
Project Management Analysis Of Winter Hungama


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  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 16 / Words 3993
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Project management is the systematic process which supports in accomplishing the objective of the project significantly. It manages discrete packages of the entire activity so that specific purpose can be achieved. It involves planning, execution, controlling and modifications as per requirement (Kerzner, 2013). EOP report is the main tool which assists in evaluating the performance of project against its initiation documents., budget, time and risk allowances. It clarifies that whether objective is to be achieved or not. It is important to identify the necessary modification which is required to make to accomplish the goal of the project.

Task 1

Introduction of Winter Hungama

 Winter Hungama is the social event which is organised in the campus just to celebrate the season of festivals. This project was arranged by the students and lecturers (Zakariazadeh, Jadid and Siano,  2014). There were many activities which were included in this even such as quiz competition between two teams. Debate competition in which there were two teams of students and lecturers. After that, there were some social games for the fun of all members. In the games and quiz involvement of audience was significant, people who were watching the games were getting enjoyment because of the full involvement of them. At the end of the event, there was the facility of refreshment.

 The budget of the entire event was decided £200 in which food, decode, price all were involved in this budget. Time scheduled which was decided by organiser was from 12.30 pm to 02.30 pm. All members were participated equally and supported the team members so that it can be successful.

Objectives of project

Objectives of Winter Hungama are outlined as below:

  • To get permission from a principal of the University Dr Dhas by two weeks was the specific goal of the program (Li and Lu, 2016).
  • The specific objective of organising the event was to attract more audience to the programs and gain profit over investment. The budget of the entire project was £200 so to get a return on it was the main specific purpose of this program. It should not exceed from decided budget which is £200.
  • To complete the event within stipulated time duration was the another goal of ours. As we wanted to organise the event before Christmas, our objective was to start it anyhow until 18 October and to wind up it before 13 December.
  • To collect amount which is required for the entire project was the achievable objective of ours. A collection of sufficient resources such as monitors, human, physical resources was another purpose of Winter Hungama event.
  • To enhance participation of team members (Phillips, 2013).

  To take the permission of event by principals of the university was our main goal, it was achieved. As people described whole project alone with resources that we had and benefits of organising this programs. The entire proposal had impressed Dr Dhas, and he gave the permission for Winter Hungama. As budget of the whole program was £200 and we wanted to gain profit from it. We have designed all activities in such manner so that audience take an interest in it and take participation in the event. So we achieved the target, and the maximum public came into the Winter Hungama program, and all have participated actively in it. Our agenda was to organise the event before Christmas, that we have achieved significantly.  We tried to gather resources but due to lack of budget we faced the problem in organising the social games, so a collection of sufficient resources objective was not achievable. With the help of PRINCE 2, application of project management team can control over its event and can attain its objectives easily. This approach explains that if the entire project is divided into subparts, then it can be good results and can complete the entire project on time (Walker, 2015).

Benefits gained by organising Winter Hungama project

 By doing this project we have gained many benefits, some of them were unexpected by our team members.

  • Practical Learning:The major advantage what we gained that we got to know about troubles that can arrive in organising an even and how to over come these issue. It was the practical experience for all of us and we enhanced our practical knowledge, and now we can organise another event too. Because now we know that what thinks to be remembered while organising the activities and games, what safety measures are required to remember etc. It was the great benefit for us and that practical learning has enhanced our knowledge and self-managed learning skills (Nicholas and Steyn, 2012).
  • Team working:When we were working for arranging the activities then we did not expect that all team members will coordinate significantly. Because before that we did not know each other well so initially it was creating a problem for us to make interactions with team members. But once we started doing work all of us were working as a team, and that team work was unexpected for us. We get to know the effectiveness of team working and how it can help to accomplish the objective of the project. There were any activities planned by us in the Winter Hungama event but due to initially lack of knowledge we were not able to understand how to do. But efforts of all have given the benefit of the successful event.
  • Time management:Our main task was to arrange it before Christmas between 18 October to 13 December. It was great task for us and as we were very confidence and enthusiastic that we could do it. So we have completed the project within expected time duration.
  • Problem-solving skills and quick decision making: While doing on the project of Winter Hungama, many times we face issues such as lack of resources, sudden changes, etc. It was unexpected for that we would be able to take right decisions at the right time. But through this event, we got the benefit of improving problem-solving skills. We felt that now we can take right decisions by analysing the condition and issues.

Project scope

Times scale

 It was found that it was not in the scope because it was expected that it would complete till 12.30 pm. But due to late arrivals of team members, the actual result differed from expectation. It was stated on 1.30 pm.

Task Name


Initial time

Completed time


Winter Hungama event

41 days

Tue 10/18/16

Tue 12/13/16



8 days

Tue 10/18/16

Thu 10/27/16


     Development of charter of the project

2 days

Tue 10/18/16

Wed 10/19/16


     Decide SMART objective

2 days

Thu 10/20/16

Fri 10/21/16


      Prepare brief of activities held in event

1 day

Mon 10/24/16

Mon 10/24/16


      Schedule all activities

1 day

Tue 10/25/16

Tue 10/25/16


      Allocate resources

2 days

Wed 10/26/16

Thu 10/27/16



9 days

Wed 10/26/16

Mon 11/7/16


    Decide budget

2 days

Wed 10/26/16

Thu 10/27/16


      Development of plan of project management

3 days

Fri 10/28/16

Tue 11/1/16


      allocation of resources

4 days

Wed 11/2/16

Mon 11/7/16



7 days

Tue 11/8/16

Wed 11/16/16


      Arrange all activities

2 days

Tue 11/8/16

Wed 11/9/16


      Take confirmation from all participants

2 days

Thu 11/10/16

Fri 11/11/16


      Confirmation of Jag from event

2 days

Mon 11/14/16

Tue 11/15/16


    Take permission from principal

1 day

Wed 11/16/16

Wed 11/16/16


   Monitor and control

15 days

Thu 11/17/16

Wed 12/7/16


      Scope management

3 days

Thu 11/17/16

Mon 11/21/16


     Schedule management

2 days

Tue 11/22/16

Wed 11/23/16


      Costs  management

2 days

Thu 11/24/16

Fri 11/25/16


      Risks  management

3 days

Mon 11/28/16

Wed 11/30/16


      Stakeholder analyses

5 days

Thu 12/1/16

Wed 12/7/16



4 days

Thu 12/8/16

Tue 12/13/16


      Review the entire plan

1 day

Thu 12/8/16

Thu 12/8/16


     Modifications in resources

1 day

Fri 12/9/16

Fri 12/9/16


      Contract termination

1 day

Mon 12/12/16

Mon 12/12/16


      Sign off

1 day

Tue 12/13/16

Tue 12/13/16



 The initial budget was 100, but then it got increased to 200. Still, at the end of the event, it was found that cost got exceed and reached to 210. Time, cost and scope are the main element and help to identify the tolerance of the project. Tolerance needs to be selected for ten days by this way it will be completed on its stipulated time duration.


 As the decided budget was 200, but it exceeds to 210, but it is to be said that 10% tolerance is fine so it was within the scope.

Modifications in original project and effect of changes on the entire project

It was very difficult for us to follow the initial project to make Winter Hungama successful (Müller and et.al, 2013). Because there were some lacking points such as budget, team participation, etc. We have made certain changes in the initial plan, modifications what we were done are discussed below:

Changes in the budget: Initial budget of the event was £100, but in such low budget we were unable to arrange all activities effectively, monitory resources were not sufficient and due to lack of funds we were unable to gather other physical sources too, such as speakers, equipment, etc. We thought that this is not enough, so we decided to make changes in the budget, and then we reached to decision that it should be £200. It was a modification of the plan that £100 will be collected by student and rest will be provided by the university so that this Winter Hungama event can successfully be organised.

Modification in debate competition: Initially we have planned that in the debate competition there will be four teams and in each team, there will be one student and one teacher. But this structure was not appropriate because in this all students were unable to participate. So we have made modification in this and decided that there will be one team of student and another will be of teachers. This structure will create excitement in the debate competition.

Changes in the social game: organise social game was in the initial plan, firstly we decided that we will play football or cricket. But we had to make modification in this because there was no sufficient space in the campus so that we could play such type of outdoor games. Then we decided to play tissue game it was easy to play and can bring enthusiasm in all participants while playing.

Changes made in Quiz: the Initially, the plan was that there would be four teams and in each team, there will be two members, and we will ask about films and Christmas. But then we have made slight changes in the structure and added that if teams are unable to give answers within one minute, then this question will pass to the audience and the person who will give right answer will get surprise price.

 All these modifications have given great results and helped in making the  Winter Hungama successful. As we increased the budget from 100 to 200 and we requested to a principal that rest amount will be funded by the university that gave the positive result, and due to this we were able to utilise resources well. But on the other hand, it has enhanced burden on students because they had to contribute more amount. Modification in the debate competition has given an optimistic result, and it brought excitement to the activity. Tissue game was the right decision because in such small campus space we would not able to play cricket or football, and then the audience will get bored. So changes in social games have given good result to the event. Changes in Quiz had given a positive result because now audience were getting more involved in it.

Learned lessons

 While doing the project of Winter Hungama we learned the importance of teamwork. We identified that if all team members work together and coordinate effectively then, any program can successfully organise.  In the event, we used what's app group chat option that has helped in communicating with each other. If after working hours any team member gets idea then person circulate it in the group that chatting helped us in getting innovative ideas which helped us in organising event successfully. PRINCE 2 application was very effective and helped us in dividing the entire project into small sections so that each activity can be monitor easily and can be completed on time (Leach, L. P., 2014).

 We have learned bout stakeholder analyses as in the Winter Hungama project stakeholders were principal, university, audience and participants. We got to know that how we can fulfil their desired. These analyses have helped us in making effective strategies for organising the activities (Mubarak,  2015).

 A sufficient number of team and 11 group members were the accurate figures. Neither it was huge nor too small. But for future projects, we will have to improve some points so that some mistakes never take place again if we organise any event further (Baldwin and Bordoli, 2014). We should work on deciding the initial budget and should involve university more in it. It will help us in allocating sufficient funds so it would not create an extra financial burden on students. Principals will provide us sufficient resources, so we will be able to give more time to other activities. Because in this  Winter Hungama project we took a lot of time in collecting money for the event. All activities need to be planned systematic because further changes in team size and participation can create confusions and misunderstanding so there should be less chance in the further modification, at the initial stage it should be properly planned.

Risk analysis

  I felt that there were some risks attached to the project and I could identify these at the initial stage. The first risk which was predictable that if Winter Hungama event gets failed then what will be the reaction of audience and team members. We can think that no one will feel good in this situation, it may be possible that group members would not participate again in any other program. This issue can be managed by sharing with the team members. I can share this risk and can consult with them (Silva and et.al, 2014). It would be beneficial and will make them positive to put their best efforts so that this would not get failed. Sharing with team members will help to find a solution by this way this risk will not take place as because all members will think that why it can be failed and they will work upon the weaker sections so that they can make this event successful.

 All activities were planned by the limited team members; we were unaware with that what audience want to see. This was a great risk and it was unavoidable if people who were watching the programs do not line the game and activities then it can be successful. To avoid that risk we should have a backup plan (Fewings, 2013). The risk could be that speakers do not work at the time of the main event, it is an unpredictable issue and can take place anytime. In such condition, we should arrange backup equipment so that event does not get failed. For instance, if the electricity goes then we should arrange generator in the event place so that if lights go then also event will get continued as it was planned (Winter, Lobley and Prince,  2013).


 From the above report it can be concluded that with the help of project management practical experiences and skills can be developed, it can help in accomplishing the objective of the project. The assignment has discussed the Winter Hungama event; it is identified that all team members had put their best efforts and had made program successful. For future events team has to analysis risks which are attached with it so that they can make proper planning and can reduce it to a great extent. There must be back up plan for each activity so that failure of the event would not take place.

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  • Baldwin, A. and Bordoli, D., 2014. Handbook for construction planning and scheduling. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Fewings, P., 2013. Construction project management: An integrated approach. Routledge.
  • Kerzner, H. R., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Leach, L. P., 2014. Critical chain project management. Artech House.
  • Li, D. and Lu, M., 2016. Automated Generation of Work Breakdown Structure and Project Network Model for Earthworks Project Planning: A Flow Network-Based Optimization Approach. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. p.04016086.
  • Mubarak, S. A., 2015. Construction project scheduling and control. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Müller, R. and et.al., 2013. Project management knowledge flows in networks of project managers and project management offices: A case study in the pharmaceutical industry. Project Management Journal. 44(2). pp. 4-19.
  • Nicholas, J. M. and Steyn, H., 2012. Project Management for Engineering Business and Technology. Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Phillips, J., 2013. PMP, Project Management Professional (Certification Study Guides). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.
  • Silva, D. and et.al., 2014. OPM3® Portugal project: Analysis of preliminary results. Procedia Technology.  16. pp.1027-1036.
  • Walker, A., 2015. Project management in construction. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Winter, G., Lobley, C. M. and Prince, S. M., 2013. Decision making in xia2.Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography. 69(7). pp.1260-1273.
  • Zakariazadeh, A., Jadid, S. and Siano, P., 2014. Multi-objective scheduling of electric vehicles in smart distribution system. Energy Conversion and Management. 79. pp.43-53.
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