
Case Study On Zara Level 5 BTEC HND Business


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Retail industry

In the UK, there are several retail industry consider their operations and functions to focus on the increasing economy of the country. They consider their operations and functions as supermarket to attract maximum number of people (Arnold, Landry and Reynolds, 2015). For example, Tesco, Sainsbury, Zara, Asda, etc. Apart from this, they are also focusing on the fashion and market trend which continuously developed to attract several numbers of the customers in the business. In this regard, mainly customers are attracted towards the latest trend and creativity which exist in the market to produce systematic work. Furthermore, innovations and uniqueness also implemented to develop creativity and attain desired results as well. Therefore, significant advantages in the industry could be gain. This industry contribute major part in the country economy to develop effective results in it. It helps to focus on the different opportunities that assists to influence the latest trends of the market.


Zara is a Spanish fast fashion retailer based enterprise in Arteixo, Spain, etc. Their stores considered for men and women clothing. They are majorly supplied products and services as per the consumer trends. Therefore, it assists to look towards the responsive supply chain. The company regularly considered innovations with new products in their stores. As results, it will assist to look towards the distribution centre in Spain. In addition to this, in the UK market, there are different new items are stored, tagged and loaded into lorry. Hence, clothing delivered with responsive supply chain ships. In every week, the chosen company considered their new operations and functions with products. Hence, they design new product with finished goods in the stores for existing items and development. It helps to increase competitive advantages to deal with the functions and operations. Online shopping market also developed which assists to focus on the consequent outcomes and results.

From 1963, the chosen business started their functions and operations to deal with some effective results. It was started with small store which is known as Zorba and budget consider merge around 30 Euros. After this, name has been changed with Zara so that effectiveness developed with more stores. The company considered many new functions and operations so that they are able to expand their operations and functions in US. Recently, the company also developed their operations with more than 6500 stores in all over the 88 nations. Zara considered bringing attractive and responsible to improves quality of customer services with priorities.


Relevant changes within UK fashion retail

In respect to deal with the international market, it is important to look towards the relevant changes which need to maintain to cope up with market trends (Frank-Miller, Lambert and Henly, 2015). In this aspect, Zara need to concentrate on the following elements that considered in PESTLE analysis:

  • Political factors: In the UK market, Zara considered several operations that assists to look towards the textiles which readily develop subject of quotas. It is the best way to make competitive and encouraged the all other businesses to looking towards the reducing cost and attract broader customers as well. Furthermore, there are certain legal removal import quotas which enable to generate effectiveness in create greater access in the international market.
  • Economic factors: Furthermore, economically considered consideration in economic growth of the nation. Therefore, it helps to implement creative and innovative advantages to deal with UK market in clothing and other products. Zara have adequate knowledge regarding market and customers demand so that they can produce effective results in the products and services as well. Further, they are familiar with the growth, interest rates, tariffs, etc. As results, it assists to look towards the brand and important consideration as well.
  • Social factors: Social factors seems on fashion industry which spend on the habits of potential customers who take part in economic stability. In the global recession, every individual face issue of unemployment that enhance demand of products which is necessary for affordable. In Zara case, it is important to look towards the spending pattern of customers and changes in trends in fashion market. Therefore, it assists to should focus on the production of clothes (Feng, Zhou and Hu, 2017). Population rates is higher than the death so that the company need to produce structure accordingly.
  • Technological factors: Technology elements in the chosen business environment considered better work and efficiency to develop effectiveness. In this consideration, technological changes in the chosen enterprise bring quality control and maintain its strength for their products and services. Therefore, effectiveness also developed to work in the different sector (Boyd, 2018). With the help of integrated latest and upgrade technology, Zara able to consider global presence to increase their effectiveness. Furthermore, it includes updating and social media forums which introduced in the organisation to attain creative results at workplace. In order to look towards the advance tools such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. the company able to deliver creative results in the business environment. As results, they can attain more profits and revenue in business environment.
  • Legal factors: Legal factors consider integral part in the organisation. Therefore, it assists to make sure that Zara consider all legal obligations and regulations to maintain their standard and develop effectiveness as well. In the current era, the company operating well informed and chooses the products to accomplish desired results (Javadi, Moghaddam and Marzband, 2016). In the society, it considers actions as the international brand which develop with laws. Currently, each consumer need to informed very well towards the products and services in the enterprise. Hence, for the society well being activities need to implement so that successful results will be develop to look upon the business development.
  • Environmental factors: Consumers are also looking towards the effectiveness of the environment to focus on the systematic work performance. In this way, Zara need to focus on the environmental consideration to look on the objectives and goals so that they can attain systematic work performance at workplace. In addition to this, they need to adopt strategies and effectiveness through they can easily create effectiveness in the business environment. Therefore, it will help to attain more significant advantages of the government assurance in the business which commit to produce environment safety.

Relevant changes with micro environmental

Zara consider several operations and functions in different areas of the world. In this aspect, the company develop their brand with 8 subsidiary in all over the market. Therefore, it is driving on the more profits and revenue to develop more significant advantages (Javadi, Moghaddam and Marzband, 2016). The company is known for the fresh design and keep their consideration to consequently develop their systematic advantages with following SWOT analysis:

            Strength: Zara has main strength is that they deal in the unique design so that effectiveness develop to implement innovations and development activities in the business environment. Clothes and other products which provided by the business consist effective results (Frank-Miller, Lambert and Henly, 2015). Furthermore, brand value of the enterprise also create positive impact to deal with the innovative functions and operations in different areas of the world. The company has developed brand values which consider healthy culture.

            Weakness: However, Zara has not generalised and specialise in anything with everyone. Furthermore, the company has not lacked of advertising so that it create negative impact on the business results. They have low safety stock so that their strategy is not effective to develop creative results at workplace (Boyd, 2018). Advertising considers important role to make successful results in the business. In this consideration, organisation need to focus on the advertisement such as social media, internet marketing, etc. It will helps to attain more advantages to look upon the design.

            Opportunities: Zara can consider their operations and functions with online market. This is because, online marketing assists to develop availability and alternatives source towards the customers. Therefore, the company can develop their effectiveness and implement e-commerce in the market. Hence, there selling is continuous develop to focus on the relevant outcomes and results in the business. With the help of the innovations and creativity, the company able to make sure that effectiveness also developing in the business environment (Arnold, Landry and Reynolds, 2015). With the help of the market potential, the company can develop their effectiveness and capitalise in the growing market. Market expansion in the new places gives profitability in the business.

            Threats: Zara has main threat due to high competition and low advertisement. Therefore, they need to implement innovative tools and activities with advertisement so that development could be made easily (Bell, Gallino and Moreno, 2015). In addition to this, there are several competitors also perform functions and operations in this sector such as Vero Moda, H&M, etc.

Strategies and tactics which used in the retail industry

In respect to implement Porter Five forces into Zara, there are several elements considered in the strategy which create impact on the functions and operations. In this aspect, according to the competition exist in market, the chosen business need to include their consideration (Feng, Zhou and Hu, 2017). As results, it will assist to look towards the different opportunities:

  • Competitive rivalry (High) : In the UK market, there are many competitors exist of Zara. Therefore, competitive rivalry very high. Furthermore, the company need to make som extra efforts to attract customers in their consideration. In this aspect, they are unable to develop their effectiveness to attain creativity and profitability as well. Therefore, company need to focus on the gain high market share with attract several customers in it. It is the best way to attain desire results with more customer attraction (Diddi and Niehm, 2015). Major competitor of Zara is H&S. The chosen company mostly provide their products and services at low cost so that they are able to attract maximum customers easily in the business environment. Therefore, it assists to look upon the some creative advantages at workplace.
  • Threat of new entry (Low) : In the market, there is low threat of new entry. This is because, company require implement high investment amount to produce effective functioning at workplace (Fei and Ximing, 2015). In this regard, it is difficult to other businesses to compete with Zara. In addition to this, individuals need to wait to enter in the new market with implement sufficient time. Therefore, they are able to prepare themselves towards the face high competition existence in the market. Moreover, there are several other businesses exist that are looking towards the economic benefits' consideration which assists to look upon the creativity and performance development at workplace. The chosen company has fast growth in the diversification style in the business with considered horizontal and vertical consideration in the business. In the new fashion statements, it will help to look upon the more growth and development that exist in the business (GümüÅŸ, Kaminsky and Mathur, 2016).
  • Bargaining power of suppliers (Moderate) : Furthermore, today's time is globalisation so that markets are continuously grown with the suppliers power. In this consideration, there are several suppliers who provide raw material to Zara to develop their operations and functions in the market. In addition to this, it can be stated that suppliers power moderate because sometimes in respect to switch towards the other suppliers also create more cost implementation. In new market, the chosen company has no knowledge regarding suppliers so that they need to look upon the stable relationship with the suppliers. It assists to maintain standards in the goods and quality as well (Javadi, Moghaddam and Marzband, 2016).
  • Bargaining power of customers (Moderate) : Zara spends more amount on budget on advertisement that relies on words from the mouth to mouth. It assists to look upon the research and development process of the business in systematic manner. Consumerism fashion consist quite unpredictable from where buyers can easily purchase products and services easily. Further, the company has loyal customers so that they can easily attain systematic work performance in the business unit to attract many people at workplace. Hence, it can be stated that bargaining power of customers is moderate (Hafezalkotob, Mahmoudi and Wee, 2018).
  • Threat of substitute (Low) : Other business of the UK market in fashion consideration unable to compete with the Zara because in term of quality and affordability the company not getting effective results. In order to look upon the creativity, it is essential to focus on the relevant results that needed to perform several functions and operations. It creates main advantages to the chosen company to compete with the different businesses in UK. In order to look upon the responsive supply chain effective and successful results could be gain in the enterprise (Laseter and Rabinovich, 2016).


In respect to increase creativeness, Zara requires effectiveness in their operations and functions so that they are able to deliver qualitative products to customers. In addition to this, following are certain recommendation could be provided to the company to focus on the  creative advantages:

  • Focus on the advertisement: In order to provide recommendation to the Zara, it is essential to look upon the advertisement that assists to meet with innovative functions and operations. In this aspect, the company able to attract maximum customers with their effective development program at workplace. With this regard, on social media, newspapers, television, etc. the company should implement their advertisement. Therefore, it will assists to implement effective features as well (Roggeveen and Sethuraman, 2018).
  • Adding more unique features: Furthermore, the chosen business also need to look upon the adding unique features so that they are also able to attract new candidates in the business environment. It is the best way to attain maximum candidates in the business environment with development of the aims and objectives as well (Frontczak Loveland and Daughtrey, 2015). It will help to concentrate on the some innovative elements in the enterprise.
  • Expand operations in new areas: Furthermore, Zara need to concentrate on the expansion in new areas. It will assist to look upon the relevant results that assists to develop more profits and revenue. In this way, the company can implement their functions and operations with unique elements at workplace easily (Marzband, Javadi and Moghaddam, 2016).


From the above report, it can be summarized that Zara considered their several operations and functions to make effective results. In this aspect, report concluded about the PESTLE analysis through it can be stated that company can enter in new areas with consider their effective results and outcomes. With the help of the SWOT analysis it can be denotes that advertisement is the major weakness of the company which need to be solve to increase effective operations and functions in the business environment. Moreover, it articulated about the some advantages that looking to develop profitability and effectiveness in the business. Porter five forces strategy also applied that assists to denote that the company could able to consider their new development activities at workplace. At last, these strategies helps to make sure that business can enter in UK market with implement innovations and unique characteristics.


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  • Javadi, M., Moghaddam, M. and Marzband, M., 2016. Bidding strategy of distributed energy resources in the electricity retail market, based on game theory approach, considering uncertainties.
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  • Roggeveen, A.L. and Sethuraman, R., 2018. Understanding the JR Heritage, Publishing in JR, and the Evolving Retail Field.
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