
Understanding Person Centered Approach


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A person-centered approach is also called person psychotherapy. The main aim of this approach is to develop a sense of self among the patients of the social care firm so that they can realize how their attitudes, feelings, emotions, and behavior are being negatively affected. This allows service users to grow, develop, and make relations by exploring and utilizing their own identities. This approach motivates patients to know about themselves so that they can think positively and recover fast.

The present file is based on the person-centered approach. It includes understanding and implementing a personal approach in adult social care. Along with this, the report involves the importance of establishing consent, ways to implement active participation, an individual's right to make choices, and the role of risk assessment. In the end, the conclusion is explained with the key findings.

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Task 1

1.1 Person-Centred Approaches

This approach is given by Carl Roger, an American psychologist in the 1950s. Adult social care organizations use person-centered therapy to make adults center on planning and support while upholding and promoting their individuality. Healthcare firms maintain the dignity, choice, privacy, rights, respect, and independence of the patients. It deals with the individual's understanding of their identity consciously. Social care firms use this approach for recovering mentally and physically disabled adults. So that they can see the positive side of their life and create hope of getting well soon.

As per this theory, it is important to have three core conditions which are congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathy. It is a non-directive approach that provides the benefit of realizing and understanding the self-identity and feelings. It also helps adults maintain good relations with their family, friends, colleagues, social care workers, etc.

1.2 Explain why Person-Centred Values Must Influence All Aspects of Social Care Work

Person-centered values include the respect and value of uniqueness possessed by an individual. It must influence all the aspects of the social care work. The working of healthcare organizations needs to be based on individualism so that every patient can enjoy his/her identity. It is also the requirement of laws such as the Health and Social Care Act 2012, codes of practice for social care workers, etc to follow individualism in the social care firms. It is essential to implement a person-centered approach because different service users have different beliefs, religions, choices, perceptions, etc. And while implementing these values within the adult care organization, it is important to ensure the following points:

  • Proper support to the workers and patients in accessing their rights
  • Treat individuals as individuals
  • Support for exercise choices
  • Proper privacy to the service user and health care professional as well.
  • Maintain dignity and respect of all persons.
  • Provide independence to the individuals.

1.3 Person-Centred Values Should Influence All Aspects of Social Care Work

In person-centered values, individuals are the center of the overall plan and support, which makes them control their lives properly. This affects everything that social care workers and service users do. It helps in providing support physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually. It is not about providing quality and effective services to the persons for their life but it is about enabling individuals to live their life in their way. Healthcare firms focus on the needs and expectations of the adults for their recovery. They aim to fulfill the desires and wants of the social care workers rather than forcing them to complete their tasks. It helps in planning properly the future of the persons as per their wants.

Task 2

2.1 Contribution of History, Preferences, Wishes, and Needs of an Individual to Their Care Plan

With the help of the history, preferences, wishes, and needs of the person, a social care firm can develop an effective care plan. This information helps the social care organization understand the emotional, physical, social, communication, etc needs and support of an adult. Along with this, history related to health, medical information, family contacts, etc. results provide clear information about the behavior and nature of the individual. All this detailed information enables the care plan to be accurate and reflect the preferences and needs of the service user.

2.2 Ways to Put Person-Centred Values Into Practice in a Complex or Sensitive Situation

Various complex or sensitive situations arise in health care firms which are as distressing or traumatic, threatening or frightening, serious implications or consequences, Complex communication, etc. In complex or sensitive situations like the death of relatives of service users, the pressure of family, etc it is essential to handle patients properly so that they can divert their mind. Healthcare workers need to monitor working of adult service users in sensitive situations to make them do activities of their interest for some change and freshness. While providing services during such complex conditions, social workers need to maintain the dignity, independence, and respect of the patients by putting person-centered values into practice.

2.3 Use of Care Plans in Applying Person-Centred Values

Care plans are the essential primary source that provides all the required information about the client. It is developed by the health care firms to understand and analyze the situation of the patient properly so that health care professionals can provide proper and effective treatment to them. The major use of care plans is that they assist the care workers in treating and handling adult clients appropriately. With the help of all the information, nurses provide care and services to the individual as per their needs and preferences.

2.4 Importance of Monitoring an Individual's Changing Needs or Preferences

Monitoring the changing needs and preferences of individuals results in providing services according to them. It is the prime responsibility of the care workers to listen to the needs and preferences of the service users and to evaluate them for determining any change. With the help of this, healthcare professionals will be able to shed light on the health complications of the patients if there are any. Along with this, they can also know about the food preferences of the service users, their wake-up time, behavior, relations, etc. By monitoring all these activities, social care firms can be able to make changes in the physical condition, treatment, medication, etc. of the adult patient.

Task 3

3.1 Factors That Influence the Capacity of an Individual to Express Consent

Various factors influence the capacity of an individual to express themselves, including speech impairment, physical illness, learning difficulties, and language barriers. Healthcare professionals must deal sensitively with patients so that they can express themselves properly. Care workers can also provide various devices, such as communication and physical aids, to those who need them. Nurses and other workers need to understand the type of problem the patient is facing to express consent. As per the results, they need to adopt a suitable working approach for handling their clients properly.

3.2 Establish Consent for an Activity or Action

Adult healthcare firms should always establish consent before conducting any type of activity or action. There are various types of consent which include informed, implied, written, and verbal consent. Care workers need to establish informed consent for any kind of activity or action. In this, the service user has all the information about what is to happen, why it is to happen and what are its positive and negative impacts. This patient is aware of all the risks occurring during the activity. With the help of this, he/she can make a proper judgment for whether to join the activity or not.

3.3 Steps to Take if Consent Cannot be Readily Established

If consent cannot be readily established, then healthcare professionals should not proceed with the clinical action. In case the patient changes his mind or refuses to agree to the action or activity, then the care worker needs to stop his/her work regarding that activity. In addition, the social worker needs to repeat all the information again before starting the activity and ensure that the individual is ready or not. He should not force or pressure the client to take action for a fast recovery. On the other hand, any kind of change or refusal in the agreement needs to be recorded in the proper place.

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Task 4

4.1 Principles of Active Participation

Active participation makes an individual include himself/herself in their care by making choices, determining care needs, deciding their roles along with others, etc. With the help of this, adult care firms support patients to meet their needs with the help of proper planning, risk assessments, arranging activities, etc. The main principle of active participation is to participate in the activities and relations of everyday life.

4.2 The holistic Needs of an Individual Can Be Addressed by Active Participation

With the help of active participation, holistic needs such as physical, emotional, economic, spiritual, etc of an individual can be addressed properly. Active participation includes the input and choices of the individual, which helps in meg the holistic needs. During participation, people can select those activities of their choice and this will make them enjoy it by involving completely. Along with it, social care organizations can implement various motivational theories, such as Herzberg's two-factor theory, Maslow's need for hierarchy theory, etc to motivate individuals to take active participation in activities of their choice.

4.3 Ways to Work With an Individual And Others to Agree on How Active Participation Will Be Implemented

For implementing active participation in the health care firm, individuals and other team members need to discuss the activities properly with their positive and negative points. Along with this, there should be proper communication of all the required information so that all the actions or activities can be implemented as per the planning. On the other hand, there needs to be effective cooperation and coordination among the team members so that they can achieve their objectives in an effective period. There are various ways to implement active participation, which are as follows::.

  • Discussion with the individual
  • Peer group encouragement
  • Telling the benefits of active participation
  • Use of friends and families to encourage individuals to actively participate.
  • Storing the obtained results

4.4 Ways to Promote the Understanding And Use of Active Participation

For promoting, understanding, and use of active participation, adult social care firm needs to provide all the information about the activities along with their benefits. Along with this, they should highlight the advantages of active participation to the individuals. With the help of this, individuals will think about participating in their development and fulfillment of needs.

Task 5

5.1 Different Approaches to Support an Individual to Make Informed Choices

There are various approaches to support an individual to make informed choices. These approaches are a declaration of the human rights, independence, and autonomy of individuals, not allowing personal views to influence the decisions of other people, proper knowledge and awareness about the legislation relevant to it, work should be fair and honest without any inequality and discrimination, and empowerment of the person for making informed choices.

On the other hand, there should be proper information about the nature, location, ethos, and type of the activities so that service users can make proper choices as per their medical treatments, support plans, accommodation, care, etc.

5.2 Ways to Support an Individual to Question or Challenge Decisions Concerning Them That Are Made by Others

There are different ways to support an individual to question or challenge the decisions concerning them that are made by others. It is important to become non-judgemental while communicating, empowering, and encouraging others to make their choices. Along with this, respect the choice of the individuals so that they can raise their confidence and motivation level. On the other hand, one can use his role or authority to support the right of a person to make his own choices as per his preferences and interests. There should be proper information about discrimination issues and inclusive practices while supporting the individual in making his own decisions.

5.3 Consequences of allowing the personal views of others to influence an individual's choices

There are negative consequences of allowing the personal views of others to influence the choices of the individual. It results in a lack of motivation and confidence, low self-esteem, lack of making own choices, individual starts taking stress, abuse, etc. The main consequence is the needs of the individual. Due to the influence of other people's views, the individual is not able to meet his/her needs. This also reduces the active participation of the individual, which results in decreased self-care and development.

Task 6

6.1 Links Between Identity, Self-Image And Self-Esteem

Identity can be described as a unique personality structure...On the other hand, self-image is the mental representation of a person's features and qualities. These are inclusive of height, weight, color, I.Q. score, etc. Self-esteem has been defined as the overall emotional evaluation of a person in terms of their own worth. In this regard, self-esteem only arrives when a person has a positive identity as well as a good image of one's self.

6.2 Factors That Contribute to the Well-Being of an Individual

  • Spiritual factors are the ones that enrich the lives of a person by uplifting on a deep level in terms of religion, music, as well as art.
  • Emotional factors are the ones that contribute to the well-being of an individual through the development of close bonding with family members as well as friends.
  • Social factors aid in well-being by giving an individual the opportunity to communicate with people as well as share a group experience.

6.3 Importance of Supporting an Individual in a Way That Promotes Their Sense of Identity, Self-Image And Self-Esteem.

When support is rendered to an individual, then it does many good things for him. These are in terms of promoting the overall sense of identity, creating a positive self-image, as well as making sure that self-esteem is increased.

6.4 -Ways to contribute to an environment that promotes well-being

There are varied ways by which a person can contribute to the environment to promote overall well-being. These are by maintaining a joyful atmosphere. In the same manner, the situations prevailing around are also required to be changed by making it more positive. Environment, as well as support, should also be provided to persons so that overall well-being can be improved in terms of inner self and life quality. In the same manner, the persons are also required to be encouraged towards independence as well as their self-worth.

Task 7

7.1 Comparison of Different Uses of Risk Assessment in an Adult Social Care Setting

There are various uses of risk assessment in adult social care settings. With the help of risk assessment, social carefirmsm can be able to prevent individuals from various injuries and harms. Healthcare professionals can prevent their patients from those activities that are harmful to them, such as bathing with hot water, using knives, etc. On the other hand, risk assessment also helps prevent care workers from using heavy and dangerous machines properly, handling various medical equipment, etc. Different individuals have different uses of risk assessment in the adult social care setting.

7.2 Relation of Risk Assessment To Rights And Responsibilities

The adult car needs an organization to conduct a risk assessment to protect the rights of the duals. The health and safety of the person is the prime responsibility of the social care firm. Regular risk assessment results in maintaining the laws and regulations (Health and Safety Act 1974) of the government. The safety of the care workers and service users is the responsibility of the adult care firm, which results in satisfying them.

7.3 Relation of Risk-Taking to Rights And Responsibilities

Risk-taking shows that an individual can select his/her area of interest and can control his/her life properly. Risk-taking results in the development of decision-making skills, problem-solving skills, etc. On the other hand, sometimes taking risks results in making something possible for someone who is not ready to take risks at the first step. This risk-taking elates an individual with rights and responsibilities.

7.4 Need for Regular Review of Risk Assessments

Risk assessment needs to be regularly revised for making changes as per the requirement of time. As time changes, needs, working styles, machines, equipment, etc of the health and social care firm also change, and for determining the level of risk, it is essential to conduct risk assessment regularly. It also helps in knowing the level of previous risks and in identifying more appropriate ways to prevent those risks and injuries. Time-to-time risk assessment also results in proper and effective management of all the risks and injuries.

7.5 Importance of Using Agreed Risk Assessment Processes to Support Choice

The agreed risk assessment process helps an individual reduce and eliminate his/her risks, which results in achieving goals and ambitions properly and effectively. It is important to inform individuals about the risks or potential harm so that they can make appropriate decisions.

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It is concluded from the above study that theperson-centeredd approach plays an important role in identifying the personal identity of an individual. Getting all the information regarding the history, preferences, wishes, and needs of the person results in developing an effective care plan. Appropriate person-centered values also help in handling sensitive and complex situations efficiently. On the other hand, active participation results in meeting the holistic needs of the individuals. Proper encouragement, information about the activities, etc. leads the person to take active participation. In addition to it, regular risk assessment helps prevent individuals from various injuries or potential harms.


  • Al-Ameen, A., 2014. Person-centered Approach. In Antitrust: The Person-centred Approach. Springer International Publishing.
  • Bacon, T., and Voss, L., 2012. Adaptive coaching: the art and practice of a client-centered approach to performance improvement. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
  • Bamford, T., 2011. The team approach in person-centered health care: the social work perspective. International Journal of Person-Centered Medicine.
  • Bedos, C. and Loignon, C., 2011. Patient-centered approaches: new models for new challenges. J Can Dent Assoc.

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