
New Year Essay Writing Resolutions: UK Student's Expectations Vs. Reality

Expectations vs Reality of essay writing is discussed here. New year deals on essay help are live!

students new year resolution- expectation vs reality
28 Dec 2019 2622
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    The usage of paper in the UK has increased rapidly as thousands of students have started planning their New Year's resolutions. The paper used for writing the resolutions will be found either in the dustbin or on streets if it has been used for making a paper plane later.

    Before you begin reading this blog, dive into the flashback. Remember, the new year resolution you made on 31st December 2018? If yes, then were you able to keep it? There is 99.99% that the answer is ‘NO.' “What goes around comes around,” rightly said and once again you are standing at the same point of life where you will bid adieu to 2019 and step in 2020. Among the essay help service providers, majority of students who pledge for a change are the ones who are planning to mend their ways to complete their essay on time in 2020.

    As said already, you are not the only one who makes new year resolution for essay writing. ‘ESSAY' is one such word which can traumatize even the brightest minds. Making former plans are part and parcel of college life, and not following them is what makes the university life interesting.

    Hey guys & girls! Welcome to the expectations vs reality blog on New Year's Resolution- Essay Writing Edition. Here we will talk about some of the common promises that UK students makes to themselves as soon as the clock strikes 12 on 31st December. Without much ado, let us begin.

    Essay Writing: Expectations Vs. Reality [NY 2020 Edition]

    The year 2019 and 2020 will have two things in common. First, just like 2019, your professor will still give you never-ending essays with stringent deadlines (at the beginning, he might assign you the task of writing an essay for New Year). And secondly, you will once again fail to match the expectations of the professor. However, at the beginning of the year, you will be filled with expectations, but sooner or later, they will vanish as soon as the workload increases. Below are some of the common resolutions that UK students wish to achieve along with their reality.

    Resolution 1:

    I will start working on the essay as soon as it is assigned.

    Expectations: For this, I will spend plenty of time in the library and take help from the class notes. 
    Reality: Does my college even have a library? *Opens Google and types* What are class notes in college? 

    Sounds similar? Well, that makes you a certified UK student. However, all thanks to the online essay writing service providers that offer exciting new year deals on essay help that saves your valuable marks from being axed at an affordable price.

    Resolution 2:

    I will improve my vocabulary and learn one new word each day

    Expectations: I will start reading novels/newspapers and learn a new word as soon as I come across it. Using such words will help me impress my professor with essay writing.
    Reality: English is a funny language & my language is perfectly fine. I am a self-made Grammar Nazi Bro!

    Let's face it that you should be thankful to the academic writers and proofreaders of writing website which hides your poor grammar skills and helps you score excellent marks on the grounds of English grammar.

    Resolution 3:

    I will try to achieve A+ in each and every essay.

    Expectations: First of all, I will try to improve my writing and research skills. I will pay special attention to the university guidelines. Knowing all the citation styles and format will be a bonus.
    Reality: Apart from A, there are 25 other letters in the alphabet, and “A single sheet of paper cannot decide my future” is my favourite quote.

    On this new year, essay writing helpers are the ones you should pay your tribute to as they are responsible for filling your performance sheet with excellent grades. Let us now have a look at the next resolution.

    Resolution 4:

    “I will stay away from distractions. This will help me complete the essay before the deadline.”

    Expectations: I will prohibit the use of mobile phones and keep myself away from social media until the work is complete. Furthermore, I will keep my study table well-organized.
    Reality: My life is a complete circle, and it revolves around Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat. And, the study table is for kids, huh.

    Distractions consumes most of the time of the students, and the little time they are left with is used by them to buy services from writing providers.

    Resolution 5:

    “I will try to save money in 2020.”

    Expectations: From my pocket money, I will save a small amount of money every month.
    Reality: “Mark Zuckerberg,” “Bill Gates,” “Warren Buffet,” are my homie.

    Such students land on Google to search for the best new year deal. Websites like Assignment Desk, other than providing festive discounts, also offers many discounts to the customers along with freebies.

    Everything has an end, and so does this blog. By now, you must have known the resolutions made by the UK students along with the reality. After reading this blog, when you will again make resolutions, the team of Assignment Desk will ask you to go through the exciting new year deals which might save you a couple of bucks in 2020.

    Gif Source:- Giphy.com

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