you start writing. Most of the essay typer tools use this technique to generate structured essays for you.
How to Write an Argumentative Essay? Steps to Perfection
Now that you are familiar with the outline and what exactly an argumentative essay is, you are ready to understand how to write an argumentative essay. Writing any sort of essay needs a strong mindset as you need to dedicate your mind towards the end goal, which is pursuing your reader. Even the toppers struggle with one such task as they are more used to answering the questions and solving problems based on concepts. Writing an essay requires you to write what you understand about the topic.
There is no formula to writing an argumentative essay that you can apply to get the best results. However, if you have the content and mindset to write, you must follow the below-mentioned steps to ensure that you get the best results out of it. The steps include -
1. Research About the Topic
Having your stance clear and knowing the facts are two different things. You must research the topic even if you have an opinion about the topic to convey. There are times when students do not research facts about the subject and end up writing out their opinions without any basis. That often hurts the quality of essays and their reliability as there are no facts and only banter. Researching gives your perspective a solid platform to stand. With the help of research, you can find evidence that supports your claim, which makes your writing more and more persuasive to the reader.
2. Carve the Structure
After research, the course of your essay will change as it will now have more facts and figures to be placed. You might find some interesting things about the topic that you would love to use in your essay. However, placing crucial information without considering the placements can make it ineffective for you. Use the outline of an argumentative essay to place the facts and figures in a place where they are visible and can leave an impression that you intend.
3. Follow the Outline
Your structure is the step-by-step breakdown of how your essay will progress. The outline defines the sections that you will use. As mentioned above, the outline has four crucial pointers to take care of. Deal with them, and you will be good to go. Some people confuse structuring their findings with creating an outline. Don’t be confused. Things that you find after research are required to be structured, and the format that your essay follows is required to be outlined. It's that simple!
4. Use State & Refute Strategy
Once you have planned the essay, it's time to start writing. One of the best strategies to go about writing the essay is to state and refute where you present your audience with an idea that you do not agree with and instantly give your audience the reasons why you feel the opposite. It is a classic technique used even by lawyers sometimes and can prove to be great for you to finish the essay.
5. Always Wrap Up with CTA
After implementing the above strategy, you are left with writing a conclusion. Ideally, your conclusion must be a summary of your essay. How you proved your claims to be correct, what sort of ideas you refuted etc. must be covered in the conclusion. However, if you are writing to pursue, you must have decided on a call to action that you can attach with the conclusion to leave an everlasting impression on the reader. For instance, if you are writing about cleanliness and saving the environment from pollution, something as simple as “ensure you keep your surroundings clean”, is enough to make the reader think about the facts that you have shared and how they are important for the environment.
These 5 steps can help you curate a grade-worthy argumentative essay. Most of the students often skip these steps and keep writing everything based on their opinion which results in loss of grades for them. If you do not want to suffer that, make sure you follow the above-mentioned steps. However, if following these steps is an issue for you, or you do not have any more time left, there is a solution that can help you out. Check out the next section to learn more about it.
Argumentative Essay Writing Becoming Troublesome? Call in the Experts Today
Knowing where you belong is a good thing in academics. If you know whether you are going to need assistance for a task or you will be good without any help, you can make all the difference in the scorecard. Most of the students who are assigned with persuasive writing require proper assistance to finish the task but they keep fighting their instincts and end up wasting all of their time. What they do not realize is stressing and wasting time is of no use when essay writing help is available.
Assignment Desk, one of the most reputed names in assisting students offers a variety of academic services including essay writing service, assignment help, and much more. If you are stuck with essay writing use the above steps, and you will be good to go. However, if the issue that you face is beyond writing, maybe the experts can help you out. Simply reach out to our professional writers and get things done in no time.
Hope this blog serves its purpose and assists you with the best advice that you were looking for. Writing an argumentative essay is often a matter of choice, and it is not necessary that you have to be fluent in it, but the grades that come along with it are important, and hence you should not underestimate the task. Good luck!
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