
Dissertation on Governance and ethical dilemma: A case study on Lloyds Banks


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  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 29 / Words 7369
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Background of study

There are many organizations that deliver their customers with similar services. Main aim of any firm is to gain maximum profit. However, this is only possible when firm understand the requirement of customers and provided them services accordingly (West, Murray and Péault, 2014). Banks play vital role in provide proper support to general public so that they will be able to satisfy their requirements. There are various type of ethical issues that are faced by employees due to the services that are being provided to customers. In this context, customers prefer to get services as quick as possible and in order to deliver proper services employees perform all the steps that customers have to perform. Similarly, there are many other ethical issues that are faced by employees. In order to reduce the impact of these different type of policies and practices that are helpful enough to make sure that customers and employees get proper services.

In order to cover the research, Lloyds Bank is take into consideration. This is a commercial bank and has research across Wales and England. This firm aim at delivering their customers with high quality services. However, there are certain ethical issues that are faced by cited firm in which it includes lack of information by employees, time saving by customers, etc.

Rational for choosing the topic

Different type of issues are faced by employees in which to make sure that customers make use of their services, there are ethical dilemmas. Rational of the research is that there are many policies and practices that are being followed but due to some of the situations of conditions, employees face issues related to ethics (Banks, Armstrong and Moore, 2013). In this context, it becomes difficult to maintain the system that are being followed by bankers. In this context, it is important to make sure that all the employees with the bank should have proper information so that they will be able to deliver proper services to customers and without getting affected by ethical issues. This type of aspect is possible when all the policies are proper governed by the management and are strictly followed by employees.


 “To investigate the areas where governance and ethical dilemma could arise: A study on Lloyds Bank”


  • To understand issues related to ethical aspects in Banks
  • To analyse the policies and practices undertaken to meet ethical needs of banks
  • To understand the impact of ethical dilemma on customer's needs and satisfaction
  • To recommend strategies and practices to meet corporate and ethical requirements of banks.

Research Question

  • What are the issues related to ethical aspects in Banks?
  • What are the policies and practices undertaken to meet ethical needs of banks?
  • What is the impact of ethical dilemma on customer's needs and satisfaction?

Literature Review

According to De Rham and Villard, (2014) aim of bank is to make sure that proper services are being provided to customers. There are many banks that aim at getting customers who are willing to invest their money. There are different type of ethical issues in which one of the issues is not providing proper information to customers. There are certain rate of interest that are provided to customers as per the investment made by them. Customers do not have proper information and to raise the involvement of customers, bankers do not provide the proper information about the interest rate that actually will be provided. This is a type of unethical aspect in which customers make their invest in order to get higher returns and that is not there (Bagus and Howden, 2013). Another type of ethical issues that, when a customer is willing to get loan, then it is important for banker to get all the required information from customers. In order to do so, it is essential to visit their home and clarify all the required information so that loan can be provided. However, there are unethical practices that is being followed in which bankers may not visit their home in stud they will get other relevant sources to get information. This is a type of unethical practices that are being followed. Due to this, the information will not be appropriate and this is a type of ethical issues that is being faced within the banks. As per Belal, Abdelsalam and Nizamee, (2015) there are certain main accounting shown on the books of banks in order to earn profits. There are certain rate of interest that is taken by banks from The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). Further, bank will provide certain rate of interest to people but the rate shown to customers is high so that more people will invest on it. For this purpose, management will make sure that changes are made in the accounts that are being maintained by them (Ibrahim and Yaya, 2016).

Research methods

This is an important part in research in order to make sure that all the information collected is in an effective manner. There are certain methods and approaches are included in this  and they are as follows:

Research philosophy: There are two different type of philosophies. Among which in the present research, investigator will make use of interpretevism. This provides suitable justification for the problem of investigation.

Research approach: These are of two time, in which inductive research approach will be selected and it will enable to conduct the research from general top specific.

Research design: Descriptive research design will be used as it can be utilized effectively to response the questions that are includes what, how, where, etc.

Data collection: Secondary source will be used in order to collect information. In this context, investigator will make use of books, journals, articles, etc.

Data analysis: Qualitative technique will be used in order to present the data and to come up with an appropriate outcome.

Gantt chart

Key Activities

Week 1


Week 2 & 3

Week 4

Week 5


Week 6

Week 7

Week 8 & 9

Week 10

Week 11

Preparation of Introduction










Literature Review










Collection of Secondary Information










Examination of the Collected Data










Research Design










Research Methodology










Acquiring Primary Data










Analysing Primary and Secondary Data










Conclusion and Recommendations










Completion of Leftover Work










Revision and Draft










Final Submission










Chapter 1- Introduction

Background of study

Finance is the essential aspect of the trade, commerce and industries. In the globalized era banking sector has become the important par of modern businesses. Ethical values are essential part of commercial enterprise and one has to follow these ethical code of practices (Lunshof,  Church and Prainsack, 2014). At the time of turmoil or in the crisis situation financial authorities have to bring re-adjustments and re-regulations waves in their system. Regulators find out the causes of ethical issues and accordingly they establish new laws and regulations to ethically run their operations. Authorities make continuous supervision of the potential market in order to avoid repetition of mistakes.

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Present study is based on the case study of Lloyds Bank which is the British commercial bank. It has many branches in England and Wales (Uy and Naval, 2017). It offers full range of financial services to depositors and other customers. It is authorized by the prudential regulation authority and regulated by financial conduct authority. Research will discuss the issues related to ethical aspects in Banks. It will look upon the policies and practices undertaken to meet ethical needs of financial institutes (Wilson-Clay and Gribble, 2013). Impact of ethical dilemma on customer's needs and satisfaction will be described in this study.

Rationale of the study

Banking sector is suffering from the ethical dilemmas, there are many areas where ethical issues and governance can arise in the financial sector. Present study will provide in depth knowledge about ethical issues and corporate governance (Choudhury and et.al, 2014). As banking sector contributes tremendous in the economic development of the country so with the help of this service  standards of banks and its impact on the consumers can be analyses significantly with this study. This research will contribute well in the literature. Research will also provide strategies and practices that can support in meeting corporate and ethical requirements of banks.

Research aim and objectives


“To investigate the areas where governance and ethical dilemma could arise: A study on Lloyds Bank.”


  • To understand issues related to ethical aspects in Banking sector.
  • To analyse the policies and practices undertaken to meet ethical needs of Lloyds Bank.
  • To understand the impact of ethical dilemma on customer's needs and satisfaction
  • To recommend strategies and practices to meet corporate and ethical requirements of Lloyds Bank.

Research Question

  • What are the main issues in the banking sector related to ethical dilemmas?
  • What are the policies and practices that can help in meeting ethical needs of banks?
  • Does ethical dilemma impact negatively on the customer's needs and satisfaction?
  • Which strategies can help to meet the corporate and ethical requirements of financial institutes?

Potential Significance

It has been noticed that present research is very important for the corporate world and for the country that can help in understanding the significance of ethical code of practices and standards in the financial sector. By having proper knowledge about the field  regulators can find out causes and can bring effective regulations in the system that can help in meeting the needs of customers or depositors. This study can support in guiding the banks so that they can enhance sat satisfaction level of their depositors and stakeholders.

Research structure

  • Chapter1-Introduction: It is the initial phase of dissertation that  gives detail about  the subject matter. Aims and objective of the study are presented to that research can be done in a systematic manner. Rationale of the study is discussed which is very important for the entire study.
  • Chapter 2- Literature Review: As objective of the research is to  understand issues related to ethical aspects and impact of ethical dilemma on customer's needs and satisfaction so in this chapter in depth discussion is done on these topics.
  • Chapter 3 - Research Methodology:It is one of the essential part of whole dissertation and supports in providing better knowledge about the subject matter. Secondary data collection method is used by the scholar that is the great tool that can help in accomplishing the goal of the study.
  • Chapter 4- data analyses: It is tool which can help in collecting the data from the relevant sources and analyzing them significantly. Data is analyzed with the help of thematic analyses in his study.
  • Chapter 5- Conclusion and Recommendation:It is the last phase of the dissertation in which whole study is being summarized here. In addition to this, recommendation is being provided in relation to strategies and practices to meet corporate and ethical requirements of Lloyds Bank.Get The Best Dissertation help online at affordable prices.

Chapter 2 - Literature Review


In the next chapter comes after introduction of the study. It is one of the essential part of dissertation that helps in accomplishing the objectives of the entire research. In this chapter researcher has used the secondary data so that aim of the research can be achieved (Choudhury and et.al, 2014). There are several aspects of arising ethical dilemmas in banking sector such as establishing guilt, insufficient expertise, cutting corners etc. prudential regulation authority is the governed body that is responsible for the prudential regulations and supervision of financial institutes in the United Kingdom. On the same subject many researchers have conducted their study. Thus, literature review will help in identifying the gap between current study and previous researches on the topic.

Issues related to ethical aspects in Banking sector

According to Stecker, 2014 global financial system is facing the crises that has forced the regulators to formulate new regulations and policies that can address the problems and can help in minimizing the ethical issues in the banking sector (Stecker, 2014). Researcher has discussed that in the year of 2009 most of the banks were concentrating on the selling of cross sell products to great extent.   There were many financial institutes that  have sold more than 10 million PPI policies (Payment protection insurance) to their personal loan customers. Depositors or borrowers were expecting to get high return on their investments. But bankers were focusing on getting the short term benefit in the form of commission. Banks were not paying attention on the consumers whether the product is suitable for them or not. That is the ethical issue in the banks and that has forced the Financial Service Authority (FSA) to warn the bankers on this. As per the view of Shields and et.al, 2015 in the year of 2012 chief executive of Lloyds described that PPI scandal is completely unacceptable and mis-selling of the products can not be tolerated in the organization furthermore (Shields and et.al, 2015).  It is major problem in the banking industry and has evidence that sales culture of the banking industry needs to be changed by the regulators immediately otherwise it can create ethical dilemmas in the industry.

Isidro and Sobral, 2015 has argued that LIBOR (The London Inter bank offered rate) is the essential part of the banking sector (Sobral, 2015). In this, banks have to concentrate on the interest rate and have to lend money to the borrower on the actual rate of interest. False report preparation and lending money to consumers at higher rate of interest is  another ethical issue in the financial sector. It was noticed that many bankers were preparing false reports in order to enhance their profit. Manipulating of data is considered as fraud and arise ethical dilemma in the banking sector.

As per the view of Vos and Boelens, 2014 cutting corners is one of the major ethical issues in the banking industry (Vos and Boelens, 2014). As many times customers come in the banks to take loans, they present their document in front of bankers and respect for granting specific amount of loan. Before sanction the amount, bankers have to investigate the case and properties of the borrower. In such situation if the  employee has no time at that time then they call their relatives or friends those who live near to the place of borrower and ask their detail with them rather than self investigating the case. It is called tempting that is completely unethical and it may cause loss of renewal to the bank. It is ethical issue that may arise in the banking sector which has forced the regulators to bring some special regulations that can help in reducing such type of issues.

According to Bagus and Howden, 2013 public condemnation is the major ethical aspect in the banking sector. Researcher has discussed that poor culture is the main problems in the modern  banking sector (Bagus and Howden, 2013). Most of the banks and senior managers of financial institutes have corrupt behavior. They do not follow ethical code of conducts in the workplace. They do not discuss the products with the customers and  they take their sign on the legal form at without giving them complete information. That in unethical behavior. They just do it just to get high commission on the selling of products. Industry is needed serious cultural changes in their banks, corporate profit is the secondary aspect bankers have to pay first attention on corporate social responsibility  Regulatory bodies have to make such norms that can help in minimizing such type of ethical corrupt behavior in the banking sector.

Policies and practices undertaken to meet ethical needs of Lloyds Bank

According to Ford and Richardson, 2013 code of practices are one of the important factor that helps in running business ethically ( Ford and Richardson, 2013). Banks have to deal with customers and depositors, they have trust on the banks but some time due to breaking of ethics,  depositors feel dissatisfied with the banking services. Financial Ombudsman services are one of the essential practice of banking sector which monitors compliance related to code of practices in the banking industry. It focuses on the making good relationship with consumers, improve complain handling process in the financial institutes, reduce disputes between consumers and bankers etc. As per the view of Ferrell and Fraedrich, 2015 Standard of lending practice 2016 shows the bench marking in the lending process. It ensures that all bankers follow the guidelines of this standard so that they can reduce ethical issues in the organization (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 2015). It is related with the financial promotions, product selling, consumer vulnerability etc.

Petty and et.al, 2015 has argued that Bereavement principles is being developed by the authorities for the welfare of personal banking customers (Petty and et.al, 2015). That suggests that bankers have to treat the consumers effectively and they have to cut bureaucracy and they have to provide then sensitive services. This policy ensures that bankers are responsible for giving payment to the person on time, improve empathy skills so that satisfaction level of depositors and other customers can get increased. According to Franco and Olsson, 2014 banking reform act has been passed by the Royal assent in the year of 2013 (Franco and Olsson, 2014). It is all about bringing structure and cultural changes in the banking system. It is necessary for the banks  to follow the LIBOR rate setting process, that can help in increasing the effectiveness of the banking industry and it will regulate the operations in ethical way.

Tikly and Bond, 2013 has argued that “changing banking for good” has been released in the 2013 that focuses on the individual accountability and corporate governance (Tikly and Bond, 2013). So that long term financial  stability of the banks can be maintained. Apart from this Basel standards have been set by the regulators that ensures to provide sound services to customers so that banks c an meet the expectation of their customers.

Impact of ethical dilemma on customer's needs and satisfaction

Ethical dilemmas are the major problems in the banking industry, it impacts on the consumers and stakeholders of the financial institutes to great extent. According to Shields and et.al, 2015 consumers of the banks expect high level of fair services from the bankers, but some times bankers sell the products to them without giving full information (Shields and et.al, 2015). That demotivates the consumers and impact negative. After knowing the real fact they give negative feedback to others about the financial services of the banks and demotivate them. As per the view of Gippel, Smith and Zhu, 2015 banking services much more depended upon the customer service, quality, speed of services, privacy etc. in the banking industry consumers are highly satisfied with the speedy services. Most of the financial institutes  close the deal immediate and sanction loan to them soon (Gippel, Smith and Zhu, 2015). That enhance their satisfaction level and most of the big organization takes ;loan from the banks to expand their business. Getting immediate loan enhance the satisfaction and i9mpact positive on the customers.


As per the above literature review it can be articulated that banking sector needs to focus on improving their services and they have to follow regulation so that they can match with the bench mark and can reduce unethical issues of the financial institutes.

Chapter 3- Research Methodology

Research methodology is regarded as the major section of the dissertation in which researcher focuses on different tools and methods for the purpose of reaching towards the defined aim and objectives. The section seems to be crucial since it helps in analysing feasibility and creditability of the undertaken tools and techniques (Fletcher, 2017).

Research approach: Research approach helps the researcher to collect appropriate information about the subject matter and it also assist in comprehending the value of study. The categories of research approach are deductive and inductive and in the present dissertation, inductive approach has been selected by the researcher (Scoones, 2017). The main reason for which it is selected is that it starts with observation and it also aids to propose theories at the end of research process. Thus, it can be said that it is being selected because it involves the search for pattern from observation and the development of explanation. With the help of inductive research approach, researcher aims to generate meanings from the data set collected in order to identify patterns and relationships to build a theory.

Research philosophy: It covers a vast topic that needs to be discussed in detail so that areas covered in research work could be clearly discussed. Research philosophy can be split into four categories such as Pragmatism, Positivism, Realism and Interpretivism (Shaw and et.al., 2017). In this dissertation, researcher has selected Interpretivism philosophy as herein, researcher interpret elements of the study. Development of interpretivism philosophy is based on the critique of positivism in social sciences. It is also associated with the philosophical position of idealism and at the same time it also aids using diverse approaches that consists of social constructivism phenomenology. Researcher has used such philosophy because it usually focuses on meaning and it also employs multiple methods for the purpose of reflecting different aspects of the issue (Harrison, Trudgett and Page, 2017).    

Research design: It can be described as a plan that gives specific idea about the research questions and it is categorised into two types such as exploratory and conclusive. In the present research study, exploratory design has been used as it aids in exploring specific aspects of the research area and at the same time it does not aim to provide final and conclusive answers to research questions.  

Data collection: Data collection is regarded as the most imperative section of the study in which researcher emphasizes on collecting valuable information and data about the subject matter. The categories of data collection are primary and secondary and in the present study, secondary sources are used under data collection (Sampson, 2017). Books, journals and articles are being used in this section as they showcase the validity and reliability of the subject matter. Thus, while collecting data, researcher has evaluated the credibility of source of data and methods that are used to collect data since these factors directly influence on the accuracy of data. Usually time and cost required to collect secondary data; thus both the aspects have prominently utilized in the research study. In the present research study, primary source is not utilized as the dissertation is desk- based research in which only secondary sources are required to be used (Jordan, 2017).    

Data analysis: Data analysis section includes detailed information about the responses collected from the participants. There are basically two techniques on the basis of which data can be analysed such as Qualitative and Quantitative. In the present research study, Qualitative technique has been used in which each and every aspect related to the collected data is being discussed in detailed way. This is further useful in framing valid conclusion which gives the idea about accuracy of the subject matter (Holt and Goulding, 2017).  

Ethical considerations: From research point of view, ethical considerations can be specified as one of the most vital parts of the research. Therefore, in the present research work, researcher has ensured to utilize all the ethical guidelines which are mandatory for the research work. Apart from this, at the time of including research articles in the study, researcher ensured to focus only on specific and accurate articles which are based on the topic (Fletcher, 2017).  

Limitations of the study: Every research has several limitations and which apparently occurs in almost every study; therefore in this area, several issues were also raised while managing the research work. Due to lack of time, researcher accessed only a few sources because the study was supposed to be completed within the expected time frame (11 weeks). Moreover, issues were also observed due to financial constraint wherein researcher was provided with suitable budget. However, at the time of carrying the research work, researcher had to carry out a lot of activities that requires additional funds (Harrison, Trudgett and Page, 2017). Thus, somewhere it affected budgetary aspects of the research work.   

Chapter 4- Data Analysis

In the present research study, data has been analysed on the basis of Qualitative methods wherein all the research aspects are clearly described. The section plays crucial role in framing valid conclusion and at the same time, it also shows the authenticity of research work. Qualitative has been used since it includes wide range of non-quantifiable elements like as events, behaviour, activities and meanings. This can be used for the purpose of coding; hence as a universally applicable technique, it is being used in the present study (Delany, Richards, Stewart and Kosta, 2017).

The section is entirely completed with desk-based research as it includes the relative ease of access to many sources of secondary data (Kaur, 2017). This has been used as it offers convenience and generally standardised usage methods for all sources of secondary research. Reasecrher used the technique as it allows in accessing valuable information for little or no cost to acquire. Therefore, the information is must less expensive, if researchers has to carry out the research themselves.

Apparently, ethical banking movement includes ethical investment, impact investment, socially responsible investment and ethical consumerism which further has direct impact on banking services and administration areas. It is also noted that ethical issues in the financial services industry typically affect everyone as it encompasses banks, securities firms, insurance company, mutual funds and mortgage lenders (Bowman and Swanwick, 2017). From the study, it is analysed that issues related to payment protection insurance chiefly arises at the time when bank sells any of its products and services. It is also noticed that banks were only interested in short term returns and they pay attention if products were suitable for customers. In this respect, an example can be quoted- a study done by the Office of fair Trading found that the claims rate are decreased to 20% in various types of insurance.

Issues are also appeared in the area of interest rate. The London Interbank Offered rate has global importance because it includes the interest rate that banks pay on money they borrow from one another. It can also be used as the basis for pricing interest- rate products which also determines the interest rate that is applied to consumer loans such as some mortgages and credit cards as well as business loans (Ozili, 2017). There are various turmoil (that appears in the financial market) brings a wave of re-adjustments and re-regulation. The subprime financial crisis has explored many problems which are also linked with regulation and attitudes of many actors. This has also collapsed the financial markets because it includes the mechanisms of corporate governance in these institutions.

Thus, it is also analysed that a bank's failure to follow good practices in corporate governance and lack of effective governance are a few internal factors which endanger the solvency of the bank (Rexhepi and Ramadani, 2017). Moving on to the general part, corporate governance in banks differs from the standards as banks are subject to special regulations and supervision by state agencies and this also includes supervision of bans due to regulate the exercises of purchase of securities which are issues by banks and private monitoring entities. In this respect, it can be articulated that the bankruptcy of bank enhances social costs which usually does not happen in the case of other kinds of entities (Delany, Richards, Stewart and Kosta, 2017). This also affects the behaviour of other banks and regulators.

There are several issues that are related to ethical dimensions which typically affect the practices of bank and that also changes the practices as well. Hence, in this respect it can be said that prior coming up with any new services, banks are required to consider social interest so that focus could be laid on consumerisms (Anduze, 2017). This is yet another facet which underpins the practices of banks. Fraud is the most common issue that appears in bank and which usually happens among customers and other suppliers of bank. For instance- a client suspects one of their employees has committed fraud which increases the liabilities of bank towards internal and external stakeholders. Ethical values are widely accepted beliefs about how one should act and in specific terms, they are considered as general behavioural expectations. This is also essential to consider in response to social aspects (Jawadi and et.al., 2017). Thus, ethics are rules of behaviour used by professionals and practitioners regarding right and wrong aspects in the course of business entity.      

Further, it is also analysed that that UK's biggest high stress banks have drawn up a new code of practice for the purpose of offering greater help and support; however consequently it also affects the legal practices of the bank. Perhaps, one of the most imperative and well known dilemmas that arises in banks is related to the financial funding (Khedmatgozar and Shahnazi, 2016). Most of the time, it is also observed that banks conducts various practices that shows that ethical aspects are being breached and ultimately this has a direct impact on work practices and activities (Rexhepi and Ramadani, 2017). Regarding this, it can also be said that banks are required to implement several code of professional ethics so that business practices can be managed subsequently. Thus, CFE Code is required to be considered because it depicts the anti- fraud professional conducts that is vital to be followed upon (Bowman and Swanwick, 2017).

Insufficient and incapable employees are unable to perform the activities; hence this not only affects work dimensions; but also it plays direct role in changing the customer services. Apparently, it becomes difficult for the business entities to meet all the needs of customers; hence during such time period, they experience several issues and challenges (Borbély, 2017). Privacy contexts should be followed upon so that it may not hinder the practices and at the same time, it is also essential for enhancing the service provision of bank services (Bowman and Swanwick, 2017). Nonetheless, it can be said that banks have also adopted different practices and policies to meet the ethical needs and this also aids them to conduct all the practices in effectual manner. Several changes have also been made regarding this area which also directs the employees to conduct all their practices in defined manner. Henceforth, it can be said that banks have the authority to make certain changes in the practices in terms of meeting changing needs of clients (Anduze, 2017).  

Furthermore, it can also be said that ethical and legal aspects are required to be followed in business practices so that services and practices of bank could be adequately managed. This is also suitable in terms of meeting all the requirements of stakeholders and owners (Ozili, 2017). Henceforth, it is evident that banks should consider the interest of clients and market place as well so that long term sustainability could be acquired for managing business practices (Bowman and Swanwick, 2017). Moreover, in this respect it is also vital for the banks to consider the use of corporate governance and ethical values as that underpins the business dimensions.

From the research it is found that there are many regulatory authorities that govern the banks and bring such as legislation that can help in reducing the ethical issues in the banking sector. It is analyzed that banks have to maintain the transparency in their operations. It is the only way that can reduce misselling of the products (Gippel, Smith and Zhu, 2015). By this way consumers can get satisfied to great extent. From the study it is analyzed that building relationship with the customers are very important , without having good relationship with the depositors bankers can not provide them satisfactory services. As all depositors have different needs some want polite behavior whereas other wants speedy services. It is only possible by building the strong relationship with the customers (3 Ethical Dilemmas, 2017). By this way bankers will be able to identify their needs and they will be able to provide them services accordingly.

From the study it is found that banks claims for the good customer services whereas evidence show that the real situation id far differ ed from the aim (Ethical issues relating to banking, 2017).  Study shows that in the year of FSA has published the report in which six major banks have found guilty as they were having poor culture and lack of management in the organization. Due to this, senior managers were not having proper control over the staff members and they were linked with the wrong doing. So it is found that bankers are not providing good services to the customers, they need to improve it and  for that it is necessary for them to follow the legislation. Basel act and other regulations have to be followed that can help in managing the operations well and running business in the right direction (Ethics, Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting in the Nigerian Banking Industry: Global Role of International Financial Reporting Standards, 2016). From the research it is analyzed that bankers are saying that they do not charge for operating the current account , there is free banking system. But results show that bankers do not provide clear information to the customers and they just sell their products without giving accurate information to them. As there are certain limitation of using the current account in the month, if customer go beyond this limit then banks charge some amount as penalty. But this information do not give by the staff members to the customers that misconception reduces the satisfaction level of the consumers and demotivate them. Furthermore, study has analyzed that financial institutes have to follow the principals and practices of authorities so that they can reduce wrong doings.  It is found that bankers are not behaving good with the consumers and there are corrupt culture in the organizations. So here is huge requirement for improvement so that consumers can get satisfied and they trust on the banking system (3 Ethical Dilemmas, 2017).  

Chapter 5- Conclusion and Recommendation


From the above dissertation it can be articulated that customers are the important part of banking sector, if they are not satisfied then business can not be run significantly. It is necessary that bankers analyses the needs of customers and suggest them to invest in the right products. Misselling is completely wrong and unethical and it can create problem for the financial institutes. There are many laws and regulations have been made by the authorities which suggest that how to deal  with customers and code of practices which are necessary to follow in the banks. But somehow with the intention of high profit bankers missell the products or avoid investigate the case completely. These ethical dilemmas are not tolerable in this sector. As Basel committee and FAS have made some strict regulations in this respect which ensures that all bankers perform their duties significantly and discuss about the fact with customers effectively. Otherwise, it would consider as wrong doing and for that they can cancel the license of the particular bank as well. Financial institutes needs to maintain fairness, accountability , reliability and transparency in the operations so that they can meet with the expectation of the customers. BY this way they will give positive feedback to other and it will enhance the market reputation of the banks in the banking sector.


From the above research it can be suggested that Lloyds Bank needs to implement several strategies that can help in meeting corporate and ethical requirements of Lloyds Bank. Financial institutes should increase transparency in the operations so that they can develop better understanding with consumers and can identify their needs and wants. This is the great tool that can help  in suggesting them such products which can meet their needs.

Lloyds Bank has to develop open relationship with the customers that can help in increasing trust of them and they will be li9nked with the bank for longer duration. Bank has to avoid false reports and manipulation in the data so that bed debt can be minimized to great extent. Cited firm has to provide information to consumers in understandable la nguage so that no misunderstanding takes places.

Some More Case Study


  • Anduze, K., 2017. Developing Ethical Behavior for Public Organizations: Cooperative Learning at the Public School Level. Public Voices. 7(2). pp.13-19.
  • Bagus, P. and Howden, D., 2013. Some ethical dilemmas of modern banking. Business Ethics: A European Review. 22(3). pp.235-245.
  • Bagus, P. and Howden, D., 2013. Some ethical dilemmas of modern banking. Business Ethics: A European Review. 22(3). pp.235-245.
  • Banks, S., Armstrong, A. and Moore, N., 2013. Everyday ethics in community-based participatory research. Contemporary Social Science. 8(3). pp.263-277.
  • Belal, A. R., Abdelsalam, O. and Nizamee, S. S., 2015. Ethical Reporting in Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (1983-2010). Journal of Business Ethics. 129(4). pp.769-784.
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Assignment Desk Dissertation on Governance and ethical dilemma: A case study on Lloyds Banks. [Internet]. Assignment Desk.(2025), Retrieved from: https://www.assignmentdesk.co.uk/free-samples/dissertation/dissertation-on-governance-and-ethical-dilemma-a-case-study-on-lloyds-banks
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