
Developing Individuals, Teams and Organisations


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Developing is essential technique through which an individual enhance their capabilities to work in an organisation. Human resource divide people into team for execution of business operations effectively and accomplishment of objectives. For this, they require to posses capability to direct and coordinate employees(Amiable, 2012) This report is based on Whirlpool which is multinational firm that provides variety of home appliances and electronics. In this assignment knowledge, skills and behaviour required by HR professionals is stated. In addition to this, learning and development affect on driving sustainable business performance is specified. Besides this, high-performance working contribution to employee engagement and competitive advantage is explained. Furthermore performance management, collaborative working and effective communication support high-performance culture and commitment is defined in the report.


P1 Knowledge, skills and behaviour that are required by HR professionals

Human resource responsibility is to manage workers for having sufficient manpower in an organisation. Staffing, training and development are various activities which are conducted by them to recruit new candidates and make staff members competent to perform tasks effectively. For this, HR professional of Whirlpool require to posses appropriate knowledge, skills and behaviour to execute HRM practices which are defined below:

Professional Knowledge: Knowledge refers to information in respect to facts, theories and concepts that HR of Whirlpool require to apply them in practical. These are different knowledge components which are stated below:

  • Personnel and Human resource:It is essential that human resource have knowledge about process and principles for recruitment, selection, training, compensation, labour relations and other HR practices. This help HR professional of Whirlpool to conduct staffing and development activity for having skilled and competent people in firm(Berry, 2011).
  • Government law:HR professional even require to have knowledge about legal codes, court procedures and precedents, political process. It is necessary that designing of system and policies are made in respect to government rules and regulations. Thus, human resource of Whirlpool conduct business and activities legally. This benefits them to position firm superior than other rival brands.

Professional skills: Skill is capability and competency of human resource to perform tasks properly. Thus, these are abilities that HR professional of Whirlpool possess to train and collaborate team members are as follows:

  • Management of personnel resources:Human resource require to have adequate workforce for attainment of business goals and targets(Ford, 2014). HR of Whirlpool require to have competency to motivate, encourage and direct team members to complete tasks within specified time frame. This benefit them to deliver home appliances and electronics to people for sustainability of business performance in market.
  • Time management:HR profession need to have competency to properly utilise their time and perform their work. Schedule and plan is constructed by human resource of Whirlpool which help them to formulate series of action. This help HR manager to specify time limit to employees in order to  perform task  in a systematic and organised manner.
  • Complex problem solving:In a firm, there are diverse people employed by human resource. It is necessary that HR of Whirlpool have ability to identify issues and conflicts faced by team members. This aid them to solve future complexities by examining options and executing appropriate solutions.

Professional behaviour: Behaviour is pattern by which human resource act with others in an organisation(Gibbs, 2013). It is essential that HR of Whirlpool behave properly with team members to make them function effectively. Thus, these are various behaviour aspects which are mentioned below:

  • Integrity:Human resource need to be ethical and honest for conducting their job properly. HR of Whirlpool duty is to coordinate and collaborate employees to work in team for achievement of organisational objectives and goals. This is international firm, so all branches working are connected for utilisation of resources in efficient manner.
  • Flexibility and initiative:HR require to be adaptable to make changes in system and policies in according to market conditions. They need to have willingness to accept challenges for conducting business operations effectively. Whirlpool is multinational firm, so human resource need to be flexible to create innovative and creative ideas. Thus, they are able to compete with competitors and enhance brand image and market position.

P2 Personal skills audit to develop a professional development plan

Person skills audit is an activity through which competencies and capabilities of an individual and group are measured and recorded. It is effective process which help human resource to ascertain knowledge and skills required by an organisation(Goetsch, 2013) and Whirlpool business is globally, so HR professional require to posses traits for directing team work. Thus, these are my strengths and weaknesses which are stated below:

  • Strengths: Human resource role and responsibility is to manage workforce for achievement of organisation goals and objectives. I have good management skills in respect to personnel resources. This help in having sufficient employees for conduction of business operations effectively. Along this, quality home appliances and services are delivered to buyers which aid in increment in brand image and market reputation.
  • Weaknesses: An individual will not be able to be competent in all skills. There are development chances for enhancement in traits to make appropriate decisions beneficial for organisation. My weakness are proper time management which affect on business activities. Market conditions are dynamic which keeps on varying, so it is necessary for HR professional to plan every single work to execute it in effective manner. Besides this, another weakness is solving complex problems for execution of business activities effectively. Diverse people are working in team, so there are large amount of conflict and issues between each other.

Professional development plan: It is a formal means by which an individual sets the goals, strategies and outcomes of learning and training. It clearly define time frames, activities and outcomes to meet the defined goals, and specify dates for review and meetings with line managers (Davis, 2014).  This is created by the HR professional of Whirlpool working closely with staff member to identify necessary skills and resources of themselves. Thus, support employees in their career goals and the organization's business needs.

Professional development plan


Current proficiency

Target proficiency

Objective/ Goal

Development opportunities

Time scale

Time management



Plan and schedule are frame for execution of business operations in sequence  for completion of targets within specified deadline.

In order to manage time, I will break tasks into small sections and given duration to each one. By repeating this process in regular manner, I am able to  manage activities properly.

45 Days

Complex problem solving



In an organisation, conflicts arise between team members which affect their work. Besides this, they also face various issues and problems in respect to business and its policies.  

Study management books to acknowledge different theories and concepts which can be used to provide appropriate solutions for making workers function effectively.

30 Days


P3 Different between organization and individual learning, training and development

Organisation learning: It is the way in which an organization creates and organizes knowledge relating to their functions and culture. Organizational learning happens in all of the organization's activities, and it happens in different speeds. In Whirlpool, each team member gets an opportunity to take charge of their share of responsibilities. The team achieves a much larger task than an individual could accomplish. The team's goal gets placed before personal feelings so the team becomes stronger by completing the tasks together and achieving success.

Organisational learning refers to the process through which learning sessions are implemented in the organisation.

Individual learning: An individual learns new skills and ideas as they work in an organisation and these may help an individual in improving their productivity at work. This expertise that the individual gains at his workplace is known as individual learning. By providing training and workshops, Whirlpool motivates its employees to invest more of themselves into their work. This causes their productivity levels to rise and achieving the results that are vital for any successful entity.

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Difference between organisation and individual learning:


Organisation learning

Individual learning


It has a narrow scope as the main focus is on individuals, to help them gain expertise in their field of work and increase their productivity.

This has a wider scope as  main focus is on team learning, to help them work as a group in an effective and efficient manner.


Individual learning help individuals to gain independence to think about their things on their own, improve confidence in working through a problem and in practising self control, both in staying focused on the task at hand, and in having the willpower to avoid any distractions.

Organisational learning helps individuals in learning to listen to and  respect others' ideas, getting to a deeper level of understanding by discussing their perspective with the team and dividing up tasks and delegating responsibilities among everyone.

Training and development: These are two different programs used in human resource management to equip employees with skills and knowledge to handle the various tasks of an organisation. HR professional of Whirlpool require skilled and competent people for conduction of operations effectively. Besides this, I also need to have capability for directing and inspiring team members. For this, training and development sessions are taken by me to enhance skills and knowledge to redesign system and policies.

Difference between training and development:





Training is process of equipping employees in a specific organization with specific skills, competency, and knowledge so that they can be able to handle various tasks.

Development is activity through which organization equip employees with skills and knowledge to extent that they can have steady growth and they can handle any job that is offered by agency.


This practice is mostly done with new employees so that they can familiarize themselves with the specific operations of the entity.

It is undertaken to help individual employees within  premises of organization so that they can develop a general understanding of overall operations of company.

Number of people involved

Training involves a large number of people who are usually assembled in a workshop or seminar so that they can be taught a specific skill that will enhance their job performance. It is a group based practice.

Development does not involve a group and mostly includes a single person who is equipped with skills, competence, and general knowledge to handle various tasks within the organization. It is an activity involving single person.

P4 Continuous learning and professional development to drive sustainable business performance

Continuous learning: It is an ongoing process of increasing knowledge power and upgrading skills of employees. Whirlpool need to learner centric development, many employees expect maximum to learn and want to achieve more opportunities. It acquire new knowledge stock, skills that very helpful in their promotion and increasing incentives. Many of employees gather knowledge from you-tube and google so if company provide them flexible environment for learning by coaching, library, mentoring then it will help in becoming good learners to them. 

Professional development: This is also learning process in which professional learn through case study, semester long course, coaching, reflective supervision and professional schools. Whirlpool create a better environment to their professionals for further education, developing new technologies, and learn more about related subjects by professional learning communities and conducting action research.

Need of professional development in Whirlpool for increasing growth of company:

Higher employee retention: Constant learning ensures to employee's retention by providing job satisfaction and increasing their competences in their functional area. Whirlpool's management organize training sessions and opportunities time to time for improving worker's skills and knowledge stock, it supports high enthusiasm of employees that fascinate to work for long term.

Encourage problem solving: Professional development programmes emphasizes to mutual understanding that create better harmonium relationship between employer and employees. Whirlpool company encourages to who are working in their organization for less argument and create healthy atmosphere by continuous learning programmes.

Improved performance: These sessions helps in all short and technical skills that improves employee's performance within an organization. Whirlpool's manager supports to professional learning for building high morale and confidence by increasing level of performance and providing more job opportunities..


P5 HPW contribution to employee engagement and competitive advantage

‘High performance working' (HPW) is about creating a culture where there is transparency, trust and open lines of communication for all. Whirlpool has eroded the traditional hierarchical structure and instead created a structure where employees are happy, motivated and share and understand the vision of the organisation. The management of the organisation have developed a series of processes, practices and policies which when integrated together result in improved performance of employees(Hirst, 2011).

HPW contribution to Employee engagement and Competitive advantage

  • Transparent communication: To build high talent acquisition company need to hire transparent employees within an organization. It gives a clarity in all plans and goals to all workers. Whirlpool's manager should engage to their employees in straight communication by weekly meetings which will involves to all teams. Transparent culture is initiative for mutual understanding that create health environment for high-performance.
  • Shared accountability: It's all about set expectations, invite commitment, measures performance, and provide feedback. Sharing duties essential for contribute full potential and macro management for high performance. Whirlpool's managers should clear all expectations of sharing accountability,schedule and goals to their employees. Managers should recognize employee's talents and provide them fit job role and responsibilities raise the level of performance.
  • Team Building: A self motivated and participative team always highlight to better results along with high performance of employees.  Supportive team leaders assist in mission vision clarification and maintain open communication by providing instant response on every problems. They excite to employees for attaining goals on time by tracking their outcomes. Whirlpool should create a better environment for employee so they can work in team with supportive manner. It will help in reducing all recurring errors and resolving conflicts an make them self directed. This association of team building will increase employee's competence so consequently it gives address to high performance.


P6 Different approaches to performance management to support high-performance culture and commitment

Performance Management is a process where employer and employees works together to make planning, monitor employee's performance, target, and overall contribution of them within an organisation.  It assist to company in developing clear job description, key results area, selecting right group of people by appropriate selection process. Whirlpool's manager identifies the training and development programmes requirement by measuring the outcomes against the set of targets and objectives. To encouraging and improving employee's performance Whirlpool's manager applying these approaches:

Collaborative working approach: Performance management is a on going process of monitoring and coaching to employees. Through this approach manager of a company can  encourage teamwork as part of culture and unite with each other. This approach increase collaboration in working place(Levi, 2015). For instance, Whirlpool company using this method by providing  specific assignments to engage their employees for raise their working standards. It creates transparency in organizational goals, objectives and day to day decision that assists in culture collaboration.

Comparative Approach: It involves rating system system which is based on highest performance to lowest towards with categorization rules. whirlpool's managers ensure rewards and promote to best performers and provide training and guidance to employees for high positions. On other low rank employees are given further chances to better performance or dismissed from the the company.

Attribute Approach:  Through this method employees receive performance rate on such parameters: innovative ideas, creative work, communication skills and so on. It includes graphic rating system that indicates performance in 1 to 5 scale (lowest to highest). whirlpool's manager analyse employee's attribute by this approach and help them in improving their problem solving and working skills.

Behavioural Approach: This is the traditional method in which includes a vertical scale for different dimension of job. It can be accomplish by Behavioural observation Scale which  involves  five to ten scale that is based on anchors or Behavioural Anchored  Rating Scale that provide more specific and close description about employee's performance (Woolley, 2011)

Result Approach: This technique is based on employee performance outcomes in an organization. whirlpool's manager consider on four major perspective into this method such as customer, learning ability, growth, internal and operational work effectiveness. It refer four steps firstly To identify objectives and goals, secondly clarify to objectives while thirdly is how effective in performance analysing fourth and last step is to provide feedback. It improve internal growth and effectiveness as well as external.

Quality Approach: This approach mainly consider on decreasing recurring problems and errors for improving customer satisfaction in target market.  whirlpool's manager assess to both system and  organisational employee's effectiveness to provide better quality product to their potential customers( Palvia, 2013).

Therefore from above approaches, HR profession of Whirlpool uses comparative attribute, behavioural. quality and result. Whirlpool company can create a high performance culture within organisation by using these above techniques. All these methods allows to gathering information about employee's strength and weakness so company can be enable to provide individual guidance and group training for their highest performance. After knowing and improving employee's skills company can eligible to high commitment by providing best quality products in the market(Courtright, 2011).


From the above report, it can be concluded that development helps an individual to work in a team for attainment of organisation objectives and goals. HR professional have management of personnel resource skill which help them to manage workers properly. Personnel and Human resource, government law are knowledge aspects which aid HR to frame policies. Organisation and individual learning, training and development benefit firm to have skilled members. Employee Creativity, their proactive Behaviour and team Building help human resource in high-performance working. Collaborative working help HR to make employees work in team effectively.


  • Amabile, T., 2012. Componential theory of creativity (pp. 3-4). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School.
  • Berry, G. R., 2011. Enhancing effectiveness on virtual teams: Understanding why traditional team skills are insufficient. The Journal of Business Communication (1973). 48(2). pp.186-206.
  • Ford, J. K., 2014. Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press.
  • Gibbs, G., 2013. Reflections on the changing nature of educational development. International Journal for Academic Development. 18(1). pp.4-14.
  • Goetsch, D. L. and Davis, S. B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson.
  • Hirst, G. and et. al., 2011. How does bureaucracy impact individual creativity? A cross-level investigation of team contextual influences on goal orientation-creativity relationships. Academy of Management Journal. 54(3). pp.624-641.
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