
Project Management For Talent And Organisation


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 Project management plan is considered as a formal document which outlines main components. It includes subsidiary management plan, planning documents, baselines, strategies and more. In addition to this, it also describes how a project is executed, controlled and monitored by managers of a company (Too and Weaver, 2014). The present report is made a critical discussion on importance of project management plan and how it helps in reducing probability of failure as well. A justification is made on some applications of theoretical frameworks and methodologies within environment of project. Further, a project management plan is formulated for Talent Plus organisation, which deals in small consultancy sector of UK. An evaluation on success and failure of project as well as disseminate the key learning points from project delivery is also highlighted in this assignment.


1. Define project, its characteristic and role of project manager

Project is considered as main aspect in a company, which gives opportunity to business owners in achieving set goals by implementing some changes. Management plan in this regard, help managers in making desired modifications within organisation in systematic and organised manner. It can also described as a document which defines approaches or measures taken by team for delivering the scope of project. Talent Plus is a leading organisation of UK which maximises human potential in other companies by improving their organisational culture. By identifying more talents, this firm helps business clients in introducing best employees at their workplace. This will prove outcomes in terms of profitability, retention, job satisfaction, employee engagement and more. In order to increase sales performance at vast area of marketplace, this company is going to launch mobile applications.  

Project Title: “Mobile Application” 

Background and purpose of project: Since in consultancy sector, there is an intense competition present at UK environment. Therefore, to gain competitive advantage, Talent Plus seeks to launch mobile application. This would help in developing connection with new business clients and make interaction for long purpose. By installing this application, customers can describes what type of business solutions they want for improving their performances  (Why mobile app is important, 2018). For this purpose, its managers have made a project management plan which constitutes roles and responsibilities of each team-members, resource required for execution and more.  


  • To evaluate the concept of mobile app in consultancy sector.
  • To examine overall benefits provided by mobile app to Talent Plus Inc.
  • To ascertain the strategies and techniques used for implementation of mobile apps in business.

Characteristics of Project:  

Project of present company has include following main key characteristics which have to be managed by planners:-

  • A project is made as per demand and desires of customers.
  • It should be temporary in nature as well as highlighted main purpose as well.
  • It also include a unique set of rules and requirements which are required to be delivered within set boundary of project.
  • It should define objectives, strategies and activities which are going to be done by project-team in set period of time.

Role of project managers:

Managers of a company like Talent Plus, play a vital role in planning the project management plan and executing set activities in organised manner. They spend a significant amount of time to ensure achievement of baselines. Along with this, they also concern if project sponsors and organization have got full benefits or not after execution (Zahra and et. al., 2014) (Turner, 2016). Therefore, besides proper planning, abilities and role of a project manager also lie in controlling and monitoring the project efficiently. With this assistance, they also give assurance about deliverables of project are on time as well as it is completed as per set management plan. Some major roles performed by managers of Talent Plus in completing a project successfully are:-  

  • Planning:In this process, managers develop whole planning procedure which entails how certain activities will be going on. They also concern on developing policies and strategies, resource planning, execution process, cost, time and set of proper rules for team.
  • Organising:This is another major role of project manager which emphasizes on  organising team structure within organisation as per availability of limited resources. Further, assign duties to team mates in delegated manner by providing complete information about objectives and goals of project. This would help finishing the project before deadline with higher efficiencies.
  • Leading:This role of managers describes the way they lead a team in specific direction for completing a project in given time-frame. For this purpose, project manager of Talent Plus adopts different-different style of leadership and managerial skills to lead time. They have also opted clear communication strategy to convey messages related to execution  of project with team members. Along with this, by involving participation of each member in decision-making activities, help in reducing chances of conflict and gain high cooperation of them as well.
  • Controlling and closing: This role of project manager highlights the control mechanism for monitoring, measuring, observing and improving entire process of project. This would help in reducing probability of failure and wastage of minimum resources.

2. Justify the application of the theoretical frameworks and methodologies within a project environment

In relation to Talent plus, the company provides consultancy services to other company's which helps them to recruit talented candidates according to their requirement. The company has started new project which is based on developing mobile application (Williams, 2014). This application is beneficial for business and other candidates who are connected with the same company. As through mobile application related person can fill their final details which is required for final procedure. For introducing same project, it is important for project manager to finalise proper methodology and framework for its success.

Methodology: Methodologies are considered as an approach of performing business related task in systematic manner by following rules, methods, processes, testing activities and deliverables in order to resolve particular problem. In relation to the new mobile application of Talent plus, the project manager of this company have to finalise each and every so that they can perform the work effectively for finishing targeted work. In this regard, project manager of the company have opted Gantt chart as  a tools for monitoring overall processing of project.

Gantt chart: Gantt chart is considered as the method which is itself taken as combination of different activities such as documentation (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017). This chart also displays life cycle of whole project that is initiating, preparing(planning), implementation, evaluation, controlling and winding it up. It can be said that Gantt chart is beneficial for the launching of mobile  application project as it shows actual status of project which minimises the chances of project failure. Along with this, it also tells the project manager to change their project route as if it is done in wrong direction.

Framework: Frame work refers to the simple structure of whole project in order to understand all the consequences of project in real life scenario. There are numerous of framework which are available for project manager within their same business stream. Types of framework stated as Prince 2, Critical Chain Project Management, Lean, Extreme Project Management, Scrum, Waterfall etc. Among all of types, project manager of Talent Plus have opted Critical Chain Project Management. As it is best suitable with the project scenario.

Critical Chain Project Management: This type of framework has been designed in order to deal with uncertain situation which might took place in future. CCPM framework emphasis on allocation of resources which are considered as main part of the whole project. Resource allocation involves different things such as skills, management of manpower, capacity of whole project, usage of allotted money etc. It can be said that, it is the responsibility of project manager of Talent plus to allocate all available resources effectively without wasting any of resource in non required place. This not only saves the resources but the saves resource can be used in future for enhancing the same project. It is also beneficial in saving the time of overall completion deadline of the project.

In context to project of mobile application, CCPM is best suitable type of frame work as it guides the project manager to perform its each and every work according to the plan (Mastrogiacomo, Missonier and Bonazzi, 2014). And also suggest different ways through which same project can be finished in less time with more effective result. CCPM is considered as the successful framework which contributes in meeting the goal by involving all of resources. This framework  structure not only uses saves resources of project but also supports and guide manpower to use it in effective manner as they are precious. Overall, it can be said that CCPM is helpful for project of mobile application of Talent Plus.

3. Critically evaluate the composition and management of teams in project environment

The most important element of project management is human resource. A project is ultimately developed and implemented by a group of individuals working together. With reference to Talent Plus, for launching the mobile app, there are various responsibilities that the project manager has to fulfil. He has to select a potential group of individuals who are committed towards the project. They will conceive the idea of the project. This group will include managers, stakeholders, researchers and other key implementers (Marchewka, 2014). In addition to determining the members of team, it is also of significance to decide how these members will work together. The project manager needs leadership skills as he will be responsible for managing overall performance of team members. The implementation of project needs to be thoroughly planned. For this, project manager of Talent Plus need effective communication skills so that he can communicate with the team members and develop a plan where the roles of every member of team will be clearly defined. The timeline for each activity under the project needs to be specified before the initiation of project. Another important responsibility of project manager is to ascertain the resources required for the effective execution of plan. A rough sketch of plan needs to be designed providing total information about the project. After this, a structural framework has to be developed that will be adopted for the execution of the project. The project is then put into force.

Management and monitoring of project is also necessary so that potential hurdles can be identified within time and corrective action can be taken as necessary. Monitoring procedures include critically analysing the ongoing project activities and project variables like cost, efforts etc. against pre-decided plan and performance baseline (Khalid, Zahra and Khan, 2014). The project team consists of a number of individuals having different behavioural and working patterns. These individuals selected to form the project team are skilled, competent and having full knowledge of the project. Having a project team members with different skills, knowledge, and experience will result in a more creative and resilient project as  the project manager of Talent Plus can take ideas and feedbacks from team members. These feedbacks will help him in designing and monitoring strategies that will result in effective execution of plan. Also when a group of skilled and committed individuals come together to work as a team, it ensures that project is successfully executed within the decided timeline. Working in a team can also have some negative effects. The power of acquiring knowledge may not be same in every individual and thus the execution process of project may become time consuming at times.

Project Management Plan:

Scope: By launching mobile applications, Talent Plus can provide solutions related to business to its clients in short period of time. Here, customers can fill detail about business related problems and time duration within they want solution. Through this application, managers of Talent Plus can determine demand of particular client and give respond in given period. Thus, by launching mobile apps, this company will get opportunity to enhance its customer base and gain competitive advantage.

Resource: In order to develop a unique mobile app, Talent Plus required five main resources that are- Coding system; Libraries; Designing Latest Application; Java Code and Finance. In this regard, using different coding style like Java, it will easier for present company to read code as per standard set of rules. By using libraries, managers of this company will find suitable tools and apps for creating a new technology. Along with this, they are also need to design an eye-catching mobile application, through which users can judge quality of products or services within 30 seconds. Beside these resources, the most essential one is capital in terms of labour and finance. Since Talent Plus deals in small sector therefore, to implement mobile apps, it needs to introduce adequate amount of finance. Furthermore, company also require to give employment to high skilled workforce who are expert in executing present project successfully.

Time: To execute project based on launching mobile application, near about 4 to 5 months are required. For this purpose, managers of Talent Plus should monitor the overall process and ensure all activities must carry out in given period of time (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). Along with this, they should also assign roles and responsibilities to each team-member according to their skills and abilities.   

Quality: It is the most essential component of a project which assist managers to check progress of each stage. They should ensure that each activity is carried out in systematic manner so that occurrence of risk can reduce. It would help in maintaining the quality of project and reduce the wastage of finance and other resources as well.

Deliverables: Before developing project on mobile application, it is essential for managers of Talent Plus to carry out a proper research first. For this research, they should assign duties to team members by giving clear instruction about how an activity should be conducted. This would help in determining whether launching an app will prove beneficial or not. In this regard, some major activities and time required to complete each one, is shown by following Gantt Chart:-


 Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart


Since behind developing, planning and executing a project, managers of a company play an important role. Therefore, to carry out such activities, they have various problems as well. In context with Talent Plus, the main issue faced by its managers is optimisation of minimum resource. As this company conduct business on small scale, therefore, there is a shortage of availability of finance, equipments, human resource and more. Thus, in this regard, to utilise limited amount of resources in efficient manner. Another issue arise in front of them is to assign roles and responsibilities according to skills and abilities of team-members. Therefore, any mistake in giving duties will directly impact on quality of project. Along with this, to resolve conflicts between team-members, engage them in group activities and gain high support of them in achievement of mentioned objectives, etc. are considered as constraints in a project.


By developing and launching mobile apps, Talent Plus seeks to get increase in customer base. For this purpose, it is assume that activities set for completing the project will be executed as per planned by managers. Furthermore, by giving entire information in clear and concise manner, project-team will get cooperation of each in completing each activity in set period of time. Along with this, through developing a risk log and action plan, team-mates and stakeholders of present company also prepare themselves to overcome from any discrepancies. Thus, it would lead to increase chance of success of project which is made on launching mobile app at marketplace.  

Costs & Cost Budget: It is considered as main step in creation and development of mobile app, under which a company needs to make proper budget plan. In this regard, managers of Talent Plus are required to choose best technology which will prove beneficial for developing mobile application without creating much issue (Francese and et. al., 2015). Currently in UK marketplace, three main technologies are available, which includes Web, Native and App builder. A firm can use native coding system for building mobile app which helps in catering the need of smartphones with Android and iOS system. Apart from this, web technology help in developing a hybrid app, where a company can find out various tools and techniques to design their plan in attractive manner. In addition to this, through app builder like UNIX and JAVE, a firm can create mobile app with zero effort. These software help in designing an eye-catching app which gives various option to customers to use services of a company. Therefore, with this assistance, project managers of Talent Plus Inc. opt App builder technology to create mobile app. This app include various features like list of services company will provide to business clients, time-duration to resolve problems of customers and more. Apart from introduction of technology, other aspects where company needs to make investment are Operational Activities; Maintenance; R&D Department; IT and more. Thus, in this regard, approximate cost require to implement entire project will be 20k Pound, which can be distributed in following manner:-



Initial Investment



          Operational Activities

          R&D Activities

         Cost to IT Experts

         Licensing Fee








Closing Value


 5.Measures to control and monitor project risk, quality, change and configuration

Any new project will never be executed in set manner due to occurrence of interruptions. The reason behind this is process of execution which is not done as per set rules and policies. In launching mobile app, probability of getting failure and success seems to be equal  (Flora, Wang and Chande, 2014). Therefore, by during planning process, managers of Talent Plus is essential to develop a risk log including an action plan. This would provide information to team members about type of risks which may occur during execution of a project. By giving details to stakeholders about complexities which may arise while launching a project, they can take instant actions to resolving the same. This would help in raising confidence level of all team-members and investors by increasing the probability of project success. Developing risk log and action plan, will aid project managers in controlling and monitoring the risk, quality and any configuration setting in project.  

6. Factors which lead to success or failure of a project

Behind success of a project, there are some main factors which leads it in specific directions. It includes contribution of team-members, smart planning, open communication, careful risk management and strong project closure (Burbank and et. al., 2015). If a company get achievement in building a high skilled team-members then chance of success behind a project will definitely increase. For this purpose, its managers required to provide an open communication at workplace where each member get chance to share their views and opinion in completion of project. Similarly, by careful planning the risk management plan, managers can reduce the probability of failure as well. But if a project will not have a strong closure then it increases potentials of consuming more resources. Therefore, this will lead to increase cost of project as well. Therefore, main responsibility of managers is to ensure that every activities of project run smoothly.  


As per above mentioned assignment, it has been summarized that project management plan is considered as a document which includes planning, observing, controlling and executing the entire project within set  time frame. It has developed to meet requirement set objectives and goals of a company. Furthermore, after conducting this report, it has also been analyzed that each and every project is unique in its own manner. It entails activities, stages and strategies required to finish a project as well as risk associated with the same. In this regard, behind planning, development and implementation of project, managers play an important role. They give their substantial amount of time to perform each responsibility in effective manner. Along with this, they use various methodologies and frameworks to achieve targeted goal and objectives before deadline of a project.

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  • Burbank, A. J., and et. al., 2015. Mobile-based asthma action plans for adolescents. Journal of asthma. 52(6). pp.583-586.
  • Flora, H. K., Wang, X. and Chande, S. V., 2014. An investigation into mobile application development processes: Challenges and best practices. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science. 6(6). p.1.
  • Francese, R., and et. al., 2015. Using Project-Based-Learning in a mobile application development course—An experience report. Journal of Visual Languages & Computing. 31. pp.196-205.
  • Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H. R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Khalid, A., Zahra, S. and Khan, M. F., 2014. Suitability and contribution of agile methods in mobile software development. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science. 2(2). pp.56-62.
  • Marchewka, J. T., 2014. Information technology project management. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Mastrogiacomo, S., Missonier, S. and Bonazzi, R., 2014. Talk before it's too late: reconsidering the role of conversation in information systems project management. Journal of Management Information Systems. 31(1). pp.47-78.
  • Nicholas, J. M. and Steyn, H., 2017. Project management for engineering, business and technology. Routledge.
  • Too, E. G. and Weaver, P., 2014. The management of project management: A conceptual framework for project governance. International Journal of Project Management32(8), pp.1382-1394.
  • Turner, R., 2016. Gower handbook of project management. Routledge.
  • Williams, J. D., 2014. Preparing to teach writing: Research, theory, and practice. Routledge.
  • Zahra, S., and et. al., 2014. Performing inquisitive study of pm traits desirable for project progress. International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science. 6(2). p.41.
  • (Burbank and et. al., 2015) (Flora, Wang and Chande, 2014) (Francese and et. al., 2015) (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017) (Khalid, Zahra and Khan, 2014) (Marchewka,  2014) (Mastrogiacomo, Missonier and Bonazzi, 2014) (Nicholas and Steyn, 2017) (Williams, 2014) (Zahra and et. al., 2014) (Turner, 2016) (Too and Weaver, 2014) (Why mobile app is important, 2018)
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