
Business Success And Growth In E-Commerce


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P1 Research proposal that define questions and hypothesis with literature review

E-commerce is a part of digital technology that plays vital role in today's business world. It has been located that firms which are doing business at both international and domestic level it is required for them to digitalise whole process that may aid company in attaining all the goals and objectives in short period of time (Berman, 2012). Apart from this, it is very much required for companies like eBay, Amazon, Flip-kart, AliBaba, and many more to deliver all the products and services to  consumers at their home in effective manner so that to maintain sustainability at marketplace of United Kingdom and other countries. Ecommerce is the activity of doing activity for business activities on the internet and this will define to selling and buying the goods and services with the help of websites. This is the short for electronic commerce (Hashim, 2015).  This is also known as ecommerce sites, online stores which make it easier for all customers to browse for the goods. This is important for business success because most of the people are moving towards from physical stores for buying the products and services on the internet. In current time period, there are large numbers of customers who are purchasing goods through using different social media, internet and ecommerce business. This method and technique is very simple and easy for each age group people so they are use this for purchasing different types of products and services in the market place. This will provide comfort to the people through this they can easily buy such products from their home.

Background of the research

Present case study is based on importance that eBay which has a big brand name in all over world where e-commerce activity plays an important role. In today's digitalised world if a company is not considering or using new and updated technology it is may be possible that firm may lose its reputation on global business environment (A. Harris and Patten, 2014). Thus, it is required for eBay to keep on looking into different aspects so that better results can be gained. With the help of this, customer's satisfaction level can also be enhanced in an appropriate manner. Through this, feedbacks can also be taken by managers and leaders of eBay in an befitting sense so that to improve their experience which is related to reaching time of products to customers place.

Rationale of the Research

Reason behind conducting this investigation is that researcher needs to know about all the importance that e-commerce plays on operations which are being done by eBay. With the help of this or implication of digitalisation in a proper manner can aid in making effective decisions so that to gain competitive advantages (Burns, 2016). E-commerce development is much needed for companies who are offering online services to consumers in order to gain competitive advantages. Research worker have conducted this investigation so that to understand about need of e-commerce in business organisation that are willing to enhance its operations to gain more profit and hike in reputation in short period of time.

Research aim

Main aim of administrating investigation in current context is that “To determine importance of e-commerce on business success” and it is a case study on eBay.

Research objectives

  • To analyse the importance of e commerce for growth and development of business.
  • To determine the relationship between e commerce tools and maximising profitability of firms.
  • To analyse the major challenges which are faced by business by implementing advanced technologies.

Research questions

Q 1. What are the importance of E-commerce for growth and development of business?

Q 2. How E-commerce tools can help eBay in maximising its profitability?

Q 3. What are the main barriers that can be faced by eBay while implementing advanced technology in business operations?

Under this section of research it consist with an academic material that contains proper  and specific knowledge which is related to all substantial outcomes along with theoretical attempts aiming to a particular area or theme. On the other hand, this sector of research also aid in different sections which are related to locating information in much effective and efficient manner. With the help of this, researcher can pull up an overview of whole scenario which is related to gaining knowledge and decision which needs to be made in order to gain favourable outcomes (Davies and Harty, 2013). Apart from this, it has been located that investigation can be done in a systematic manner and favourable outcomes can be expected if researcher will take help of statements, opinions and suggestion which has been given by scholars, authors and other philosophers. In addition to this, this will put light on various issues and problems which has been motivating by corporation at the time of promoting their new goods and services among customers at the large market area. Through this they required to make effective strategies and policies which are also included in this section which is mainly covered in all the essential facts and figures that are associated with special topic and help learner while developing effective decision strategies and policies for the firm.

Importance of e-commerce for growth and development of business

In current time period, the ecommerce play an important role in the regular life of an individual. Internet is providing change to the great manner in easier manner to the country people. Most of the businessman are adopting ecommerce sites which attracting large number of customers towards their services and goods at market place in better manner. With the enhancing in the number of users of internet so the business men must not leave the single chance to achieving their targets and goals. In the online world the business companies are drive their customers so that they are targeting by compelling websites in proper manner.

As given by Matt, Hess and Benlian, (2015), electronic commerce mainly consists of an unique buying system where purchasing or buying process takes place. Modern world which is full of technology is filled with computers and internet. On the other hand, every single individual in this modern world did adopted technology in many sense and are utilising as well in their daily life. This has helped companies like eBay, Amazon, and other firms to make long term relationship with consumers. Organisations have manufactured goods and placed them on online websites of their own where customers gets opportunities to do comparison among various goods and then to select the best one in order to fulfil needs and wants of his/her own.

Some of importance of e-commerce is:

  • Comfortableness & Easiness- this is that method by which people can easily get any type of goods and services through online (Jones and et. al., 2014). Ecommerce is the process through which customers can feel happy and they are easy to get any commodities which are not selling in the market area.
  • Offer Merchandise Datasheets- if customers are purchasing large number of various types of goods and services through using ecommerce sites so this will also provide them accurate list of all items along with list of each product cost and describe the tax and extra charges in simple manner. So that people can manage their monthly sheet at their home.
  • Grab attention of consumers with the help of search engines- if business organisation required attracting large number of customers towards their effective goods and services so they need to use search engine for analysing and determining the people needs and wants in better manner. After that they can easily gaining attention of more customers in simple manner. Through company can gain high amount of income and profitability for attaining them.
  • Consist with detailed information of products which is authenticated- Ecommerce is also important for businesses because this will help in providing accurate data and information of each product and services to their desired buyers (Mazzarol,  2015). Also this will assist in getting cots which is set for each goods item to their customers.
  • Decreasing cost of inventory Management- This is that method through which businesses can reduces their cost of inventory management because they does not need to store their product for long time period at same place so this will also eliminating the chance of damage or harm to the products.
  • Keep Eye on Consumers' Buying Habit- Ecommerce help in analysing and examining the changing habit of customers which are helpful for them in increasing their buyers base. With the help of this, they required gaining attention of large number of customers towards their goods and services and as per their requirement they need to develop those products in effective manner (Zimmermann and et. al., 2015).  
  • Competence- It is important because this has some competence to attract large number of customers towards eBay company products and services in better manner.
  • Selling Products Across the World- Through the using of ecommerce method the firm can easily sell their different types of products to domestic as well as international customers in all over the world.

These are some importance of e-commerce that can help eBay in attaining all the desired goals and objectives which may aid them in enhancing profitability ratios of organisation.

Evaluation of e-commerce tools can help eBay in maximising its profitability

According to Fitzgerald and et. al., (2014), under global business environment, it is hard for firms to open their physical stores in every single country because it asks high investments. Therefore, e-commerce system has helped companies in doing business all around globe where they can offer products and services and delivers them to people who are sitting in different nations. In order to sustain in modern digitalised market it is very much required for managers to keep on going through with different tools that are related to e-commerce so that to execute all operations of eBay in effective manner. In context to present research which is being conducted by researcher, business organisations have already evaluated this and have made online applications in order to deliver products and services to consumers at their homes. There are five key methods by which eBay can increasing their profitability ratio in the market place that are described as follows:

  • Accuracy- this is necessary for firm is to provide accurate and relevant goods and services to their customers through which they can easily satisfying their needs and wants in proper manner (Sundararajan, 2014). This is also one of the essential factor which helps in using customer satisfaction level and higher the strength of the company in the large market area.
  • On time delivery - It is another important measure of company in this firm need to deliver specific products to their final user in given time period so this will help in increasing their goodwill and making trust among the mind of their buyers.
  • Order tracking - This is other method by which eBay company can easily track their customers delivered product which they are order to them and provide them accurate information regarding their goods. Such things includes email notification that contain innovative or unique tracking number and they have some ability or capability or check directly their retailer sites for tracking data and information rather it is delay or pending in process (Seethamraju, 2015).
  • Speed- Ecommerce retailer is essential for delivering their specific goods and service at faster speed to their final users from their destination. Consumer expectation for speed have been increasing by services such as Amazon prime so this will get surprise that they are getting demanding goods within given time period so they feel happy or satisfied with the company processing.
  • Free shipping - Most of the customers are expected that the company will provide effective and best quality based services and goods to their customers in better manner. This can be stated that free shipping policies and strategies on their sites are so clear so the buyers are easily get checked it. If this is not feasible and reliable to offer free shipping to the customers due to this there are various complex and difficult process for selecting cost of an organisation. They need to consider appropriate time for free shipping and there will be availability of customer at their home for improving the strategy.

Barriers that can be faced by eBay while implementing advanced technology in business operations

As per viewpoint of Leeflang and et. al.,  (2014), there are ample number of external and internal barriers present at marketplace which can create problems for organisations while getting digitalised or they can also delay the process of applying new and updated technology at workstation. EBay organisation has great name in all over world because it delivers quality products and services to consumers at their homes right on time and these goods which are being provided by them stays authenticated. But, it has been located that this firm also deals with many issues which ultimately reduce both productivity and profitability at the same time.

Some of external barriers:

  • Policies and Standards- This is one of the external issues and problems which can occur at the time of delivery products and services to their customers at one place to another. This can be analysing that company need to adopt all the policies which are made by government so by this they can easily running their business operations and its functions in better manner.  
  • Market Forces- there are various market factors which directly o indirectly affect on business running operations and their functions which make and develop high amount of profitability in better manner (O'Brien and Saldanha, 2014).  The company need to adopt and use those forces which provide them feasibility which occurs at the time of smoothly run of business activities and its major functions.
  • Finances- this is another external factors of which create issues and problems while introducing new goods and services at the market place among their desired customers.

Some of internal barriers:

  • Responsiveness - It is the responsibility of company is to analysing and determine the customer's needs and demand regarding specific goods and services so this can satisfying their all requirement for providing them desired products. Before implementing technology, this is major factor that customers are satisfied with this goods and services and whether they are small or large businesses.  
  • Less self-awareness- this is issues and barrier which are faced by Ebay Company before executing advance technology for running business operations and functions in an organisation. This is internal factors so firm need to analyse their required needs and demand in better manner (Long, 2014). Most of the customers do not aware about their products quality and quantity so this is the duty of firm for providing effective information about such goods.  
  • Conflicts- this is another issue and barrier which are faced by firm while implementing technology in the business processing and also this will help in reducing major disputes or conflicts that create major problems in an organisation as well as their employee's performance.

P2) Research methods and approaches

In this part of research section, investigator is going to collecting and gathering required data and information which assist them in developing or making accurate decision for the higher economic growth rate in better manner. Along with this, this will give light on that it is useful for making effective methods and techniques for earning high amount of revenue or income without doing another functions and activities of an organisation. Thus, this has been considering that this is one of the main purpose of this research section is to assembling the accurate and good data which help in developing relevant tools that are used by researchers at the time of developing or making strategies, policies and schemes for maintaining company success and growth level in effective manner (McConville, 2017). This competent of an investigation aid researcher in gaining knowledge in an appropriate sense and right on time as well. Data is being collected in order to gain knowledge and it may also aid researcher in making proper decisions in effective manner. Information can be gathered through many ways while developing a research. Investigator mostly develops knowledge through two methods and these are: primary and secondary method. Research methodology is consists of various parts which are being discussed below:

Types of Investigation

This part of research methodology is consist with kinds of data in order to identify different aspects of an investigation and helpful in increasing knowledge in particular field. Under this, there are ample numbers of strategies that can be adopted by investigator while conducting research that may aid in gathering relevant data in specific time of period. Investigator can use qualitative, descriptive or empirical type of investigation which can help research conducting person to get near to a conclusion. Research process is the easy worm or task which needs to give advice for talented and skilled employees or person who are collecting and gathering essential facts and figures that help in making success and growth of the firm at the time of developing appropriate decision (John Walker, 2014).  Apart from this, it is very long procedure so that it will useful for collecting qualitative or quantitative method that are used for gathering accurate data and information for the analysing of whole market as well as customers requirements in proper manner. On the other hand, this will assist in archiving potential targets and goals which help company in reaching with taking top position at the large market area. In this, quantitative method assist in gathering facts and figures in numerical form and otherwise this is not very useful for the firm. Qualitative method is that terms which are going to collect best quality based services and methods in accurate standards in better manner. Along with this, this can be analysed that that this data has been collected in this project in the form of qualitative and quantitative method which mainly impact on business policies and strategies on organisational as well as employees in effective way.

Research philosophy

Belief word stays connected with philosophy and this part of research can help investigator to get all the relevant information in short period of time (Daneva and et. al., 2014). Detailed data which has been collected stays much interlinked with phenomenon and then this gathered information can be used or analysed so that to pull out favourable outcomes in short period of time. Research philosophy deals with nature, source and also development of the knowledge.

Research approaches

It is worried to distinguish various types of information which are connected with numerical organization. Through this, researcher can locate the better results in a viable way. What's more, there are two distinctive research methodologies, for example, deductive and in addition inductive. There are mainly two types of approaches which are providing help to the company such as inductive and deductive. In this, inductive method is used for adopting by experts and special individuals and this can assist in making or creating hypothesis on assessment basis. Also this is totally different from others methods.

Research design

While conducting a research it has been located that there are ample numbers of research designs that are present at marketplace. Experimental, exploratory and descriptive are being considered as some main ones.

Data sampling

According to the strategy, an enterprise need to chose different facts and figures which required to prepare and design questionnaire which help in getting aware about persons perceptions and thoughts and company required to analyse that how many people are agree on specific decision which are made by organisation (Daneva and et. al., 2014). Along with this, the firm need to understand and evaluate such notifications and modifications in better manner. Usually, it is one of the important strategy and policy which can be used for maintaining firm operations and its functions. This will help in getting updated and upgraded about essential changes and alterations for current policies that are prepare by firm in the organisation of marketing team. This factor is being considered as main component that may aid a researcher in grabbing good and relevant data in order to pull out specific aims and objectives. Under this, it has been located that researcher has selected random sampling method in order to attain goals and objectives. Here, researcher has taken under 40 sample sizes through using random sampling method.

Data collection

For collecting and gathering accurate data and information which can be consider and determine as one of the most necessary task that has to be gathered by investigator because this will help firm in various situations or conditions while developing effective decisions, planning , designing, strategies and some other things in proper way. Therefore, specialist individual mainly using different number of tools and techniques such as questionnaire for gathering accurate facts and figures in order to settle main issues and barriers that will occurs while performing business operations and their functions in better way. In essential strategy for information accumulation, specialist utilizes poll, reviews, perception, individual meeting and diverse techniques (Daneva and et. al., 2014). Then again, in optional technique, information is gathered through specialist from various sources, for example, books, diaries, articles, libraries, magazines and numerous different sources.


P3 Conduct primary and secondary research by using appropriate methods and techniques

Ethical consideration

While conducting investigation, it is very much required for investigator does the research in a legal manner and do not break any rules. This will assist in determining the research project for maintaining ethical issues and problems which occurs within an organisation.

This section of investigation will show the point of view of a person which are available at working place and there are some of the customers who are giving accurate feedback and reviews about the eBay company strategies and policies in effective manner. Thus, for instance there are around 40 respondents are selected in this survey reports that are described as under:





Q1. Is ecommerce is important for getting business growth and success?



Q2. Are ecommerce method directly effect on Ebay business operations and its functions?



Q3. Do you recognize any impact on ecommerce while using various methods and techniques?



Q4. Which modes of payment are used by most of the people while purchasing goods from eBay?

Cash on delivery

Online payment

Q5. What is the promotional method used by ebay company for attracting their customers?



Q6. Can ecommerce is useful for gaining high income and profit for an organisation?



Q7. Does ecommerce help in smoothly running of business operations and functions?  



Q.8. What are the major important factors which provided by ecommerce companies for their customers?

Comfortableness & Easiness

Offer Merchandise Datasheets

Decreasing cost of inventory Management

Q.9. Which is the best appropriate method of marketing for an organisation?



Q.10. Do you any suggestion regarding that to determining the importance of ecommerce of getting business growth and development within an enterprise?


P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools, analyse research finding and data

Theme 1: Ecommerce is important for getting business growth and success

Q1. Is ecommerce is important for getting business growth and success?








Interpretation: As per the above table it can be observed that it is one of the best methods through which company can get high level of growth and success within an organisation. Ecommerce is essential for increasing growth and development in the market place and get goodwill in better manner. There are around 27 respondents who are agree on this statement and rest of the 13 people are does not agree on this statement. They are considering that ecommerce is essential method by which customers can easily purchase their required goods and services in simple way. In an organisation, employees need to update their adopting latest technologies for their buyers who are regularly buying online goods at their homes.

Theme 2: Ecommerce method directly effect on EBay business operations and its functions

Q2. Are ecommerce method directly effect on EBay business operations and its functions?








Interpretation:  As per the mentioned analysed that ecommerce method and tool is directly impact on eBay company business operations and its functions in better way. Out of 40 respondents there are around 25 people who are saying yes for this that ecommerce is providing best quality based services and products to their customers in simple manner and they can getting accurate information about their specific good in given time period. Remaining respondent whose ratio is around 15 are saying no and they does not believe that ecommerce is effect on business operations and their functions.

Theme 3: Ecommerce using various methods and techniques

Q3. Do you recognise any impact on ecommerce while using various methods and techniques?







Interpretation: it can be clear stated that ecommerce will directly impact on company business performance in badly manner. As per the above table it can be analysed that there are around 22 respondents who are agree on this statement that ecommerce help in identifying the accurate information and data about their goods and services while using ecommerce within an organisation and also this will maintain business performance in effective manner. Rest of the people does not agree on this consideration so they do not believe that ecommerce increasing the usage of various methods and techniques in proper manner.

Theme 4: Cash on delivery modes of payment are used by most of the people while purchasing goods from eBay

Q4. Which modes of payment are used by most of the people while purchasing goods from eBay?


Cash on delivery


Online payment




Interpretation: As per the above mentioned table this can be analysed that most of the country people are using cash on delivery method while purchasing products and services from Ebay Company. There are around 28 respondents who are say yes for this mode of payment and remaining 12 are does not agree on this consideration.

Theme 5: Internet is the best promotional method used by EBay Company for attracting their customers

Q5. What is the promotional method used by ebay company for attracting their customers?








Interpretation: it can be analysed that company can using online internet method while promoting their innovative products and services among their customers at the large market place. Out of 40 around 25 respondents are say that this is best method for promoting their new and creative goods among domestic as well as international customers in better manner. Rest of the 15 people are said that advertisement is also another appropriate method for promoting their new goods and services in proper manner at the large market area.

Theme 6: Ecommerce is useful for gaining high income and profit for an organisation

Q6. Can ecommerce is useful for gaining high income and profit for an organisation?







Interpretation: As per the above mentioned table it can be concluded that ecommerce is very helpful for increasing their company income and profit ratio. There are around 28 respondents who are say yes for this consideration that ecommerce is useful for an organisation for gaining high amount of revenue or income for attracting more customers and remaining people 12 are does not agree on this statement.

Theme 7: Ecommerce help in smoothly running of business operations and functions

Q7. Does ecommerce help in smoothly running of business operations and functions within an organisation?  







Interpretation: it can be stated that ecommerce is very effective in smoothly running of eBay firm business operations and its functions in proper way. There are approximately 25 respondent are agree on this consideration and rest of 15 are does not agree on this statement in better manner within an organisation. Most of companies are using this ecommerce method for gaining attention of large number of customers towards their effective services and products.

Theme 8: Comfortableness & Easiness major important factors which provided by ecommerce companies for their customers

Q.8. What are the major important factors which provided by ecommerce companies for their customers?


Comfortableness & Easiness


Offer Merchandise Datasheets


Decreasing cost of inventory Management




Interpretation: It can be analysed that there are important factors which directly impact on customers mind such as ecommerce provide easiness, deliver accurate details of each product and reducing the cost of stock management. There are around 20 respondents are agree on comfortable or easiness and other 10 are offer marketing accurate database and rest of the 10 are agree on that this will help in reducing the cost of inventory management.

Theme 9: Both are appropriate method of marketing for an organisation

Q.9. Which is the best appropriate method of marketing for an organisation?







Interpretation: it can be concluded from the above mentioned table that eBay can use best appropriate method of marketing which help them in promoting their new and innovative goods and services among customers at the market place. On the other hand, there are approximately 20 respondents who are agree on this statement and say that traditional and modern method both are effective for organisation in better manner.


Digital technologies play an important role in getting business success and growth for an organisation. For achieving more effective business operations and also attracting large customers is the main purpose of the company which help them in increasing their income and revenue in better manner. This is necessary for eBay is to set major objective which taking into account that create issues and problem which occurs in an organisation. After analysing and determine the all facts and figures it can suggested that ecommerce provide importance for getting high level of business growth and development in the market place. There are different suggestions which are helpful for firm higher growth and success in better manner which are discussed as under:

  • This is required for Ebay Company is to promoting their goods and services among their desired customers at the large market place which help them in gaining new customers attention in proper manner. It will assist in developing and making accurate profitability and income which assist them in getting appropriate buyers who are willing to buy such goods and services.
  • Another is that, while making effective decision technology help in collecting and gathering accurate facts or figures that are used for gaining high income and profit in better manner of an organisation.
  • This is necessary for EBay Company is to adopting and making effective strategies or policies which help them in gaining attention of domestic as well as international customers for purchasing nee or innovative goods and services from this firm. Ecommerce is also providing effective payment mode and this will make simple for buyers is to purchase products at their home.
  • EBay firm need to promote their services and products among their desired customers through online basis which attracting more people towards their goods or facilities. Also they are offering reasonable rate of commodities which are distributed in the eBay sites.
  • Before adopting ecommerce method, company can processing lengthy process by these customers is not happy with their services and they are not getting their products at given time period. So company will adopt ecommerce through this can processing all business operations and functions in better manner for satisfying their customers' needs and demand.
  • This is essential for firm is to take developing and making their employees before implementing certain tools and techniques within an organisation. If they are involved in this decision, so they have no issue and problem which arise in the firm so they required maintaining their business operations and its functions.

P5 Research outcomes in an appropriate manner

  • Importance of using mobile apps in Mercedes Benz
  • The main concern of each business firm is to fulfill demands and needs of consumers as to achieve high competitive benefits at market place. People use the digital technology for conduct its business activities in minimum period of time. By increasing use of technology in automobile sector, car manufacturing industries are also stepped ahead to take benefits by acquiring digital techniques including mobile apps. With the help of using digital technology, customers can easily purchase products and services online over an internet. Through this, person can compare one product to another. Mercedes- Benz company provides applications to rapid access to animation, manuals of owner and videos.
  • Implications of mobile apps on customers' buying behavior.
  • It is a primary responsibility of an organization to satisfy needs and wants of consumers in significant manner. It is necessary for firm to determine the demands and preferences of consumers before manufacturing products. It will help in attract large number of consumers towards company. Mercedes Benz organization update its mobile applications by providing them new features of consumers. Increased use of Internet and mobile solutions provides the opportunity to the customers about comparing of prices and looking for the better deals.
  • Influence of mobile application on customer satisfaction
  • Mobile application is a kind of application software that developed to run on mobile phones. It serves to give the users with same services to those persons which accessed on PCs.   Mobile application helps in develop the positive impact on business. Digital marketing has influence on interaction, buy, habits and work of people.  Mercedes- Benz company provides information about the cars on its mobile application so that consumers can know about them ion detailed manner. It will help in develop the positive affect on customers as well as organization.


P6 Effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives

  • In an investigation, research methodology plays a necessary role. It is helpful in conduct the research activities or tasks in a detailed manner. In order to collect information and data, there are two different research methods used by researcher and these are primary and secondary. In primary research method, data is collected for first time. Under this, I used questionnaire as appropriate method to collect accurate and reliable information. On the other hand, in secondary method researcher use the books, journals, article etc. In part of literature review, I used secondary method. In this, opinions and view points of different authors are taken. Both methods are helpful in complete the whole research in significant manner.

P7 Alternative research methodologies

  • For conduct research, investigator use the Questionnaire method. It helps in gather the relevant data or information about specific research topic. Through using the questionnaire, researcher can get the opinions of different respondents. There is an alternative method which researcher can use instead of Questionnaire is Interview. In this, there are different questions need to be prepare for various respondents. It is time taking as well as expensive way to collect data. But this alternative research method is helpful in getting better outcomes.


As per the above mentioned report it can be analysed that ecommerce E-commerce is a part of digital technology that plays vital role in today's business world. It has been located that firms which are doing business at both international and domestic level it is required for them to digitalise whole process that may aid company in attaining all the goals and objectives in short period of time. In today's digitalised world if a company is not considering or using new and updated technology it is may be possible that firm may lose its reputation on global business environment. E-commerce development is much needed for companies who are offering online services to consumers in order to gain competitive advantages. In current time period, the ecommerce play an important role in the regular life of an individual. Internet is providing revoluntary change to the great manner in easier manner to the country people. Therefore, e-commerce system has helped companies in doing business all around globe where they can offer products and services and delivers them to people who are sitting in different nations. EBay organisation has great name in all over world because it delivers quality products and services to consumers at their homes right on time and these goods which are being provided by them stays authenticated.

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Assignment Desk.(2025) Business Success And Growth In E-Commerce Retrieved from: https://www.assignmentdesk.co.uk/free-samples/business-assignment-help/business-success-and-growth-in-ecommerce
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Assignment Desk (2025) Business Success And Growth In E-Commerce[Online]. Retrieved from: https://www.assignmentdesk.co.uk/free-samples/business-assignment-help/business-success-and-growth-in-ecommerce
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Assignment Desk Business Success And Growth In E-Commerce. (Assignment Desk, 2025) https://www.assignmentdesk.co.uk/free-samples/business-assignment-help/business-success-and-growth-in-ecommerce
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Assignment Desk Business Success And Growth In E-Commerce. [Internet]. Assignment Desk.(2025), Retrieved from: https://www.assignmentdesk.co.uk/free-samples/business-assignment-help/business-success-and-growth-in-ecommerce
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