
How to Write Case Study Assignment in an Excellent Way

09 Jun 2023 1392
How to Write a Case Study Assignment? - Assignment Desk

Writing a perfect case study demands a lot of time and patience. Students have to do vast research on the question to write it flawlessly. But most students face issues while writing it as they have no clue how to write a case study assignment that is not only compelling but also grabs the reader's attention. So, this blog will help you know how to do a case study assignment. But before that, you should know what a case study assignment is.

What Is a Case Study Assignment?

A framework defining your evaluation and analysis of a particular issue is a case study assignment. To write it, students have to develop their knowledge and provide theories on the issue to justify their statements. It is a recommendation that you are giving to an organisation, business, or any person to smooth their workflow and manage their internal issues. That's why it is necessary to understand how to write a case study assignment. But before moving ahead, you must know the types of case studies.

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5 Different Types of Case Studies You Must Know

Writing case studies is easy if you know the different types because it clarifies what type of case study you are writing. So, here is a list of five case studies students must know to write them correctly.

1. Illustrative Case Studies

If you are writing about any event, investigating an event, or gathering any findings related to any topic, such case studies fall under "illustrative.

2. Critical Case Studies

You must discuss cause and effect when writing critical case studies. This approach is followed to define the cause and effect of the issues.

3. Cumulative Case Studies

To write cumulative case studies, you must compare two questions and provide judgements accordingly.

4. Exploratory Case Studies

These types of case studies are created before discussing issues related to the question. You need to write such studies in advance, and they evaluate and analyse your sayings.

5. Descriptive Case Studies

It's a type of case study in which you describe a particular question in detail, covering every aspect related to that particular case.

So, these five types of case studies help you identify and differentiate cases. So, when you are writing a case study, always keep in mind its type. Moreover, as a student at a UK university, you must know the case study writing guidelines. So, here are the essential pointers on how to write a case study assignment by following the UK university guidelines:

Difference Between a Case Study and a Research Paper

Most students get confused while writing research papers and case studies. It is because they don't know the difference between the two. Instead of getting confused, try to understand them by their names. For example, a "case study" itself justifies you are discussing any particular case, situation, person, etc., so it must be written in a few words. Whereas "research paper," this term itself describes that it demands a lot of research on any topic, which is why it will be lengthy. If you understand the terms, writing about them becomes easy. So, read this section carefully to know more differences between a case study and a research paper.

Case Study

Research Paper

It is a analysis of a particular issue, organisation or a question.

It is broader then case study as it include complete information related to the topic, arguments, and evidence that can justify your sayings.

To write a case study, you should discuss the organisation or a question in detail in the introduction section.

It is not necessary to describe the issue in detail.

While writing case studies, it is not required to use citations or references in the content.

In research paper, you need to cite the sources properly.

So, these are the major difference between case studies and research papers. Moving on to the next area to discuss how to do a case study assignment by following guidelines instructed by UK universities.

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Case Study Writing Guidelines Followed in UK Universities

At UK universities, professors are very particular about their case study assignments. They always want students to write case study assignments as per UK university guidelines. So, if you are studying at a UK university, then you must know the case study writing guidelines before submitting the final document to your professors. Here is a list of essential pointers you should remember while writing a case study on any topic. So, instead of asking how to write a case study assignment, follow the guidelines that are given below:

Language Used in a Case Study

While writing case studies, it is necessary to keep the language formal, as it will keep your readers engaged. But keeping a tone format does not mean that you should use complex language. Thus you should write simply by considering the word choices and expressions used in the content.

Prepare a Structure

Always keep an eye on the structure. It is vital to include all the important sections, like the title, introduction, body section, and conclusion. These sections must include all the critical headings that cover the necessary information related to the topic.

Length of a Case Study

Generally, as per the researchers, case studies must be 500–1500 words. But you can exceed the word limit as per the requirements and information available on the topic. Moreover, instead of increasing its word count, you can insert graphs, diagrams, and charts to make it clear and concise.

Citation Styles

Citing a case study as per UK university guidelines is important. Students have to use correct citations to cite their sources, such as APA, MLA, Harvard, Oxford, or Chicago. For your reference, here is a format that you can include in your case study bibliography:

  • Name of the author or authors
  • Title of the source
  • Publisher's name
  • Date of Publication
  • Page Number of the Source


The formatting of the document must be done correctly before you submit your case study assignments to your professors. Students must use standard margins, a font size of 12, and Times New Roman or Garamond font styles. Also, a line spacing of 1.5 is necessary so that editors can mention in-text quotes or comments in the spaces.

So, this is the set format followed by UK universities to write case studies flawlessly. Thus, knowing about the guidelines is a must, but you should also know how to write a case study assignment step by step.

7 Easy Steps on How to Write Case Study Assignments

To write well-analysed case studies, let's understand how to start a case study assignment. The following steps will help you write it:

Read the Questions Carefully

It is necessary to scrutinise the case and the question. This will help you gather information, evidence, and counterarguments related to that question. But always ensure you provide something new in your case study on the given question.

Do Extensive Research

Now that you understand the task start your research to gather information on the question. Ensure it includes all the key points related to that organisation, business, or person. For examples:

  • How many partners are there in an organisation?
  • How many stakeholder groups are there?
  • What is the structure of an organisation?
  • Who are the decision-making authorities?
  • What problems are they facing?
  • What strategies have they implemented to overcome the organisational issues?
  • What were the outcomes?

You must gather all this information while researching to write a case study.

Identify the Problems

Now, you have to analyse the problem after gathering all the information about the organisation. So, give your opinion and provide relevant evidence to justify your statements. Moreover, always focus on factual information instead of irrelevant that has no relation to the topic.

Plan Your Answer

Now, make an outline to plan your answer well. You need to prepare a heading first so that you can filter your information to determine what you must add and what you do not. Then, bifurcate the gathered data into different sections. Moreover, it is vital to maintain order while preparing the headings so readers can connect from one section to another.

Provide Solution

Finally, now start writing your case studies. You can either start with an introduction or a body section; it is up to you. If you find writing an introduction easy, then start with it; if not, then provide the information first and then prepare your introduction section by using good hooks. Moreover, add all the available information in the sections to keep your case study informative for the readers.

Edit and Proofread

Now that you have done the writing part take a break and then start editing your case studies. Never edit your document in-between writing because it will break your flow, and you will be unable to complete your work on time. So, always edit your paper at the end. To do it properly, check for grammatical errors, typos, spelling mistakes, and punctuation. Then, look for the flow of content, readability, use of words, paragraph length, and other specific information. In the end, proofread it again to make the case study error-free. You can use tools to ease your work.

Submit Your Case Study

Now that you have done the editing and proofreading of your paper, you are sure that everything is clear and correct in your content. So, move ahead towards the final step, i.e., document submission. You are 100% sure, so now you can submit your case study to the professor. If you are unsure, then you can take cheap assignment help online from experts.

These are the quick steps; if you follow them correctly, you can write a perfect case study. Still, if you find it challenging and stressful, then you can ask "how to write a case study assignment" from our experts, and they will provide you with the best answer. Moreover, you can also search for case study examples online for reference. In the upcoming section, we have given a list of popular case studies that are helpful for students to write about it.

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Here is a list of real-life case study examples that will help you examine a question. Also, you can write different type of assignments easily.

  • MacDonald's Case Study
  • Samsung Case Study
  • Zara Case Study
  • Coco-Cola Case Study
  • Toyota Case Study
  • British Airways Case Study
  • Walmart Case Study
  • Netflix Case Study
  • Gillette Case Study
  • Kellogg's Case Study

All these are renowned case studies that help you in the story-telling and analysis of a company. So, read them and try to sift through them to develop your critical thinking and writing skills. But, if you think taking assistance is better, you can buy assignment online from us.

Still, Searching for How to Write a Case Study Assignment? Hire Our Experts!

Writing a case study isn't an easy task for students. Professors demand high-quality case study assignments, and writing them as per their expectations is a bit challenging. So, in such situations, students look for a case study writing service online in the UK. Thus, if you are the one who requires an effective answer on how to write a case study assignment, then Assignment Desk is the best destination. We have a squad of qualified PhD experts who can write a well-researched case study on any question, issue, company, or business. So, hire our case study writing experts and get the best assignment writing service online.

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