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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 50 / Words 12526
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  2. 1.1 Overview of Research
  3. 1.2 Background of Study
  4. 1.3 Rationale For The Study
  5. 1.4 Potential Significance Of Research
  6. 1.5 Research Aim and Objectives
  7. 1.6 Research Objectives
  8. 1.7 Research Questions
  9. 1.8 Framework and Analysis
  10. 1.9 Chapter Structure
  12. 2.1 Sustainable Supply Chain Management To Accomplish Social, Economic and Governance Aim
  13. 2.2 Role of Supply Chain Management in Attaining Stakeholders' and Customer's Requirements
  14. 2.3 Financial Resources and System to Deal With The Financial Challenges
  15. 2.4 Major Impact Upon Financial Institutions To Overcome Financial Challenges
  17. Type of Investigation
  18. Research Design
  19. Research Approach
  20. Research Philosophy
  21. Data Collection Method
  22. Sampling Method
  23. Data Analysis
  24. Accessibility Issues
  25. Ethical Issues
  26. Validity and Reliability
  28. Theme 1: EPM (Enterprise Performance Management) is Effective For Supply Chain Management Framework For FI.
  29. Theme 2: Different Tools are Effective For The Organisational Performance.
  30. Theme 3: There are Type of Contribution Ratio Measure Subject to Economy.
  31. Theme 4: Different Type of Sustainable Packaging Shipping Material are Used in Supply Chain Performance Framework.
  32. Theme 5: Green Supply Chain Management Practice is Effective in Sustainability Supply Chain Management Framework For FI's.
  33. Theme 6: Compliance Financial Structure Helps in Maintaining The Environmental and Safety.
  34. Theme 7: There are Aarious Options Considered Adequate to Improve Environmental Performance in Financial Industries.
  35. Theme 8: Type of Communication Models are Effective in Terms of Improve The Sustainable Supply Chain Management Framework.
  36. Theme 9: There are Type of Working Capital Requirements Found in Supply Chain Management Framework Solution.
  37. Theme 10: Supply Chain Management Frameworks Helps In Improving The Growth Rate of Financial Industries.
  39. Conclusion
  40. Recommendation
Question :

 This assessment will cover following questions which are like:

  • Elaborate the supply chain management in economic, social other customer requirements.
  • Give the effective investigation with the research design.
  • Give appropriate recommendations.
Answer :


1.1 Overview of Research

Sustainable development is prime requirement for organisational growth and development and sustainable change. Supply chain management is a type of management provides path for smooth flow of goods and services form manufacturers to end customers. This research focuses upon sustainable supply chain performance framework for FI(s) (Beske and Seuring, 2014). Employee's performance and the management efforts are the precious elements considered essential in terms of developing the financial structure of organisation. An overview of sustainable change and development defined in this research. It is analysed that after global crisis financial organisations had to face the challenges regarding the management of cash flow, reserves, financial instruments, credit for international trade and development. Three methods and theories mainly considered to address the meaning of supply chain management which are Supply chain financing, sustainable supply chain and supply chain management. Sustainable supply chain financing frame work relies on major two hypothesis as, FI(s) have a crucial position in the supply chain that allows to have access subject to maintain the relation with the management and control of financial resources and second is relation of large corporates subject to their suppliers to promote the adoption of more sustainable business practice. Suppliers are required to analyse the potentials for developing the effective structure of financial growth and development.

1.2 Background of Study

Sustainable supply chain performance framework for financial institutions has been already carried out in terms of determining the sustainable path for smooth functioning of financial functions and operations of financial institutions. According to world bank report huge impact fall upon international banks and financial institutions due to financial crisis. Large number of banks fell down to losses and under managed improvement cost during financial crisis. Overall analysis indicates towards sustainable change and development for better understanding and evaluation of conventional relationships with in the financial institutions and banking industry. The research mainly highlights the relations of financial institutions with stakeholders, customers, owners, government and society with appropriate changes and development. Major study was based upon the logical framework and changes subject to supply chain and highlight the framework used to connect with people in supply chain management (Awudu and Zhang, 2012). It is analysed that financial variables and the current aspects was measured with perfect analytical approaches and changes. Measurable changes were sanctioned at initial stages and the changes occurred due to non financial factors which were abolished for sustainable supply chain management with in Financial institutions. The framework contains the changes regarding the sustainable supply chain management. A framework of sustainable chain management was analysed on the basis theory of SSC management as strategic, integration and achievements for better enforcement of system and coordination. Financial crisis damaged the structure of financial management and operation.

There are ten financial companies are taken to address the research in appropriate manner. The structure mainly helps in evaluating the financial changes and circumstances for sustainable supply chain management to manage the financial sources. Performance of organisation can be improved by fulfilling the needs requirements of customers. By using a convenient process of providing financial services at desirable time duration helps to gain customer interest. In main course of work the process not only remain centralised around managing the flow of delivering financial services but also depends upon operating sustainable supply chain management. Organisations be able to attain the competitive advantages with effective structure or base of sustainable supply chain management. There are type of banks are taken to analyse the data for sustainable supply chain management. It is seen that various multinational banks and financial institutions have enhanced their performance by compiling the concept of sustainable supply chain management.

1.3 Rationale For The Study

Main purpose and objectives are required to properly addressed in research for better understanding and eligibility. The logic behind the process is mainly associated with adoption and management for best consideration and collective changes. Conceptual framework logically deducted and determined with aggregate framework and propositions additionally in research methodology (Gunasekaran and Spalanzani, 2012). The logical deduction of the framework is used to undertake the sustainable supply chain management. This framework basically prepared for both financial stability and sustainability of business in more effective and stable manner. Sustainability of financial industries are intended to analyse the flexibility of application of financial resources with in organisation and helping them for more better adjustments. It is also essential in managing the departments to for better management. Team work, transparency and traceability are the main base for effective sustainable supply chain management. The proposition of financial statements and business analysis for effective evaluation and control helps in conducting the operations in more specific and viable manner.

1.4 Potential Significance Of Research

The research emerge the criteria of effective supply chain management and operation by considering the impact of different financial activities in practical business environment. The combination of potential factors and evaluating aspects for smooth flow of financial resources and considerations are also included for critical evaluation and control. Promoting the value of research and exploration need to be explaining for procuring funding. It is explained that whether applying for funding and writing a paper need to explaining work and direct relate to research for obtaining research result (Choi, Yun and Lee, 2014). It also highlight the key potential areas that remain connected with objectivity and purpose of organisation. The main impact fall upon analysing the advantages of better management and operation with proper supply chain management in financial institutions.

This research mainly conclude the practical situation and training methods that impact directly upon productivity of company. In addition, the scope of supply chain management and efficiency of organisation evaluated with in he context of criticism of financial activities and plans. The overall analysis and analytical factors are analysed with effect of sustainable supply chain management and development in various areas. This dissertation highlights the potential activities and plan to assist management for better operation and plan. Relevancy is the main aspect that enhance the supply chain management in finance sector that increase credibility of this research. Practical based examples and theories are undertaken that make this research more viable and ethical to get competitive advantages and managing the sections in more significant manner.

1.5 Research Aim and Objectives

Research Aim

This provides an overall purpose of study with relevant aspects and potential factors associated with measurement and development. It is an statement that clarify the main purpose of research and maintain objectivity during overall analysis.

Aim of this research is “Sustainable supply chain performance framework for FI(s)” For better and effective sustainable development and base sustainable performance indicators are required to form in single format.

1.6 Research Objectives

Research Objectives

The objectives must be related to the research topic. It focuses on study that avoids the collection of data which are not necessary to solve the topic and not related to the topic. Objectives helps to ascertain the needs and requirements of research for better flow of information in different sections. Objectives keep align the structure of research in more significant manner.

This research is carried out to attain following objectives;

  • To analyse the effectiveness of sustainable supply chain management in financial institutions in terms of economical, social and government.
  • To Improve stakeholders and customers values considering the financial challenges.
  • To emphasize the effective system with wide financial resources and management.
  • To evaluate the impact of sustainable supply chain management in Financial institutions


1.7 Research Questions

Objectivity of research based upon clear explanation and justification subject to research aim and objectives. It is required to validate the aim of research. There is a list of question prepared below by considering the aim of research;

Q.1 Will sustainable supply chain management be able to attain social, economical and governance aim of financial institutions?

Q.2 How stakeholders and customer's requirement met by considering financial challenges?

Q.3 How financial resources and system imply to deal with financial challenges?

Q.4 What are the major impacts fall upon financial institutions to overcome financial challenges?

1.8 Framework and Analysis

Framework is an in insistent part of research that retain a specific criteria of relative research and methodology. For effective execution of information regarding the sustainable supply chain management for financial institutions, various framework and analysis tools are used as follows;

Research Design:

This research is prepared on the basis of descriptive research format. Synchronic information form different articles and journals is gathered and framed in this report as per the research topic. Relevant aspects and facts are considered for better understanding of sustainable supply chain management.

Research Philosophy:

This research contains the interpretive philosophy that uses the collected information form social constructed environment and the effectiveness of sustainable supply chain management in financial industries.

Research Type:

A qualitative research type is used to demonstrate the collected data to conducting the research. Evaluation of collective information and data with valid conclusion is considered as qualitative research.

Research Approach:

Deductive approach used for analysing and approaching both the statistical and mathematical approaches for better evaluation and control. For effective and efficient formation of supply chain management hypothetical and statistical data evaluated in this report.

Data Collection:

there are two major source of collection of data found to execute the research as collection of data form primary sources or collection of data form secondary sources. In Primary research information is directly collected form respondents. Information form secondary sources associated with collecting information form journals, scholars, articles and books.

Data Analysis:

Analysis mainly depends upon the collective data form qualitative technique is used for getting valid results and conclusion. There is an analysis of data of 10 financial industries and companies are considered for evaluation of data.

1.9 Chapter Structure

Structure provides a path to maintain a valid path to maintain proper formation of delivered information. Format helps to summarise and highlight the relevant formats for better understating and summarising collective data. The structure of current dissertation is defined underneath:

Chapter 1: Introduction

This is the first element of research contains a brief overview of rehears. It is also considered as a conclusive summary of entire research. It provide a step by step evaluation to users regarding the subject topic. Information related to subject carried out in the whole research and helps to correlate the data in step by step format. Aim and objectives are considered in this section. A brief overview and analysis of topic is covered in this part. In introduction the concept of sustainable supply chain performance framework in financial industries are considered in this part. Overall structure for perfectly understanding the concept in more brief and summarised manner.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

This section contains the overview of different authors, writers and books subject to relevant topic. The research questions are answered on the basis of critical evaluation and analysis process under this section. Journals, articles, books, published articles and data form applied research are considered in this chapter. This part contains the detailed and critical analysis of subject based upon journal articles, perspective of different authors and writers and case studies. This mainly intended to analyse the project for better development and enforcement and determine the

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

This is chapter contains the design and formation of dissertation that define the approaches and methodology for critical evaluation of collected data. Data are evaluated with possible outcomes.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis

This is the main part that describe and evaluate the data collected form research questions and objectives. It is analysed that the information and related findings are concluded in this research. The procedure will help users to understand the dynamics of business.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations

This is the last chapter that contains the conclusion and outcome of entire research. A summary is prepare by considering the research objectives and aim. Recommendations in order to improve more sustainable options for developing the sustainable supply chain in financing industry. A complete formation of concept of SSCM for better performance in financial industries are summarised in practical and effective manner. Viability of organisation increased by creating the values among stakeholders and customer. Gaining customer interest and satisfaction is the principle aspect considered in financial supply chain management.


This is the main body of entire research contains in depth analysis of subject topic on the basis of information collected from secondary sources. Articles, books, previous research and news journals are the main secondary sources considered in literature review. Existing research and news articles helps in summarising the concept of conducting analysis for conclusive results for compressing the results and managing the overview of different aspects. The research mainly proposed here considered effective for sustainable supply chain management. Theories, principles and concepts are critically analysed in literature review part.

2.1 Sustainable Supply Chain Management To Accomplish Social, Economic and Governance Aim

Sustainability is considered an aspect of preserving environmental, social and economical values of entity or nation for long term perspective. It contains long term vision of conducting activities and existence of organisation by fulfilling the above major needs. Supply chain management in financial sector indicates the proper management of financial resources to attain competitive advantages. It is essential to maintain ethical order of use and management of financial resources within and outside the organisation. It is seen that companies are incorporated to maintain eligibility and requirements, based upon contractual relationship with suppliers and buyers by complying with the sustainable standards. The factors are also analysed in terms of purchasing and supplying the sources to operate risk, maintain profitability and emerging the demand of different financial products and services to end customers. It is analysed that after financial crisis the international banks and the financial institutions.

As per Perrini, Russo and Vurro, (2011) Sustainable supply chain indicates a free flow of management by keeping objectives and visions of organisation in mind and managing the operations accordingly. Moreover, the examination of internal management and control is the main aspect considered in this section for better corporate social changes and the functional levels for supply chain strategies and plans. The overall study implies the plans and objectives for financial management and conservative approaches managed and controlled by management. Green and profitable sustainable management is one of the approach that was created to attain environmental corporate values and changes. It is important for financial industries and organisations to analyse the financial requirements and need for better evaluation and control.

According to Helen Walker and Neil Jones, (2012) Sustainable supply chain management mainly based upon ethical supply chain management and operation for smooth functioning. The efficient cash flow cycle mainly helps in understanding the financial supply chain and emerge the corporate financial performance of organisation. The performance of corporate financial supply chain management mainly helps in determining the special elements related to the financial management and considerations. For instance, cash to cash cycle is one of the essential financial operations that contains long term process of converting the goods and services in cash. For better supply chain management, internal management and control are essential for sustainable growth. Proper management of flows, internal control of financial information and the capital structure are the main elements of sustainable supply chain management.

According to Susan Golicic, Carlo Smith (2013), the environmental sustainability supply chain management control are analysed with internal management of sustainable financial practice and coordination. Working capital financing needs, operating and short term financing needs are also some of the essential aspects covered in sustainable supply chain management for financial industries and entities. Findings are mainly considered essential for complying the supply chain rules and guidelines. Positive and negative associations and practitioners mainly depend upon natural resources and resource are based on the view of the firm. This study mainly evolves the 20 years of research and environmental supply chain practice by using an analysis. This analysis runs around making a natural phase to develop and cover up the financial challenges in vertical form. The operational marketing and segmentation are also based on accounting concepts and form a basis for performance with significant changes and supporting the business. The changes may be positive and favourable.

Reported to Ageron, Gunasekaran and Spalanzani (2012). it is analysed that the financial relations with the management decisions and management operations are the only factors that helps to align the operations and business of organisation in more systematic and effective manner. Sustainable environmental impact was an important aspect of developing a strong base for flow of financial resources in internal business and financial industry. The business development and attention was mainly associated with determining the economic order and maintaining the company's needs for sustainable services and global solution. In fact, it is analysed that inflow and liquidity in supply chain management is also one of the typical formation of effective supply chain management and plan. It has been evaluated that the large financial organizations focus on the ethical and strong consumer relations with external parties and members.

2.2 Role of Supply Chain Management in Attaining Stakeholders' and Customer's Requirements

According to Prajogo and Olhager (2012), Supply chain management plays vital role in terms of managing the requirements for business and it also helps in attaining the competitive advantages and roles for the organisation in a better manner. Supply chain operations and performance levels are directly connected with the economical factors and elements. It is assumed that, if financial flow of organisation is good and adequate then other financial aspects also get interchanged with diverse variable factors. In fluctuations, the performance levels help in determining the success factors and real time global economy. It is examined that variability and context changes are also some internal and external changes that affect the rights and management of various departmental structure and needs.

Sustainable supply chain management practices mainly focus the conductivity in the companies and management for managing the practices for typically large corporates. It is analysed that the supply chain management must be reliable for future and long term perspective. Supply chain management and the owners capital for buyers are analysed in practice for organisations. With the changing atmosphere of financial industries it is summarised that the owners and the buyers are should analyse the financial needs and requirement. The practice mainly helps in managing the counterproductive for organisation and demonstrating the challenges for collaborative approaches and distributing information among sellers and buyers. A collaborative approaches and management of information provided to stakeholders are also considered in working capital structure and chain benefits.

Lavastre, Gunasekaran and Spalanzani (2012) Financial collaboration and management information are associated with analysing the needs and requirement for different type of financial industries. Stakeholder interest and customer interest mainly based upon maintaining the credibility and sustainability to customer to customer relationship. Positive and negative affiliations and specialists primarily relies on regular assets and asset based perspective of the firm. In fluctuating structure the execution levels helps in deciding the achievement components and constant worldwide economy setting. Corporate budgetary inventory network administration execution for the most part helps in deciding the extraordinary components identified with the money related administration and contemplations.

Dyckman (2010) elaborate the relations with external stakeholders and sustainable supply chain management. It is considered that various stability and connective changes are oftenly used in It is seen that organizations are amalgamated to keep up qualification and necessities dependent on manageable measures for legally binding association with providers and purchasers. Findings are predominantly viewed as basic for go along the inventory network tenets and rules. This examination rums around making a common stage to create and conceal the money related difficulties in vertical frame. Moreover the intention is analysed that effective management and control mainly helps in managing the scope and influence the process of building relations with external stakeholders and supply chain management. It is evaluated that the collecting process of self reported information and management systems are required for integrated format and collectors that generates efficiency internally.

In descriptive way the operations and management mainly remains centralised around making the conscious phases for developing the structure of sustainable change and criteria of making the adequate level of financial variations and challenges. It was analysed that the future outcomes directly relates with the financial performance of organisation. It is evaluated that the customers relation and stakeholders interest are the only factors that helps in achieving the organisational aim and objectives in given duration and timeline. The regular fluctuation of change in products and services impact both the customer and stake holder's interest that indirectly impact the image of business in long term perspective. These FI's operations intended to create a separate context to globalise the operations and functions of business. Safeguards and challenges are also one of the essential aspects considered in organisational context to maintain the effective stakeholders interest. Finance industries are required to compress the qualitative information for managing the financial resources as per required fields.

2.3 Financial Resources and System to Deal With The Financial Challenges

According to Maskell, Baggaley and Grasso, (2016) an organisation should follow a proper accounting system to record all its transactions and other financial informations. It helps the managers of the company to identify defaults and errors in financial statements. If all the information is recorded accurately it can lead the organisation toward success by enhancing its performance and increasing its effectiveness. Main objective of using accounting system is to record all the financial information which is going to be presented in front of external stakeholders of the organisation to facilitate them while they are making investment or other business decisions. It is a tool that guides shareholders while analysing use of their funds by business enterprise.

According to Horowitz, (2014) a company can deal with financial challenges by establishing a good price management system in which prices of their products cab be determined accurately. It is very important for any type of company to manage pricing systems to resolve different issues that are faced by an organisation. Managers and other executives of the company should make such decision that can help to increase profitability and productivity. A business who is dealing with different financial problems such as insufficient funds and unexpected expenses, should have to apply techniques that can help to overcome the same. These challenges are faced by most of the organisation because their pricing system is not properly formulated. It is responsibility of each member of a firm to perform their duties effectively at the time of issues.

According to Shiller, (2012) an organisation should plan for future before any financial crisis occur. The author has also suggested that an organisation should also reserve funds or monetary resources to overcome form financial issues. These resources can be acquired from short and long term loans, equities and other sources. If company is not having sufficient funds than it is not possible to resolve financial problems. According to the author a business entity who is having sufficient finance and using it accurately will definitely be a successful company because money can resolve any type of issue which has been taken place because of shortfall of funds.

According to Kidwell and et, al. (2016) an organisation should follow all the regulations that are imposed by regulatory authority of a country. If a business is not formulating its financial statements according to these regulations that there is a possibility of inaccuracy and error in the books of accounting. This error can be purposely or by mistake but this affects the accuracy level of the final accounts. It is vital for a company to generate all the statements according to the guidelines of regulatory authorities as it can help to provide exact and accurate results. This can help the organisation to minimise risks and uncertainties, and if there is any possibility of such type of event than these can be resolved easily. There is a clause of buying and selling of financial instruments in which regulatory authorities have mentioned different rules.

2.4 Major Impact Upon Financial Institutions To Overcome Financial Challenges

Sustainable supply chain management is becoming more wide in use of financial institutions and increasing their focus on large companies maintaining their profitability, for the growth of their business. It is integrally includes social and environmental supply chain. It deals with the relationships and interacting with the stakeholders and suppliers. The performance of suppliers is to being here for the long run process. It describes in the movement of flow of goods and services, raw material storage, finished goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption. The process that involves in supply chain is the provision of a loan with the settlement of a payment, this service has a provision to provide to the end customer. It is a description from the front to back process relating with the payments, investments, lending etc. Importantly dealing with the supplies relations, partnerships for the long term commitment in order to increase satisfaction and performance of supplier. It is based on trends and implications in supply chain sustainability.

Major impact fall upon managing financial risks occurs in supply chain management in financial industries. It is their to reduces the damages, loss to customers etc. The rapidly changing in industries led to a higher opportunity. The financial service providers optimizes the working capital and provide liquidity to businesses (Bentley, Omer and Sharp, 2013). The chain is a powerful channel to reach success associated with media evolving engagement of customers. In chain system the optimisation to be achieved by collaboration in managing accounts receivables, payables this can lead to saving costs throughout the chain. It helps to buyer has a better credit rating. It generally use technological form for automated transactions, increasing complexity. For optimizing the chain in finance using assets created for unlocking working capital. Generally organisation virtually raise finance by damaging corporate rates. Recognising the challenging environment in operating strategies and prospects. For growth it leads to reduces the need of short term borrowings. In chains it is to facilitate invoice reconciliation, trading and settlement between the parties.

In supply chain the diversification in sourcing funds where lenders are cautions. Certainty in cash flow enables to their plan and activities in supply chain to focus in core business. Supply chain solutions create various issues in setting up financial programme and companies seek expert advice. Potentially chain is dealing with largest suppliers for professional services, facility management, banking services. Financial services and existing infrastructure are connecting with raising funds. The target to deliver to customers services by which adopting technology by which customer will succeed. Supply chain strives in an operations management, procurement, information technology, logistics and integrated approach. Financial services in industry granting loan in banking activity and also generate revenues. Chain supply of services that involves business developers, finance, IT, middle office etc (Demirguc-Kunt, Klapper and Randall, 2013). A comprehensive base for systematic management and appropriation of financial resources is helps in categorising the needs of financial resources in organisations. Collective information and infrastructural base execute the operation and formation of tasks in managing the constructive base of business and proper managerial de

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