
BMT7073 Sustainable Tourism Development Level 5


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Tourism is the fastest growing industry and it is having huge impact over the economy of host country (Ottenbacher and et,al., 2018). In order to have sustainable tourism the place is need to be clean and hygiene. It is the kind of tourism in which the current needs of the individual is need to be considered and also need to take initiative which is helpful to meet the requirements of future generation. The present report will cover the various aspects as are approaches to tourism planning and development, sustainable tourism, current issues and impacts of tourism.  The present report will outline the business activities of Qatar Tourism authority which has launched the Qatar national tourism sector. The main aim behind this report is to create the awareness of the impacts of tourism and need of the sustainable tourism practices. With the activities of Qatar, the concepts of sustainable tourism and its role in economic growth can be cleared.


1.1 Description on benefits to stakeholders from tourism development planning.

Travel and tourism is the sector, in which differed stakeholders with variety of goals and objective comes together with the same object. The individual who gets influenced by the activities of travel and tourism known as stakeholders (Amerta, Sara and Bagiada, 2018). It is need to be done in order to increase the number of the tourist to that place. There are number of stakeholders as are employees, government, employees, investors, regularities and other authorized bodies. The tourism is very helpful in relation to have the growth and development in the economy. It provided benefits to each and every stakeholders associated with tourism. Increment in the tourism is not only supports the company but it is also helpful in relation in order to have enhancement in the historical and cultural image of the country in the world.

Tourism in Qatar-

Tourism plays very essential role in order to shaping the economy of Qatars. Thus, they are taking various initiatives in order to develop the tourism sector. As per UNWTO, stakeholders in respect with tourism development can be following as are-

  There are number of stakeholders as are-

  1. National Government- It is one of the stakeholders in tourism planning and development. Government plays vital role who can able to take various initiative in relation to make rules and regulation so that tourism activities can be maintain effectively. In this they need to undertake firm activities effectively. The generated income is helpful in relation to make contribution ion the economic growth (Weidenfeld, 2018). It generates the revenue for the government so it is helpful in order to create the sustainability.
  2. Financial institutions- In this world development bank and other financial institution plays the major role in order to have improvement in the tourism sector at the greater extent. Thus, this plan is helpful in relation to invest in institution and get the return in perfect time. Tourism development plan is very helpful to integrates all determining factors in relation to achieve the sustainable tourism development and special consideration is need to be given on the factors like environmental, economic and culture factors (Rodriguez, Svensson and Eriksson, 2018).
  3. Business organisation- There are various organisation as are hotel, tour agencies can be benefited with the plan in the form of information, statics, visitor details and this all are very helpful in order to fix their strategies so it can able to attract the more number of people across the world.
  4. Local community- They get the direct benefits from the tourism, and it also helpful in relation to provide various employment opportunities to them. This kind of the events are plays essential role in order to generate employment opportunities to them. It is very helpful in relation to promoting the country for the rest of the life (Sarkis and Zhu, 2018).
  5. Tourism association- The association in travel tourism in Qatar that is Qatar travel agencies and association can get the benefited with the plan which helps to design the activities for promoting the place and it also works as to fostering the unity industry of travel and tourism in Qatar.

Benefits to stakeholders-

There are various benefits which can be enjoyed by the stakeholders of tourism industry. In this the primary beneficial aspects about this is to have increment in the economic benefit of the country (Kasemsap, 2018). Thus, it is very clear that economic growth of the country is largely dependent on the tourism sector. In this it can be said that planning of the tourism development is also essential in order to develop the employment growth in the country. Employment opportunities is need to be provided by the local and tourism sector and to serves the tourist with the help of services. There are various kind of other benefits as are wildlife and heritage of the country, planning for development in tourism result and conserving the natural resources because this all are helpful in relation to be foundation of the tourism activities in the country.

1.2 Discussion on advantage and disadvantage of public/private sector tourism planning partnership.

In this it can be said that the networks plays the essential role in tourism sector in which opportunities are created with the help of knowledge transferring and it is very helpful for tourism sector to flourish and grow (KušÄer, Mihalič and Pechlaner, 2017). The country can maximise the impact of economy so that its growth can be developed. This partnership of private and public sector helps to integrate and supports each other in order to have growth in the economic development of the country. Thus, the success in Thailand in rejuvenating the Pattaya is the integration of public and private sector. Hence, it is very essential in order to achieve the objective related to sustainable development. There are various benefits and risk attached with private and public sectors, some of them are below as are-

Better infrastructure solution- At the time when both sectors works together, than they merge the best activities in order to get the best result. In addition to this, it is very essential to have integration of activities related to public and private sector. The better infrastructure solution will be helpful to attract the large number of customers.

Faster project completion- This is also one of the major benefit which is associated with the partnership. In this the task and the project can be completed early than the timeline is given for the completion. Thus, both sectors need to take the equal participation in the task. In this it can be said that the participation of both the sectors in single project leads to integration in ideas, innovation and financial result.

High quality project- Thus, the integration in public and private activities bring the result in the use of effective resources. In this it can be sated that private firm are having much more experienced in relation to maintenance and cost allocation. In addition to this, government funds can be used effectively on the completion of the project.

Examples- Qatar government is taking various initiatives in relation to push the use of That is PPP in order to arrange those activities which will be helpful in relation to creation of roads and airports. With the help of this there also Have increment in the fund requirement of the country. This kind of the activities are very helpful in relation to completion of the project at the very early stage.

Disadvantage of public- private partnership-

The one the main advantage in this relation is the cost of bidding. Thus, it is very typical to decide the cost of bidding. There are few numbers of participants from the private sector, this lead to issue in relation to cost effectiveness to legal authorities. Hence, there is no cost competition between the private firms in this the government looses the chance to bargain.


2.1 Features of tourism advancement arranging at various levels

Tourism advancement arranging is required at various levels in regard to effectively design (KušÄer, Mihalič and Pechlaner, 2017). In reference to the contextual analysis of Qatar arranging is should be done as such that request of vacation to come in the countries can be expanded and they can be fulfilled. According to the administration tenets and standards tourism division has partitioned its few assignments to the colleagues. Different level where tourism improvement can occur is universal, national and at the locales. The arranging procedure can be achievement if view of guests toward the nation is great. As they feel protected and secure while going by to a specific goal at Qatar. This prompt increment in the benefit and fulfilment level of clients. Here underneath are given diverse level

  • National level: At the season of arranging at national level it is critical to keep appropriate coordination between various offices (Sarkis and Zhu, 2018). There are different strategies which are required to be made by the administration of Qatar so guests are dealt with well in their countries.
  • Worldwide level: At the global level tourism improvement, it should be done at abnormal state. With the goal that huge number of clients can be pulled in their nation. It is vital for government to make a move with the goal that guests feel free and secure in their nation. Alongside this solid and positive connection it should be kept up with alternate countries so more guests can be pulled in.
  • At the site level: It expresses that in Qatar is critical to do arranging at the site levels. Along these lines, vital framework is required and it is required to be produced. Assist it is essential for movement and visit organization to give appropriate transportation and convenience.

2.2 The essential of intelligent arranging frameworks and procedures in tourism improvement

Self-generated arranging is the procedure which give critical to the contribution of the cooperation of its partners in regard to decide (Rasoolimanesh and Jaafar, 2017). Hence, remembering such factors it turns out to be simple for Qatar to build up a few systems by taking the perspectives and thoughts of its diverse partners, for example, guests, neighbourhood individuals and so on. With the assistance of this it turns out to be simple for the higher specialist of tourism organization to outline system and strategy which help in development and advancement of the public. Through presenting the input framework it turns out to be anything but difficult to break down the hole between the real and wanted offering of the Qatar government specialist. Criticisms enable tourism to organization to have the capacity to recognize the taste and inclinations of clients. Along these lines, it can be expressed that intuitive arranging is compelling and help organization in rolling out improvements as per the necessities and request of the clients. Notwithstanding this it enables government and traveller to organization to distribute the assets appropriately with the goal that visit organization can do their diverse exercises. For instance, if there is communication between the legislature and visit organization then they can without much of a stretch spotlight on the powerless zones and create and keep up the recorded angles.

2.3 Various strategies accessible to gauge vacations affect

There are distinctive strategies are accessible that can be utilized visit organization for estimating the contact with reference to the Philippine contextual analysis. The strategies are as per the following:

Monetary measure: According to the financial measure correlation should be possible in wage level of community individuals when the seasons when guests visit in their nation. This assistance in recognizing the benefit which is earned by nearby individuals from the visitor. This assistance in estimating that positive and negative effect on the country. STEAM display is considered as one of the compelling model that can be utilized by the legislature to gauge the effect. It helps in estimating the quantitative effect of the tourism on the neighbourhood inhabitant.


3.1 Define the justification on concept of sustainability in tourism development with reference to Qatar sustainable tourism development.

Sustainable tourism development- The sustainable tourism development is working as to putting major focus over the economic, future, environment and social impacts on the tourism with the help of identification of requirement of the visitors, tends in the industry and communities needs (Kasemsap, 2018).  Thus, in the context of Qatar, the growth in the tourism can be observed from the differed market research. The main aim in this relation is to maintain the economic growth of the country. It shows that there is opportunity for the tourism sector in the Qatar and it is the sustainable tourism and it is very helpful in order to have growth for the longer period. It shows that it is one of the opportunities for the tourism sector in Qatar and it is the kind of sustainable tourism which can achieve the growth for the longer period. 

Thus, environmental sustainability work as to have reduction in negative imp[cats of the tourism on the local bio diversity. Hence, the optimal use of resources as are water, energy and all will be helpful in order to save the resource for use of the future. In addition to this, reduction in the wastage and implementing waste management is very helpful in order to making the environment suitable. In this the local government is opposing the development projects due to the damages.  In this it can be said that the main role of stakeholders is of noteworthy importance for technological, political and, ultimately, functional basis.

3.2 Description on the advantage and disadvantage of the public private sector tourism development partnership.

Thus, the advantages of public private sector tourism planning in UK gained competitive benefits. In this manner the growth of the country is need to understand and there are various kinds of benefits associated with it as are-

  1. Cost reduction- Increment in the tourist cost is one the main hindrance in relation to maintain the sustainable tourism. In this there are various traditional elements with more Eco-friendly needs and fiance are required. Thus, the tour operator are unaware about the various aspects as are benefits of eco-tourism in which they do not want to make investment.
  2. Lack of planning- In this it can be stated that lack of planning can really affects the sustainable development. In this way it is very important to plan each activities effectively and a positive steps is need to be take towards the sustainable tourism development. If this is not happened than damages cannot be removed.
  3. Lack of shareholder involvement- It is compulsory for each stakeholder to take active participation in planning of sustainable tourism development (Nowacki and et,al., 2018). In this each member need to contribute something in this process so that each activities can be carried out effectively. Under this co-operation and involvement of individual is need to be associated with tourism is very essential.
  4. Priority- in this it can be said that the lack of priority also affect the working of sustainable development as most of the individual prefer short term gain instead of long term benefits. This kind of activities are very helpful in relation to maintain sustainability, patience and essential improvement can be taken in order to achieve the long term goals.
  5. Lack of co-ordination- In this it can be said that the involvement and coordination of the government and other regulatory bodies are very essential in relation to maintain the sustainable development in the economy. Hence, it can be stated that political clash, unrest, lack of co-ordination and this all factors can also affects the sustainable tourism development.

3.3 Define the stages in planning for sustainability.

In this QTA has developed plan in order to achieve the goals of sustainable tourism in the Qatar. In this it can be said that the proper planning is required to be done which is consists of various steps as are-

Assessing the tourism demand and supply- In order to access the demand and supply is the basis requirement in relation to meet the practices of sustainable development. The demand refers to the number of the people from all over the world who are willingly takes the initiatives to attend the events (Amerta, Sara and Bagiada, 2018). In this way after estimating the function of demand, QTA will estimate the supply and it is inclusive of various hotel, resorts and restaurants and transportation facilities, in this manner it is very important to improved and developed the chain of supply.

Determining the objective- After that stage it is very important to determine the objectives with the help of which long term target can be achieved. The main aim of QTA is to take various kind of initiative in order to implement and maintain sustainable development in the tourism industry of the UK.

Evaluate the issues- In this the QTA will focus over the key issues and it is very important to have implementation of sustainable development. This is inclusive of the various kind of facilities as are infrastructure, accommodation, financial planning, HR planning and administration many more.

Monitoring process- After the preparation of plan there is need to take the steps as to evaluate and review the plan. This is the step in which there is need to make the better evaluation in the actual and planned performance.

Marketing and promoting the event- it is the final step, under this there is need to promote the event and other tourist destination of UK. In this manner they are able to take various steps in relation to hire travel agents, operators, guides and other companies to promote the tourism activities.


4.1 Different techniques of resolving a conflict of interests to ensure the future well-being

In this stakeholders as are local landlords, industries, visitor and inhabitant societies can find some conflicts. It is crucial to deal with conflicts of interest to deal with future well-being of tourism condition of Qatar. Thus, local authorities works as to frame those programs which may assists in main element as place creation of procedure. In order to get overcome with issues it is necessity to execute efficient model that helps to sustainability in tourism. With implementing VICE mode there can be effective evaluation in activities and deal with sustainable tourism. This refers as putting extra consideration over visitors, industry, community and environment so that things in market can be run successfully (Ottenbacher and et,al., 2018). In this one of another techniques is team replacement method that can also work as to exploit opportunities for personal participation in tourism sector.

4.2  The implications of balancing supply and demand.

In this, to make it effective sustainable tourism requires compact management and planning consideration for better implication of tourism that helps to tourism in regards to development and growth. Thus, Qatar Tourism is facing the huge worldwide problems in terms of balancing supply and demand. In his, balancing in market formation generates influential inducement to under cost the manufactured goods. In addition to it, demand and supply balancing creates a supplementary fluid in marketplace for having agreements in potential sales which could as to work as to authorize workers to circumvent ambiguity that relates with demand and keep hold of extra income to make the tourism operations in sustainable manner (Weidenfeld, 2018). In this, number of aspects are there for identification of stakeholders that can associated for better growth opportunities and its expansion on global level.

  • In this, local community Who resides their might be most effective stakeholder for sustainable tourism. It has wide impact on local community as it is more dependent and involved in local communities. This factor has also harsh effect over social consideration, lifestyle of stakeholders of the sustainable tourism.
  • In this, it can be said that tourism has extensive growth and consideration for particular economy. The main aim is to develop that situation and implication which can attract the people. This kind of this will be assists in attracting customers.

4.3  The moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism.

In this, enclave tourism is one of activity that undertaken over the small geographical area  that works as to satisfy visitors with entirety of intentions. It is activity that is essential in terms of satisfying the visitors so that they can able to contribute effectively.  The beauties and attractive factor of Qatar has exploited by number of tourist on beaches by throwing debris and waste in environment. The polluted element affects place in harsh manner. Thus, remaining sea food see food cannot be disposed off well by the tourist and seaman. This kind of factors can caused the tourism place to be impacted ecologically.

In addition to it, sustainable tourism is facing major issues relates with internal and external causes and number of other elements behind this inefficiency. In this, immense market opportunities are available for sustainable tourism. With help of it, there can be more chance of growth and opportunity for having long run economic conditions. Due to lack of awareness of potential advantage of sustainable tourism is creating issue as be unaware about the huge opportunities and profitability behind sustainable tourism concept (Rodriguez, Svensson and Eriksson, 2018). In addition to it, local communities of Qatar are not benefited due to restriction in accessibility of and it works as to dominate the area for the motive of profit maximization.


5.1 Comparative tables on current issues associated with tourism development.

            Qatar is developing country, sustainable tourism development will be helpful to contributes significantly in terms to have development in economy. Under it, 9% pf contribution of GDP comes from Tourism sector. Thus, current issues will be discussed with help of following table as are-




With development of tourism the many of countries are there that facing issues. As per context of Qatar, pollution, deforestation, soil erosion are main issues. Due to extreme heat reduction in working hours for employees will be observed and rate of reduction will be increased till 2050. It is need to be protected in terms to make effective sustainability in tourism activities.

In this, growth of tourism can also create the issues as negative impacts on social and culture norms of country (Fitzsimmons., s, 2017 ). Thus, organizations working in hospitality segment will work as to match the culture of foreign tourist. This damages the local vulture of people of Thailand. In this, with integration of differed culture of tourism there are some issues that can be observed from social culture side.

In this, impact of economy is based on different incidents. As per current information, Qatar has created negative impact on tourism sector. Thus, issues associated with economic area can be the excess investment for setting up of industry in Qatar.


5.2 Recommendations, the future development of tourism.

The sustainable tourism development plan helps to measure negative impacts over tourism countries like Qatar. In this, negative side will be differed interest of stakeholders in relation to tourism industry for meeting all requirements is typical and it is one of ultimate barrier to sustainable development plan. In this, optimum use of resources by having enhancement in long term socio-economic benefits to stakeholders are needed to be considered at the time of developing of sustainable development plan for the countries. In this, three major areas are need to be focused as are-

  • Environmental- in this, sustainable use of resources by having reduction in wastage of water and energy are to be considered for having increment in awareness. In this, the main aim should relates with reducing harmful impacts on bio diversity.
  • Social- In this, empowerment of local groups, employees in decision making should work as to provide support in terms to establish friendly tourist environment in countries. Under it, gender equality, prohibition of child labor and protection in terms to worm must be considered.
  • Economic- Under it, economic prosperity of country must relate with employment, competency development and earning capabilities. In addition to it, legal authorities should work as to chalk out a plan for foreign currencies for having development in livelihood.

In order to make tourism sustainable the legal authorities should maintain environmental, social and economic challenges to satisfy the interest of stakeholders.


Based on the above report it can be concluded that Tourism is the fastest growing industry and it is having huge impact over the economy of host country. In order to have sustainable tourism the place is need to be clean and hygiene. The main aim behind this report is to create the awareness of the impacts of tourism and need of the sustainable tourism practices. The present assignment has covered the various activities as are the concepts of sustainable tourism and its role in economic growth can b

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