
F/601/1271-Employee Relations-BTEC HND in Business-Level 5


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1.1 Unitary and pluralistic frames that reflect the implications to solve the conflict among the employees

In the field of business, any organization may face the problem of confliction among the employees. There are many ways by which this conflict can be solved. Here, in this case, the above-mentioned two frames are the best options to solve the conflict. The methods are as follows.

Unitary frames

This frame mainly deals with the problematic situations among the managers and the employees. In a particular organization, many controversies arise that create those problematic situations among the employees and the managers. As far as my opinion is concerned, this frame is the best way to deal with this kind of problem.

Pluralistic frames

Here in this frame, the method says that the conflict can be removed by dividing the organization into groups and subgroups. Each member of the groups will have their targets to achieve. Individuality is the key factor here in this frame to avoid the conflict. There are two key terms in this frame, the trade unions, and the management. The management deals with the process of the work where the union mainly focus on the target that is to achieve by the employees. As a result, there doesn't occur any collision among the management team and the employees. My opinion says that this is the best way to avoid the conflict of any organization.

If I take a look back at the history of the employee relationship factor, then I can surely say that the fact of confliction has been there from the first step. It means that where there is any organization or industries with numbers of an employee working, the conflict will occur for sure. This is so because there are many situations where the decision-making process goes wrong, many decision goes against many employees that create the problem. Moreover, there had been a situation like a factory lockout, the financial loss of the company. Where the workers or the employees have ruled out of the company and as a result, the conflict occurred. Anyhow, these two frames here are designed to solve these kinds of complicated cases. I cannot say that these two frames are completely safe and always give the positive feedback, but all I can say is that there are no other frames that can handle the situation better.

1.2 The assessment of the changes in trade unionism have affected the employee relation

The trade mainly becomes powerful in the early stages of the 20th century. Many times it was seen that the trade union called a strike for no reason, this was where the court came into play and told that they would sue the trade union if they continue to do the same. Starting from the early stages of 1923 to 1929 was the main time when the trade union used to rule the industries with their made decisions. The old industries like coal mining were going down that time, and one would say that was the time when the main conflict occurred. Many workers were cut down from the working list. As a result, the trade union called the strike again, and during that period many workers died. According to me, this was not a good move as the court already ordered to sue the trade union. The general strike took its place in the year 1926, 3rd May. Since the workers died on 1st May, during the time of the strike, the day is observed as May Day till now. According to my point of view, the May Day is the clear sign of an imperfect relationship among the employees and the manager of any organization. It is clear from the history that the trade union was not that much successful in early stages, but slowly when it came to the part of employee relationship, it became a popular aspect. Sometimes the process of making trade union is proven to be the solution of the confliction. This method is mainly used in the pluralistic frame as mentioned above. Being in the early stages of the 21st century I cannot say that there is no confliction. Many cases like, factory lockout, financial breakdown of the company are still there to be seen in the market where the problems of conflictions occur. Lack of communication and responsibility are the main reasons behind this confliction.

1.3 The role of the key players in the employee relation

There are so many key peoples in a particular organization who play vital roles to maintain the perfect employee relation.

  • HR personnel
  • Trainer
  • Financial Head
  • Chairperson

The people who belong to the above-mentioned department play the key role to take the employee relationship to a different standard.

HR personnel

The person who holds this post can be termed as the leader. All the qualities and the abilities are there in the person's characteristic that a leader should have. First of all, they can design the job very well. It means that the employees who are willing to work in a particular field get all the help from the Human Resource personnel. They set the perfect environment for the employees. Perfect planning of the job is done by this team. It reflects that the path of work is set by the HR personnel and the employees find themselves to be in an easy situation. This makes them work with a free mind.


Every organization must have perfect trainers to train the employees who have come to work. Mainly the employees who are fresher and don’t know anything about the job must be taken through a perfect training session. So it is clearly indicating that the trainer must also have enough knowledge to describe the job. This will make the employees eligible for the desired job. It is a big factor in the field of employee relation.

Financial head

The financial head of any company plays a good role in the field of the employee relationship. All the knowledge about the relationship needs in finance is provided by him. This is done when the financial head is trying to develop the employee relationship.

Chair Person

In every organization, there is a chairperson who controls everything. The employee team, as well as the management team, are totally controlled by this person only. Here, in this case, employee relationship is mainly controlled by the chairperson by the process of giving rewards. Every employee of any organization mainly works for increments and rewards. Proper rewards and increment help a lot to maintain the employee relationship. Promotions, rewards, and increments are the main three facts that help a lot build a solid relationship among the employees.


Handling conflict situations at organization (NHS employers)

To handle with different conflict or critical situations NHS employers follow some specific rules and legislation directed by UK government. NHS employers have to deal with variant kinds of situations which seem to be like grievances of workers at the place of work, miscommunications, internal disturbances among employees and so many other issues which consume time and costly too. Sometimes NHS employers deal with situations which consisted of a poor morality of employees as well as motivational thoughts of them(Averineni, 2012). The critical situations are sometimes among multiple or group of employees, sometimes it occurs on two employees, or it may be for the single employee. The key factors of different conflict situations which are dealing with NHS employers are given below.

Dealing with employee

Key factors for dealing with a single number of employee

  • When an employee serves poor performance, NHS employers deal with that situation and motivate the employee to provide good performance and manage them to do the better quality of work.
  • It can be whether an employee does not understand the work perfectly so that the given service of that employee is of inferior quality, at that time the duty of the NHS employers is to make that employee understand his or her job properly.
  • Sometimes it may happen that the employee is misbehaving at the work place and NHS employers’ duty it is to deal with that situation and give the employee a preliminary warning and then a final last warning and after that dismissal.

Key factors for dealing with multiple numbers of employee

  • NHS employers have to put a pair of eye on the dealing with two employees at the workplace, NHS employers have to recognize the problem and will make out the solution of that situation(Hayes, 2014).
  • Whether it can be the personal problems among two working employees at the work place, NHS employers have to deal with that critical situation and try to solve with the best possible method they can provide.
  • When the employees misbehave at the place of work jointly, they would be given a primary warning first, after that a final warning and then the ultimate dismissal.
  • When there is any problem among two employees which may cause communication problem, NHS employers would have to solve the problem of them. These kinds of situations may happen often.

Key factors for dealing with a group of employee

  • The issues among a group of employees will be handled by NHS employers. The situations may be different kinds of which have to be often faced by NHS employers.
  • It may be about disciplinary issues of employees which may be harmful for the organization and have to be dealt by NHS employers.
  • A critical factor of an issue may be of misbehaving at the working place and make a solution of the problem by NHS employers. (Egelund, Alsultan and Peloquin, 2015). Among group employees, there may be a communication gap. Employers will solve the problem there and resolve the problem of communication of that situation.

NHS employers deal with these kinds of situations very often. The critical issues have been solved by them profoundly.

Key factors for the relations of employees

Making a smooth environment at the place of work and perfect employee relation through that would be a basic job have to be maintained by NHS employers; as well as these factors make the service smooth of the organization(Belkić and Savić, 2013). The key factors which are consisted of employee relations would be explained below:

Ideological framework

The legislation provided by the organization would be followed by the employees through the much disciplined way. It will be detected as offensive if the employees misbehave at the working place(Huang, 2014). NHS employers will handle these issues at the workplace. The code of conduct of the organization would also have to be maintained by NHS employers. A clean and nice environment at the place of work is needed fundamentally as well as the code of conduct, and the legislation would also be under the surveillance of NHS employers.

Conflict and Cooperation

There variant conflicts at the organization that may consist of understanding issues or communication errors. NHS employers have to motivate the employees to make their job efficiently as well as they would also be influenced by the employees at the place of work. There may be different situations which can be consisted of proper wages for the employees for their working hours(Costas and Karreman, 2013The employees' sick leave, sick pay, holidays and many other different issues are there which would be recognized and fixed by NHS employers. The employers have to understand their job and do them efficiently by the help of the employers in the working field.


In the organization, the employees can face variant situations consisted of difficulties during their work, and they would make them doable by the help of the employers. NHS employers would have to make an environment of work which will be so smooth that employees do not get hesitated to ask for their difficulties to the employers. If they consult their working difficulties with NHS employers, the service will be better as well.


UK government has been fixed some rules and legislation for the organizations, and the NHS employers and employees both of those parties have to maintain them profoundly. At organization, the employees would be given fixed working hours and specific wages followed by that. Other than these there are different legislation about sick wages, holidays, sick leave and much more there are. These all are the rights of employees, and NHS employers are bound to make this legislation happening. If the employees face some difficulties around these issues, they would have to fix a representative who will ask for them towards NHS employers and employers will negotiate with the rep and will come to a point at where the organization would not get harmed as well as the need of the employees would be satisfied(Malchow-Møller, Munch and Skaksen, 2012). The point of negotiation is where both of the need of organization and employees would have to be satisfied.


Effectiveness of the method from the aspect of both of the parties

Variant perceptions are there of NHS employers and employees at this stage of a situation. The reviews of the both parties are different, and they are given below.

NHS employers

The chief target of the NHS employers would be to make the organization beneficial as well as they have to satisfy the employees through their rights(Dale-Olsen, 2013). UK government has provided legislation which has to be maintained technically by the NHS employers, the legislation, and rules, regulations are in the favor of employees so that it is essential to maintain them profoundly(Miscommunication involving 'standard care', 2011). The specific code of conduct is by like specific wages, fixed working hours, extra salary for extra work by the mean of time or overtime, allowances, sick leave along with sick pay, holidays and much more which have to be followed by(Mishra and Smyth, 2013). Primarily the employers will have to satisfy the organization, and along with that, they have to take care of the employees at the place of work. It may happen in some cases that the employees are not getting understand their work, and then NHS employees have to make them understand the work as that they can do the job more efficiently. The environment of the workplace will have to be smoother that if any of the employees are facing difficulties with their work they can ask the authority for that work. Beside this NHS employee will fix the issues of the employees' internal problems as those can be of communication gap among group employees, at that stage the NHS employers have to fix the bugs(Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction between Employees of Virtual Teams and Traditional Teams, 2016).


As NHS employers will maintain the legislation, the employees also have to follow some regulations during the working stages. The employees will have to do their job through a much skillful way(Miscommunication involving 'standard care', 2011). Misbehavior at the working place will be taken as offensive by the code of conduct. During the period of work the employees may have to face off variant critical situations, for these, they will consult with their authorities so that the environment of the field of work has to be smooth. For satisfying the needs of employees they have to make a representative among them, the rep will ask for their issues to authorities(Jung, 2011). So these total procedure will be followed by both NHS employers and the employees as well as.

Negotiation in collective bargaining

The term Collective bargaining is also depicted as a mechanism tool for industry. By the perception of negotiation and working with the employment relationship are done by this factor. A representative will be selected by the employees among of them, and he will narrate their issues and needs also to the authorities so that NHS employers can work over the issues and negotiate with the employees followed by it(McKibben, 2013). There are some key factors over which the working and methodology would be followed by, and those are given below:

  • Collective bargaining and collective agreements, both are of different issues. Collective agreement termed as a result of a collective agreement.
  • The procedure is mentioned to improve the technicalities of the organization.
  • The practice develops the relation between NHS employers and the employees followed by.
  • The procedure helps to motivate the employees by satisfying their needs.
  • It is also about the modification of the desires or needs of employees up to a specific level of consideration.
  • The government participates at this matter, and the legislation provided by it is so important that it is called bipartite.

Impact of the strategies after negotiation

NHS employers apply different strategies for the development of the organization as well as satisfy the needs of the employees. It is the responsibility of the employers to take care of the employees by the mean of satisfying the organization too. When there would be any issues among the employees, they will vote for a representative from them, and the rep will explain the issues in front of NHS employers(Lucas, 2010). Then the employers will consider the issues and solute them up to a specific consideration level. First NHS employers will try to replace their issues with something different; after that, if the employees do not get satisfied with this, then the process of negotiation initiates. NHS employers and employees would come to a state of negotiation where the issues among the employees may decoy as well as the organization does not get affected. Now it is the matter of the fact that the negotiation becomes smoother, which helps in this case that is nothing but a smooth relation between employees and NHS employers as well as a refreshing environment of the working place(Issue Information, 2016). NHS employers have to follow the legislation provided by the UK government and the regulations followed by. The regulations and legislations of UK government are clearly notified in the agreement which signed by different employers of NHS, and they need to follow these policies to avoid legal hazards. So from the aspect of legal and general strategies both the organization would be maintained carefully which are consisted with the following steps:

  • At the inception of any issues among the multiple or with the single employee in the organization, an employee will first mention a representative from them.
  • After that, the issues would be clarified and then the rep will explain the problems to NHS employers and the employers will take them as identified issues of the organization.
  • When NHS employers are briefed the issues by the rep, they will apply different strategies to fix them.
  • The employers have to face towards the organization first, and they would try to replace the needs of the employees with relevant opportunities.
  • Then the negotiation arises where NHS employers and the employees both will come to a saturated state.
  • This is how the total procedure consisted of, and the organization along with the employees would be satisfied by NHS employers.

The assessment of the influence of EU on the industrial democracy of UK

 It has been seen that there are many policies in the European Union to control the internal function of the business as well as the organization. The policies are trade policy, recruiting policies, environment control policies, anti-harassment policies, employee relationship maintain policies, training policies, safety and healthy workplace policies, HRM policies. All of the policies are there mainly to influence the industrial democracy of the employees. Like for example,

  • The anti-harassment policy helps a woman to join any company and move around the office without any fear. The mental problem like harassment problem is totally sorted out in this situation.
  • Trade policy is another kind of policy where it gives the freedom to any organization to trade internationally. It is mainly the derivatives of UN that indicate the freedom at any organization.
  • The democratic right of the employees is described by the safety and healthy workplace policy. This policy mainly helps to build a better workplace where the worker can work without any fear and tension. This is another way to measure the degree of freedom of an organization.
  • The perfect employee must be chosen for the right job. It means that every single job deserves a perfect employee and that can be mainly done by the recruiting policy. This policy can be termed as the base policy as it is the initial stages depending on which the desired target will be achieved.
  • Recruited employee must be considered as a fresher and must be trained properly to get the best result out of them. It means that every single organization must have a perfect training team who will train the new employees. These trainers are the person who will teach the employee about the democratic rights. This policy is also a measurement of the degree of freedom if the employees are trained properly.

The popular methods which are used to gain employee participation and involvement in the decision-making process

There are very few methods to describe the employee participation and involvement in the decision-making process. The involvement of the employees in the decision-making process is another topic of debate. There is a belief in the worker's union that they should also be a part of the decision-making process. The main problem is started from here. This is the source of every controversy. Anyway, the methods of the participation is mentioned below

  • Participation through ownership: This process of participation is very clear. Employees can buy the shares of the company. The person who buys share not only can take a financial decision but also helps the company financially. It puts a positive impact on the employee.
  • Participation at the board level: Industrial democracy is known as the representation of the employees at the board level. In this case, all the problems of the employees are kept in front of the managing committee. This process also guides the board members to invest in employee benefit schemes.
  • Participation in the schemes of suggestion: This form of participation clearly indicates that the employees of any organization can be a part of the companies' decision-making the process by suggesting good ideas that twill help the company to increase its business. The employees are always very willing to join the decision-making process, so this process of participation is made as every small decision all together can make a fruitful decision that can make a huge difference in the outcome.
  • Quality circles’ participation: a quality circle is a group of people in the company who works accurately and are expert in their field of work. This group of people always keep one thing in mind, that they will have to do their work very uniquely and within the given deadline. In another word, it can be said that this group of people are much disciplined rather than the other employees in the organization. Every organization has this kind of teams in numbers. The decision making authority allows these teams to join the decision-making process. In other words, it is clear that this team are eligible enough to play a big role in the decision-making process.
  • Collective bargaining participation:This participation refers to the process of deciding certain rules for the company. It also indicates the collective agreements. This is one of the perfect methods to ensure the participation of the employees in the decision-making process. Nevertheless, this process must be well in control because most of the employees may try to take advantages of the power that are given.

The assessment of HRM approach on employee relations

There many aspects of employee relation are directly or indirectly connected with the Human Resource Management approach. This approach has some features in it. They are as follows,

  • The quality of health care delivery at all level must check now and then. The general requirements of an organization are mainly delivered by the HRM. The team which is required to do any particular work is provided by the HRM department.
  • Every single organization requires a leader who will set good examples by achieving targets in a disciplined way. This example is mainly considered as the path of work for the employees. Not only it makes the work easier, but it increases the appetite of work in an employee. This leader is entirely provided by the HRM team because they are the one who can recruit an employee and by gaining proper training that employee can become a leader one day. This has been the main factor in the field of employee relation.
  • HRM department also can provide the proper atmosphere of work. There are many policies of work that can create a perfect environment for work for the workers. These policies are controlled by the Human Resource Management team.
  • The employees who have applied to work for a particular company are clearly motivated by the HRM team. After the selection process, the team provides all sorts of information and materials that will help the employees to work easier. It sets a positive impact in the mind of the employee about the company and also about the management team.

As the conclusion, one can say that among many approaches HRM approach is the best. It has many sides by which the employee relation can be maintained in a proper way. The employees always look for a good guiding team. HRM provides that team with proper eligible members working. The satisfaction level of the employees' increases and it makes them give their full effort for the job. Lastly, not only the who are benefitted, but the organization also get all the benefits because it's the HRM team of that organization that is working efficiently enough.  


  • Averineni, A. (2012). Impact of Grievances on Industrial Relations. International Journal of Scientific Research, 1(1), pp.60-61.
  • Belkić, K. and Savić, C. (2013). Job stressors and mental health. 1st ed. Singapore: World Scientific Pub. Co.
  • Breen, K. (2010). Scottish guidelines recognize issues in diagnosing Parkinson's disease. British Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 6(1), pp.6-6.
  • Comparative Study of Job Satisfaction between Employees of Virtual Teams and Traditional Teams. (2016). International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 5(1), pp.1536-1540.
  • Costas, J. and Karreman, D. (2013). Conscience as control - managing employees through CSR. Organization, 20(3), pp.394-415.
  • Dale-Olsen, H. (2013). Sickness Absence, Sick Leave Pay, and Pay Schemes. LABOUR, 28(1), pp.40-63.

D/601/0578 Unit 6 Business Environment HND Business Level 5

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