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    Nursing Dissertation Topics from the Nursing Experts of UK

    Nursing is one of the noblest yet intricate professionals that is concerned with taking care and maintaining the well-being of people who can't fend for themselves. The breadth of expertise and knowledge that nursing professionals bring to the table is unmatchable. But to reach this level, they have to excel in their dissertation that they have to write for the partial fulfillment of their degree. Writing a dissertation is undoubtedly daunting, but choosing a topic is the real challenge. When selecting a nursing dissertation topic, a student needs to keep the reader's interest in mind and make sure that it deals with an issue or problem where he has the scope to research and find something new.

    If you don't have an idea of good nursing topics for dissertation, then no need to fret. Assignment Desk has got the best nursing research topic ideas that will allow you to write a persuasive paper. The topics mentioned below are from different areas of nursing, so no matter you are an undergraduate, graduate, or doctorate level scholar, they will surely be of great help to you. Let's get started. 

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    Adult Dissertation Topics in Nursing UK

    This branch of nursing is about taking care of adults, from 18 years old to elderly people. Nurses working in this area cater to the medical needs of adults, provide them comfort and maintain their emotional well-being. If this is your area of interest, then here are a few adult nursing dissertation topics that you can consider.

    • Critical care management in adult wards
    • Delirium assessment skills of adult nurses
    • Impact of staffing policies and regulations on the professional ability of adult nurses
    • Incidence of adult crying and professional competence of nurses in nursing homes
    • Influence of social media on nursing students
    • Psychological support of nurses to adults with congenital heart disease
    • Role of evaluation in the academic consequences of nursing students

    Children Health Nursing Dissertation Topics

    Paediatric nurses take care of infants, young children, and adolescent patients who are suffering from an illness or need immediate care. They also provide comfort and support to their families. Thinking what are some nursing dissertation topics in children health? Here's the list.

    • Auditory processing disorder: Helping kids understand the right meaning of sound
    • Best way to promote the mental health of children
    • Depression in children: How can it be treated for better adulthood?
    • How to handle a child's mood swings and prevent long-term anxiety?
    • How to help children in coping with anger and making way for them to lead a serene life?
    • Medical support Vs emotional support: What does a child need the most?
    • PANDAS Syndrome: A condition at the root of many childhood behavioral disorders
    • Should sick children be kept away from others?
    • Why is it important for parents to stay with their child struggling to manage his behaviour?

    Clinical Management Dissertation Topics

    It is a type of healthcare service management that is going to develop in coming years. Clinical management is a powerful tool that can provide better assistance to patients through its technical, economic, and patient's satisfaction components. If you choose to write about this area, then here are a few researchable topics in nursing you can pick.

    • Clinical management & psychosocial treatment of drug addiction in prison settings
    • Issues & risks in the clinical management of patients having prostate cancer
    • Management & treatment outcomes of acute ischemic stroke
    • New directions in the management of patients in the adult intensive care units
    • Optimal management strategy for post-traumatic stress disorder
    • Perceived management problems in the care of elderly patients
    • Possible interventions in the clinical management & control of contagious diseases

    Community Nursing Thesis Topics

    Also known as public health nursing, community health nursing deals with providing primary health services, health education, preventive care, and intervention to a group of people or communities. Writing a dissertation on the following community nursing research paper topics can get you an insight into the healthcare system of different nations.

    • A comparative study of community nursing & health care needs in various nations
    • An analysis of community nursing services available for pregnant women and neonates
    • Assessment of nutritional status of kids as an imperative part of community nursing
    • Care of the old outpatients and community nursing services
    • Collaborative roles of nurses, social workers & policymakers in a community nursing centre
    • Community nursing for the care of older people with chronic illnesses
    • Health promotion through community nursing practice
    • Role of community nursing in enhancing the quality of life of the elderly

    Critical Care Nursing Dissertation Topics

    This is a specialized field of nursing that is concerned with taking care of patients in intensive care units (ICU) who have a chronic illness or are severely injured. Critical care nurses require specialized training to treat such vulnerable patients. Here are some of the best MSC nursing dissertation topics in medical surgical nursing and critical care.

    • Communication practices in ICU: Identifying key challenges
    • Critical care in rural areas: Experience of ICU nurses
    • How critical care nurses do pain assessment?
    • How to collect first-hand data on ICU patients?
    • Interacting with ICU patients' family: lived experience of critical care nurses
    • Pressure injuries among ICU patients: Risk and protective factors
    • Role of critical care nurses in palliative care
    • What is the correlation between the duration of blood storage period and patient outcome after transfusion?

    Environmental Health Researchable Topics in Nursing

    As suggested by name, it is the science and practice of preventing human illness and injury and promoting emotional and mental well-being by recognizing and analyzing environmental sources and hazardous agents and limiting their exposure to environment. Here are a few examples of nursing research questions in environmental health.

    • Air pollution & lung diseases among the urban population
    • Analysis of environmental health risks caused by nuclear wastes
    • Changes in heart rate of people exposed to passive smoking
    • Environmental chemicals and bad impacts on the reproductive health of humans
    • Environmental health perspectives on the disposal of toxic wastes
    • Food poisoning and food-related illnesses in different cities
    • Importance of understanding of major environmental health risks
    • Sanitary hygiene in developing cities and consequences in environmental health

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    Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics 2022

    An evidence-based practice (EBP) relies on scientific and mathematical evidence to make strong inductive or deductive arguments and take sound decisions. With evidence-based practice, nurses are coming up with up-to-date care methods that are highly beneficial. Take a look at 2022's best list of research topics in nursing on evidence-based practice.

    • Attitude of nurses towards the application of evidence-based practice care solutions
    • Can care quality be improved through evidence-based nursing?
    • Challenges faced while implementing of evidence-based practice in nursing
    • Evidence base for sexual abuse in developed and developing countries
    • Evidence-based nursing approach: How to cater to patients preferences?
    • Evidence-based nursing practices for disabled patients
    • Palliative care in inpatient settings
    • Why is evidence-based nursing & care highly recommended?

    Holistic Nursing Research Project Ideas

    It is a nursing practice that focuses on treating the patient as a whole instead of treating the symptoms of their current condition. A holistic nurse takes a mind-body-spirit-emotion approach to improve the physical and mental health of patients. Holistic nursing is going to be the next big thing, so consider writing a dissertation on current nursing research topics.

    • Challenges nurses face during holistic treatment
    • Development of the holistic nursing competence scale
    • Effects of holistic nursing course: A paradigm shift for holistic practices
    • Holistic nursing: Scope and standards of practice
    • Holistic Nursing Simulation: A concept analysis
    • Holistic nursing: The next big thing or just a myth?
    • How is holistic approach beneficial for physical as well as mental health?

    Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics

    Mental health refers to our cognitive, emotional, and behavioral well-being. The mental health of a person affects his physical health, daily life, and relationships. Psychiatric and mental health nurses help a person realize his abilities, deal with normal stress, and contribute to the community. The research proposal topics in nursing on psychiatric & mental health nursing are:

    • Efficacy of psychiatric treatment & medicine for patients with schizophrenia
    • Link between mental illnesses & suicides in the youth
    • Mental health needs of older adults undergoing depression & loneliness
    • Mental health needs of women facing sexual and physical abuse
    • Socioeconomic backgrounds of people and evidence of mental illness
    • Stress & mental illness among gays, lesbians and bisexuals
    • Unemployment as a factor in intensifying mental health issues
    • Youth & adolescent problem of drinking and drugs and its impact on mental health

    Midwifery Research Topics for Nursing Students

    It is concerned with the care of women during pregnancy, labour, and the postpartum period, along with the care of the newborn. Nurse-midwives take measures to prevent health problems during pregnancy, detect abnormal conditions, procure medical assistance, and execute emergency actions in the absence of medical help. The nursing thesis topics for midwifery are:

    • Attitudes towards the privacy of patient's information among midwives
    • Do the midwives influence decision-making and promote informed choices among pregnant women?
    • Factors affecting the ability of midwives in a clinical setting
    • How can a midwife help women in coping with postpartum depression?
    • Improving pregnancy consequences and care with the help of midwives
    • Long-term impact of social support and midwifery support during pregnancy
    • Midwives' attitudes towards pregnant women with problems of substance abuse
    • Role of the midwife in complicated pregnancies
    • Supportive nurse-midwife intervention team in handling c-sections

    That was surely a long list of good nursing topics for dissertation that you can consider. You can pick any topic from any branch of nursing to create a dissertation that can leave the whole committee impressed. However, before choosing nursing topics for research papers, there are a few things you should keep in mind so that you don't end up ruining your work. Let's take a look at those crucial points in the subsequent section.

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    How to Choose the Best Nursing Dissertation Topics?

    1. Know the Readers: 

    The dissertation that you write for the university gets published in various journals and sometimes used by other researchers for further study. So, before choosing dissertation topics in nursing, you should know who is going to read it and how is it going to prove beneficial to them. If the readers don't find the topic convincing or fruitful, then they will never acknowledge your work.

    2. Identify Your Niche: 

    After knowing the readers, it's time to identify the area of your comfort while choosing nursing research paper topics. Nursing is a wide area of study, so you first need to point out the branch that intrigues you the most and then pick an engaging topic from that. If you select an area out of your comfort zone, then you will never be able to do justice to your research.

    3. Be Aware of the Trends: 

    Be aware of the trends in the field when selecting current nursing research topics ideas. If you research on something that is the talk of the town, then you will surely grab many eyeballs. Your work will also help the budding researchers if they choose to conduct research on a similar topic. They could use your work as evidence to support their findings and claims.

    4. Understand Research Scope:

    Last but not least, choose nursing research project ideas that have enough scope for research. A dissertation is all about conducting an in-depth research on a topic and presenting findings and recommendations on the same. So, you need to make sure that you get sufficient data related to the topic. Also, the topic should have a scope for further research as well.

    Selecting good nursing topics for dissertation may seem easy, but it is the most crucial and challenging task. Many students end up choosing a wrong subject matter, and thus, score poor grades. By now if you still don't know what are some nursing dissertation topics you should go for, then it's better to contact us. We will not only choose an engaging topic but compose your nursing dissertation with utmost professionalism so that you get the marks of your dreams.

    Can't Pick Nursing Dissertation Topics? Leave the Stress to Assignment Desk

    We have been offering the best help with dissertation writing to students all around the world for more than a decade. The nursing dissertation help UK professionals in our team has in-depth knowledge of the subject, so they can suggest nursing research question examples and topics to you and write a world-class paper on it. With us, you have the opportunity to outshine your peers and get the highest grades in the most important document of your academic career!

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