
How to Impress Your Cryptography Professor in 6 Seconds?

Read this blog to know amazing topics for writing cryptography assignment.

Cryptography assignment writing
23 Sep 2019 2207
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    dfhgdstgsdjvftsdfghtryajtyrdtg- These 30-letters aren't mistakenly typed, but might contain a piece of confidential information in order to protect it from the hackers. Well, welcome to the world of cryptography. Ever wondered, how your credit card details and passwords are protected? If no, then you should be thankful to the technique of cryptography. Almost all the genuine websites use this technology to secure user data. This technique became popular when cases of cyber crime increased. And therefore, the subject grabbed the eye-balls of many students. Graduates and undergraduates are highly interested in learning this technique. But, what becomes a hurdle in their academic success is the art of choosing the latest topic for the assignment writing task. These assignments carry high marks and thus, influence the overall grade of the student and let us not forget that a high GPA is always required to get a dream job.

    Moreover, you will be shocked to know that a professor takes less than 6 seconds to decide whether you will receive an A+ or F. Yes, you read it right. In 6 seconds, he will have an overview of the topic of your academic paper, and if it is boring, the chances are high that he will not read your document further and straight away give you a low grade. Thus, you must learn the art of impressing your teacher in just 6 seconds and this blog will help you with the same.

    3 Impressive Topics for an Assignment on Cryptography

    Let's agree to the fact that ‘topic' is the first thing noticed by the professor in your assignment and therefore, it is bound to be eye-catching. In short, the essence of the title should be such that he can't resist himself from reading your academic paper. The major problems faced by the students while choosing the topic are a vast syllabus, unable to identify an interesting topic, no trending information about the field, etc. To solve the problem of the students, cryptography assignment help experts of the Assignment Desk came forward. They listed down some of the best topics that are sure to help you in fetching excellent grades. Before moving on further, below are some of the key points to keep in mind while picking the topics:

    • Scope of research
    • How will the chosen topic help the readers?
    • Future scope
    • Whether the content will meet the word count or not?
    • The topic should be the latest in the news for some reasons.

    Moving on further, let us now move on to the list of most awaited cryptography assignment topics.

    1.Encryption Techniques Used in Cryptography:

    The first in our list is one of the most common topic and yet very overlooked one. It forms the base of the subject, and therefore, your professor might be interested in knowing that you have successfully understood the concept or not. If your stars are shining, then picking this topic will prove to be your match made in heaven. Also, there is a high research scope in this topic. For instance,the three types of algorithms which are studied in this subject are namely, Secret Key Cryptography, Public Key Cryptography, and Hash Functions. Let us know a brief about each one of them one by one.

    • Secret Key Cryptography: Also referred to as Symmetry Encryption. In this algorithm, only one key is used for receiving and delivering a message.
    • Public Key Cryptography: It is also called as Asymmetric Encryption. This technique uses two keys, namely public and private key. The public key is known to all, while the private key is only known to the owner of the message.
    • Hash Functions: Known as One-way encryption, it is a mathematical function which does not require keys. The main goal is to verify whether the file has been changed or not.

    2.History of Cryptography:

    The importance of cryptography is known to all but what people don't know is its history. How about making your professor dive into the historical era? Sounds interesting, isn't it? It is a great topic, provided your research skill is sharp as a diamond. Obviously, you will be required to trawl through several sources of information, such as academic journals, renowned books, the web, etc., in order to gather authentic information. To help you with the same, let us give you an insight into the history of cryptography-

    The term ‘Cryptography' has been originated from a Greek word ‘Kryptos' meaning hidden. The concept first came into existence in 2000 B.C. when the Egyptians used to practise hieroglyphics. The known implementation of this technique is dated from 100 B.C. to 44 B.C. during the time of Julius Caesar. He had no trust on his messengers, and therefore, he used to communicate with the governors and officials using secret messages. Each letter in his secret message would actually mean the third letter ahead in the roman alphabets.

    Now, let us move on to the third topic.

    3.Applications of Cryptography: Choosing this topic will prove to be the most beneficial in two ways:

    Your professor will get a hint that you understood all the concepts well, and that's why you have chosen such a vast topic.

    He will get an instinct that you have written the assignment with an aim to help the common crowd.

    Therefore, the next time your professor assigns you a writing task, surprise him with this topic. Furthermore, along with providing the applications, it will be a good approach to explain how cryptography is used. Some of the applications of cryptography are listed by our assignment writing help service providers. Read further to know more.

    Strong Communications: Gone are the days when the hackers used to intercept the network traffic for capturing the passwords and confidential information. With the advancement in the field of cryptography, communications have been made secure.

    End-to-End Encryption: "Messages you send to this chat and call are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info." Recognized this message? Yes, you guessed it right. This appears on the WhatsApp chat, and it implies that only the sender and the receiver can read the actual texts. Even the admin of the database will also not be able to read the conversation.

    Here comes the time to present some miscellaneous topics that remain dearest to the heart of the professor.

    • Cryptography Game Theory
    • Database Privacy & Security
    • Concurrency & Protocol Security
    • Zero-Knowledge
    • Symbolic & Computational Security Analysis

    This brings us to the end of the blog. By now, you must have known some of the best topics for writing cryptography assignment. Choose the one that helps you to make your assignment stand longer than 6 seconds. Furthermore, save yourself from the assignment mistakes to loose your valuable grades. In case of any problem, you can reach to us at any time; we would be glad to assist you by all possible means.

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