
Social Factors' Impact on Lifestyle Choices

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Sociology refers to the study of social life, change, causes, and consequences of behaviors which are investigated by sociologists (Wach, 2019). It includes the study of groups, individuals, and communities in society regarding gender, racism, ethnicity, etc. This essay will focus on social factors affecting lifestyle and reducing social inequality among citizens.


Social Factors Affecting Lifestyle and Its Implication on Society

Social factors are responsible for making the basis of people judge an individual and behave with them accordingly. It includes several elements that have an impact on perspectives about a person regarding their gender, ethnicity, norms, etc. However, social factors help identify another person according to their gender, financial status, behaviors, and many more. Various components impact the lifestyle of people some of which are mentioned here. Initially, social class divides the population of the country into several categories like upper, upper-middle, middle, working, and lower class which are decided by society as per the financial status of an individual. This economic condition of people makes them capable of affording required services within the limitations to fulfill the basic needs of life (Gottdiener, 2019). Society is divided into these five social classes which influence the choices and preferences of individuals as some of them face very difficulty in completing their basic needs whereas few people can buy expensive things whatever they want accordingly.  

Secondly, gender plays an important role in society as many perspectives regarding the roles and responsibilities of males & females on their gender. For example, society has had a popular thinking from the very beginning that women should not required to study and take employment as they have to manage the household aspects whereas men cannot remain at home for household things but are mandatory to do a job. Thirdly, ethnicity can be defined as belonging of an individual to a specific social group, community, or caste according to which some citizens face discrimination in society. People behave negatively towards them while such individuals seek education, employment, and health care facilities. It has been analyzed that discrimination based on social communities impacts negatively on the entire life of such families as they remain pressured to live a bad life. They are not capable of completing their need of hunger, medicines, and education which makes their life terrible. However, norms and values are affiliated with specific cultures or religions of people which reflect on their personality and way of thinking. Individuals follow their cultural norms while carrying out tasks in their personal and professional lives that may create conflicts with others. Society can judge the person based on their cultural values to understand their thoughts or ideas and make an accurate perception of them. For example, people in society think that priests do not eat nonvegetarian food and drink alcohol but this is not true in practical life. 

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On the other hand, the behavior of people reflects their choices, preferences, and internal sight of an individual. For example, a person having an attitude or less talking behavior may result negatively on others as people think that they are not able to become friends. Behaviors also develop perceptions about specific cultural values, personality features, and psychology of a person (Collins, 2019). Moreover, thelifestyle of people can be influenced by their own choices, perceptions, and cultural norms which they follow every time. It includes the fact that the lifestyle of an individual reflects their financial status and standards of living because a poor lifestyle indicates the inappropriate conditions of individuals who are not able to fulfill their basic needs of food, shelter, clothing & water. 

Considering the above-mentioned social factors, these have an impact of life of people while they are seeking education, health services, attainment, and employment. It is observed that the poor financial condition of the lower social class category is not able to afford expensive health facilities which develop complications in their condition. The factor of ethnicity creates discrimination that creates problems for lower community individuals to gain proper education, employment, and attainment in life (Whitty, 2017).

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Date: 29-01-2020

Evaluate sociological explanations for the existence of social inequality

Social inequality refers to the existence of several practices and concepts based on which people do not behave equally with every individual. It includes various factors like cast-ism, ethnicity, gender, disability, and so on. However, people show negative behavior in discriminated communities because of having perspectives that they take birth for facing partial activities. It has been analyzed that discrimination exists in every sector such as education, corporate, health care, etc. which eliminates growth opportunities for discriminated citizens which results in terrible situations for them. It has been analyzed that social inequality develops the condition of health inequality in that people belonging to specific groups of the community have week medical conditions as compared to other citizens. Considering the campaigns applied by the government for reducing social inequality by carrying out investment to health campaigns for motivating them to alter their behavior. It consists of the criterion of encouraging citizens to avoid habits of smoking and consumption of alcohol, improve their diet, and conduct physical exercise regularly. This campaign results in an increase in the problem of health inequality besides reducing the problem whereas it has been analyzed that an individualistic approach to looking after own health & welfare seems beneficial (Thompson, Hickey, and Thompson, 2016). The motivating event for citizens to look after their health is favorable as it facilitates to reduction of the inequality related to health by enhancing the entire health status of the country. Moreover, the government must monitor and evaluate the

The sociological perspective consists functionalist perspective, symbolic interactions, and a conflict perspective which has some pros and cons. Initially, the functionalist perspective can be described as the macro level of analysis thstatestet the relation between different sections of society and the way of becoming functional. It has the advantage of being a grand theory that consists of social institutions and it is responsible for concentrating on the stability of the society. On the contrary, the disadvantage of functionalism is that it does not focus on individuals and develops dysfunction in society. Secondly, the symbolic interactionism perspective is a micro-level analysis that is based on face to face interaction concept. It has a pro in that it focuses on individuals by considering them actors and following changing conceptions. Comparatively, it has the cons of ignoring structures, and remaining unscientific and limited while explaining society as a whole.

            Thirdly, the conflict perspective is also known to be a macro-level analysis that focuses on competition for scarce resources and the way of elite control the poor and weak. It has the advantage that it is responsible for permitting in regards to practical or praxis action which has been carried out based on theoretical as well as intellectual understanding (Wexler, 2017). It also has the benefit of advocating for equality and justice for the overall population in society. In contrary to this, the conflict perspective has the disadvantage of ignoring the working well aspects of society and may overstate the purpose of inequality. Meanwhile, it also conflates equity with inequality. It has been evaluated that the factor of inequality is required to be reduced by taking effective steps along with ensuring their effectiveness for achieving desired results.



From the above essay, it has been concluded that sociology can be described as specific aspects for studying social life, change, cause, and consequences of behaviors. It includes the number of social factors that impact of lifestyle of people including social class, gender, ethnicity, norms & values, behavior along health inequality.

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