
Effective Organisational Functions With Their Objectives


  • Unit No: 1
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 17 / Words 4313
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Question :

 This assessment will provide:

  • What are the different types of legal structures of green group companies?
  • Give the effective organizational functions with their objectives.
  • What are the internal and external analyses in the green group?
Answer :
Organization Selected : The Green Group


Business environment is the surrounding of an organisation which is focused with different forces which may leave negative or positive impacts upon business. In order to reach all the long term goals it is very important for all the companies to pay attention towards all the internal as well as external forces so that effective strategies for future could be formulated (Babatunde and Adebisi, 2012). The organisation which is selected for this report is The Green Group. Currently it is operating business under logistic sector. This report covers various topics such as different types, size and scope of organisations, Demonstration of interrelationship of various functions within a enterprise and link of them with objectives and structures. Additionally, positive and negative impact of external environment along with determination of internal strengths and weaknesses are also covered under this project.


There are various types of organisations which are executing their operations in different sectors successfully. All of them are having different purposes for which business is operated by them. All the types of them are described below:


All the companies which are distributing the shares to general public are considered public organisations. BBC is one of them which is operating its operations all around the world and mainly established in London, United Kingdom (Bansal and Hoffman, 2012).


Main purpose of BBC is to educate, entertain and inform public with its broadcasting services so that they can be aware of all the events that are happening all around the world.

Read also: Different Types and Purposes of Organizations 

Legal Structure:

There are three main elements of legal structure of public companies which are as follows:

  • Central: Under this type of structure all the operational activities of the company are controlled by central government due to large size of it.
  • State: This type of legal structure of companies allow the state government to regulate all the business activities.
  • Local: The organisations which are adopting this legal structure are controlled by local authorities. It is mainly followed by small companies.

From all the above described types of legal structures BBC adopts central one as it is a large company which requires proper and effective control of central government.


The organisations which are not allowing general public to buy their shares are known as private companies. The Green Group is one of the biggest example of it which is executing all its operations under logistic sector of UK (Davies, 2016)(Erasmus, Strydom, and Rudansky-Kloppers, 2016).


Green Group is operating its business for the purpose of achieving growth with the help of progressive thinking of it. Its objective is to satisfy all its clients by focusing upon technological advancement.

Legal Structure:

There are four main types of legal structure in private sector which are as follows:

  • Sole Trader: The business which is operated by a single person follows this legal structure in which all the losses and profits are faced by the owner.
  • Partnership: When a business is executes by two or more persons or companies then it is known as partnership firm and this legal structure is followed by those businesses.
  • Limited Companies: There are two types of limited companies which are private and public. These organisations are separate legal entities which are running business for the purpose of achieving growth or increasing profits.
  • Cooperatives: This legal structure is followed by such businesses which are operated by a group of people for the purpose of fulfilling all their economic, social and cultural needs.

From all the above described legal structure The Green Group is following the limited companies structure because it is a private limited company working for the purpose of attaining growth (Gupta, 2013).


The organisations which are operated by volunteers for societal welfare are known as such companies. Oxfam is one of the largest voluntary enterprises which are concerned with reduction of poverty and help people to live their life happily by fulfilling all their basic needs.


Oxfam is performing different activities for welfare of society so that all the individuals who are not able to live happily due to poverty can get all the required facilities for living.

Legal Structure:

Voluntary companies are also having legal structures as they are required to take permission from government to perform all their operations. Elements of it are as follows:

  • Trust: Companies under this structure are supported by trustees which are providing charities to the organisations to perform different activities for welfare of society.
  • Unincorporated Association: Under this structure two or more people come together and perform different activities for specific purpose and when it is achieved their job is over.

From both the above described structure Oxfam is a trust which is sponsored by different trustees which are providing it funds to perform activities for societal development (Hilton and Platt, 2013).

P2 Size and Scope of Different Types of Organisations

All the companies which are executing business in the market for different purposes have different size, scope, objective, products, services, vision, mission etc. Description of all of them for predetermined companies is as follows:


Public (BBC)

Private (Green Group)

Voluntary (Oxfam)


The size of BBC is large as it is operating business all around the world.

Size of the company is large as it is delivering logistic services to most of the largest companies such as Kelloggs.

Oxfam is also a large company which is a confederation of 19 independent charitable organisations.


Its scope is broad as its portfolio is diversified and innovated with latest techniques.

Scope of Green Group is wide as it deliver its logistic services to larger organisations.

Scope of Oxfam is moderate as it perform operations for poverty reduction.

Products and services

Broadcasting services are delivered by BBC to the public all around the world.

Logistic services are offered to large companies such as Morrison, Kelloggs etc.

It provides welfare services to poor people so that they can live happily (Palepu and Healy, 2013).


It is one of the largest broadcaster of world which are founded in year 1926 and operates under Royal Charter.

It is a large company that provide logistic solutions to its clients and it is delivering services since last 25 years.

It is a voluntary organisation founded in year 1942 and perform operations to remove poverty.


Vision of BBC is to build a world where all the individuals are empowered and informed and live in healthy community.

Vision of the company is to be on the top of the logistic industry in upcoming years.

Its vision is to make the world free from poverty.


BBC's mission is to act in public interest and provide such services to audiences with its good quality facilities.

Its mission is to provide best logistic solutions to all the clients so that they could be retained for long term (Palo and Tähtinen, 2013).

Mission of Oxfam is to find the roots of poverty and find best suitable solutions to respond them.


To entertain people with its high level of programs and services.

Main objective of the company is to achieve growth and increase profits by delivering best services.

Main objective of the company is to help people to deal with poverty and live a safe life.


Managers, employees, government, local community etc. are stakeholders of BBC.

Investors, suppliers, customers such as Morrisons are key stakeholders of it.

All the trustees, volunteers and other members of organisation are considered as stakeholders of the company.



P3 Relationship Between Different Organisational Functions and The Way in Which These are Linked With Organisational Structure and Objectives

Organisational structure can be defined as the system which is followed by all the top, middle and lower level staff members of the company to run a chain of command and operations in systematic manner (Sena Ferreira and Cunha, et. al., 2012). There are various types of them which are adopted by companies such as Green Group according to their requirements. All of them are as follows:


Under this structure organisations are divided in small groups and all of them are having specific roles and responsibilities. All the departments in the companies where it is followed one director is appointed to guide all the members who are working in it. A proper hierarchy is followed by all the employees of companies which are following this structure.


This structure provides autonomy to the employees of the company and focused with horizontal objectives of different departments. All the divisions under it perform their activities as a separate entity and spend money on certain project which are allotted to them.


It is also known as blend of divisional and functional structure in which staff members can report to more than one supervisor. It may create issues for the employees they may not aware of their duty to report and working according to direction of which superior.


It is mainly used in small business entities in which single horizontal chain of command is followed. All the superiors and employees have right to take part in decision making.

From all the above described structures managers in Green Group are following matrix structure in which all the activities are performed in systematic manner and staff members report to multiple leaders to make sure that they are performing appropriately.

There are various types of functions which are performed by Green Group and all of them are interlinked with each other, organisational objectives and structure. Their interrelation could be understood with the help of following discussion:

HR and Finance:

These two functions of Green Group are interrelated with each other because in order to perform all the operational activities it is very important for management to manage financial resources properly. For example, if HR activities such as recruitment, selection are required to be performed then it is very important for managers to make sure that they are having sufficient funds (Sena Ferreira and et. al., 2012). These are also linked with objective because if these are performed appropriately then company can achieve growth. Structure is also related with them because it guides employees to be clear about their responsibilities and perform the functions appropriately.

Marketing and IT:

For companies it is vital to market its products and services according to latest technology. It shows that all the marketing functions of Green Group are related with IT because while performing them it is very important for management to make sure that these are performed by taking technology in to consideration. Organisation's objective of profit and revenue maximisation is related with them because by executing both of them perfectly large number of customers could be attracted which may result in higher profits. Matrix structure is also linked with it because the employees associated with IT functions may have to report to marketing manager in order to formulate effective strategies.


P4 Identification of Positive and Negative Impacts of Macro Environment Upon Business Operations

Macro environment can be defined as the external forces which are leaving positive and negative impact upon operational activities of business. For the purpose of analysing it PESTLE analysis could be used by organisations such as Green Group. There are six different elements of it which are discussed below with their positive and negative impact upon the company:


It is highly focused with different elements such as foreign trade, fiscal policy, political instability etc. which are required to be focused by Green Group. Negative and positive impacts of them are as follows:

  • Positive: The management within the organisation try to be aware of all policies of political parties of UK to make effective strategies according to them.
  • Negative: Unstable political situations may result in inappropriate execution of business and lower growth (Wetherly, 2014).


Interest, inflation, exchange and deflation rates are economic factors which may leave positive and negative impact upon business operations of Green Group. All of them are discussed below:

  • Positive: Keeping detailed information of fluctuation in them helps the organisation to set right price for all its services.
  • Negative: Sudden changes results in improper price setting because the management may get confused due to continuous fluctuations.


Customer's taste, preferences, age, buying behaviour etc. are social factors that should be taken in to consideration by managers of Green Group to accomplish organisational goals. Negative and positive impacts of them are as follows:

  • Positive: All the policies and strategies in Green Group are formulated according to social factors that help to fulfil demand of customers.
  • Negative: If the culture of the area where business is operated is not followed then it may result in higher losses for company.


Innovations, technological advancement, latest techniques etc. are such elements that may benefit Green Group if these are taken in to consideration properly. All the positive and negative impacts of it are as follows:

  • Positive: Management uses latest technologies to market the services which help to attain competitive advantage in the market.
  • Negative: If the manager are not able to execute operations according to latest technology then it may result in losses for company.


Different laws such as health and safety, labour law, advertising standards etc. are such components which should be focused by the managers of Green Group to run operations appropriately. All its impacts are as follows:

  • Positive: All the rules and regulations are followed properly within the organisation which help to establish a good market image.
  • Negative: If laws are not complied by managers then it may result in government interference in operational activities.


Pollution control, climate change, environmental laws etc. are part of this element and for Green Group it is very important to focus on them to run operations systematically. Impact of this factor are as follows:

  • Positive: As Green Group is a logistic company so the managers make sure that its trucks are not increasing pollution and harming environment which is good for its corporate image.
  • Negative: If one of the business activity leaves negative impact on the environment then it will affect the operation negatively.


P5 Internal and External Analysis of Specific Organisation In Order To Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Internal Analysis is used by the organisation in order to evaluate competencies as well as build capability for the effective functioning of firm. It consist of the internal strength as well as weaknesses on the basis of which strategy can be prepared to exploit the external opportunity as well as threat effectively. The SWOT analysis for the The Green Group as well as BBC company are demonstrated below:

SWOT For The Green Group


Green group company has the large size, extensive network as well as immense technology that led to attract the various clients to whom the company gives the valuable solution. So the reliable solution has attracted the vast companies like Fox's biscuit, Kelloggs as well as Morrison company to gain the wide services such like providing logistics, Warehouse solution as well as Pallet network. This influence the decision making of firm which is associated by providing best possible services fro systematic functioning.


To manage the huge workforce of company that function across the national boundaries can lead to mismanagement of the brand that can affect its functioning (Rademakers, 2012). As The Green Group works with the high end customer so they cannot compromise against the causal behaviour for the essential inventories of company.


The company can use the advance tool and technique in order to cater the augmented demand of the clients in terms of world class services associated with warehousing as well as logistics.


The Green Group experiences competitive pressure from the various industries. Additionally, as the company function within periphery of UK so any change in the external faction can directly affect the profitability of firm.

SWOT For BBC Company


BBC has gained the strong brand image because it has been preferably operating its business from the long tenure. Along with that it has adopt the Focused marketing campaign that is useful for the viewer to gain all the necessary updates and carry out the business functioning effectively.


BBC have received various allegations in terms of broadcasting the biased news due to which it became the part of various controversies by raising the sensitive issue. This has somewhat kept the viewers interest and loyalty at stake (SWOT analysis of BBC, 2019).


In order to strength its position BBC can form the partnership with different satellites channel so they get the immense information and large section to cover. This is the favourable technique that can help to retain the interest of viewers (Rocha, 2012).


The strong presence of the competitors and their innovative contribution is the threat to company. It include the companies such as CNN that can affect the operations of firm and decline profitability. So to cope with the external environment respective company need to adopt the preferable strategy with to objective to retain its customer base.

P6 Explanation Of The Way in Which Strengths and Weakness are Interrelated With External Macro Environment

All the strengths and weaknesses of Green Group are interrelated with the external macro environment. It could be understood with the help of following discussion:


By focusing on all the technological and social factors such as latest technology, preferences of clients etc. company has acquired extensive network in UK. It has helped it to generate higher profits and growth for future (Zeng and Duan, 2012).


The legal and political factors such as governmental policies and political instability has resulted in cross border boundaries for the organisation. It is also affecting the functioning of the business that results in lower profits.

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From the above report it has been determined that there are different type of companies such as private, public or the voluntary that have different purpose, size as well as scope but they need to identify the internal as well as external factor for smooth business operations. Along with that there are different functions of an organisation that are interrelated with one another in order to maintain the coordination and positively affect the business process. Further, for the macro environment the firm need to prepare the PESTLE as well as SWOT analysis in order to gain the deep insights and focus on the core competencies to gain the potential market and function effectively to gain the advantage of long term sustainable development. Get more details about assignment help UK from our experts.


  • Babatunde, B. O. and Adebisi, A. O., 2012. Strategic Environmental Scanning and Organization Performance in a Competitive Business Environment. Economic Insights-Trends & Challenges. 64(1).
  • Bansal, P. and Hoffman, A. J. eds., 2012. The Oxford handbook of business and the natural environment. Oxford University Press.
  • Davies, P. W., 2016. Current issues in business ethics. Routledge.
  • Erasmus, B., Strydom, J. W. and Rudansky-Kloppers, S. eds., 2016. Introduction to business management. Oxford University Press Southern Africa.
  • Gupta, A., 2013. Environment & PEST analysis: an approach to the external business environment. International Journal of Modern Social Sciences. 2(1). pp.34-43.
  • Hilton, R. W. and Platt, D. E., 2013. Managerial accounting: creating value in a dynamic business environment. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Palepu, K. G. and Healy, P. M., 2013. Business analysis and valuation: Using financial statements, text and cases.
  • Palo, T. and Tähtinen, J., 2013. Networked business model development for emerging technology-based services. Industrial Marketing Management. 42(5). pp.773-782.
  • Rademakers, T., 2012. Activiti in Action: Executable business processes in BPMN 2.0. Manning Publications Co..
  • Rocha, E. A. G., 2012. The impact of the business environment on the size of the micro, small and medium enterprise sector; preliminary findings from a cross-country comparison. Procedia Economics and Finance. 4. pp.335-349.
  • Sena Ferreira, P. and Cunha, et. al., 2012. Framework for performance measurement and management in a collaborative business environment. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 61(6). pp.672-690.
  • Sena Ferreira, P. and et. al., 2012. Framework for performance measurement and management in a collaborative business environment. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 61(6). pp.672-690.
  • Wetherly, P., 2014. The business environment: themes and issues in a globalizing world. Oxford University Press.
  • Zeng, L., Li, L. and Duan, L., 2012. Business intelligence in enterprise computing environment. Information Technology and Management. 13(4). pp.297-310.
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