
Business Growth And Development As A Function Of Employee Performance


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Business growth and development are directly correlated and depend upon the practices and performance of employees. So it becomes very essential for every organisation to develop and enhance the skills, knowledge and attitudes of their employees in order to attain competitive advantage. It is essential for the top-level management to identify and provide necessary training to employees for developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to perform best at their specific tasks. Developing and training employees at workplace helps organisations achieve retention of competent employees (Ford, 2014). This report mainly covers about the case study of Whirlpool, a multinational company in the United Kingdom. This organisation deals in different countries and has manufacturing sectors that serve various home appliance electronic products in various countries. This report mainly emphasis on the various types of required knowledge, skills and behaviours that HR managers of Whirlpool should have to guide the roles and responsibilities of employees. Further, difference between learning, training and development to enhance performance of firm is specified. This report also covers various HPW practices as well as various approaches that are used for performance management.


P1. Importance of Knowledge, Skills and Behaviour  in  HR practices

To achieve high profitability and effectiveness of business, it is crucial for the organisation to focus on developing skills, attitudes, and knowledge of employees that are directly associated with organisation achievement. In context with human resources management, to improve the performance of organisation and handle the manpower in proper manner, it is very essential to train and develop employees to enhance their skills, attitude and knowledge According to the given case study, Whirlpool deals in electronic home appliances, which requires an update in their overall organisational structure. In this aspects, HR managers is out looking to represent a report at Confederation of British Industry workshop. This workshop allows to show how performance management, better communication channels and collaboration support of employees help to create high-performance culture. So therefore, it is necessary to possess required skills, behaviour and knowledge to perform best at their duties and tasks allotted.

Skills of HR professionals: It is important to have skills and abilities, as these qualities allow an individual to perform best at their jobs. With the help of effective abilities and skills, employees are able to perform their roles and responsibilities. To sort out the issues and problems, HR managers of Whirlpool should follow and possess appropriate skills that are discussed below:

Good Communication Skills: Communication evolves with the appropriate channel by which an individual expresses and conveys ideas, thoughts, and views. HR managers should try to implement an effective communication channel in the organisation through which employees feel free to express their views with others. Employees get freedom to share their ideas and knowledge with top-level management that helps in decision-making and builds strong employee relationships.

Multitasking: As a HR manager, an individual has to handle and perform various roles and responsibilities, which include formulating strategies and policies and managing manpower. HR managers should be able to perform various roles and responsibilities to become dynamic.

Knowledge of HR professionals: Knowledge includes information, his own learning from surroundings, facts, and skills that an individual obtains from experience and education. To run an organisation in an effective manner, HR managers of Whirlpool should have the following knowledge:

Taxation: One of the primary roles of the HR manager is to generate compensation or salary structure for the employees working in the organisation. It is very essential and crucial for HR managers to have adequate information and knowledge that are directly related to tax redemption. In relation to the case study of Whirlpool, managers have dense knowledge and information about taxation through which HR managers are able to manage and guide employees about various policies, rules, and schemes of taxation.

Recognition of the government's rules and regulations: HR managers should have proper and dense knowledge about laws and legislation implemented by the government. Whirlpool is operating in various countries; therefore, to run business in a legal manner, HR managers should have good knowledge about the government laws of various countries (Schaubroeck, Lam, and Peng, 2011).

Behaviour of HR Professionals: This deals with the attitude of an individual through which they perform their specific tasks and duties. In context with HR managers, they should carry a positive attitude to guide the employees for different roles and responsibilities. Some of the behaviours adopted by HR managers are as follows:

Ethical Behaviour: To run an organisation, it is essential to adopt and implement ethical behaviour so that HR managers can directly or indirectly influence employees to follow the appropriate rules and regulations. The ethical behaviour implementation helps in formulating useful strategies that profit customers, stakeholders, and working employees.

Adaptability: This behaviour deals with flexibility and adjustability of  an individual at workplace. It is very important for HR managers to have the quality of adaptability to manage in different culture of organisation in effective way.

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P2 Personal Skill Audit

Personal skill audit deals with the process by which it is easy to determine an individual's strengths and weakness in an appropriate way (Pinjani and Palvia, 2013) By this process, it is easy for an individual to find that in which area they need to emphasise to develop skills through training programmes. Personal skill audit help employees perform better by conducing roles and responsibility in effective way. Auditing skills varies with the different profession of individuals. HR managers of Whirlpool needs to evaluate their own skills that are related to decision-making, presentation skills, IT skills, conflict resolution and leadership.

According to the performance requirement, I have prepared a business plan for evaluating own strength and weakness. A scale is developed below in which skills and competences is self-scored as well as by others (out of 10) to identify the differences

Skills and competences

Self-assessed score

Score from others


Decision making




Conflict resolution




Presentation skill








The main benefit from the personal audit is that I am able to identify the strengths and weaknesses in different eras, which mainly involve decision-making, conflict resolution, and leadership skills along with presentation skills. The disadvantage without a skill audit is that an individual will lack the ability to identify its weak performance in order to improve it for achieving the goals and objectives of the organisation.

Strengths: I have strong and good decision-making skills that allow me to make overall judgements that will be beneficial for organisation growth and development. This also help me to manage manpower for attainment of business objectives. Besides this, I have good communication skills, which aid me in interacting with team members and informing them about tasks that are required to be accomplished by them.

Weakness: Personal skill audit determine that I have a lack of presentation skills. Along this, I am also not able to manage people properly. Multitasking is skill which affects my activities and also the functionality of system.

Professional development plan: This document is prepared for improvement of weakness for execution of tasks effectively.



Current proficiency

Target proficiency (2 months)

Development opportunity

Presentation skill

Inform team members about tasks and targets required to be accomplished by them.



Watch videos of expert on YouTube to acknowledge their presentation style.  


I require to conduct recruitment, maintain employee relations, and train skilled people.



Frame plan and monitor whether activities are conducted in systematic manner. Past experience helps in execution of tasks properly.



P3: Difference between Organisational and Individual Learning

Individual learning: Individual learning deals with the capacity to build skills and knowledge through self-reflection. In this learning session, training as well as separate development programs are framed on the basis of the needs of an individual.

Organisation learning: In context with the organisation learning session, training and development problems are designed and framed accordingly to acquire skills and knowledge to work in team or group.

In order to attain competitive advantage, Whirlpool generally conducts both types of learning sessions in order to enhance the skills of the employees in order to become more skilled to upgrade the level of performance.

Difference between individual and organisational learning

Individual learning

Organisational learning

· Individual learning mainly involves and deals with development an individual at the individual level.

· Helps in improving individual   performance.  Time is not fixed under individual learning courses.

· Organisational learning deals and emphasises all the requirement that are crucial for employees to perform best at their roles and responsibilities. It involves with providing training to workers in order to work in team or group

· It is generally based on learning within a fixed time duration with a particular time frame. 

Training and development

Training is referred as systematic group of activities that mainly emphasise providing appropriate instructions to employees in order to increase their level of performance to achieve organisation goals and objectives.Development involves the all-rounded development of an individual so that no issues arises in future to handle the working situation. McCormack, Manley and Titchen, 2013). Both training and development play an important role in improving the skills and knowledge of employees. Training is a continuing learning process through which an individual person gets an opportunity to develop their skills, knowledge and opportunities. Development is usually done for high executives and it is concerned with overall growth and development of a person. HR managers of Whirlpool conducts and implement both session for enhancing the overall abilities and knowledge of employees. 

Difference between training and development



· The main objective and intention of providing training to employees is to improve the performance of employees at work or specific tasks.

· It is a job-orientated process with fixed time frame.

· Training scope is narrow in comparison to development programmes.


· Development programmes are generally conducted to prepare an individual for present as well as future challenges.

· It is a career-orientated process with long-term duration throughout the life span.

· Developing programs has a wider scope in comparison to training sessions.



P4. Analysis of the need for continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance:

Learning can refer to a change in the behaviour of a person due to the experience that person gains over time. It is a transformative process of building and enhancing a person's knowledge.

Professional  development: This process can be defined as a lifelong assessment of the qualities and skills of an individual, which allows it to maximise its potential by consider their life goals and set targets to achieve them. These activities help an individual to improve their identity and awareness, enhance the quality of their life and realise their aspiration and work towards it (Sessa and London, 2015).

Whirlpool, seeing the current competitive environment, needs skilled employees and would want to retain those who are enhancing their talents overtime and contributing to the organisational success.

Relevance: Continuous learning would enable the employees to keep updating themselves overtime and be relevant according to the trends and market preferences. This enhances their adaptability in the dynamic environment with continuous innovations in technology, changes in market schemes, political scenarios, etc.

Performance Enhancements: Professional development overtime would help the employees to improve their performance in areas that are difficult for them to succeed. Through regular performance reviews and training, one can achieve sustainability and even improvement in their workplace. This would help the firm set new targets for other employees and would facilitate healthy competition in the firm (Mone and London, 2018).

Competence: Whirlpool needs employees that can set the firm over its competitors in the market. Continuous learning would help them developing perfection in their work and they can become more competent by exploring new ventures and taking on new challenges. That would make them effective while dealing with their competitors in the market, as they would possess an advanced set of skills, which would also, in return,

Innovation: When an employee continuously learn from its business environment, it allows them to experiment more and modify their methods of working. As a result, the employee would introduce innovative ideas and skills in the company, which would make it more effective in achieving its objectives and would enhance the productivity of others. In context with HR managers of Whirlpool, they allow their employees to share and implement their ideas in order to enhance the performance of the organisation.

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P5. Contribution of HPW to employee engagement and competitive advantage:

High Performance Working, or HPW, refers to an approach implemented towards the management of organisations that focuses on stimulation of effective involvement of employees and their commitment to attain higher performance levels (Jiang and Liu, 2015).

A report was presented by the HR consultant at the annual Confederation of British Industry workshop, highlighting different ways in which high-performance culture and commitment are supported by performance management, collaborative working, and effective communication. Whirlpool must adopt high-performance working, as it is of immense importance when the firm needs to engage its employees more and to gain a competitive advantage over its competitors.

These contributions of HPWs are as follows:

Shared Commitment to the company's vision and extraordinary goals: The vision of the company should be articulated clearly to its employees along with proper knowledge of the expected pathway by which the company wishes to accomplish those goals. This would engage the employees to fulfil these visions as their goals are clear and would enhance their performance in order to do so. Moreover, this would help the firm to gain a competitive advantage as the employees will be putting in their best efforts to achieve these extraordinary goals (Anitha, 2014).

Shared Accountability for Results: Whirlpool must share accountability of their work and results with their employees. The employees must be rewarded for their innovative and effective work. This would help in encouraging the morale of the workforce, which would contribute towards enhancing their performance at the workplace, thus achieving better results.

Transparent Communication: At all levels of the organisation, employees should be aware of the strategic direction the company's taking to overtake its competition. Whirlpool must introduce flexible methods and systems of communication in an organisation so that the information between the levels of the company could flow with ease and each employee be aware of its operations and what is expected of them. This would make their performance more effective, which would facilitate the employees competing with the company's rivals.

Constructive Conflicts: Conflicts are a result of different ideologies towards achieving similar goals. These conflicts in the company should be constructive, i.e., the end goal should be to derive the best possible strategy to achieve the plans. All the members should be equally consulted, and the firm should consider their ideas. This would help employees come up with different and effective strategies that are necessary for their performance growth.

Mutual Respect and Solidarity: It is crucial for the employees in the company to work with unity, sharing unified goals that would develop its inner strength. Managers at Whirlpool must consider each employee as their equal so that the employees also feel their responsibilities towards the goals of the organisation. This would increase their engagement in the company and would enhance their work performance.


P6. Evaluation of different approaches to performance management:

Performance management of employees is one of the most critical aspects of the working of a company. In Whirlpool, this management should be made on the basis of employee's contribution towards the growth of the firm (DeNisi and Smith, 2014). Since Whirlpool is a large organisation, it is essential that it retains its skilled employees and strengthens its internal relationships. Performance management would help the firm achieve that smoothly. There are different approaches by which the HR of Whirlpool could manage performance of employees. These approaches are:

Different Approaches Of Measuring Performance

Comparative Approach: It focuses at ranking performances of employees belonging to a group with each other. The comparison is made on the basis of intensity of performance. Whirlpool could use forced distribution techniques, graphic rating scales, etc. to measure employees' performances.  For instance, Whirlpool can divide their employees in groups based on their performance. While they could ensure certain rewards for top performers, which would motivate them to work harder, the low performers can be given a chance if there is scope for improvement, or they could be dismissed. This would enable the firm to hire fresh and skilled talent that would increase organisation's performance and better commitment of its employees.

Attribute approach: In this, certain attributes of employees like innovation, teamwork, problem solving, etc. are taken into consideration while rating their performance. Methods like Mixed rating scale could be used by Whirlpool to measure attributes. This is because it is more layered than other similar techniques. This would help its employees to adapt the attributes necessary to increase their work performances and effective achievement of organisational goals.   

Behavioural Approach: Whirlpool could use Behavioural Observation Scale (BOS) or Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) to measure different dimensions of their employees' jobs. These methods also determine frequencies in regards to the behaviour of the employee for effective performance. The scales in these measurements are decided with employees' consents, so this gives them a clear idea about their behavioural strengths and weaknesses. Also, this would encourage more efforts from the employees and they can achieve high performance standards.

Result Approach: Under this, employees receive training based on their performance result. Whirlpool can use tools like Balanced Scorecard Technique and Productivity Measurement and Evaluation System (ProMES) for this approach. This approach would encourage the employees to increase their productivity and to measure the feedback. The firm can calculate its productivity as a sum of various factors. These factors include the objectives of the company, their competency, their effectiveness towards evaluation of employee performance, and its feedback. This approach helps convert the strategy of the firm into operations as it takes the external environment into consideration and not just financial indicators. This will allow the employees to learn more about their work and be more effective in their job.

Quality Approach: This approach aims at customer satisfaction. It achieves this by reducing errors and regular service improvisations. Both systemic and personal factors are taken into consideration in this approach. As the employees know what customers expect from them, they work towards enhancing their performance levels to fulfil these expectations.

Collaborative Approach: It uses a blend of all the approaches mentioned above. Whirlpool can combine the approaches according to their organisational needs and use them to make their employees more competent. Using different combinations and revising these strategies would help the employees to maintain and sustain the level of their performances even during drastic changes in the business environment. (O'Neill, Sohal and Teng, 2016).

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Thus, it is concluded by the above report that appropriate knowledge and skills of HR professionals at Whirlpool would invite new talents into the firm and enhance the existing workforce. Also, the firm places emphasis on individual learning as well as training and development of its employees. HPW would enable Whirlpool to maximise its employee performance and gain a competitive edge in the market. The managers should conduct more training programs for the personal growth of the employees, which would engage them in accomplishing the vision of the company. The company can use several approaches to evaluate the performance of their employees. The employees, in turn, could have reliable feedback on the basis of which they work towards their shortcomings and increase their level of performance in the organisation.

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  • Anitha, J. (2014). Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance. International journal of productivity and performance management, 63(3), p. 308.
  • DeNisi, A., and Smith, C.E., 2014. Performance appraisal, performance management, and firm-level performance: A review, a proposed model, and new directions for future research. The Academy of Management Annals. 8(1). pp. 127-179.
  • Ford, J. K., 2014. Improving training effectiveness in work organisations. Psychology Press.
  • Jiang, J.Y., and Liu, C.W., 2015. High performance work systems and organisational effectiveness: The mediating role of social capital. Human Resource Management Review. 25(1). pp. 126-137.
  • McCormack, B., Manley, K., and Titchen, A. eds., 2013. Practice development in nursing and healthcare. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Mone, E.M., and London, M., 2018. Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge.
  • O'Neill, P., Sohal, A., and Teng, C.W., 2016. Quality management approaches and their impact on firms׳ financial performance—An Australian study. International Journal of Production Economics, 171. pp. 381-393.
  • Pinjani, P., and Palvia, P., 2013. Trust and knowledge sharing in diverse global virtual teams. Information & Management. 50(4). pp. 144-153.
  • Schaubroeck, J., Lam, S. S. and Peng, A. C., 2011. Cognition-based and affect-based trust as mediators of leader behaviour influences on team performance. Journal of Applied Psychology. 96(4). p.863.
  • Sessa, V.I. and London, M., 2015. Continuous learning in organisations: individual, group, and organisational perspectives. Psychology Press.

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