
Keeping Children Safe from Harm


  • Unit No:
  • Level: Undergraduate/College
  • Pages: 12 / Words 2974
  • Paper Type: Essay
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  • Downloads: 16738

Introduction to Children protection

Children protection is about protecting them from any type of violence, abuse, ignorance, neglect and exploitation. It is the prime responsibility of parents to keep their children safe. They must handle them with love and care. There are various policies, laws, rules and regulation formed by the government for the protection of children (Gilbert, Parton and Skivenes, 2011).

This essay is based on the given case scenario which includes the condition of children and actions taken by improvement for professionals. It also contains risks that occur at the time of child handling. Along with these, the essay contain policies, rules and regulations for child protection, agencies which are working for them, strengths and burdens influencing the parents abilities to care for children. In the end, the report concludes with summary of the essay with key factors.


Emily is the mother of Lara who is a two and half year child. She is disturbed from the behaviour of Lara and cannot handle her. Emily went to child health clinic for Lara's treatment and discussed all the issues she is facing while handling Lara with Health visitor. According to me, Emily needs to handle Lara with love and care. Violence and abuse is not a right way to tackle children. It effects on the behaviour of them which leads to negative results rather than positive. I think health visitor gives the right suggestion to Emily that if she is not able to handle Lara then she is required to leave that place rather than harm her or lose her temper. Emily was unable to manage Lara with care and due to this she injured her. This is clear from the bruises on her arm. . There are various kinds of games which help in keeping children busy. As per my view, Emily should buy such types of games for Lara for keeping her busy. This also prevents Emily from any kind of irritation and frustration (Gilbert, Parton and Skiven

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