The topic for discussion is Benjamin Graham (1934) quotes:
“In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine”
His quotes suggest that in short run stock market is rapidly changing constantly and uncertain: People follow each other and herding behaviour is a major force. Accordance to it, market is a voting machine. However, within many years, the psychology factors are subtracted out and asset prices come to reflect the value of the company in relation to economic fundamentals, that means market becomes a weighing machine.
Write an essay of 600-900 conveying your opinion on effectiveness of market in setting prices.
The objective of the essay is to provide you with an opportunity to create an intellectually constructed essay. Marks are allotted for style, structure as well as content.
The essay should reflect both sides of issue.
There should be at least 6 sources in Harvard style