
Managing Social Marketing


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The social issue identified is “To investigate the issue of inequality at the workplace within UK”. Here, scholar needs to focus upon such topic issue faced by the individuals within the businesses so that it needs to be overcome by providing equality to employees in order to provide them best working environment (Gensler and et al., 2013). UK government introduces different legislation in relation to gender equality issues that is well established and is effectively concerned with how men and women are paid and employment and the provision of goods or services. It can be assessed that there are different legislation i.e. Equal Pay Act (1970) and Sex Discrimination Act (1975). All such acts are focused by the businesses in order to provide best working environment to the employees and thus they can improve their performance (Burchell, Rettie and Patel, 2013). Further, there are several other acts that needs to be implemented within firm are Part-Time Workers Regulations (2000), Maternity Leave and Pay Regulations (1975), Paternity Leave and Pay Regulations (2003) and the Flexible Working Regulations (2003).

Social Marketing Plan

It can be assessed that there are different laws formulated by the UK government in order to render equality within the workplace. Following are the different legislation, regulation in order to state the severity of the issue-

• The Equal Pay Act (1970)- Such act assesses that individual working in UK possess the right to pay the same amount as well as benefits as a person to both male and female workers and in return expect the same from them. Hence, it helps in attaining satisfaction among employees (Epstein and Buhovac, 2014).

• The Sex Discrimination Act (1975)- It prohibits direct or indirect gender discrimination against individuals within the different areas of employment, education, provision of products, facilities and services (Epstein, Buhovac and Yuthas, 2015).

• Maternity Leave & Pay Regulations (1975)- Such law entitled women to statutory leave and pay for up to 12 months and applies once the job has been offered and accepted (Lefebvre, 2013). However, at the time of leave period, women are guaranteed an entitlement to return to their own job on the same terms and conditions under which they left the organisation.

• Paternity Leave and Pay regulations (2003)- It regulates statutory paternity leave and pay for up to two weeks following the birth of the child. Further, it helps father to spend time with their new born babies and later they could join the firm at the same terms and conditions (Evans, 2012).

• Flexible Working Regulations (2003)- Further, it gives workers the statutory right to ask fro a flexible working pattern that involves work from home, reduced working hours as per their preferences shifts of working. Such rights are provided to workers who have children under the age group of 6 years (Dibb and Carrigan, 2013).

Further, it can be stated that such laws and regulations implemented within business encourages workforce to work effectively in order to attain desired results. However, if businesses does not undertake such law that it affects the businesses and thus it is punishable under law (Tuten and Solomon, 2014). Inequality at the workplace affects the individuals/organizations and they need to behave appropriately so that best working relations can be maintained and thus productivity of firm as well as individual can be improved. For instance, HR departments of companies should not use such type of homephobic slurs i.e. sexist/racist etc. and thus give full freedom as well as equality to workers in order to perform their best and attain productive results. Also, prohibition upon different instances of bullying/harassment in the workplace (Kim and Ko, 2012). However, if senior employees bully new joiners then it affects their morale and productivity within firm. Hence, it is essential for company to focus upon equality statement and give strict instructions to their workers to not bully or harass any employees otherwise they will be punished by the court of law in terms of imprisonment as well as penalty. Also, they could be offered to leave the job by giving them notice period and thus it will affect their future (de Bakker, 2016).

Further, it can be assessed that companies are required to focus upon equality for both men and women within the workplace. Thus, it helps in enlightening employers to finally appreciate the true quality of individual and thus should not bias upon their gender. For instance, if any female employee is more knowledgeable as compared to male for the same position then such candidate should be given more preference in order to obtain success within firm (Yadav and et al., 2013). Moreover, it can be stated that equality is essential right of individual and thus they need to enforce them within business so that desired objectives can be attained. Hence, it assists UK businesses to enable and practice such law within their business operations so that desired success can be attained in an effective manner. Business are bound to treat both male and female workers equally so that they can perform their best and attain desired results (Ng, Wang and Yu, 2013). However, if any firm is found guilty of following discriminating or inequality at the workplace then they are punishable under law.

Following are the 10 Steps to Create Social Marketing Plan Such as-

Establish a Clear and Focused Vision- It can be assessed that firm is required to possess a clear and focused vision in relation to identify the social problem prevailing within the business (Kotler and et al., 2015). Here, it assesses that a clear vision needs to be focused that is currently tropical issue in the country i.e. inequality between workers within workplace in UK. It is essential for firm to posses clear vision regarding the passion and ability in order to move forward towards the next step. However, if any business have not developed the vision then they would not be able to attain desired objectives. Further, encouragement needs to be rendered to employees in relation to overcome such issue so that desired results can be attained in an effective way (Baron, Warnaby and HunterJones, 2014).

Obtaining Commitment from Management- In order to create effective social media marketing in relation to the identified issue it assists in creating an effective stakeholder meeting so that issues can be discussed easily. Hence, it assists in identifying the needs of individuals working within firm so that they can attain desired results. Management of firm needs to identify the issue and thus obtain commitment from management in regard to overcome the issue (Newton and et al , 2013).

Carrying out the Research- Further, it assesses that firm is required to carry out effective research in relation to obtain success. It is essential for management to identify the inequality at the workplace through carrying out research and thus identifies the opportunities in order to overcome the problem and maintain equality within business so that success can be attained (Wilson and et al., 2012). Also, different acts introduced by government needs to be analysed in order to determine the potential of prospects and thus overcome the issues and maintain equality within workplace. It helps in providing the best workplace environment so that productivity of firm can be improved and thus desired results can be attained (Kwok and Yu, 2013).

Create and Prioritize Goals- Here, firm is required to assess the significance of the desired objectives that needs to be attained in order to prioritize them so that best results can be attained. Organizations are required to create and prioritize their goals developed so that it can help in improving the brand recognition. Inequality issues faced within the workplace needs to be overcome so that not discrimination is being done among employees and thus provide them best working envelopment so that success can be attained (Wirtz and et al., 2013).

Create and Design Strategies to Achieve Goals- Further, it is another step in the social marketing plan that helps in creating and designing the tactics in order to attain desired goals (Schultz and et al., 2015). Thus, it assesses that businesses are required to identify the UK legislation and develop strategies to overcome such issue so that best quality workplace can be created in regard to provide no differences among individuals. Strategies needs to be adopted so that inequality can be overcome and thus best results can be attained (Boone and Kurtz, 2013).

Determining the Cost and Budget- Further, it is another significant step in social marketing plan so that priorities could be set in order to determine the strategies and thus implement the same within firm to obtain desire results. It involves various strategies which needs to be implemented so that proper cost and budget needs to be identified so that desired success can be attained (Corrigan, 2011). Hence, it helps firm to assess the strategies so that best results can be achieved. Firm is required to identify the cost of promotion of its effective equality services rendered to employees working within firm upon different social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. so that it requires cost and budget needs to be prepared (Donovan and Henley, 2010).

Resources Purchased and Allocated to Achieve the Goals- It can be assessed that in regard to overcome the issue of inequality in the workplace, it is essential for businesses to purchase the resources and thus allocate it effectively in order to attain desired goals and success (Dooley, Jones and Iverson, 2012). Different strategies needs to be implemented so that right resources are required to be found and implement the same within business so that desired results can be attained. It involves money, people and tools so that such resources are easily available and thus firm needs to manage such issues in an effective way in relation to provide the best workplace envelopment to both male and female workers so that equality can be maintained within business and thus success can be attained (Elbeck and et.al., 2009). Through providing equality envelopment at workplace it helps in providing equal resources so that no discrimination is being done at business and thus proper opportunities are rendered to employees to attain success.

Plan and Create Content- Social marketing is the best way through which proper planning needs to be done in relation to develop and create content regarding the different social issue prevailing in the workplace. Also, it is the best step in which proper format needs to be developed so that best results can be attained. Hence, it results in planning proper resources so that equality can be provided to employees within business and thus obtain success (Gerlich and Sollosy, 2009).

Publish and Promote on Social Networks- At the time of creating the content it is essential for organization to start its marketing continuously and consistently in order to build network. For instance, using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter etc. are effective social networking websites that helps in overcoming the issues prevailing in the workplace and attain better results (Greenley, Hooley and Saunders, 2004). It is the best way through which inequality issue can be focused in relation to promote the social issue and thus publish the same upon social networks so that it can be overcome from the business and thus provide the best environment of working for individuals. It assists in enhancing the productivity of employees and thus attain desired results (Drysdale, 2000).

Measure and Monitor Results- It is the last step of social marketing plan that involves the measuring and monitoring of results in relation to identify the success rate. It helps in assessing the result of inequality issue so that it could be monitored effectively in relation to obtain the results and thus success can be attained (Talvar, 2013).

Formulating the Charges in Behaviour using Social Marketing Strategies

Here, it assesses that social inequality within the business identifies through discrimination among the workplace and thus bring unequal financial rewards to each other. Such factor discourages the employees and affects the performance of individual within firm. Business also distributes unequal rewards among the employees which results in raising the equality issue within workplace. Gender inequality is the major social problem faced within businesses in UK. Gender stratification is stated as the unequal distribution of societies wealth, power and privilege among males and females. At the time when such issue was approached it is evident that majority of the female were oppressed by the male workers. Thus, it affects their working and decreases their morale in order to attain equal position at workplace. Therefore, UK government needs to focus upon such social issue and develop legislation relating to such Gender Inequality so that equal opportunities could be provided to each and every individual. It can be assessed that formulating changes in the behaviour of individuals using social marketing strategies assists in improving the success of firm. It involves different changes that needs to be implemented within business so that social marketing strategies needs to be assessed and thus improve the results in workplace (Malthouse and et al., 2013). Providing best working environment to employees helps in improving the success so that sales can be enhanced in an effective way. Also, it is crucial for enterprise to implement equality among employees and provide opportunity to the employees who possess desired skills and capabilities. HR management of firm should not carry out gender discrimination among male and female and thus provide chance to skilled candidates so that they can attain success. It is the best way through which social marketing strategies are implemented in order to comply with the same so that desired objectives can be attained (Russell-Bennett, Wood and Previte, 2013). Also, different social marketing strategies such as Facebook, Twitter and Yahoo helps in promoting the campaign so that success can be attained within the workplace. It is essential for business to comply with such strategies that assists in implementing the success so that social media campaign can be promoted in an effective way.

In the current era of globalisation, businesses does not possess the belief of women and men as distinct part either they should focus upon hiring skilled candidate who can serve the organisation effectively. For instance, some people believe that women does not possess the right to go out and work as compared to men but it is wrong because now-a-days women is also considered as equally efficient as men and they are responsible towards accomplishing their given work. Further, it can be assessed that different changes in behaviour needs to be formulated so that using social marketing strategies needs to be implemented in order to improve the success of firm. Effective strategies should be adopted so that best results can be attained. Different social marketing strategies needs to be formulated in order to bring positive outcomes and thus attain success (Smith, Gonin and Besharov, 2013). It is essential for firm to identify the changes and thus implement behaviour in order to seek proper marketing strategies and thus best results can be attained. Firstly, at the time when businesses identifies the issues prevailing in the workplace that needs to be overcome so that best opportunities can be provided to individuals in order to attain results.

Here, it evaluates that the occupational stratification by gender inequality through the comparison of different theoretical framework. It consists of sex segregation model that is where sex is the only feature that influences the hiring of worker into a professional occupation. Another framework is the pure class model that assesses that where the employees position is determined through their status or position in the society and also how much power and authority they possess. Moreover, another framework that is undertaken is the integrated gendered social class model that is where gender and class perform together which affects the positioning of female and male as diverse labour force. Different legislations have been developed by the UK government in relation to overcome inequality at the workplace so that best opportunities can be provided to employees in order to overcome the results. Different legislations such as Equality Act, Sex Discrimination Act etc. needs to be implemented in order to improve the individual's ability in relation to overcome the issues and thus attain success. It is essential for businesses to comply with such regulations and provide equal opportunities to each and every employee without any biasness so that success can be attained (Hays, Page and Buhalis, 2013). It can be concluded from the analysis that different perspective approaches identifies the issue of gender inequality it assesses that the fact that there is a gender inequality problem in the workplace. In the current scenario, female are accepting more challenges and overcoming the dominance of men so that social problem can be overcome.

It can be assessed that business is required to implement inequality statement so that they can overcome inefficiency and thus improve the effectiveness in order to enhance the sales and profitability of firm. It is the best way through which firm can improve the employees interest and thus bring them towards the firm and increase the efficiency so that success can be attained in an effective way (Gensler and et al., 2013). Organizations in the current scenario are looking for different legislative practices in relation to overcome the issues that results in improving the efficiency and obtain success. It is essential for firm to implement effectual strategies so that success can be overcome in order to improve the business results and thus attain desired results. Through implementing effective strategies it helps business to enhance the efficiency and thus overcome the negativity by providing the positive outcomes so that success can be attained (Burchell, Rettie and Patel, 2013).

Businesses are required to identify the skills and abilities of individual working in the workplace and appreciate their qualities so that better performance can be measured of each gender and provide them the opportunities to attain satisfaction. Hence, it is significant Moreover, if inequality is prevailing at the workplace than it affects the performance of business and thus it is essential for firm to improve its performance so that success can be implemented in an effective and efficient way. Changes are essential part of firm and thus they need to be implemented effectively so that social marketing strategies helps them to overcome all the issues faced by business and attain success. Inequality at workplace is being regarded as one of the prevailing issue and thus it is essential for business to overcome it so that they can treat the employees equally so that best results can be attained (Epstein and Buhovac, 2014). Hence, it helps organization to improve its efficiency and implement the outcomes in an effective manner.

Gender inequality should not be carried out at workplace because it affects the performance of firm in a negative way. It is essential for firm to identify the results so that discrimination can be avoided in respect to overcome the issues and thus attain desired results. Here, social marketing needs to be managed so that positive outcomes can be adopted in relation to overcome the issues and thus improve the relationship with employees (Lefebvre, 2013). It is essential for management to develop effective relationship with workers so that they can improve the productivity of firm and thus enhance the sales and profitability of firm. Hence, it helps in enhancing the profitability of firm in market so that desired results can be attained. It is essential for business to improve the efficiency of workers so that set goals can be attained. Social marketing is the best tool that assists in transferring the communication from one person to another (Evans, 2012). Also, it assists in identifying the success of firm and thus formulate the change in the behaviour by obtaining success.

Social issue needs to be identified by business as it results in affecting the performance of firm and thus it is essential for firm to overcome the issues so that best results can be attained. Firm is required to develop social marketing plan in relation to overcome the issues in relation to obtain desired results. Moreover, business is required to improve the products or services by enhancing the positive attitude among them so they can be empowered in order to deliver quality services (Dibb and Carrigan, 2013). Also, it is essential for businesses to not practice inequality within workplace as it affects the productivity of firm in market. Gender discrimination does not give equal rights to men and women and thus it affects their efficiency which results in negative outcomes. It can be assessed that firm is required to implement effective regulations and legislation in order to improve the business performance and attain success (Kim and Ko, 2012).

UK businesses are required to improve the performance by developing proper legislation and regulation so that best results can be attained. It is essential for firm to develop effective strategies in relation to attain desired success. For instance, if firm does not implement such regulations than it affects their business practices in an effective way. Equality Act needs to be carried out within firm so that best employment practices can be developed within workplace and thus improve the performance of firm in positive way (Yadav and et al., 2013). Hence, the selected topical issue within workplace is inequality among employees and thus it is a social problem that needs to be avoided so that companies can carry out best practices so that success can be attained.

Gender inequality affects the firm's brand image and thus they need to avoid such issue as it influences firms position in market. It is essential for firm to identify the business relationship so that set strategies can be avoided in order to prevent firm from any topical issue so that success can be attained in an effective way. Company needs to adopt different strategies in relation to attain success so that best results can be attained. Further, firm needs to avoid gender discrimination and HR department needs to overcome the issues from firm so that best results can be attained efficiently (Kotler and et al., 2015).

It can be assessed that firm needs to overcome such issue by avoiding it from the business so that best results can be attained in an effective way. Also, it is for business to implement such changes that will improve the performance of business in order to enhance the effectiveness of its services so that success can be achieved. Adopting social marketing plan helps in improving the business performance and thus success can be attained positively (Ng, Wang and Yu, 2013). In regard to improve the business performance firm is required to set specific tactics in relation to attain business success and thus improve the ability of firm in market. Also, firm needs to identify the issues and overcome it by satisfying their needs in order to empower employees and thus enhance their success. Company should provide them proper training and development activities so that individual can overcome issue and enhance the sales and profitability of firm (Baron, Warnaby and HunterJones, 2014).


From the above study, it can be articulated that social marketing plan helps in identifying the prevailing issues in business such as inequality at workplace in UK. Thus, such problem needs to be identified and implement effective legislation and regulations develop by the UK government such as Sex Discrimination act, Equality Act etc. so that best workplace environment can be provided to individuals. It helps them to work effectively and improve productivity so that best results can be attained. It can be evaluated through different studies that women empowerment and development is crucial part as it helps in improving productivity and efficiency of firm. It also assesses that the male-female employment gap needs to transformed as it assesses tremendous economic implications for developed economies that boost the sales and profitability of firm. Reducing gender inequality within workplace in UK plays a crucical role in addressing the future problems posed because of ageing population and improving pension burdens. Management of firm is required to maintain different legislation that provides equal opportunities to employees so that they can perform their task effectively and efficiently. It should not obstruct their performance within workplace.

Further, effective social marketing plan needs to be developed so that proper strategies can be formulated using social marketing tactics and thus it results in attaining success. Business also needs to focus upon overcoming the issues so that equality can be maintained within business. Moreover, different strategies are required to be implemented so that best results can be attained in an effective way. Different workplace issues needs to be overcome so that best results can be attained. Hence, it results in achieving desired objectives and improving the proficiency of firm. 


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