
Essential Components of Critical Incident Analysis


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Emotional and cultural intelligence is expressed as the decision-making ability to cope with the emotional and cultural aspects of the human being. Emotional and cultural intelligence is more like an ability to be aware of the emotional and cultural aspects of the human being and take the right discussion that conveniently suits situation an individual's situation based on the artistic and emotional aspects. In this report, all need to be attached to self-awareness in making the crucial decisions of the leader. This report stated all the major strengths and weaknesses connected to self-awareness.


1. Self-awareness and Continuous Self-Development

Self Awareness

According to Pitt and Ober (2018, September), Self-awareness is a term used to demonstrate the self-observation of an individual about the surrounding atmosphere. Self-awareness is widely attached to the consciousness of an individual. Self-awareness is a crucial part of the decision-making journey of all the individuals specifically for the manager. Self-awareness gives the intellectual base to all the managers about the surrounding atmosphere and situation that enables the manager to make productive decisions. Self-awareness precisely guides the reality attached to society and gives the right path to managers to make the right decisions.

As per the views of 2016 Self-awareness helps in understanding the potential aspects of all situations not just externally but internally as well. External aspects involve the market situation, performance, consistency, growth, expectations of the people and stakeholders, and many other aspects related to all the external factors attached to the organization. Internal aspects are specified with the internal structure, policies, strategies, work culture, internal politics, and many such related aspects that have a huge impact on the operational structure. Self-awareness improves the decision-making of the manager by guiding about all the above-mentioned internal and external factors. All such factors have a huge impact on performance. Good management is about making the right decision by analyzing the impact of all the internal and external factors and self-awareness plays the biggest tool in observing such impacts. Self-awareness is not just sticking to external awayness but it also involves observation related to the internal aspects of the organization. Self-awareness drives all individuals to overcome all the possessed deficiencies of an individual. Self-awareness points out all the deficiencies of an individual and it also guides the ways to overcome all such deficiencies. Apart from witnessing all the strengths and weaknesses of a leader self-awareness also instructs about the behaviour of the manager. Self-awareness is intellect about how a leader must behave while dealing with others. Self-awareness improves the nature of the leader by observing all the negative aspects of an individual.

According to Driukaitiene and et.al., (2017). self-awareness is the ability to manage own self and also the relationship. Self-awareness improves the approaches of the manager to deal with others. This approach enables the leader to improve the relationship and also to build new and productive relationships with others In the business world the organization gets benefits from all the personal and professional relationships. Self-awareness increases business opportunities by setting new strong relationships with other corporates and investors with the help of the management. Self-awareness is a vital tool in the context of the leadership that drives the manager to make productive decisions in the context of the organization and it also helps the manager to create new spaces with productive efforts in the market for the company.

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Continuous Self Development

As per the views of Shastri, Hoda and Amor, (2017, February) continuous self-development is a continuous journey to improve and upgrade a human being as a manager. It involves all the deficiencies of a human being as a manager and all the ways to erase such deficiencies. Continuous self-development enables the manager to introduce new techniques and professional practices as a manager in the organization. New practices improve the overall efficiencies of the company with the right implications of the practices. New and productive practices also create a better work culture for the company.

As stated by Vikram, (2016) continuous approaches to self-development give a wide range of opportunities to the leader to learn and adopt new business techniques that improve the overall efficiencies of the company. The continuous process of development also improves the professional knowledge of the manager that aware the manager in the organization upgrade all the old-fashioned techniques of the company that enables the leaders in the company to introduce the new technologies and resources in the company.

As per the views of Shamir and Eilam-Shamir, (2018) self self-development improves the overall personality of the manager and improves the approaches of the leadership to deal professionally with all the workforce of the company. The right dealing approach with all the colleagues and employees improves the working atmosphere of the company with the improved relationship. Improving relationships motivates the workforce to improve productivity and work practices. Self-development also impacts the creative aspect of the management. Self-development drives managers to learn new and creative aspects of the sector and also to apply them to the working practices of the organization. Self-development practices improve leadership skills with all the productive advantages that enable the leaders to apply beneficial working practices improving the overall profitability of the company. The managers in the company influence the entire operational environment of the company and the continuous development process supports the leaders to introduce positive changes in the organizational structure.

2. Critical incidents

Critical incident 1

Summary of a Critical Incident: Explain How the Critical Incident Arose and Why It Is Significant to Your Learning and Development.

I participated in a residential weekend which is part of my master's program. The program is organized for two days. The program is based on team activity. Initially, I hesitate to communicate with others even though team members are unfamiliar to me. I find the number of team member who belongs to different culture are presented in the weekend program. I am unable to communicate with them but I focus on the task. I want to complete my task perfectly which is assigned in the program. That is why I give instructions to team members on what to do and how to perform accurately. I monitor each member's actions intently and collaborate with them so that the task is finished perfectly. In the end, my team members give feedback about me that I monitor everything in a well-formed manner and guide each member to finish the task accurately (Bao, 2019). Even they highlighted that during the weekend program, I was unable to communicate with the other and some team members were frustrated because I wanted to complete each task with perfection, That's why I forced them but some team members who possess diverse cultures don't will to get the order to complete the task.

How Does Your Behaviour (Thinking, Feelings and Actions) in This Critical Incident Reflect the Findings of Your Chosen Self-Analysis Toolkit? How Has the Toolkit Enabled You to Understand Why You Think, Feel and Behave in the Way That You Do?  What Have You Learned About Yourself That You Didn't Know Before?

Belbin is a team-building tool kit which supports determining behavioural strengths and weaknesses at the workplace. The model offers language for ensuring that individuals and groups of members communicate effectively and work together with better understanding (Sulimova, 2017). In the beginning, I didn't communicate with team members even though they were new to me, and they belonged to a different culture, that's why I felt uncomfortable and non-confident as a result it shows my cultural intelligence was low. On their side, I advise them to communicate well with the team members. I notice individuals who belong to different countries, have low cultural intelligence and don't efficiently face complex situations and make decisions in order to various cultures. I have low cultural intelligence that's why I don't know why some members don't like to order according to reviews I get from team members; some team member gets irritated because I force them to complete tasks accurately. That is why I choose the Belbin model from the toolkit which supports me to being a completer or finisher who completes tasks perfectly. Even some team member gets frustrated by my task perfection nature but the task completes perfectly. Minor mistakes also occur during guiding tasks. Belbin is team role theory which is specially organized to lead communication and effectiveness at the workplace. This theory includes nine roles of the team such as resource investigator, team worker, coordinator, Plant, monitor evaluator, specialist, shaper, implementer and compete for finisher. These are the main roles of a manager according to Belbin's theory. As a manager, I find a number of employees who are classified into different groups due to cultural diversity (Lynch, Lynch & Clemens, 2018). I involve them in decision-making and listen them properly so that they get value and other employees also give value to their thoughts. I divide the team into groups and assign different tasks so that I am able to monitor them perfectly. To lead collaboration, I give challenging tasks in groups along with time deadlines. It enhances their communication with each other and improves their coordination. To encourage their performance, I appreciate them at the workplace so that they perform honestly at workplace. I organize skills and development classes for employees so that they get a chance to improve their skills. On the other hand, employees who belong to different cultures get a platform to perform their skills and learn new skills which can be applied at the workplace to achieve tasks. Such kind classes lead to effectiveness in diverse cultural people because they get a chance to learn skills from other employees. To analyse employees' performance and understanding after classes become like a monitor that examines employees' collaboration during work. I encourage teamwork among employees so that they understand their cultures and work as team to complete tasks. To improve teamwork performance, I identify their work requirement and resolve their conflicts so that disputes don't take place in the company. Thus, I recover collaboration in a team or group. To lead understanding of diverse cultures As a manager, I use this recovery strategy to improve my self-awareness so that I understand their needs and expectations from the manager or company (Norzailan, Yusof & Othman, 2016). I find diverse cultures employees unable to communicate with each other due to language barriers and different cultures. This model improves my social skills and motivates diverse cultural people to explore new ideas at the workplace so that other employees get knowledge and give value to each other. Thus, I improve their coordination and maintain their well-being in the program during tasks. These recovery strategy helps me to understand how managers perform in holistic situations so that get optimum results in a well-formed manner. I feel more confident and I think I can tackle this issue in the future. My strengths are positivity and creativity. In this situation, I am enabled to explore different strategies so that the situation comes under control. Whatever strategy I choose, I am confident and positive which improves my confidence. As a manager, I find my weaknesses such as lack of motivation and delegation of authority. For example, when introducing new ideas I am unable to define goals for the team. It reduces my effectiveness as a result I am unable to motivate them. Belbin tool kit has various advantages such as it helps the team to accept change in their work.  It supports to improve strengths and minimizes change. in addition, it helps the individual as well to improve their personality by critically analysing its performance at the workplace. Belbin theory is implemented in an organization because it helps to develop high-potential teams at the workplace.

Identify How You Will Use This Learning in the Future to Become an Effective Leader, Manager or Team-Worker.

As far as I think my self-awareness isn't good before being a part of cultural intelligence and Belbin questionnaires. Whatever feedback given by team members is quite useful for me to understand for the future. Through the feedback, I am able to prepare for weaknesses and strengths. This learning helps me to tackle individual employees in the organization so that I become an effective manager. I will use learning to understand employees' needs and expectations at the workplace support them to improve their skills and give value by listening to their ideas. To improve coordination, I encourage them for team working so that they understand each other and give value to their culture (Pandey, 2018). This strategy influences my effectiveness in employees as a manager. This recovery strategy improves my confidence and improves my self-awareness. Thus, type learning helps me to become a good manager and for the team as an ideal manager in the company.

Critical Incident 2

Summary of Critical Incident: Explain How the Critical Incident Arose and Why It Is Significant to Your Learning and Development.

During the residential weekend, I chose the manager role in group tasks which adapts the communication system and accomplished team objectives which are obtained from feedback. Even feedback gets quite positive from the team members which makes me enthusiastic. I get confused when some team member gives feedback that the team leader is unable to define the task perfectly., I observed from my self-awareness that the team is outdated for technology which caused their performance ratio is decrease and it demotivate them (Pugi, 2016). Besides this, they are unable to learn other skills. Even some teams are aware but don't know how to perform at the workplace by the technology (Romanova,  2018). It leads to disputes and ineffectiveness in work performance. It is important for learning and development because it helps me in future how to tackle such kind situation sophisticatedly.

How Does Your Behaviour (Thinking, Feelings and Actions) in This Critical Incident Reflect the Findings of Your Chosen Self-Analysis Toolkit? How Has the Toolkit Enabled You to Understand Why You Think, Feel and Behave in the Way That You Do?  What Have You Learned About Yourself That You Didn't Know Before?

In this situation, my behaviour is quite different. I complete the Belbin model for improving my cultural intelligence. On the basis of feedback, I suggest choosing a management competency toolkit to improve my cultural intelligence. As a Manager, I think it requires a management competency strategy to overcome this issue. The framework includes communication, delegation, motivating others, organizing task management, patience, building effective teams and self-development. Communication is the first management competency manager I communicate with individual employees and understand their objectives. Based on perception I conduct a meeting and allow them to share their knowledge and experience. It leads to vast communication between employees and shows their capabilities (Simeunovic & Landelius, 2017). Number of employees who are outdated in technologies. To make them self-aware organize task management which helps employees to improve their skills by delegating tasks and finding their weaknesses. While I support them to improve their skills and achieve tasks in less time. I organize training and development classes for employees where the trainer treats each employee equally and gives knowledge about new technology and tricks which can be applied at the workplace to achieve their objectives. As a manager, I offer them the opportunity to share their technological knowledge so that other learns and becomes updated for technology. Thus, kind knowledge improves their performance at the workplace and improves their awareness of new technologies. To know the capabilities of each employee will use a personality test. It is a most effective strategy to know their weakness and strength about their potential. Through the strategy, I find valuable skills which can lead to effectiveness in work performance. The team or group also gets a chance to analyse them and improve their skills (Vera & et.al., 2019, October). Thus, I overcome the issues which come in a group or team. These recovery strategies improve my self-awareness. I find my strength is that I have good communication skills, and I am a good motivator. For example personality test strategy, I support the team to improve their skills and encourage them to help each other at the workplace during tasks. There I observe they follow my instructions and improve their skills. I also find my weakness during assigning responsibility to the team is that I am not a good decision-maker. Due to this weakness, it leads to ineffectiveness in my motivation and the team also doesn't get proper guidance for the task.

Identify How You Will Use This Learning in the Future to Become an Effective Leader, Manager or Team Worker

It helps me to find my limitations and potential which assist me in the future. This learning will help me in the future to become an effective manager. These strategies help to understand team collaboration and their skills in the weekend program. I learn how to manage a team at the workplace and how to focus on individual groups or teams during performance. Through the personality test, I am able to find my strengths and weaknesses. It supports me in understanding how to motivate the team so that they lead to high profitability in the company. Even management competency strategy assists me in how to assign tasks and overcome their weakness (Skrickien—, 2017). In the future, if I become manager this type of situation occurs in front of me. I am able to deal with situations and implement optimum strategy which leads to effectiveness in the team and their performance. Based on communication skills I am able to understand individuals' objectives and their talents and assign tasks in which they have the ability can lead to profitable outcomes in the company. Thus learning helps me to be an effective manager in the company and a role model for teams and groups.

3. Strength and Weakness

Based on the findings of the critical incidents I have witnessed certain strengths in the seminar that enable me to make major decisions in the position of the manager. All such strengths that I recognized are the major aspects of my management skills while working for the organization. With the support of critical incidents, I also identified certain weaknesses that created multiple challenges to performing my duty as a manager. All my identified strengths and weaknesses can be stated in the following way.

Strengths: Being a manager of the company I possess various strengths that boost me to perform all my duties as a manager. Out of many strengths, some major strengths I recognized during the seminar were good communication skills, my positive attitude, and my creative mindset. All these strengths provided me with various opportunities to generate profitable outcomes as a result of the operations. All such strengths not only impacted my performance as a manager positively but also impacted the overall efficiency of the company.

Weakness: Out of the various strengths I possess this seminar has helped me to witness my few major weaknesses that impacted the overall outcome of my productivity as a manager. Such major weaknesses I recognized during the seminar can be attributed to an improper delegation of authorities in the organization, lack of motivation, and wrong decision-making approaches. All these major weaknesses created a deep influence over my work practices and it also declined my performance standard as a manager. All such mentioned weaknesses affected the overall profitability of the company as well.

Based on the above-mentioned weaknesses a personal development plan is made to overcome all such weaknesses to improve my productivity as a manager. 

Personal Development Plan

Areas of Improvement





Authority Delegation

I learned during the seminar being a manager it's important to analyze certain factors before delegating any authority to an employee.

  • Identification of skills of employees and task responsibilities.
  • Identification of methods of performing a job.
  • To improve my goal-setting strategies.

With the help of the HR team, a proper look at all the employees in the company can be done.

Such an overlook of an employee will involve all the details of the employee regarding his professional life.

Measurement of improvement will be done with the help of an evaluation of the target achievement process.

In the beginning small targets related to all job roles in the company will be set and based on the performance standard further activities will be planned related to the assigned task to all the individual employees in the company.

6 months


Motivation is based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Motivation plays a key role in achieving the standard outcomes. Certain activities to improve the motivation I will apply.

  • Stay positive
  • Regular breaks
  • Focus on the overall goal
  • Establishing small goals first
  • Result celebration

Proper guidance of intellectuals will help in improving motivation.

Study of various books to improve motivation.

Proper working strategies will be used.

Based on the target achievement the motivation improvement aspect will be measured.


3 months

Decision Making

Decision-making is related to team development based on the Tuckman model.

Certain activities that will improve the decision-making are as follows.

  • Critical analysis of own performance
  • Performance analysis of the whole team.
  • Following practices of skill identification of all the employees in the company

Performance measurement techniques will be utilized.

Weekly team meetings to discuss the assigned tasks.


Based on the results the decision-making will be analysed.

Evaluation of all the teams in the company and their performance-related aspect.

9 Months

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This report concludes with the elements of self-awareness and continuous development in the productivity aspect of the managerial role. This report also concludes about the critical incidents based on certain self-analysis tickets and their implication-related aspects for the manager. Self-development is also concluded in this report based on the weaknesses.

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