
A Listicle to Know More About "Listicles"

Read this blog to know more about listicles and their significance.

Important Points of Listicles
03 Jul 2018 4211
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    Table of Content

    You can find them everywhere, read them daily on various internet websites, or you might have written them yourself. In fact, they are the bread and butter of numerous online bloggers and can even make readers tired sometimes. Wondering what we are talking about? Here is the answer- listicles or list posts. They are the posts that use lists to explain the topics or phenomena briefly and quickly. For example, six books every traveler must read, three myths about the solar system, etc. Gradually, the internet is becoming a place where all things are numbered, and surely, some of you may feel listicles to be overused, but they are working and giving results. Lists are the way to accomplish something meaningful, content marketer's go-to technique, and the best method to organize thoughts and message of the writer. 

    If you are still not ready to accept them, then here are some points to make you understand listicles better and highlight its significance. Take a look:

    Where does Listicle come from?

    It is a short article that is written in a list form, so the term ‘listicle' is a combination of ‘list & article.' This format has gradually become widely recognized amongst online writers and bloggers as a trick to increase the readability of the content. In fact, some websites have started seeing it as a new genre and have exclusive sections named ‘Listicles.'  

    List posts garner better results

    The listicles get results more efficiently and effectively. We are not just talking about the knowledge that readers gain after reading the content, but various other benefits that publisher receive which include more social sharing, clickthroughs, comments, engagement, conversions, dwell time, traffic, and less bounce rate. Well, wondering why is that so? Let us read further to know.

    Brain loves specificity

    A list post is organized around numbers and subheadings of points are a specific promise of what does a writer has in store for readers. And the brain is always attracted to this specificity and listing is a response to the well-ordered intentionality of the brain and speaks to the innate desire for order and organization. According to our university assignment help providers, there is no place for ambiguity in headlines, so writers have to get really specific.  

    The more items in your list, the better it is

    Of course, numbered lists are great to read, but long lists are even more preferred. Why? Because when the audience goes through a listicle with more subheadings and content, they have a sense of benefit as they see bigger numbers. This is known as numerosity, which is an unconscious cognitive response of the readers to seemingly large digits.  

    Numbered list headings are more appealing

    The formula to create an ultra-clickable headline is- add a number to it. Trust us or not but making a headline that is more attractive and compel users to click on your link is that easy. Of course, you would be required to add some other smart things to your main topic, but a number is a major attraction. You just don't have to go by our words to believe it, but data has proven this fact. In research conducted to find out the headline preferences, numbered headlines topped the list without any surprise .  

    Odd numbered lists perform better

    According to a deeply researched article, listicles with odd numbers are superior to even numbered ones. In fact, there is a major difference between the performance of the two. Another study backs the result of the first theory and states that when the information is grouped in a parcel of three, five or even, it helps to absorb the information better. There is no confirmed reason for it but it might be because readers have an easier time processing the odd-numbered content, or just because we humans are simply odd. No matter what the truth is, the bottom line is odd numbers are read more by users.

    Ending should never be skimped

    A few writers usually have a preconceived notion that a write-up with a list doesn't need a strong conclusion as audience skips that part. However, contrary to the beliefs, in articles or blogs that are numbered, introduction and conclusion are as significant as the body content. Yes, you can sum it up in two to three lines, but it should leave a positive impact on readers. So don't be lazy and work equally on the whole content.  

    We know that most of the writers must be aware of this last point, but we still need to mention it. Well, it's just that we wanted to add another number to our listicle and this point seemed to perfectly fit in. And of course, now we have an odd-numbered list.

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