
Personal and Professional Development in HSC


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A report containing information about religious and cultural aspects of services that could be implemented in the health care section. Personal values and behavior of a person are supported by their background and way of social interaction in the firm. Standards of health care practices are decided by various legislation acts, such as the Care Standard Act 2000 and Equality Act 2010. These will help in deciding the standard of care for the people working in the healthcare industry.

I am working as a professional health care specialist in the UK and following my learning in the practice field. My education and training help me in the application of it in practice. Teamwork and leadership skills help me in doing healthcare practice in hospitals. The report has various aspects related to the knowledge and training required for the professional practical field.

In workplaces, personal and professional development is the process of the attainment of knowledge and skills, both for career advancement and personal development. When this process is undertaken in a health and social care setting, then it relates to all the learning and development activities to be met at the health and social care workplace.

This report aims at understanding how personal values and principles influence individual contributions to work in health and social care settings and produces, monitors, revises, and evaluates plans for personal progress in developing the abilities and skills required of a health and social care practitioner. Further, the report attempts to understand the application of principles of professional engagement with users of health and social care services and demonstrates ways of developing own skills and understanding of working with others in health and social care practice.

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Task 1

1.1 Comparing Personal Values and Principles with the Principles of Support for Working

The health and social care industry demands an unusual set of qualities that help the health and social care practitioners to make proper alignment with their work using those qualities. Thus, without these qualities, no individual who is dynamic in health and social care may survive in this industry (Developing social care: values and principles, 2005). Personal values like affection, support love no discrimination, hope, faith, etc will show their pragmatism in the long term and assist them in effectively handling their job. If a person lacks such qualities, then it may create difficulty for him/her in dealing with patients within the setting (Alcock, Daily, and Griggs, 2008).

The way of working of any individual depends upon their culture, religion, and family values. There are lots of responsibilities, including in the health care professional job description. These are related to the background of person and family values. Family values help us understand our patients easily and find out their requirements in a more perfect way. The proper response of patients helps in managing team values and the team structure of our group members. The commitment of my team towards work is crucial, as it will help them achieve efficiency and also do justice to our patients and clients.

Working in health and social care is dynamic and can never be easy. There is a need to create an element of responsibility and the principles of serving people must be the major and real priority of the individuals. This will help them positively maintain focus on their work. These personal qualities and values of an individual help to make appropriate coordination with own professional life as well. element of responsibility will assist them in staying aware of the suffering of patients while undertaking the jobs and deities positively and responsibly and this is only necessary to ensure that employees are giving appropriate consideration to their jobs while understanding the importance of their work (Back et. al., 2003).

1.2 Assessing How Personal Culture and Experience Influence one's role

I belong to an Indian family and by religion we follow Hindu culture. We have many festivals, such as Diwali and Holi. Following my cultural values and way of treating other people helps in making good relations with persons working with my team. My patients belong to a Christian family and they are happy with the activities of our team. They also participate in celebrations and connect with us professionally and personally. Our team members celebrate Christmas and I also enjoy with them by making cakes and other dishes. This Is just a way to stay connected with every member and make a friendly environment in my team.

Personal culture and experience involve the beliefs and values that a person may have developed over the years. The experience may refer to the understanding and theory of any individual towards the work or any working environment. The culture of a person represents the high level of reflection in his/her work (How social workers can better manage professional boundaries, 2013). Every person has their own social life within a health and social care setting. On the contrary, their culture in the form of teamwork and support enables them to support their colleagues and patients in a very good manner. With the help of this, they maintain proper association with their clients (Fertman and Allensworth, 2010). Thus, it is clear that culture has a great influence on the mindset of employees and that they behave accordingly.

1.3 Discussing How New Developments and Changes to Personal Values can Impact Work

New developments in one's personality traits have a greater impact on their attitude and behavior. It can provide the person with huge confidence and motivation levels, and it is also helpful in several other ways as well. New developments like continuous enhancement or improvement in learning or continuous training can assist the employees in putting faith in their skills and with the perspective of management, it can provide them with the courage and capabilities to take on new responsibilities (Fisher, 2003). It is necessary with a view of enhancing the efficiency of a person and with the aid of this, the person can change the methodology of working. Here the change is concerned with acquiring a more responsible and disciplined approach over time. Changes could be introduced based on ethics, or a more disciplined approach can be inherited in one's personality trait. This facilitates employees to focus more on their job and accordingly, they can enhance their way of working as well. Changes in the form of development of maturity level are most significant for the employees in the health and social care workplace (Fisher, 2005). The entire organization is dependent on the element of responsibility and a sense of importance in their work. This can be ensured only when a change has correctly taken place. Therefore, change and new development in personal values like faith, belief, etc are necessary for achieving efficiency in work.

Education standards and values have changed. We have more practical exposure than theory. I have learned a lot from the training and development program held in my college. I have learned the practices indulged in in making hygiene and cleanliness at the workplace and other places of service users. I have also learned about different types of food that I want to eat for so long. As a team member, I have started working with other colleagues to meet the objectives of the customers and team members.

For example :

  • Training and development helped in developing confidence for performing tasks professionally and personally. They have learned to maintain hygiene and proper communication practices from training and development. This is also useful for my job description and resume.
  • From training and development, I have learned about the Confidentiality Act and the importance of keeping information confidential at times.
  • For example, I do not communicate any personal information about service users to his family members.
  • I have learned about making a balance between respect for service users and my decorum for my professional career.
  • I have learned time management skills for managing things in the right manner.
  • I have developed my personality as a professional.

Task 2

Assessing Current Skills, Ability, and Learning Style

Assessing my current skills and abilities provides me with the following information about myself:

Communication: I find myself very good with communication skills, as my colleagues always appreciate my written as well as oral communication skills, which are up to the standard of a health and social care setting. In this way, I know in which field I am good at communicating and what fields are required to be enhanced to improve my communication within those fields.

Time Management: I can handle my time, priorities, and workload effectively to ensure that I offer high-quality results within the standard deadlines. My time management skills help me focus on more important work and help me utilize my idle time most productively.

Problem Solving: My problem-solving skills help me discover logical, realistic, and constructive solutions when I come across complex problems. Thus, these skills are highly useful for me in managing people I'm working with in the best possible manner.

Leadership Skills: All the above skills in me also make me look like a good leader since I can manage my own time, which subsequently enables me to manage the time of others as well. I am good at communication and problem-solving, and all these qualities are found in a good leader.

Teamwork: Ultimately, all the skills that I possess make me coordinate with my colleagues in such a way that encourages teamwork in the organization.

My Learning Style

I prefer the learning style of pragmatism, as I prefer the challenges of facing new experiences and am always keen to test new things that are practical and realistic. I am down to earth, talk, and work straight to the point. I am more technique-oriented but sometimes I keep a tendency to reject things without their obvious application. I prefer not to indulge in theory or basic principles of stuff. I am good at tending to grab the first practical measure or solution to a problem if it works well for me. I get impatient when I come across “waffle” around people because I am task-oriented rather than people-oriented.

Thus, the learning style of pragmatists keeps me encouraged and confident and provides me with my approach to self-managed learning. From learning programs, I have developed team management skills and ways of making a professional impression on other people. I also learned the importance of confidentiality and strategies employed for the application of this in the workplace. This is important for a care practitioner to behave properly with their patients.

Producing a Holistic Development Plan with Short, Medium and Long-Term Goals

In the short term, it is very difficult to learn new things or to change a complete scenario concerning personality. So my short-term goals involve putting in complete effort and working with full commitment and dedication so that I can develop my unique and distinct identity, which in turn will help me achieve success in my professional life (Medical Model vs. Social Model, n.d.). In a short period, I can observe myself in the form of self-assessment and find out any flaws and areas where I lack skills and standards so that I can identify what areas I may work up to improve them. In this way, I can be able to bring about change shortly and also support my medium- and long-term goals effectively (Lopper, 2007).

Preparation of medium-term goals is very crucial for further managing to prepare my long-term goals. In the medium term, I am required to focus on skills and ways of working and the areas of knowledge within which I am working. A major goal that I have prepared for myself to achieve within 3 to 5 years of span is to hold a reputed and senior position in a health and social care setting with great leadership and management skills to develop a better organizational culture. This goal helps me decide my future goals and the success of those future goals and objectives is completely dependent on the accomplishment of these medium-term goals (McKimm and Phillips, 2009). I need to focus on the fact that I should get sufficient acknowledgment for my work in the future to effectively boost my confidence.

Long-term goals are important for me since they hold a longer period, which covers all aspects of learning and development. This whole period of achieving long-term goals will make me stand on the edge, where I may learn a lot of skills and acquire sufficient competencies to be successful in life. My long-term goal is to attain the highest position in the setting and to get accreditation for all my achievements and efforts. The effectiveness in achieving long-term goals depends on my dedication, commitment, and own approach towards the short- and medium-term goals (Mumby, 2012).

Monitoring Progress Against the Plan According to the Requirements of an HSC

After preparing the plan, I observed that my performance is enhancing and I am experiencing a lot of changes on the ground of my personality trait. The key requirement to gain sustainability in health and social care is that the person must be able to treat their employees in a well-organized way. I have already mentioned that all the skills that are needed to gain sustainability are available in my personality traits, and I can enhance my performance.

But some aspects were missing in me and that kept me from achieving certain goals, but now they are all developing within me slowly. The level of the above-mentioned skills has improved after the plan implementation. Now I am no longer an emotionally disturbed person, and I have stabilized the level of emotions in an organized manner. The most significant improvement I have observed is that now I can use my energy positively. This can be considered a major strength that will enable me to achieve all my goals and objectives effectively. In the first stage of implementation of my plan, I was learning about key management skills and professional things. This will help in my whole professional life. In the second stage, I am learning the ways of treating clients and the application of various strategies related to work in a practical manner. These are the fields in which I am learning my core basic principles of health care planning.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Development Plan to Own Development

As a health care practitioner, I have to ensure the compatibility of my development plan concerning my development, and for the same reason, I have to measure it on different parameters. First, I need to compare the actual result of my performance with the desired to measure the effectiveness of my plan and this can be ensured if the actual results are accurate or close to standard results. In this way, the development plan is helpful to me as it facilitates me to focus on my lacking areas to improve them. The effectiveness of the development plan is related to the performance modification of my personality. I have developed many skills and knowledge about professional as well as personal development. This helps make me effective in my workplace.

Task 3

Explaining the Nature of Different Professional Relationships

I am a healthcare professional working with a particular hospital. I am doing my practice to make my personality effective and professional. I have learned confidentiality of information and its importance in professional development. I have developed a good mentality and curtsy for pleasing another person with my personality. I have also learned to work effectively to make a perfect impression on others. Leadership skills and team management are important for making decisions in the workplace. By nature, professional relationships are quite formal, but there is no requirement of maintaining proper coordination between the different staff members. If the staff members have healthy relationships with each other, then they will have a lot of advantages, and ultimately it will provide benefits to the hospital or to the organization in which the employees are working. Moreover, the patients of the hospital will also benefit from the presence of professional and healthy relationships. There is also a need for proper coordination between the type of task and the type of departments and the staff members have to understand their roles and responsibilities (Rose, 2008). It is to acknowledge that without healthy relationships among doctors, ward members, and nurses, it is not possible to look after the patients in an effective manner. Thus, it is required that the health and social care industry rely on their management model and implement a proper communication plan, which will help the professionals of the industry get their tasks done most efficiently during times of trouble. Nurses are those employees who remain very close to patients all the time. Thus, it can be said that a concrete plan for effective communication can help in managing professional relationships in the industry of health and social care (Smith and Evans, 2006).

Evaluating Personal Effectiveness in Promoting and Supporting Relationships

I have faced a patient who suffered from a sudden accident and he has lost one of his legs in that incident. He was a dancer by profession and losing his feet was a heartbreaking accident for him. He lost his hope for dancing and living their life in a way he wanted. As a care practitioner, I have the responsibility to care for him professionally. My values allow me to develop their confidence and give them their life to dance and stand again on their own two feet. I cared for him as a professional person and used to play with him as a friend to develop their confidence. This strategy developed their confidence and now he is standing on their feet without using a stick. He is very happy with the progress and hopes to dance in the next event. This is a great achievement for me. The best thing is that with these efforts, I have followed my dilemmas as a healthcare professional.

In the context of supporting the rights of individuals, I need to understand the viewpoints of both parties. Let us assume that in the situation of any patient, I am supposed to understand his/her problem and on the contrary, I am required to make myself aware of the problem with the problem and other employees in the hospital as well. This will help me make proper decisions and this way I will be in a position to save the rights of patients or customers of the organization. My effectiveness will work because I am honest and helpful towards mankind and above all, I have to consider my gut feeling, which also plays a significant role in encouraging me to promote the rights of individuals (Agha, 2001). Here it can be said that to support their rights, I need to have a proper understanding of the subject matter or argument, which is burning and creating sort of issues for the organization. Without this understanding, I may fail to make the right decisions, which could also go eventually against me.
Other than honesty, courage, and a sound understanding of issues, I possess one more quality that can help me promote or encourage the rights of individuals, and it is leadership skills. It is another quality that is available in my personality trait and shows me a way to handle any situation or issue effectively. Leadership skills also involve communication skills and influencing power and these help me ensure various expected results and outcomes for the organization while meeting individual goals and objectives effectively (Bouwman and Duin, 2003).

Discussing Ways to Resolve Issues Encountered in Professional Relationships

I am mainly facing the problem of the very strict manager of my team. He is not interested in listening to others and always tries to implement whatever they want. My team members were very cooperative and tried to help each other in difficulties. But we have taken a step to coordinate with the manager and communicate about things. We have communicated with him respectfully and ensured he implements their policies at the workplace. In addition, we have tried to support the service users to make use of new technology to manage their problems.

There is a possibility that there could be various types of arguments which could arise in the workplace. Inequality, discrimination, and most importantly, the gaps between seniors and juniors could arise in a health and social care organization. It can be said that these issues keep any organization from growing. Thus, there is a need to deal with these kinds of challenges effectively and appropriately. For the same purpose, the health and social care organization can also organize some parties and functions to make employees feel stress-free and make the workplace healthy and pleasant (Calladine, 2006). With the help of such parties, the people at the organization would keep their egos aside and indulge in enjoying the occasions together while shortening the mutual distance among each other.

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Moreover, a healthy, sound, and proper communication system would also help maintain a better environment within the health and social care organization. This will further help to resolve any issues effectively and quickly. Any gaps among people in the organization may also give birth to more conflicts and issues. Thus, with the help of an effective communication plan, these gaps or barriers can be removed to avoid any potential conflicts among employees (Cozens, Firth, and Booth, 2003). Further, along with the sound communication plan, it is required that the nature of the problem be essentially understood; this will help to solve the problem and reap the issues and conflicts from their core to ensure better and healthier workplace.

Task 4

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Personal Contributions When working with Others

I am working with a team of doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals. We have a team of ten people. I have learned so many things from other people. In any situation, we want cooperation with another person; they are present for any problem faced by another person. In a situation where I have a patient who is coma, I need sudden requirements of my team. I have communicated with my team members. Half of the members are with me helping me out there and some are giving me instructions on the phone to handle this situation. This is the way we have sorted out problems by the contribution of my team members.

It is found in research that when we all work in a team, the effectiveness of the company automatically increases and it has positive impacts on the organizational structure and functions. The key advantage of teamwork is that it generates innovative ideas and solutions and helps the team to work with fewer obstacles while increasing productivity (Hillier et al., 2009). Furthermore, the effectiveness of teamwork is greater when the organization is facing difficulties in handling patients. For example, in case of any accident to a large number of individuals at once, when the admissions of these many numbers of patients come into the picture, it is often difficult for the hospital management to handle such a big crowd suffering from bad health and injuries (Fallon and Hausenblas, 2004). Thus, the teamwork makes it possible to manage the situation strategically. Thus, to build such a team in the organization, the health, and social care setting must ensure that the workforce is of diverse qualities and competencies and is highly motivated to take up any challenges at any time effectively. Thus, success in the organization can be ensured by making every individual contribute to it personally in the form of teamwork.

Explaining How the Limits of Own Work Role Impact Work with Others

Infection control policy and food hygiene are interconnected with each other. I am contributing to maintaining an infection-free environment in our workplace and maintaining food hygiene. This helps create a healthy environment at our clinic. It is an effective way to make active work in the clinic. I have improved the kitchen hygiene by using some disinfectant and making instructions for patients to follow, helping make the workplace free from germs.

When any person works all alone, he applies his ideas and viewpoints in a good manner. He tries his level best to complete the task (Hadad et al., 2013). This motivates him to complete the task with utmost sincerity and most significantly, there is not any type of intrusion while completing the task. But when a person works with a team, he has to make appropriate coordination with the team members and work according to the interests and consent of all the team members. If an individual is a novice, then he may surely gain advantage of group behavior and teamwork. He can learn lots of new things from various aspects and can apply all this learning in work to obtain desired outcomes (Men and Stacks, 2013).

Analyzing own Roles in Minimizing Barriers to Effective Teamwork with Others

Cultural barriers are important for making a balance between professional experience and personal values. Changes in language and religious values affect the way of treating patients in the clinic. law of diversity legislation helps attain effectiveness of working in the workplace. It sets out dilemmas of working as a health care professional and specifies the need for a working culture.

The role of an individual is very crucial to minimizing barriers to effective teamwork. First of all, there is a requirement to maintain a positive attitude towards everything and this will make others take things positively as well as work with dedication. Avoiding ego in the workplace is another way to ensure minimizing of barriers to effective teamwork with others (Moody and Pesut, 2006). This will help maintain a pleasant environment within the team and members will work with full support and coordination while treating each other with respect. Conversely, if a team member refuses to work in coordination and to give respect to other team members while working, this will result in heat or tension within the team and eventually decrease the overall productivity of the organization while affecting the outcomes. Thus, it can be said that without the element of cooperation and respect, a team cannot survive and that the overall efficiency of the organization can be built up over time. Hence, the success of the team is dependent on the factor of cooperation and respect while considering the opinions and viewpoints of colleagues in the team (John and Robson, 2014).

Discussing How to Improve Personal Contributions to the Collective Effectiveness of a Team

To make the team supportive and collective, it is essential to bring a huge change in one's positive mood and to focus on spreading the positive environment within the team. The main contribution could be that the individual must avoid negativity, which can hamper the productivity and efficiency of a team or group. Personal contribution involves the individual making efforts up to the caliber and potential while making proper use of their talent to the level where the team can be improved (Marc, 2012).

Personal contribution can be improved by managing teamwork and leadership skills development. Contributing to our team by problem-solving in many situations is a step towards personal contribution. Leadership skills help in managing things at a functional level. I have the responsibility of leading two people. This will develop team management skills and teaching skills. Further, the team members must be aware of their roles and responsibilities at the individual level. It is very important that all the members of the team are aware of their roles and responsibilities and that their duties are being fulfilled effectively. This can be considered as the biggest contribution at the individual level. Moreover, a manager is expected to inject motivational factors among the team members. The employees are to be motivated essentially so that they can perform up to the standard expected by the management (Gordon, 2003). This will ensure a friendly workplace environment and in this way, the collective effectiveness of the team can be achieved.

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The major learning from this report is that the employees of health and social care organizations are required to develop different skills and competencies, which can help them gain a competitive advantage. This report contains the evaluation of all the required skills that can facilitate employees to deal with their clients or customers effectively. With the help of this report, anyone can understand the need to have those skills, which are required for both organizations and employees.

I have developed learning for the health care profession and various aspects employed for doing my job as a health care practitioner. I also have learned about skills needed for the proper evaluation of health practitioners and ways to develop these skills in our personal lives. It was a great learning and training experience for me to develop my personality as a professional individual.


  • Alcock, C. Daily, G., and Griggs, E., 2008. Introducing Social Policy. 2nd ed. Pearson.
  • Back, D. and et. al., 2003. Interpersonal Skills in Organizations with Management Skill Booster Passcard. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.
  • Fertman, C., and Allensworth, D., 2010. Health Promotion Programs: From Theory to Practice. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Fisher, A., 2003. Folens GCSE Health and Social Care: Double Award. Folens Limited.
  • Fisher, A., 2005. Health and Social Care. Heinemann.
  • Lopper, J., 2007. Personal Development: 40 Best Articles. Lulu.com.
  • McKimm, J. and Phillips, K., 2009. Leadership and Management in Integrated Services. SAGE.

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