
Explore Latest Innovations in Sustainable Engineering Practices

University: University of Derby

  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 13 / Words 3345
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: CTE501
  • Downloads: 514
Organization Selected : N/A

Chapter 1.


Sustainable engineering is known as a process that is used in designing and developing different systems to reduce the use of natural resources and energy in construction projects. Currently, the main issue for the construction industry is to develop and implement new innovational technology in the construction process to reduce sustainability issues in the process of construction (Murphy, Perera, and Heaney, 2015). This study is about finding a particular solution or alternative for the construction industry where steel is used in the concrete structure to achieve flexibility in the building. The main objective of this report is to find a better solution for this industry to start a new business in this construction field. Various tools and techniques are used in this research to find better alternatives for the steel in the reinforcement process. Ideas that are found in the research process will be evaluated with different innovation tools that can be used to improve the implementation of specific techniques in the construction process. On the basis of critical evaluation, the best suitable idea will be selected to start a new business with innovative solutions. The environmental impact of this innovation will be analyzed in the report.

Chapter 2

Research A Successful Innovation Tool

Successful engineered product

A successful engineered product that can be used instead of Steel in Reinforced Concrete is bamboo sticks. Bamboo is a kind of product that can be used in Reinforced Concrete as it has high strength with fiber along with its length (Bashir and et.al., 2018). It is one of the most successful products which is being used today instead of steel. It is helping in reducing waste and is giving rise to sustainable development. It is one of the most commonly used alternatives which is being used by construction organizations instead of steel Reinforced Concrete. Bamboo in Reinforced Concrete is being used in many ways and its use is continuously increasing in the construction industry. It is one of the most successful products that is being used in this industry.

Ways to undertake research

Various kinds of tools can be used in order to undertake research and develop a research plan. These tools can help in developing a plan for research. A few of the most commonly used innovative tools are problem mapping, 1H5W, and mind mapping. Problem mapping is a kind of tool that can be used by organizations for linking multiple viewpoints of one or more than one problem. It is mainly used for solving a problem and can be used as an innovative tool for undergoing research and resolving all kinds of problems. 1H5W is also another kind of tool that can be used to ask questions in order to resolve a problem that can be taken up for improvement. But there is one problem associated with this tool i.e. it is not essential that it will guarantee to resolve a problem in fact many other problems can be identified with this method or tool. Another tool that can be used is mind mapping. It is a kind of diagram that is mainly used for organizing information visually with the help of a diagram. It shows the hierarchical relationship among all the pieces of the research. But in order to undergo research for this project problem mapping tool is been used because using this tool better evaluation can be done because of its steps in which the first goal is identified then the problem associated with it is identified then the problem hypothesis is created (Alanen, 2017). Based on the hypothesis experiences are done and lastly final most suitable outcome is decided.

Reasons that made the product successful

Bamboo is being used as an alternative for Reinforced Concrete because today due to the increasing demand for steel, the shortage of steel is increasing due to which it is not able to supply it in an appropriate and adequate amount. Another reason why it is been used as an alternative is that because of the excessive usage of steel its wastage is increasing as a result its shortage is increasing. So, many construction organizations have started using bamboo as an alternative to steel in Reinforced Concrete. Another one of the main reasons that made this product successful is its easy availability and strength which is being provided by this tool.

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Chapter 3

Critical Evaluation Of Innovation Tools

There are different tools and techniques that can be used to find proper solutions and alternatives for steel in the construction industry. This is important for organizations to maintain their practices innovative and creative to keep their growth constant and increasing. This is important for the successful business of a new startup organization (Meng and Brown, 2018). There are different possible alternatives are there that can replace the use of steel in buildings to provide flexibility to the structure. These various alternatives can be evaluated with the problem-solution mapping tool to find the proper solution to improve sustainability in construction engineering.

The current sustainability issue of an organization can be evaluated on this framework where the innovative solution is found through setting goals, problem evaluation, hypotheses, and experimenting, and the process ends with specific outcomes. For the evaluation of different alternatives of steel in building construction are- Bamboo, plastic, and basalt fiber. These are some solutions that be used as reinforcement in the concrete to provide high flexibility to the building in order to keep it long-lasting. These solutions can be analyzed over the problem-solving mapping to find better alternatives for the reinforced concrete through steel.


The main goal of this analysis of alternatives is to find the most suitable technique that can be used as an alternative to reinforcement steel in building construction. This is all about improving the sustainability of the construction industry to reduce its negative environmental impact.


The problem associated with this process is- that there are different alternatives are there that can be used to improve the sustainability of the construction process but identification of a better technique is difficult it needs critical analysis to find a better solution. The main alternatives that need to be analyzed through these processes are- Basalt Fiber, Flexible plastic, and Engineered bamboo.


There are different solutions that are possible for this situation where the organization is looking for the best suitable alternative steel in the building construction process. Steel is mainly used with the base structure of a building whereas concrete is basically used to improve the flexibility of the structure to avoid problems like earthquakes and other disasters like floods, cyclones, and tornadoes. The alternatives that can be used in construction materials as replacements for steel are- Basalt fiber, bamboo, and plastic (Davis, Gajendran, Vaughan, and Owi, 2016). To find a better solution it is important to analyze the limitations and advantages to shortlist the probable solution.



  1. Durability and long-lastingness.
  2. Electrical insulation.
  3. Fire resistance
  4. lightweight


  1. At elevated temperatures, it becomes softer which is a big issue for its use as construction material.
  2. The development cost of plastic building framework is high.


As per the view of different engineers bamboo reinforced concrete is a better replacement for steel in building construction. Some of the qualities of Bamboo make it a better replacement for steel. Some of the main merits and demerits of bamboo are-


  1. It is an extremely strong natural fiber.
  2. The tensile strength of bamboo is too high.
  3. It is lightweight as compared to steel.
  4. It is cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
  5. Shock shock-absorbing capacity of bamboo is very high
  6. Due to its hollow structure, the flexibility of bamboo is too high,


  1. Less durability than a steel structure. Can not be considered a permanent solution.
  2. Shrinking problems can cause gaps in concrete and bamboo structures which is not good for building structures.
  3. More prone to environmental degradation and insect attack.
  4. It can not be used in low-temperature climates.
  5. Can not be used for a long period.
  6. Poor applicability with concrete.
  7. Shocks can cause fractures in bamboo fibers.

Basalt Fiber

It is an extremely fine fiber of basalt that consists of the minerals plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine. The structure is similar to fiberglass.


  1. Shows Better chemical resistance.
  2. Efficient performance in high temperatures.
  3. It can be recycled easily.
  4. The manufacturing process is easy.


  1. The manufacturing cost of this fiber is higher than fiberglass. So it is not cost-efficient.
  2. The designing process through this process is not easy and not specific. Implementation is quite difficult.

Practical Implementation

There are three possible alternatives for steel in reinforced concrete in the construction industry (Cheung and Qi, 2017). As per the practical testing of all three alternatives with the prototype, it is evaluated that, as per the technical specifications bamboo reinforced concrete is a better replacement for construction organization as innovation. In this practical, prototype testing strength, tensile strength, and performance of bamboo were better than both basalt fiber and plastic.


As per this problem-solving map, bamboo is the better and more efficient replacement of steel in the building construction material.

Chapter 4

Finalise One Or More Solution

In the process of finding a replacement for steel in the reinforced concrete, three elements are considered which can be used with the concrete structure to improve its flexibility. However, each element or option has some limitations which makes its implementation difficult for engineers. From these three elements, Bamboo is evaluated as a better option (Ercan, 2019). Along with the use of bamboo, there are some changes that need to be made to improve its implementation.

  • To improve the use of bamboo with concrete there are some changes are required in the chemical formula of cement to make better bonds.
  • It is important to prevent the shrinking process some alternative solutions can be used. For example, by providing better conditions for bamboo through the hollow structure shrinking can be avoided.
  • For making joints in a structure better and long-lasting natural and synthetic fibers can be used.


How to Evaluate the Commercial Issues Surrounding Product Marketing.

With all fascination with new product marketing concepts, that continues to be one foundation issue that has proven to have impacts on the business. It also identifies the highest-level value resources in terms of growth and development. The business started with the innovative idea of using Bamboo as a construction material that is associated with culture and traditions. It is mainly used for building entire buildings and their structure. It supports at the time of earthquake resistance and survives strong storms and winds. In this way, it will make a plan for promoting the new product in the marketplace. It must be choosing the right target which will certainly lower growth and return on investment (Eckhardt and et.al., 2019). Sometimes, this idea is completely failed because of commercial issues. Traditionally, market segmentation targets wide areas and there are many successful marketers available for providing proper demand landscape mapping. In terms of innovation, Bamboo is a concept for sustainable development in building construction that is used for start-up businesses to increase production rates because it is not that expensive and easily available but it may face commercial issues during product marketing.
  • Introducing new products like Bamboo items for the purpose of building construction which need to face the experience of difficulties. The product is not suitable for hard construction. This type of challenge surrounds on product market where producing a good item is not much harder. It likely takes more time to maintain the quality consistency. In this way, start-up business will tackle their own product marketing efforts. On the other hand, A lack of time is one of the biggest barriers in product marketing where we do not pay attention and produce better management.
  • In a global marketplace, competition is another challenge for decreasing the resources of bamboo items where a limited audience is to know about the sustainable resources which help for design building construction. However, one of the difficulties of building with bamboo is joining them together (Hennig, Thurau, and Houston, 2019). 
  • Marketing and selling are based on a conceptual framework that will be introduced in the global market as a sustainable item for building construction purposes. It is very hard to develop a start-up brand where analysed that how customer buy particular products because of the high competition level. In this way, the marketing approach will help for explore innovative ideas and provide the high capacity of Bamboo.
  • The development of construction-based product marketing will address the issues based on investigation of marketing nature that is not properly applied principles. It is not been completely introduced in the marketplace. In this way, it will require developing a marketing framework that improves the quality of services. Sometimes, it applied various marketing principles to provide benefits of Bamboo items in terms of price, capacity, and quality.

In commercial aspects, Bamboo is a type of product that is practical highly flexible, and useful for converting into different types of material. It can be used in the biggest construction for building structures. It also identifies certain demands which are starting from harvesting or grading selected steam to the treatment as well as application (Shaw, Achuthan, and Grainger, 2019). This type of item cannot be harvested when it becomes younger than 2-3 years. In this way, it is a type of alternative innovative idea in terms of sustainable development for building constructions. The capacity of items is high in terms of sustainability which always maintains their overall equilibrium that can support continued use in the future.


Produce an Evaluation of the Environmental and Social Impact and Sustainability of Manufactured Products Studied.

Sustainable engineering design is a type of process in which an operating system may use resources and energy for building construction. It has an ability to future generations that meet expectations goals and objectives (Zheng and et.al., 2019). It mainly involves activities related to materials used for building from different sources, demolition of existing structures, and cutting down trees. These are directly impact on environment or culture. In this way, Bamboo is the most suitable sustainable product in construction that helps decrease waste materials.

Environmental Factor: it is becoming a major concern about the sustainable Bamboo items used in the design of buildings and are considered the most extensive resource. Sustainable interior design practices are actions that have environmental impacts because of site selection, material, and energy. These are important resources that help for designing purposes. By using Bamboo items the interior helps reduce negative effects on the environment and also improves the life cycle of the building structure. It is the best solution in terms of modern technology for enhancing and distribution throughout the country. It will be used both nationally and globally because of its sustainable features. Nowadays, many countries are concerned about a sustainable environment due to the high pollution rate which is why it is the most effective item that impacts on the environment in a positive manner. The construction of sustainable items is not only good for the earth but also profitable for businesses to save money and preserve our heritage.

Social Factor: In terms of social factors, Bamboo has revealed that plantation, processing, and harvesting benefit to nation, and social communities. This type of product is readily available at a very low price. Many people have some social conditions in construction areas where bamboos are grown commercially which transformed positively (Song and Moon, 2019). In this way, it has made large amounts of returns and also gets foreign exchange in terms of machinery, capital, and other types of facilities to boost socio-economic trade.  Bamboo is used as a construction material which has a good impact on the social community because it will not only preserve any type of traditional skills but also increase new opportunities for income generation and make strong social cohesion. Various types of houses are developed on locally and also increase the skills of people which will support them in income generation. It also helps prevent them from migrating to improve the social fabric.

Analyze the product in terms of sustainability that was manufactured and how it may be different today.

The Bamboo is beneficial in terms of sustainability because it will explore the plantation's impacts on local forests and other types of resources. Currently, Bamboo is often adopted as a cheaper construction material for development. It might be available in local areas. It has become the backbone for economic sustainable development which is useful for reducing pollution within a global environment. Recently, the environment has suffered from many disasters, as a result of climate change which causes floods in different nations. In this way, it influences start-up businesses to use innovative concepts for maintaining sustainable development. As per analysis, Bamboo initiatives globally tend to support and utilize the growth of the business. it is also considered an alternative material used for production processes that protect water levels and soils (Vinci and et.al., 2019). The large number of exploitations in forest resources within different nations across the global world which contributed to climate change. There is also an increased rate of deforestation which causes serious problems in a global environment. In this way, Bamboo items contribute to maintaining overall problem-related degradation and are subsequently controlled.  Currently, it is the biggest issue of climate change so it is required to use sustainable products that help balance overall temperature. On the other hand, the major issue occurs in commercialization which are the most highly valued Bamboo items that easily identified cause of impacts on the sustainability of their raw material production. In this way, it became the first choice of construction business to use Bamboo as a raw material for cost-effective housing and sustainable building development.

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